CAG Foreplay Podcast #11: New Releases (8/7/07) Wood is not a Super Power Edition


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91 (100%)
CAG's shipwreck & mrs. shipwreck preview the new releases for the week of August 7th, 2007. This week it's raining men... Mega Men. Plus get infected with the soundtracks of Boogie and High School Musical. Hallelujah.

Speaking of Hallelujah, our new mic arrived and really improves the audio quality. Thanks Cheapy!

You can now subscribe to Foreplay on iTunes by clicking this link: CAG Foreplay on iTunes

You can now also contact us with any questions or comments at [email protected] or [email protected].

CAG Foreplay Podcast show notes will be up later today.

We are having issues with the embedded player and this episode. Please just use the download link to listen to this week's show and we'll get the player working again for next week. Thanks.
[media][/media] [digg][/digg]

Boogie Dev. EA Montreal Pub. Electronic Arts Systems: Wii MSRP: $59.99
This conductor-simulator plus Karaoke Revolution title looks like fun. The trailers are entertaining. The cover bands are interesting (I mean interesting like "the don't say anything if you can't say anything nice sort of interesting", not the keeping me on the edge of my seat interesting). The songs are annoying and easily get stuck in your head. Yet, it still looks like fun. The wii-mote controls are weird and don't completely coincide with the alien character on screen, and using the USB microphone to perform karaoke is a bit scary. See, fun. This is the only game with U Can't Touch This, Mambo No. 5, AND Love Shack in it's arsenal. But wait, there's more.. you'll have shell out $60 to find out how much more (mic included). - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
Family Video is offering Boogie for $54 shipped. Circuit City is offering a $20 gift card if the game isn't in stock by 2PM Tuesday. Oh, and if you need a fresh disco ball keychain, EB/Gamestop has the hook up.

:wii: Purchase At Amazon $59.99 (Free shipping)
:wii: Purchase At EB Games $59.99 (Free disco ball keychain)
:wii: Purchase At Circuit City $59.99 (Free $20 gift card if not in stock by 2PM Tuesday)
:wii: Purchase At Family Video $52.99 (99 cent shipping)

Chameleon: To Dye For! Dev. Tommo Pub. Tommo Systems: DS MSRP: $19.99
(Deja Preview) The purpose of playing this game is to take over as many game board spots by changing them to your character's color. My advice? Play the paintball mode on Bomberman if you're into this type of thing. - mrs. ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Chameleon.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $19.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $19.99 (99 cent shipping)

Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars Dev. Sniper Studios Pub. Sega Systems: PSP MSRP: $29.99
This title is essentially a remake of the original Crazy Taxi and Crazy Taxi 2. The same great mini-games are included as well with some new minigame content. The wars reference in the title refers to the new ad-hoc multiplayer mode found in the PSP version. In multiplayer mode, you'll find yourself using some Burnout-esque bumper car moves to steal your friends' customers or play cooperatively to earn more dough. A cool game for the PSP? Yes. Slightly disappointing that there hasn't been a truly new Crazy Taxi title since the XBOX? Yes. Happy that a title including mini-games is coming out for something other than the Wii? Yes. Ecstatic that there aren't pet-simulated horsez? You know it. - mrs. ship

Four questions with yes for an answer? Yah, Yah, Yah, Yah, (Yah). - ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars.

:psp: Purchase At Amazon $29.95 (Free shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Family Video $28.84 (99 cent shipping)
:psp: Purchase At Deep Discount $28.99 (Free shipping)

Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1 Dev. SNK Playmore Pub. SNK Playmore Systems: PS2 MSRP: $14.99
Combining Fatal Fury 1 through 3 and Fatal Fury Special, this collection is made even more attractive for 2D fighting fans with its bargain price. It should also prove helpful for preview writers and podcasters who like to reference compilations that provide better value than their digital download brethren. - ship

Best Deal:
Deep Discount is offering Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1 for $14 shipped.

:ps2: Purchase At Amazon $14.99 (Free shipping on orders over $25)
:ps2: Purchase At Deep Discount $13.99 (Free shipping)

Glory Days 2 Dev. ODENIS Studio Pub. Eidos Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
(Deja Preview) The Boss is back and he's tired of singing loosely formed rhymes about high school baseball players, divorcees, and assembly lines. This time around he's climbed aboard his attack chopper and is ready to blow stuff up in a side-scrolling shooter with strategy elements. Control Bruce's helicopter (or fighter plane) on the top screen with your stylus and execute bombing runs, civilian rescues, and troop deployments as you fight against unpatriotic fools that hate rock and roll. Glory Days 2, I think I'll let them pass me by. (Editor's note: Bruce Springsteen is not actually in this game, but his song is now in your head.) - ship

Best Deal:
There don't appear to be any specific deals for Glory Days 2.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $28.24 (99 cent shipping)

High School Musical: Makin' the Cut Dev. Disney Interactive Pub. Disney Interactive Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
Who wouldn't want to make out with all your favorite characters from the hit Disney movie franchise. Do you have what it takes to get to second base with Sharpay? Wait, does that say Makin' the Cut? Crap, that means this is the rhythm-based dance choreography game that allows you to create music videos with songs from both movies. Excitement level lowered. - ship

Best Deal:
Family Video is offering High School Musical: Makin' the Cut for $28 shipped.

:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $26.99 (99 cent shipping)

Mega Man Star Force: Dragon/Leo/Pegasus Dev. Capcom Pub. Capcom Systems: DS MSRP: $29.99
I don't know if I particularly needed an off-shoot from the Battle Network series, let alone three of them, but apparently Capcom disagrees. A boy named Subaru is able to transform into "Mega Man" and enter into the world of radio waves to explore and do battle with his collectible cards. The different variations of the game dictate what powers your character will have at his disposal. Pegasus has the power of water and ice, Leo has the power of fire, and Dragon... well, Dragon has the power of wood. Lesson learned: get there early when they are passing out powers... and there still is nothing good on the radio. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Mega Man Star Force.

:ds: Purchase At EB Games $29.99 (EB/Gamestop Exclusive)
:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $27.64 (99 cent shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)
:ds: Purchase At Family Video $27.64 (99 cent shipping)

Tomb Raider: Anniversary Dev. Crystal Dynamics Pub. Eidos Systems: PSP MSRP: $29.99
(Deja Preview) Revisit Lara's first adventure without all of the step, step, turn, step, step, turn, turn, step, "NO, why the fuck are you jumping off that cliff", "you deserve that broken neck" gameplay. Most importantly, the new controls greatly cut down on the patience needed to trap the camera in a corner just so you could get a good shot of Lara's rack. Ah, good times. With updated graphics, expanded levels, and the Tomb Raider Legend engine, Anniversary's worth a closer look. Just don't poke your eye out. - ship

Best Deal:
There don't seem to be any specific deals for Tomb Raider: Anniversary.

:psp: Purchase At Amazon $29.99 (Free shipping)

On The DL with the Shipwrecks

Adventures of Lolo Systems: Wii MSRP: $5
This awesome classic NES game is a true must-have. Play as Lolo, a small bluish creature with a nubbin of a tail as he tries to rescue Princess Lala (a pink version of Lolo) by making his way through a castle of puzzles. This game is simple but greatly entertaining. For $5, you'd be crazy not to buy it! - mrs. ship

Galaga '90 Systems: Wii MSRP: $6
This competent re-imagining of the classic space shooter for the TurboGrafx-16 introduces new enemies, new flight patterns, and updated graphics while staying true to the original concept. If you are a fan of shooting organized space bugs, this is worth checking out. - ship

Track & Field Systems: 360 MSRP: $5
Konami's arcade classic that tests how fast you can hit alternate buttons (and your tolerance for hand cramps), "A"s and "B"s its way onto XBLA with enhanced graphics and four-player online play. Where's the Power Pad when you need it? - ship

Wave Race 64 Systems: Wii MSRP: $10
How many outdated jet ski racers can I put you down for? Only ten dollars each! - ship


Did we miss a good sale on a game? Did we miss previewing a game completely? Well, the only way that everyone can know a better deal is out there is to let us know about it. Post deals you've found or games that we missed in the thread so that CAGs can make sure they are getting the absolute best prices on new releases.
Eh, I'm sure the dragon's power would be more noticeable if the game used an internal clock...
*Gets clocked by a brick*
Good podcast so far.

You guys really jumped into it quick this week.

But ya, I think the podcast is fine the way it is setup now... but I honestly could never figure out why the games were in the order they were in. Alphabetical, who would have thought?
Hmm... the embedded player seems to be playing us at Chipmunk speed for some reason. Seeing if I can fix that. In the meantime, any other method works fine.
[quote name='masked lemon']What's up with the Chipmunk voices???[/QUOTE]

Believe me, I wish I knew. I think most browsers will play it correctly simply by hitting the download link. iTunes works fine as well. I don't know why this player is speeding it up. It's playing all the past episodes fine, so I can't think of why it would be doing this to the new episode.
Download works fine, but those Chipmunk voices are terrible.

Still waiting for a video podcast, or even just a Youtube of the two of you. I would like to put faces to the voices.

Great work guys.
Someone mentioned breaking up/categorizing the show - I prefer it the way it is. Even when you talk about games for systems I don't have I still enjoy it.
I was going to mention this last week, but I figured you knew...

But the PS3 DOES upscale some of the current games.

I wouldn't say all of them as I don't really know just where it started, and/or if everyone at a certain point started to upscale from 720p (Which most current PS3 games run at) but it is built in to more titles then it is was at launch.

So it is up to the developers right now to put on the disc to get the PS3 to upscale instead of the system doing it on its own... So blame the games/devs but not the PS3. Perhasps a bit can go to Sony for not "forcing" people to add in the upscaling.

In the future though, maybe there'll be an update to make that happen to help with older titles. Never heard anything about this though.

CAG PSN Gaming Group (Up and running!!)
PS3: Calling All Cars MONDAYS
It must be Firefox but it was extremely funny when I went to the stream and you sound like an old Chipmunks album. I guess I have to download it.
I love the podcast just how it is, If I wanted a military podcast I'd listed to Major Nelson. And I'm so glad you've gotten addicted to Picross! welcome to the club!
[quote name='tidytrev']thanks for the mention shipwreck, your the first american to pronounce my name right :applause:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='shipwreck']Hmm... the embedded player seems to be playing us at Chipmunk speed for some reason. Seeing if I can fix that. In the meantime, any other method works fine.[/QUOTE]
I'm actually very happy with this, makes the podcast go faster.
I need to pick up Crazy Taxi today, as it was my favorite DC game, though I never got the preorder calls from EB. Along with that, I need to put my Offspring albums on my PSP for the custom soundtrack feature, since the game itself doesn't feature their songs.
Wow, the new mic makes a huge difference. Is nice. I like. And no, I can't hear your refrigerator running. Besides, I wouldn't want your pâté to spoil, just so we could have an infinitesimally quieter podcast. Nice stand, btw.

I wouldn't mind terribly if you reordered the show by console, but I also wouldn't mind if you left it the way it is. I'm sure I'm not the only one who listens as much for your marital banter as for the actual game previews, so it really shouldn't matter what comes when. I only own a Wii and a DS, and I have no problem listening from start to finish.

Keep up the good work!

[quote name='FaintDeftone']I'll be listening to the podcast while I'm sweating my ass off at work.[/quote]

Prostitution is not the answer.
Another good show guys! Separating by format wouldn't bother me but I like having the show as a single package.

Hey Ship, that's awesome that you play risk! I play with some creepy civil war reenactment type buddies sometimes and have grown to like it. I'll stick to playing Halo over playing with cap guns in the woods, but if it were to come out for XBL we've got to play!
[quote name='NamPaehc']I was going to mention this last week, but I figured you knew...

But the PS3 DOES upscale some of the current games.

I wouldn't say all of them as I don't really know just where it started, and/or if everyone at a certain point started to upscale from 720p (Which most current PS3 games run at) but it is built in to more titles then it is was at launch.

So it is up to the developers right now to put on the disc to get the PS3 to upscale instead of the system doing it on its own... So blame the games/devs but not the PS3. Perhasps a bit can go to Sony for not "forcing" people to add in the upscaling.

In the future though, maybe there'll be an update to make that happen to help with older titles. Never heard anything about this though.

CAG PSN Gaming Group (Up and running!!)
PS3: Calling All Cars MONDAYS[/quote]

It is the ps3 fault as they do not have a built in scaler chip like the 360 does. End of Story.

Anyways Shipwreck, you said you were gonna buy a new TV. Since we practically have the same HDTV's i am curious as to what you will be buying next. I am curious because when i move i dont want to carry around this insanely heavy tv with me.

And dont break up the shows. I like it how it is.
great show as usual, guys! damn you, mrs. ship, though, i STILL have mambo #5 in my head :bomb:

separating episodes into sections for each sounds to me like that's asking for a bit more work. i mean, if you were to do that, i think people would want to know when each section was coming up, so they'd probably then want like shownotes with timestamps of what to avoid and stuff. if you did that, it'd be OK with me, but frankly i love the show how it is, i have no problem with keeping it as a giant cluster. i think the person who asked for that should just take their head out of the ground and realize that even if it isn't the most "cutting edge," the DS is a fantastic system (don't know much about the wii, as i haven't found one in my neighborhood stores yet). ;) i'd contend the ds is one of the best systems out there.

yet again, i think this show is going to make me spend money...i may have to check out crazy taxi for psp once my hand heals up (and if it were to come down in price). never played any of the previous versions, but this sounds like it could be fun...

and, for what it's worth, i always thought lolo was a baby dragon thing. i liked him as a baby dragon thing.

keep up the great worl, guys!

p.s. i can see it now, on the next show, ship surprises mrs. ship by telling her he's bought a new tv.. ;)
[quote name='shipwreck']The embedded player is working now. Yes, it was all my fault.[/quote]

I still get the Chipmunk voices on both the embeded player and the Popup Player
[quote name='InuFaye']It is the ps3 fault as they do not have a built in scaler chip like the 360 does. End of Story. [/quote]
The only thing different is that Sony does not (at this point) mandate that companies use the hardware scaler (yeh it is in there). They want them to actually be rendering the games at the different res's. Which most seem to be doing now days post launch.

[quote name='JDUB X']I still get the Chipmunk voices on both the embeded player and the Popup Player[/QUOTE]

Okay, now this is driving me crazy. It was working fine when I went to bed last night and somehow has now reverted back to Chipmunks. This makes no sense.

Other methods of playing it should still be fine.
Good show as usual. I'd prefer if you just kept the show the way it is. There's no need to split it up. Even though I don't have a Wii, and have no desire to get one, I still like to listen to you guys talk about the games for it.
For all you Picross fans, do you really care what the picture is? I mean I just do the puzzle without caring on it's out come; to me the challenge in free mode is all I'm after.
you guys should do the podcast the way you feel most comfortable with. if you wanna go on tangents or jump around, then feel free to do so. if you start making it too rigid, then it'll be be boring and predictable.

if some people don't like it, they can check your show notes, that's what they're there for. right?

btw, thank you Cheapy for sending them a new mic. no more annoying static, yay...
[quote name='NamPaehc']:roll:
The only thing different is that Sony does not (at this point) mandate that companies use the hardware scaler (yeh it is in there). They want them to actually be rendering the games at the different res's. Which most seem to be doing now days post launch.

[quote name='InuFaye']The Playstation 3 does not have a hardware scaler chip like the xbox 360 does. The 360 normally renders the games at 720p and then upscales them to whatever resoultion. The PS3 on the other hand uses software scaling for some stuff like backwards compatibility upscaling(Thats why ps2 games upscaled are really blurry) and dvds. The end of the line is that with the 360 they dont have to worry about trying to get the software to render to different things as with the 360 where all they have to worry about is getting it to 720p.

Look it up if you dont think so. PS3 does not have a hardware scaler which is unexsicible considering how much we have to pay for the stupid thing.[/quote]

yea, the exclusion of an internal scaler chip in the PS3 is pretty common knowledge. a 360 engineer from MS talked about it on one of the Major Nelson podcasts a few months ago. the PS3 does all the scaling via software, as Inu stated.
[quote name='shipwreck']Okay, now this is driving me crazy. It was working fine when I went to bed last night and somehow has now reverted back to Chipmunks. This makes no sense.

Other methods of playing it should still be fine.[/quote]

its also chipmunk in also...
[quote name='shipwreck']Okay, now this is driving me crazy. It was working fine when I went to bed last night and somehow has now reverted back to Chipmunks. This makes no sense.[/quote]
The chipmunks come while you sleep. They are legion. Submit!

[quote name='LiK']yea, the exclusion of an internal scaler chip in the PS3 is pretty common knowledge. a 360 engineer from MS talked about it on one of the Major Nelson podcasts a few months ago. the PS3 does all the scaling via software, as Inu stated.[/quote]

If you notice, I never said the PS3 has a scaler chip, but there is evidence that it does use the hardware to make it happen. Also, if you guys are saying the 360 does scaling in one single place/chip, outside of the GPU, then I believe you are wrong. Lets not clutter this thread though (it is for the Podcast), it you'd like to discuss further you can start a thread somewhere else and direct me to it (via PM if you'd like). I am more then willing to admit I am incorrect but this isn't the place.

I've got Chipmunk's again now to0. :(
I enjoyed the show this week. Always love hearing the antics of two married hardcore gamers. You can't go wrong with that!

You guys are 3 diggs away from the front page...digg that shit!
EDIT: you made it! congrats!
I enjoy the show and the fact that you guys don't get paid for it shows your passion for gaming. Breaking the show up and not spending so much time on the obscure games would make a big difference.
Thanks for the Lolo news and recognition. I agree that it is the best puzzle game, ever. If you had Clu Clu Land, I always thought Lolo and Lala looked like the Clu Clu's.
I say group the games by platform (not an actual split, but just group them during the show).

Also, is there a picture of you two out there somewhere. I want to see how hot Mrs. Ship... I mean how cute you two are together.
I see Mrs. ShipWreck got a promotion since the first episode. She is no longer a CO-Host!! Nice job! Not sure what episode you got your promotion....just listening in a haphazard order.
[quote name='polymerman']BTW: the nieces are now listening![/quote]

I bet they're our biggest fans! (Our neices have been gamers since they were about 5 and kicking my butt at Gauntlet Legends) :D
I liked Wave Race 64 a lot. I am not sure how I ended up with the game because I am not a fan of the genre at all, but I played the heck out of it back in the day. It is more of a simulation than Jet Modo and other jet ski games of the time. Worth $10 nowadays? Perhaps not.

Am I the only one that recognized the outro song? Wave Race 64 of course.

I like the format the way it is, but I would also like it if the releases were grouped by console.

bread's done