CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

The real question for me about UMVC3 is. I'm still wondering if the netcode is improved at all. My guess is knowing Capcom if its improved it is just slightly or its exactly the same as mvc3 or slightly worse.
[quote name='Lost_In_Shadows']2 more days until dat marvel! I'll have it by Wensday or Thursday at the latest from Newegg I assume. I pre-ordered Uncharted 3 it shipped Monday and I had it Wensday.[/QUOTE]

Nobody gives a shit about MAHVUL and how fucking broken it is.

[quote name='maigoyume']Haters gonna hate.


I'll be picking up my copy on tues with the femme fatale dlc. Too bad I'm gonna miss out on the other 2 packs.[/QUOTE]

That only makes my picture a lot more true. Capcom can't fix shit for their fighting games. Capcom fans wish that Capcom would fix their fightas.
How so? Because he burned 3 meters for the invincibility frames?

Besides that doesn't stop people from playing it, the only person who seems to have an issue with it is you.
[quote name='maigoyume']How so? Because he burned 3 meters for the invincibility frames?

Besides that doesn't stop people from playing it, the only person who seems to have an issue with it is you.[/QUOTE]

It's Paco.
[quote name='maigoyume']How so? Because he burned 3 meters for the invincibility frames?

Besides that doesn't stop people from playing it, the only person who seems to have an issue with it is you.[/QUOTE]

You seem to think I have an issue with the game. Do I? Not the game itself, but rather the fanbase behind it. I've seen some incredibly stupid shit, lazy design, netcode worse than KOF XII, bare bones single player features, horrible instruction manual, and so much more forgiven simply because they're Capcom. Then to make it even worse, as Capcom makes everything even shittier, people just claim IT"S MAHVUL BABY which makes it even stupider. For the life of me, I have no flipping idea how this got worse netcode then Street Fighter 4, but Capcom managed to pull a SUPER SNK on this and have the worst fucking netcode the world has ever seen making KOF XII and Mortal Kombat 9 at launch seem like damn near GGPO, then they're given a pass on this from most fans, yet when this same shit plagued Tekken 6, KOF XII, and Soul Calibur, those games went tits up.

What gives Capcom the ability to spew shit all over people and still get praised for it? That is probably what confuses me the most. Capcom doesn't have to do shit, and their fans will praise them up and down.

And then Capcom bends over backwards for people who don't even give a fuck, yet it's true fans. The hardcore faithful get a shit sandwich. 3rd strike mechanics? OH NO SUH. BACK TO FIREBALL DOMINATION. Oh equality? Wouldn't dream of it! Make all of Deejay's shit one link? SHURE. Ryu's and Sagats ultras? TROLOLOLOL lets give them generous room to do this shit.

It's mainly the free pass they get for everything that pisses me off and if someone tries to play against the grain, they're punished. I mean look at Hakan. First creative thing they done in years and make him shit just for shits and giggles. Makoto gets shat on in SSF4. AE just gave me a shit sandwich with a double side of turd. Spend money for another two shotos and the twins? I wish I could get my refund back. Could have bought a McHomie with that.
Netcode? Wut?

3sO > Arcana Heart 3 == BlazBlue > HDR (on 360) > SFIV > Mahvel > Tekken 6 post-patch > SCIV > Tekken 5 DR > KoFXII > Tekken 6 pre-patch
[quote name='distgfx']Netcode? Wut?

3sO > Arcana Heart 3 == BlazBlue > HDR (on 360) > SFIV > Mahvel > Tekken 6 post-patch > SCIV > Tekken 5 DR > KoFXII > Tekken 6 pre-patch[/QUOTE]

I LOL at your list and rate it more along the lines of.

Arcana Heart 3 == BlazBlue > Blazblue Cont Shift > 3rd Strike Online > HDR (on 360) > Tekken 6 post-patch > KOF 96 Neo Geo Station > SFIV > SCIV >KOF XII post patch> Tekken 5 DR > KoFXII pre patch> Mahvul 3>Tekken 6 pre-patch Mortal Kombat 9 > Mortal Kombat Kollection

When talking about Blazblue, The original Blaz has better netcode then Cont Shift. I don't know how the hell that happened but it does.

Neo Geo station had shit netcode then went surprisingly decent on KOF 95 on. Don't know how.

Mahvul's netcode was distance based so anyone that was a state or two away played like shit. Same with KOF XII netcode, though at least pre patch KOF XII netcode was per frame perfect so if you mastered the timing on lag, you could always get your combos out.

Mortal Kombat 9 Launch netcode sucked ass.

Mortal Kombat Kollection netcode was so bad it made Marvel's 3 netcode look GGPO like. Even on a ping of 50, the game moved at HALF the frames.

Why did i buy so MKK? I want my fucking money back. fuck YOU NETHEREALM! Even Backbone put better netcode in their shit.
[quote name='distgfx']Funny, I did the same thing to yours. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Only difference is that I played a good amount more shit which means I know what truly shitty netcode is. And Marvel 3 is significantly worse than Street Fighter 4s.

At least you didn't face the horror of playing MKK's netcode or the first ten Neo Geo Station games netcodes. THOSE were true pieces of shit.
[quote name='Paco']Only difference is that I played a good amount more shit which means I know what truly shitty netcode is.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, okay.
[quote name='distgfx']Yeah, okay.[/QUOTE]

You can't claim to know what a shit sandwich is if you only had Mcdonalds. It may taste like a shit sandwich, but it's still of a higher quality.

Now I must go play more games that truly suck ass.
[quote name='Paco']You can't claim to know what a shit sandwich is if you only had Mcdonalds. It may taste like a shit sandwich, but it's still of a higher quality.

Now I must go play more games that truly suck ass.[/QUOTE]

Latency and taste aren't a good analogy for each other.
Whoa whoa guys. Can't we all agree that Marvel 3 netcode was ass.

C'mon everybody, group hug!

Anyways, I am so hype for Ultimate. After the bad taste left by MW2.5, my body is ready.

Capcom be trolling with them Megaman alts.

edit: In other news, I'll be getting this "fucking joke" in the next couple of days as well. SOOOO HYPE.
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firebrand is surprisingly fun to play
dr strange's and raccoon's zoning game weaker than i expected
and holy shit, x-23 got faster w/ less recovery on a bunch of stuff

now back to skyrim
Mine already shipped from Newegg and I got it when it was 29.99 instead of 39.99 which eases the pain of buying the game again. Hopefully it comes Wensday like UC3 did.

Paco said MVC3 had worse online than KOFXII. That is a bold faced lie. I played both when they was released. MVC3 was playable. KOFXII wasn't playable online unless the people you played lived extremely close and even then it had spikes. At least MVC3 was playable. After the patch KOFXII was much better, but could have been even better.
I got rid of my copy before UMvC3 was even announced and got $35 credit at Gamestop for it, no hair off my chest. Pretty much "rented" it.
[quote name='maigoyume']I got rid of my copy before UMvC3 was even announced and got $35 credit at Gamestop for it, no hair off my chest. Pretty much "rented" it.[/QUOTE]

Lol, i did the same, except i did mine about a week before it was announced because my troll senses had went from a tingling to a full blown attack.

Either way, lessens the blow for buying this, plus i get to use the awesome Steel Case again ^_^
I sold my MVC3 on ebay and after mailing it/fee's. I got a whole 18 bucks! I should have sold it about 3 weeks before I did and I could have got like 30 instead. I spent 69 bucks on MVC3/UMVC3 basically even after selling MVC3. It doesn't really bother me.
[quote name='Lost_In_Shadows']Online impressions and there actually good. I'm sure some of you already saw this, but I wanted to post it for the ones that haven't.[/QUOTE]

LOL Online as good as Super Street Fighter 4 or Arcade edition? So the netcode is still shit, but now bearable. With the difference being less one frame links which makes it significantly easier to do proper combos.

Eh, I guess that's more bearable then original Marvel 3.

And Jman, should you really be appraising any sort of netcode if you can't properly appraise frames? SNK's netcode while a slideshow, was still perfect input wise. There was actually a debate on XII if the patch was better or worse for KOF XII where they swapped choppy, but perfect inputs for smooth, but significant input lag.

Jman would be happy with a smooth picture, but shitty input delay.

On another date. One more week. One more week till Jesus comes back to us. But in the mean time, I leave you all with why Krauser should return to KOF
[quote name='Paco']LOL Online as good as Super Street Fighter 4 or Arcade edition? So the netcode is still shit, but now bearable. With the difference being less one frame links which makes it significantly easier to do proper combos.

Eh, I guess that's more bearable then original Marvel 3.

And Jman, should you really be appraising any sort of netcode if you can't properly appraise frames? SNK's netcode while a slideshow, was still perfect input wise. There was actually a debate on XII if the patch was better or worse for KOF XII where they swapped choppy, but perfect inputs for smooth, but significant input lag.

Jman would be happy with a smooth picture, but shitty input delay.

On another date. One more week. One more week till Jesus comes back to us. But in the mean time, I leave you all with why Krauser should return to KOF[/QUOTE]

The sad thing is when KOF XIII comes out. The online will be worse than MVC3. :booty:

Your one comment away from me canceling my pre-order and waiting till its 20 bucks which shouldn't take long. ;)

I would rather have input delay over a slideshow anyday. Who wouldn't? At least it would be playable compared to a slideshow which isn't.
[quote name='Lost_In_Shadows']The sad thing is when KOF XIII comes out. The online will be worse than MVC3. :booty:

Your one comment away from me canceling my pre-order and waiting till its 20 bucks which shouldn't take long. ;)

I would rather have input delay over a slideshow anyday. Who wouldn't? At least it would be playable compared to a slideshow which isn't.[/QUOTE]

Want to bet on this? If "It'll be Super SF4 level" is the best Capcom can do, then they accomplished SHIT. Capcom has been at that level since Cap VS SNK 2 on Xbox which is sad. And you know Damn well Capcom can do better and can AFFORD better then what they have. The fact that SNK has better netcode on their later NeoGeo Station games is just part of Capcom's Trollercoaster.

Meh your loss.

That is why your opinion on netcode means very little. Do you have any idea just how different offline SF is over online SF? The difference is staggering. Also weren't you the one that preferred SF4's netcode over SF3 3SO's netcode because it looked smoother? You don't get that if you can count the exact frame, your moves can still work exactly as planned. But since you seem to prefer input delay, why not change the slider on GGPO enabled games so you can have the input delay you so clearly enjoy since that smooth picture is more important than the actual gameplay.

And KOF XIII will never hit 20 bucks. Atlus games rarely fall in price. Atlus will do just enough copies for the fans and that's about it. Fatlus 101 bruh. Haven't you paid attention to the publisher? Atlus is well known for being greedy with their print run. I think Demon Souls was their only game to sell more then ten copies.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']You know what game had great netcode?

Hint: It's not an SNK or Capcom game.[/QUOTE]

You know who had a Boss buritto with Carnitas, Chorizo, Pastor and extra cheese?

Hint: A Mexican

And Blazblue doesn't count. Aksys is cheating on their netcode with the five frame input buffer ;)
[quote name='hankmecrankme']You know what game had great netcode?

Hint: It's not an SNK or Capcom game.[/QUOTE]

Tekken 6.

[quote name='Paco']And Blazblue doesn't count. Aksys is cheating on their netcode with the five frame input buffer ;)[/QUOTE]

Arcana Heart 3.
[quote name='Paco']You know who had a Boss buritto with Carnitas, Chorizo, Pastor and extra cheese?

Hint: A Mexican

And Blazblue doesn't count. Aksys is cheating on their netcode with the five frame input buffer ;)[/QUOTE]
You know who spent 7 hours cooking carnitas today while doing shots of Patron?

Hint: This white boy.

[quote name='distgfx']Tekken 6.[/QUOTE]

I love Tekken, but damn T6 has some ass netcode. :cry:
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I love Tekken, but damn T6 has some ass netcode. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Compared to SNK's netcode, it was GGPO quality.
[quote name='distgfx']Compared to SNK's netcode, it was GGPO quality.[/QUOTE]

Is this Tekken pre or post patch?
[quote name='Paco']

Oh you slay me.[/QUOTE]

I'm serious, Tekken 6 had some really good netcode. The way it compensated for input lag was great; there weren't any issues landing my combos and reacting to punishes. Movement felt great online overall as well.

[quote name='Paco']Is this Tekken pre or post patch?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='hankmecrankme']T6 online prepatch was infinitely better than KOF12's online.[/QUOTE]

Aren't you in the middle of nowhere? KOF XII was great for me online. Playing in Cali with all the Mexicans in the state made a good amount of the games damn near lag free for me ;) though if you aren't in Cali or Texas, then I can see the netcode screwing you over.

And Tekken 6 was a good patch, but still not as good as it needed to be. Made it playable though.

T6 Prepatch was shit though. It was Blazblue level shit. I have no idea what Aksys did with Blazblue, but after that patch, it was like they summoned Jesus or some shit.
[quote name='Paco']Aren't you in the middle of nowhere? KOF XII was great for me online. Playing in Cali with all the Mexicans in the state made a good amount of the games damn near lag free for me ;) though if you aren't in Cali or Texas, then I can see the netcode screwing you over.

And Tekken 6 was a good patch, but still not as good as it needed to be. Made it playable though.

T6 Prepatch was shit though. It was Blazblue level shit. I have no idea what Aksys did with Blazblue, but after that patch, it was like they summoned Jesus or some shit.[/QUOTE]

I played with somebody in the same apartment complex and it had delay. He was a fucking spic too, now what?
[quote name='Paco']Aren't you in the middle of nowhere? KOF XII was great for me online. Playing in Cali with all the Mexicans in the state made a good amount of the games damn near lag free for me ;) though if you aren't in Cali or Texas, then I can see the netcode screwing you over.

And Tekken 6 was a good patch, but still not as good as it needed to be. Made it playable though.

T6 Prepatch was shit though. It was Blazblue level shit. I have no idea what Aksys did with Blazblue, but after that patch, it was like they summoned Jesus or some shit.[/QUOTE]

If you consider an hour and a half from Chicago the middle of nowhere, then yeah, I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Not enough Mexicans in this area to make KOF worth playing online. Sad, because I rather enjoy my KOF. . .
[quote name='distgfx']I played with somebody in the same apartment complex and it had delay. He was a fucking spic too, now what?[/QUOTE]

Jesus hates you? How the fuck should I know? I played mainly with people in Socal while I'm in Central Cal and it worked fine. Not fine enough to do Shen one frame links consistently, but fine enough to where I could do all my Chin work.
[quote name='Paco']Jesus hates you? How the fuck should I know? I played mainly with people in Socal while I'm in Central Cal and it worked fine. Not fine enough to do Shen one frame links consistently, but fine enough to where I could do all my Chin work.[/QUOTE]

I think Jesus loves me because he's keeping me from playing that god awful KoFXII game online. You can't do your Chin work, because Chin doesn't fucking work like every other god damned spic that plays that game.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Your Olevia TV has more latency than that connection. :nottalking:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='distgfx']I think Jesus loves me because he's keeping me from playing that god awful KoFXII game online. You can't do your Chin work, because Chin doesn't fucking work like every other god damned spic that plays that game.


Bad game? No. Unfinished game? Yeah. I can admit that it's lacking a lot, but it does have strong fundamentals that would work great if tightened significantly.

And Chin is great in XII. A refreshing change from past Chins. Though I miss the toes of doom and the jug, I do like his overhead kick. That leads to great fun.

I can play five different variations of Chin. 12, being his most interesting, Nests saga being his most crappy, 96 being the jesus level Chin, 98 being a more reasonable variation, and 95 having the most trollish voiceactor.

At least I'm not a Kensou player. That guy gets changed every fucking year just for shits and giggles.

I have a CRT for my fighting games with Happ arcade stick. Don't play with all that noise bout Japanese sticks.
[quote name='Paco']Bad game? No. Unfinished game? Yeah. I can admit that it's lacking a lot, but it does have strong fundamentals that would work great if tightened significantly.

And Chin is great in XII. A refreshing change from past Chins. Though I miss the toes of doom and the jug, I do like his overhead kick. That leads to great fun.

I can play five different variations of Chin. 12, being his most interesting, Nests saga being his most crappy, 96 being the jesus level Chin, 98 being a more reasonable variation, and 95 having the most trollish voiceactor.

At least I'm not a Kensou player. That guy gets changed every fucking year just for shits and giggles.

I have a CRT for my fighting games with Happ arcade stick. Don't play with all that noise bout Japanese sticks.[/QUOTE]

I'll be honest, I don't even give a shit, I just have nothing better to do right now than this. :rofl:
bread's done