CAG PSN Gamesharing #3 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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[quote name='Crashmasteromega']Well since they are changing the number of psp slots to 2 instead of 1 which why no one ever wanted to gameshare psp games. Would anyone starting nov 18th like to start any psp game shares? I have a psp that's been collecting dust for the last part of the year and if could share games might finally dust it off and play. And since the vita will also play psp games I think it would be a great deal, idea.[/QUOTE]

Actually the PSP has had 5 slots for awhile now, forever to be exact. People have created PSP groups here before.
[quote name='Yanksfan']Just to confirm, we are still on for this group as long as the full collection releases before 11/18, yes?

Today really isn't the day to ask for this. IMO, he is active in this thread and adds value. I don't believe he has to cut down his posts in here at all. But even if you think so, why pick today to bring this up with everyone kind of feeling like all their shares and future GSing is up in the air?[/QUOTE]

Thanks Yanks!

I am still in! I am sure I will be able to sell one of my shares to free up space by then!



Vegas 2 - $4 ($3 off!)
Infamous FOB ($1.50)
MK vs DC $4 (Avail 11/8)

PM your offer! All will be considered!
[quote name='Brainberry']im ok with From Dust & Renegade ops[/QUOTE]

What about Crysis? With Crysis it would be:

Dragon Age: Origins ($20), Crysis ($20), From Dust ($15) & Renegade Ops ($15) ($70/5 people=$14 per person)

1) Host
2) waynetid
3) Brainberry

[quote name='jamehze']Sidescroller
1. jamehze
2. contej85
3. wakyasuk
4. smarkbran
5. waynetid

Sidescroller group is full. Anyone want to host? I'm having problems adding funds from my credit card so someone else will have to.

1. jamehze
2. contej85
3. waynetid
4. steamboatoperator

Prince of Persia Trilogy
1. jamehze
2. contej85
3. waynetid

God of War Collection Origins
1. jamehze
2. contej85
3. waynetid
4. crzyboy88

Splinter cell Trilogy
1. jamehze
2. contej85
3. Hammer_jay

1. jamehze
2. Foladar
3. smarkbran[/QUOTE]

Actually thought it was for all the games listed in one account so I think I'll pass if they are individual shares. If any 2 of those groups merge let me know since I would be interested in it.
[quote name='Yanksfan']
Today really isn't the day to ask for this. IMO, he is active in this thread and adds value. I don't believe he has to cut down his posts in here at all. But even if you think so, why pick today to bring this up with everyone kind of feeling like all their shares and future GSing is up in the air?[/QUOTE]

I don't like seeing unnecessary clutter. This thread is about finding/creating gameshare groups, not so much socializing. Sure, everyone now and then an unnecessary socializing post is cool with me. Heck, I do it sometimes too. But the main problem is when you do it too much, which is why I felt the need to put him on blast. One liners are fine with me but having 3-5 one liners in a single page is just too much. Try toning it down to 1-2, because it helps keep the thread clean and polished and also helps keep mobile users data usage low.

Even with the incoming doomsday of gamesharing, I just hosted a year's worth of PS+ last night so I know the feeling that everyone is going through. I have no hard feelings at all for him. I'm even tempted to get his Infamous FOB share, but my backlog is too big. I would just like to see him take part in sitting back and lurking every now and then.

A new thread was created because the last one got too big and there was too much mess in it. Let's try and keep this one clean and clear of that.

I don't want to start an argument about this, I just wanted him to know that I (and others) would appreciate if he brought less clutter here.
[quote name='harleymandvdson']Actually the PSP has had 5 slots for awhile now, forever to be exact. People have created PSP groups here before.[/QUOTE]

Well that's news to me cause I remember when I first started to learn about gamesharing I was on other sites that they said the psp only had 1 slot or did they mean u could only have one account? Whereas the ps3 can have 16. That's what confused me about psp gamesharing.
[quote name='Crashmasteromega']Well that's news to me cause I remember when I first started to learn about gamesharing I was on other sites that they said the psp only had 1 slot or did they mean u could only have one account? Whereas the ps3 can have 16. That's what confused me about psp gamesharing.[/QUOTE]

You can only have ONE account on your PSP. I think that's where you're confused.
[quote name='Yanksfan']I never have before, but as long as it washes out the same in the end, it doesn't matter much to me. I also don't mind waiting on payment if that is easier for you. You are definitely a proven CAG and GS member. Whatever works easiest.[/QUOTE]

Wow, thanks for the kind words. If you can hold out for a few days it would be appreciated.
[quote name='meeek']WV Matsui
I'll knock the price off 2€ (to 8€), let's get this going! the game is "only" 7Gb[/QUOTE]

If this is House of the Dead Overkill, then sell it to me! Need more Move games anyway.

All Borderlands DLC
Tales of Monkey Island
BFBC2 Onslaught/BF1943

Looking for:
Sidescroller, Rochard, God of War Origins Collection, PoP Trilogy, Echochrome 2, Explodemon, Tumble, Swarm, Crysis, Hot Pursuit
[quote name='DangKid']I don't like seeing unnecessary clutter. This thread is about finding/creating gameshare groups, not so much socializing. Sure, everyone now and then an unnecessary socializing post is cool with me. Heck, I do it sometimes too. But the main problem is when you do it too much, which is why I felt the need to put him on blast. One liners are fine with me but having 3-5 one liners in a single page is just too much. Try toning it down to 1-2, because it helps keep the thread clean and polished and also helps keep mobile users data usage low.

Even with the incoming doomsday of gamesharing, I just hosted a year's worth of PS+ last night so I know the feeling that everyone is going through. I have no hard feelings at all for him. I'm even tempted to get his Infamous FOB share, but my backlog is too big. I would just like to see him take part in sitting back and lurking every now and then.

A new thread was created because the last one got too big and there was too much mess in it. Let's try and keep this one clean and clear of that.

I don't want to start an argument about this, I just wanted him to know that I (and others) would appreciate if he brought less clutter here.[/QUOTE]

..but we are not here to accommodate your preferences. It is not up to you determine what is too much socializing. I cannot seriously believe you typed all of that out. Do you really believe you are that special that because you want to control their actions, that they should comply? I am stunned by this narcissistic behavior, and again, especially today of all days.

I will take someone that is active over someone that is inconsiderate.
holy crap! Going through 15 pages on a laptop is no fun. I'm glad you got it all worked out Jokerkun890.

Looking for 2 slots of all CoD:WaW map packs

Once again if you have a problem with me take it up with me over pm! You did not so...

I am 35 years old and I am not going to be called out like a child in front of everyone.

I am sorry that I enjoy keeping this thread going throughout the day. It helps keep me grounded during my stressful workday. But apparently I am stressing you out to much buy socializing (always staying on topic btw) in this thread.

If I really upset you that much then you really need to grow up! It's not like I have caused a stir like ssjmicheal did earlier or that I fill the thread with useless bs. I really feel that I am an active member who tries to add as much value as I can with each post.

I have met some very cool people in this thread and on this site over the last three months and I am very thankful of that. Try not to ruin my experience and everyone else's by being a jerk. It's not really that hard to scroll past my post if it upsets you that much...

Sorry for the wall of text everyone!

BTW as far as I am concerned this ends here.
[quote name='Yanksfan']..but we are not here to accommodate your preferences. It is not up to you determine what is too much socializing. I cannot seriously believe you typed all of that out. Do you really believe you are that special that because you want to control their actions, that they should comply? I am stunned by this narcissistic behavior, and again, especially today of all days.

I will take someone that is active over someone that is inconsiderate.[/QUOTE]

jamehze, I just PM'd you.

And I don't want to start a debate, I don't really mind about WV Matsui (over?) posting, but a lot of OLD posts could just be deleted by their respective users once in a while, that would unclutter the thread.

+ don't tell me it's not easier to search through your OWN posts when you don't have dozens!
[quote name='WV Matsui']Dangkid

Once again if you have a problem with me take it up with me over pm! You did not so...

I am 35 years old and I am not going to be called out like a child in front of everyone.

I am sorry that I enjoy keeping this thread going throughout the day. It helps keep me grounded during my stressful workday. But apparently I am stressing you out to much buy socializing (always staying on topic btw) in this thread.

If I really upset you that much then you really need to grow up! It's not like I have caused a stir like ssjmicheal did earlier or that I fill the thread with useless bs. I really feel that I am an active member who tries to add as much value as I can with each post.

I have met some very cool people in this thread and on this site over the last three months and I am very thankful of that. Try not to ruin my experience and everyone else's by being a jerk. It's not really that hard to scroll past my post if it upsets you that much...

Sorry for the wall of text everyone![/QUOTE]

Thanks for sharing.
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[quote name='WV Matsui']Dangkid

Once again if you have a problem with me take it up with me over pm! You did not so...

I am 35 years old and I am not going to be called out like a child in front of everyone.

I am sorry that I enjoy keeping this thread going throughout the day. It helps keep me grounded during my stressful workday. But apparently I am stressing you out to much buy socializing (always staying on topic btw) in this thread.

If I really upset you that much then you really need to grow up! It's not like I have caused a stir like ssjmicheal did earlier or that I fill the thread with useless bs. I really feel that I am an active member who tries to add as much value as I can with each post.

I have met some very cool people in this thread and on this site over the last three months and I am very thankful of that. Try not to ruin my experience and everyone else's by being a jerk. It's not really that hard to scroll past my post if it upsets you that much...

Sorry for the wall of text everyone![/QUOTE]

Sorry for not PMing you!
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put him on ignore if he annoys you so much I guess ? (don't even know where to find that lmao)

WV Matsui
hadn't thought about that (helping pass time at work), keep posting buddy, np with me! [but delete your -old- posts once in a while :p lol]
Dangkid and ssjmichael got this thread confused with gamefaqs, LOL! We don't have rules, but most people are usually cordial with one another.
[quote name='meeek']DangKid
put him on ignore if he annoys you so much I guess ? (don't even know where to find that lmao)

WV Matsui
hadn't thought about that (helping pass time at work), keep posting buddy, np with me! [but delete your -old- posts once in a while :p lol][/QUOTE]

Good thinking! But he's a good game sharer and I appreciate more loyal game sharers here.
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[quote name='TurkFebruary']Anyone know what the Metal Gear Solid games will cost?[/QUOTE]

Retail is $49.99 for the collection so $10 a share pre apocalypse!
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[quote name='NSYNC']Dangkid and ssjmichael got this thread confused with gamefaqs, LOL! We don't have rules, but most people are usually cordial with one another.[/QUOTE]

I know right! BlogFAQs lolololol. But seriously, there was a reason I didn't respond to the older responses when I first brought this issue up. I just don't want to start a whole argument here. Just needed to be said and I'm glad it's done and over. Continue on with the game sharing people!
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[quote name='DangKid']I know right! BlogFAQs lolololol. But seriously, there was a reason I didn't respond to the older responses when I first brought this issue up. I just don't want to start a whole argument here. Just needed to be said and I'm glad it's done and over. Continue on with the game sharing people![/QUOTE]

I agree. We can all have our opinions on the earlier discussion, but it has been said on both sides and moving on with a positive approach is always a good thing to do. No need for unnecessary animosity.
I really want to get in on a gameshare of mass effect 2. I can paypal anyone 5 bucks for a share. That's a profit since it's only 4 bucks a share at 20 dollars new on the store.
In light of the doomsday coming soon, I've decided to bring some paranoia in here. Hypothetically, person A decides to change the password and deactivate off of an account.

Someone in that same gameshare as person A was deactivated and got scared. Let's call this person B.

Because of person B's paranoia, they might deactivate everyone else on person B's other gameshare(s).

Then the other people from those game shares would come here and freak out. This would cause mass hysteria as more people (not everyone) would feel protective of their own game share, causing them to deactivate everyone.

It's a hypothetical situation, but who knows. It only takes 1 person to screw things over. Pretty scary to think about what if this did happen.
[quote name='DangKid']In light of the doomsday coming soon, I've decided to bring some paranoia in here. Hypothetically, person A decides to change the password and deactivate off of an account.

Someone in that same gameshare as person A was deactivated and got scared. Let's call this person B.

Because of person B's paranoia, they might deactivate everyone else on person B's other gameshare(s).

Then the other people from those game shares would come here and freak out. This would cause mass hysteria as more people (not everyone) would feel protective of their own game share, causing them to deactivate everyone.

It's a hypothetical situation, but who knows. It only takes 1 person to screw things over. Pretty scary to think about what if this did happen.[/QUOTE]

Ever heard of self-fulfilling prophecy? Look it up.
[quote name='bastiartadi']Ever heard of self-fulfilling prophecy? Look it up.[/QUOTE]

We can't just live in complete bliss believe that everyone will stay loyal to the group. I find it less of a shocker if we're all prepared for the possibilities.
The way to go should be contacting the host of the shares, they should change the password so no one can deactivate others accounts and asking them to keep a list of the members of the group so when somebody wants to sell their shares they talk to the host and get access to the account, its just a way to do it ;)

Also, Battlelog, Y U NOT WORK? (How did you guys got it to work with a share from UK?)
[quote name='WV Matsui']Retail is $49.99 for the collection so $10 a share pre apocalypse![/QUOTE]

hm. interesting. any MGS groups? hell with it, let's ride it out.
Can't do that cobolatrix. They have just as much right to the share as the host. You also need to account for people juggling HDD space.

[quote name='DangKid']We can't just live in complete bliss believe that everyone will stay loyal to the group. I find it less of a shocker if we're all prepared for the possibilities.[/QUOTE]

This. I'm currently selling what I do have and starting over so to speak. Old shares have been bought/sold so much, it's not worth the stress.
[quote name='DangKid']We can't just live in complete bliss believe that everyone will stay loyal to the group. I find it less of a shocker if we're all prepared for the possibilities.[/QUOTE]

Ha. If you've read the last 10-15 pages or so, you've seen that NSYNC and I have been brainstorming of different ideas on how to prevent that exactly. So being prepared is no the issue.


I don't know about you guys but gamesharing has saved me quite a ton. I wouldn't have bought over 90% of my PSN games if it weren't for it. That said, I will be disappointed if all my gameshares were to disappear but I wouldn't call it the end of the world. I've already saved a lot from this, what if I lose a couple shares? So what?

The more we talk about the negative shit that will come from the November 18 update, the more we will give the idea to potential scammers. We are essentially spoon feeding them on how to fuck us in the ass. Let them figure out how to screw us over. The CAG community has come back on top during the PSN downtime back in April. I don't see how we can come on top again when November18 strikes.
Also need to consider that possibly once the account is deactivated, it possibly has a chance of being lost forever. We don't know if we still get 5 activations after the 18th yet. If someone jerk deactivates everyone, there goes 3 lost shares and some pretty pissed off people.

[quote name='bastiartadi']Ha. If you've read the last 10-15 pages or so, you've seen that NSYNC and I have been brainstorming of different ideas on how to prevent that exactly. So being prepared is no the issue.


I don't know about you guys but gamesharing has saved me quite a ton. I wouldn't have bought over 90% of my PSN games if it weren't for it. That said, I will be disappointed if all my gameshares were to disappear but I wouldn't call it the end of the world. I've already saved a lot from this, what if I lose a couple shares? So what?

The more we talk about the negative shit that will come from the November 18 update, the more we will give the idea to potential scammers. We are essentially spoon feeding them on how to fuck us in the ass. Let them figure out how to screw us over.[/QUOTE]

Of course I've read all of it. You guys have some really interesting ideas, I like the 1/4 idea the best (where 2 people pay premium to get it first, then the last 2 gets them forever). I'm afraid that a lot of people will be scrambling to find the host of their shares in case they need to recover from a problem.
[quote name='cobolatrix']The way to go should be contacting the host of the shares, they should change the password so no one can deactivate others accounts and asking them to keep a list of the members of the group so when somebody wants to sell their shares they talk to the host and get access to the account, its just a way to do it ;)

Also, Battlelog, Y U NOT WORK? (How did you guys got it to work with a share from UK?)[/QUOTE]
Not only that but the host also has the password to the email in case someone in the group does deactivate everyone and changes the password since the host can just do the forgotten password thing. This is why the host NEEDS to be more than trustworthy and has to have a good track record.
[quote name='DangKid']Also need to consider that possibly once the account is deactivated, it possibly has a chance of being lost forever. We don't know if we still get 5 activations after the 18th yet. If someone jerk deactivates everyone, there goes 3 lost shares and some pretty pissed off people.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like their movie store, haha.
@NSYNC Well, I just would feel a lot safer if I had the confidence that my share wouldn't be deactivated, it can be a mess for the host but if there is good comunication between the host and the others it should work
[quote name='DangKid']Also need to consider that possibly once the account is deactivated, it possibly has a chance of being lost forever. We don't know if we still get 5 activations after the 18th yet. If someone jerk deactivates everyone, there goes 3 lost shares and some pretty pissed off people.[/QUOTE]

And this is the reason I was selling everything I had and reset my main account.
So now that we've established that there is now feasible way where we can protect our old accounts, can we establish a framework that will carry us through November 18th?

To anyone that read my previous post found here:

I'm interested to know if anyone would be willing to be part of the first group?

Since the concept of gamesharing is to buy shares and eventually get an ROI from selling them, would there be enough members that would want to play first but not get anything back?
[quote name='DangKid']Also need to consider that possibly once the account is deactivated, it possibly has a chance of being lost forever. We don't know if we still get 5 activations after the 18th yet. If someone jerk deactivates everyone, there goes 3 lost shares and some pretty pissed off people.[/QUOTE]

Well unless Sony is lying all purchases before the 18th have 5 slots regardless of what happens after the change so if it has 5 slots now it will have 5 slots forever or until the PSN dies.
For game content purchased after November 18, 2011, a new policy will apply and the number of devices that can be activated will be as follows:

  • PS3: Users will be able to play the game on up to 2 activated PS3 systems.
  • PSP: Users will be able to play the game on up to 2 activated PSP systems.
Please note that this update will not affect game content purchased before November 18. The PSP rights include PSP-1000/2000/3000 series as well as the PSPgo system.

In this obscure day, I thought of something, sales! :drool:
I'm willing to wait on these, example AC2 at $10 (was it $20?), I'll wait for Revelations, as long as the Brotherhood servers work!

AC:R split 2 ways is still a steal for me*, we'll have to be more patient/on the lookout for sales.

*EUR & South America get screwed by taxes for disc based games, a new one is $75-$100, won't find used under $40-$50 here, and not anytime soon! (BF3, AC:R, ME3, etc...)

[quote name='TurkFebruary']And this is the reason I was selling everything I had and reset my main account.[/QUOTE]
you immediately went into panick mode :roll:

Games (accounts, really) bought before will have 5 slots, period, we can still trade these fine, with the extra precaution of (host) changing pass after activation, would these accounts even BE deactivate-able!
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[quote name='Waynetid']Well unless Sony is lying all purchases before the 18th have 5 slots regardless of what happens after the change so if it has 5 slots now it will have 5 slots forever or until the PSN dies.


I hope this is the case, but after seeing countless lies from Sony I'm not sure I believe them.
Set it up bastiartadi (you're the Topic Creator). I'm getting a vibe most are going to leave the thread and only pop-up when a problem with their account happens though. I'd be down for a wait list of some sort, but I doubt it'll go over so well.
[quote name='NSYNC']Set it up bastiartadi (you're the Topic Creator). I'm getting a vibe most are going to leave the thread and only pop-up when a problem with their account happens though. I'd be down for a wait list of some sort, but I doubt it'll go over so well.[/QUOTE]

I can't really enforce anything. To be honest, even if I put it in the OP, no one reads it! I would appreciate any critique on it. The success of it is entirely based on the fact that people are willing to pay a premium for accessing the game first. I'm not even sure if people are willing or not.

The biggest (and simplest) change that everyone can do is to simply be aware of the supply of shares. We have way too much supply of BF 3 right now and members will find it quite difficult to share since everyone who is interested already got one. If we only have a few supply of shares, then we are pretty much guaranteed that we have a buyer.
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