[quote name='fmills15']ATTENTION: ALL INTERESTED IN NBA 2K13.
I just happen to feel like reading the purchase info on PSN for the preorder games, because I had a feeling. Anyway, 2K13 is the only pre-order game so far that specifically says this.
"One-time license fee for downloads to up to 2 consoles systems that are associated with the purchasing account. No more than one activated PS3 system within a 24 hour period. Content may not be used by any other account. You must sign into PSN each tie you start the game."
Translation: No game-sharing 2K.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Derfel']This isn't directed solely at you, but to clear up the ongoing confusion in the thread:
It is locked to a single account (meaning you can't install and then play on your "main" account), requires the downloading account to be signed in to PSN to start the game and has a 24-hour lockout period for other activated consoles on the same account.[/QUOTE]
Some good news about NBA2k13:
The game released yesterday on the UK Store and wrote this info:
Download of this product is subject to the Sony Entertainment Network Terms os Service/User Agreement and any specific additional conditions applying to this product. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this product. See Terms of Service more important information. One time fee for use of downloads on up to 2 activated compatible Home Console* systems and 2 activated compatible Portable Console* systems.
*See Terms of Service for futher information.
If it is true, then it looks as the UK/European version of the NBA2k13 is gamesharable.
The NBA2k13 price's 49.99GBP (approximately $80) on the UK Store.
$26-27 the resellable
$13-13,5 the phantom