(Not directed towards you Yanks)
Boosted isn't squeaky clean in all of this. He purchased a few HUNDRED codes off the guy that enabled him to make over $15 per share he hosts, yet when lain21us attempted to get rid of the middle man, he is met with resistance. I agree with what Boosted said to him, but he easily could have made lain's transition into this thread smoother in a number of ways, none of which required calling him out.
Then there is the matter of where these codes are coming from. A few HUNDRED codes that yield $2.19? Come on, am I the only one this looks funny to?
Boosted then proceeded to use over 25 of these codes that came from who knows where on a single account, without telling the resells he was doing so. Making money while hosting is one thing, but taking chances with the accounts while not telling those concerned is another.
What's that? Even though it looks funny, the codes are legit? Then why didn't he tell anyone about them before being accosted by lain? Because he couldn't make $15 per share as easily if others knew about it. If he wants to profit from hosting, that's his business, but pretending that anything other than good old fashioned greed motivated his recent actions isn't going to fly.
As for lain, lol, yeah, he did not make a good impression. This is the 'PSN gameshare' thread, not the 'turn your PSN credit into cash' thread.
Tip: Anyone hosting several shares in a short time is profiting off it in some way, I don't care what they say. If they really wish to help their fellow members, they could teach them how to host, you know, teaching a man how to fish and all that.
For those perturbed by the hosts making money and not giving you a discount, ask yourselves this: If you used a different host, would you pay any less? (Hint: In most, if not all cases, it's going to be a no)