CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax - Nov. 13th


1. lv30Shaymin?

2. Deidara?


1. Bigwig?

2. Pantsu?

This group still happening? Just the people who expressed interest.

You guys using those fonts make my tumor hurt. It's like AIDS for my old eyes. If there was ONE rule for this thread it would be to disable font changes.
Hey guys ive been off the cag grid for about a year as my life has become pretty ddarn nutty. Sorry to those who sent me messages that i never saw. Moved into a new place with no Internet tried hooking the ps3 up to xfinitywifi and it bricked my system. Luckily i was able to restore the system but lost all my damn phantoms!
Was wondering where the hell you went. Welcome back ODB.

Thanks bud. I gave up on growing up and fufilled my life dream of being a ski bum and following my favorite band primus around. Mission has been very successful but it has left me homeless and transient for some time. Dont know how much time ill have to game but there are a bunch of games i want to check out. Anyone happy with destiny?
Far Cry 4 PS3


probably the last epic ps3 game of all time, accepting resells for only a few more days, else going to buy the disc release.
In for resell. I'm certain it will be a separate list for PS3/PS4 since 360/One have separate lists, and banking on it being half as enjoyable as 3 was I'll play it twice.
Timeshare (PS4)


PVZ Garden Warfare (Who needs advanced when you got Garden)

Shadow Of Mordor

Lords of the Fallen

Phantom PS4

NBA 2K15 $20

Phantom PS4

Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark $15

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Selling Resell:
Abyss Odyssey
Batman Arkam Origins
Battlefield 3 Premium
Bound by Flame
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Ultimate Edition
Crysis 3 + Far Cry 3 (EU)
Dead Island GOTY
Dead Island Riptide
Kane and Lynch 1
Mass Effect 2
Splinter Cell Blacklist
The Last Of US
Walking Dead S1
Selling Phantom:
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Tales of Xilla, Dead Space 3, Enslaved, Crysis 3 (all 1 acct)
(Most of the resells above, please request for confirmation via PM)
PM Any and All questions Please.

GTA V (PS4) $60 Release date: Nov. 18.

$35 Resell: Bravens (host)

$25 Phantom:

Only trusted CAG (or welcome newbie with full deposit)

Looking for:

Sniper Elite 3 (PS3)

For Sale:

Ben10 Omniverse2 (PS3) phantom $2

Red Dead Redemption (PS3) phantom $1

Trine2 (PS3) phantom $1

PES 2014 (PS3) EU version phantom $2 resell $4

NHL14 (PS3) phantom/resell (make offer)

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Too bad the phantom slots are taken :(
well there is only one slot left anyways:

Far Cry 4 PS3


i have no problem switching from phantom to resell as its my last ps3 game probably anyways :) we only need someone great and kind to host it :)

well there is only one slot left anyways:

Far Cry 4 PS3


i have no problem switching from phantom to resell as its my last ps3 game probably anyways :) we only need someone great and kind to host it :)
If you don't mind switching then i'll take a phantom :D

Pantsu's got the best solution :D

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PS4 Timeshares:

- Walking Dead Season 1: $1.50/week (currently out)

- Walking Dead Season 2: $1.50/week

- Legend of Korra: $1.50/week

- Oddworld New N Tasty: $1.00/week

- Guacamelee + Home: $1.00/week

- The Wolf Among Us: $1.50/week

Also have Sound Shapes DLC Add On Pack for $0.50 per day. This can be a PS3 or PS4 timeshare.

If it was any ol phantom, I would completely agree. If I could pick just three defining games for the PS3 generation, it would have to be Lego Batman 2, Lego Lord of the Rings and Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7. To think that all three of these classics will be available on one account, only taking up one user slot, is almost too much for me to handle. I don't know how the rest of ya'll are resisting the urge to snatch these up.
:bow: :rofl:

last call for tmnt danger of the ooze. i got two resells that need to be filled. $8 bucks each, thats $5 off!

WWE 2K15(PS4) is 21 gb

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Really ticked :|

Pretty sure the BF4 + Premium (PS4) account I owned (resell) is gone.

Password has been changed, no one knows who hosted, no one knows who the PS3 resells are and I'm basically out a good $40-$50 ($20 PS4 Phantom and $30 PS4 Resell )

Think it's the last time I'll engage in a cross-buy group simply because there are too many people that have access to the account. It's also another reason to start buying physical I suppose 

Just sucks that some douche bag decided to steal the account and make a quick buck off it

Really ticked :|

Pretty sure the BF4 + Premium (PS4) account I owned (resell) is gone.

Password has been changed, no one knows who hosted, no one knows who the PS3 resells are and I'm basically out a good $40-$50 ($20 PS4 Phantom and $30 PS4 Resell )

Think it's the last time I'll engage in a cross-buy group simply because there are too many people that have access to the account. It's also another reason to start buying physical I suppose

Just sucks that some douche bag decided to steal the account and make a quick buck off it
that sucks man :( if you wanted to get the PS4 version of a game that has cross buy just make a regular PS4 group and then sell the ps3 phantoms by yourself, maybe like this you will prevent such a thing like that.

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Really ticked :|

Pretty sure the BF4 + Premium (PS4) account I owned (resell) is gone.

Password has been changed, no one knows who hosted, no one knows who the PS3 resells are and I'm basically out a good $40-$50 ($20 PS4 Phantom and $30 PS4 Resell )

Think it's the last time I'll engage in a cross-buy group simply because there are too many people that have access to the account. It's also another reason to start buying physical I suppose

Just sucks that some douche bag decided to steal the account and make a quick buck off it
how can you not track it down? who sold it to you? there's always a paper trail, even if one party deletes PMs the other doesn't. post the email again. the one you posted sounded kind of familiar, i think i timeshared it from someone. kind of sketchy for someone to tell you they can't trace it when they can just probably search "bf4" or something in their messages to find all the PMs regarding it

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PS3 phantoms for sale:

Borderlands presequel

Samurai Warriors 4

Injustice gods among us ultimate edition.

TLOU - AC3 - FIFA 13 - Spartacus Legends

Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers


South Park The stick of truth + MGS V: Ground Zeroes

Deus ex human revolution: complete edition + Street fighter 4  arcade edition + Just Cause 2

Shadow of the collosus +Ico HD collection + DMC HD collection

Nino Kuni + FIFA Street

Resident evil 6


Batman Arkham Origins

send me a pm if interested in any.

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how can you not track it down? who sold it to you? there's always a paper trail, even if one party deletes PMs the other doesn't. post the email again. the one you posted sounded kind of familiar, i think i timeshared it from someone.
Usuyami sold me the share back in may. He also sold a phantom slot back in January to Crashlen0 He seems to be the main share holder, I've pm'ed him.

The password had pancakes in it for some reason, I pm'ed him & he says he didn't host, and has never used outlook for hosting.

Someone owns the [email protected] - so I'm guessing they used that to stop any recovery attempts

Going back, I don't know how usuyami got the share. He does buy a group for a bf4 share here

Actually, I just found it:

Battlefield 4 + Premium $112.50 (Amazon bundle + $10 upgrade)

PS4 Resell $22.50+15 - Usuyami PAID

PS4 Phantom $10+2 - jjay9225 PAID

PS3 Resell #1 $10+15 - wpress PAID
PS3 Resell #1 $10+15 - ericpol PAID

PS3 Phantom #1 $5+1.50 - Teh Reaper PAID
PS3 Phantom #2 $5+1.50 - captaintek3304 PAID
Usuyami sold me the share back in may. He also sold a phantom slot back in January to Crashlen0 He seems to be the main share holder, I've pm'ed him.

The password had pancakes in it for some reason, I pm'ed him & he says he didn't host, and has never used outlook for hosting.

Someone owns the [email protected] - so I'm guessing they used that to stop any recovery attempts

Going back, I don't know how usuyami got the share. He does buy a group for a bf4 share here

Actually, I just found it:

Battlefield 4 + Premium $112.50 (Amazon bundle + $10 upgrade)

PS4 Resell $22.50+15 - Usuyami PAID

PS4 Phantom $10+2 - jjay9225 PAID

PS3 Resell #1 $10+15 - wpress PAID
PS3 Resell #1 $10+15 - ericpol PAID

PS3 Phantom #1 $5+1.50 - Teh Reaper PAID
PS3 Phantom #2 $5+1.50 - captaintek3304 PAID
this is like a really easy game of "which one of these is not like the others"

I have sent a request to el queso grande for a GS sub-forum. He said he would consider it and that a thread discussing this should be created in the News, Feedback & Site Assistance forum so other users could chime in.

The thread is located here:

If you want to make your opinion known on whether a sub-forum is a good or bad idea, or if you have any thoughts on how it could be run more efficiently, do it there.

I'll regularly bump this post, so no need to quote.

bread's done