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You're right. Maybe if I call it in I can have it shipped/picked up for three different people addresses

Also #BallerStatus, Just ordered two pairs of Timberland Shoes.

With a leaked employee discount code!
50% Off
:( Code expired..I spent time looking through the styles and added 3 boots to my cart and everything :(

Holy shit balls!

I'd definitely be rich with rent that cheap!

Can't even get a ROOM for $300 here.
Lol I know those feels; Florida rent is no joke unless you dont mind your stuff potentially being robbed

Devil may cry HD collection resell-$10

Resell with various psn dlc and some random games plus Ratchet and Clank collection-$10

Resident Evil HD (jpn account with English voices and text) resell-$12
i got mine off the ebay black friday sale so far mario kart is really cool finally after all these years i can own bitches online with Wario

feedback updated

Welcome to New Guy Lashley


Please give feedback the week of transaction I cant go back 3 months before to verify your post. Our boy Raiborg is on some secret black ops CIA/MI5 covert operation so no more investigating FOR NOW.

i got mine off the ebay black friday sale so far mario kart is really cool finally after all these years i can own bitches online with Wario

feedback updated
Welcome to New Guy Lashley

Please give feedback the week of transaction I cant go back 3 months before to verify your post. Our boy Raiborg is on some secret black ops CIA/MI5 covert operation so no more investigating FOR NOW.
am I still a new guy on the sheet?? Lel

EDIT: I wanna sell my WWE 2K15 resell for now but I want to pick it up around xmas time lol. Will my copy have to be from the US region as my save data is or can I have a uk copy? I want to keep all my save data. I basically have everything unlocked except a few nxt superstars/nxt arenas and I cbfd unlocking everything again.
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i got mine off the ebay black friday sale so far mario kart is really cool finally after all these years i can own bitches online with Wario

feedback updated

Welcome to New Guy Lashley


Please give feedback the week of transaction I cant go back 3 months before to verify your post. Our boy Raiborg is on some secret black ops CIA/MI5 covert operation so no more investigating FOR NOW.
Tis' was the night that shall not end so well


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For Sale:


Bound by Flame Phantom - $10

Thief Phantom - $8 (or rent for $1/week)

Watch Dogs + Season Pass Phantom - $15 (or rent for $1.50/week)


Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag + Season Pass Phantom - $4

Battlefield 4 + Premium + all expansions Phantom - $7

Bayonetta + Mirror's Edge Phantom - free (regulars only)

Bioshock + Bioshock 2 + Minerva's Den + Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass Phantom - $4

Child of Light [UK] Phantom - $1

Dark Souls II + all crown DLC Phantom - $7

Destiny + The Dark Below Phantom - $6 (regulars only)

Diablo 3 (vanilla) Phantom  - free (regulars only)

Dishonored + all trophy DLC Phantom - $3

Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen [UK] Phantom - free (regulars only)

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance + all trophy DLC Phantom - $3

MGS 2 HD + MGS 3 HD + MGS:pW HD [UK] Phantom - free (regulars only)

Resident Evil 4 HD + DmC + Vergil's Downfall + Costume pack + Puppeteer + Fatal Frame Phantom - $4

TLOU + Season Pass Phantom - $6

Available for rent (per week):


Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag + Season Pass - $1

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - $1

Child of Light [UK] - $0.50

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition - $1.50

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - $0.75

Need for Speed Rivals - $1

Shadow Warrior - $1.25

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition- $1.50

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - $1

Currently being rented:

PS4: (per week)

Assassin's Creed Unity - $1.50

Battlefield 4 + Premium - $1

Destiny + Expansion Pass - $1.50

Dragon Age: Inquisition - $1.50 (out for a while)

Entwined - $0.25

Far Cry 4 -$1.50

Grand Theft Auto V - $1.50

Infamous First Light - $0.50

Killzone Shadow Fall + season pass - $1

Metro Redux - $1.50

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor + Season Pass - $1.50 (out for a while)

The Evil Within - $1.50

The Last of Us Remastered - $1

Wolfenstein: TNO - $1.50

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TimeShare PS4


The Crew


Tales from the borderlands ep 1

Game of thrones ep 1

Lord Of Fallen



The Evil Within

PVZ Garden Warfare

Shadow Of Mordor

Walking Dead season 2

Styx Master Of Shadows

The Wolf among Us

WWE 2K15

Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark


Lara Croft and the Temple Of Osiris

Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark
Da Drop


Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-


Super Mega Baseball(cross buy)

Tetris Ultimate


Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-

MGS4: Guns of the Patriots

Super Mega Baseball(cross-buy)


Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD

H: PS4 Little Big Planet 3 resell. I think it has some free DLC  with it as well.

W: $25 Paypal. Amazon, Xbox bucks, ect ...

H: PS4 Lego Batman 3 with Season Pass resell

W: $35

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Hi all, I'm trying to boost my completion percentage above 99% but a few of my missing DLC aren't even on the store any more. I haven't bought through this site before but I have feedback through many other sites and I thought I'd give it a shot to see if anyone has any of the following DLC to offer. All of them would be hit and runs so a timeshare or phantom or whatnot would be great.

You Don't Know Jack

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet

Madden 10

Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers (Exp packs 1-3)

Dungeon Siege III


Big teaser at the end of the DmC trailer- DMC4 Special Edition also coming with playable Virigil, that one is coming out in the summer.

Big teaser at the end of the DmC trailer- DMC4 Special Edition also coming with playable Virigil, that one is coming out in the summer.
That's what I'm excited about. DMC4 was one of the early PS3 games I always wanted to play but never got around to, and haven't bothered to find now due to no trophy support. Will definitely get it on PS4 once I finish the PS3 HD Collection and DmC.

That's what I'm excited about. DMC4 was one of the early PS3 games I always wanted to play but never got around to, and haven't bothered to find now due to no trophy support. Will definitely get it on PS4 once I finish the PS3 HD Collection and DmC.
It was decent but nothing crazy. I've played em all and I still think DMC 2013 was the best one by a mile. 1 was awful and 2 wasn't great. I could do without a remake of 4 but it's not like we'd get somethin else in exchange so w.e. Being able to play as Virgil is nothing significant. But if u love the DMC games I can't see how you wouldn't like 4. I just personally feel like they don't hold up well.

DMC > 3 > 4 > 2 > 1 IMO
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It was decent but nothing crazy. I've played em all and I still think DMC 2013 was the best one by a mile. 1 was awful and 2 wasn't great. I could do without a remake of 4 but it's not like we'd get somethin else in exchange so w.e. Being able to play as Virgil is nothing significant. Lol
DMC 3 was the best imo. Dante couldn't be more badass than he was on DMC 3. Fantastic gameplay too. Haven't played the last DMC but I agree with the rest of your opinion, 1 was weak and 2 was okay.
A great article about this years state of broken games.

This kind of stuff hits a bit home with me having been around the game development scene for the last 20 years. I still have around a dozen contacts that work in various studios and feel really bad for the scrutiny they go through. Publishers and investors are slowly killing the spirit of the great artists who create the content we spend hundreds of hours entertaining ourselves with.

bread's done