CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

FYI I saw MattNY (Yanksfan) on line on PSN either early this morning or before I went to bed.  I know you guys were wondering what happened to him so he's apparently still alive.

I don't know how you guys do the gameshares now with how the phantom are and such, but I am looking for a Star Wars Battlefront share. $40 for sellable, 20 for Locked (have to use on account game was bought). I am going off gametz stuff so forgive me if you guys still frown on locked but non-sells can't even be played online anymore thanks to some sony update.

PS4 Rentals

1) Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Mortal Kombat X, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, Guacamelee - $2/wk

2) J-stars Victory vs+, Guilty Gear Xrd, Dynasty Warriors 8 XL, and Rayman Legends - $1.5/wk
3) EA UFC, Saint's Row 4 Re-Elected & Gat Out Of Hell, Resident Evil 1 HD, Grim Fandango Remastered, Geometry Wars 3, Monopoly Plus, Aquakitty DX - $1.5/wk

4) Tales of Zestiria & Dragon Quest Heroes - $3.5/wk

PS4 risky/offline phantoms for sale:

Account 1 above - $13

Account 2 above - $9

The Witcher 3, Far Cry 4, Samurai Warriors 4 - $14

Please PM me if you're interested in anything, thanks!
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Thanks for catching me up on the phantom situation.  With all that taken into consideration, I have the following PS4 phantoms for sale:

Star Wars Battlefront - $5 (seems like it's online only?)

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 [digital deluxe] - $8

Project CARS (with Limited Edition upgrade DLC pack) - $6

Hi guys!

I'm looking for a Fallout 4 phantom! Got 1 previous deal in this thread.


EDIT: Got one! 

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#PS3 Timeshare

$1/week for single game or $5/month $3/month* for the library access:
- Cabela's Big Game Hunter - Pro Hunts
- Call of Duty Ghosts
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
- Crysis Trilogy
- Dark Souls 2
- Destiny
- Devil May Cry Trilogy HD (EU)
- Drakengard 3
- Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
- Enslaved
- Fifa Street
- Final Fantasy X HD
- Final Fantasy X-2 HD
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- Game of Thrones (RPG)
- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- God of War Ascension (EU)
- GRID 2 (EU)
- GTA 5 [being rented]
- Heavy Fire: Afghanistan
- Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear
- Hydrophobia Prophecy
- Lightning Returns
- Mass Effect Trilogy
- Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond
- MGS: Ground Zeroes
- MGS: Peacewalker HD
- Midnight Club LA
- Minecraft (EU)
- Narco Terror
- Payday The Heist
- Red Dead Redemption
- Resident Evil 6
- Sacred 3 (EU)
- Sacred Citadel
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, Nocturne
- Soth Park: The Stick of Truth
- Soul Calibur II HD
- Spec Ops: The Line
- Splinter Cell Trilogy HD
- Splinter Cell: Blacklist
- Strider
- Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix
- Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
- Tales of Xillia

- Tales of Xillia 2
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
- The Expendables 2
- The Last of Us
- Tomb Raider Underworld
- Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (PS2 Classics)
- WRC 4
- Yakuza 4
- Zeno Clash 2
- Zombeer

*PS3 Library includes PS3 games only. One game at once. You must return the first to get access for the other ones. Not for newbies nor people that I see first time in the thread.

 #PS4 Timeshare

$1-3/week for single game or $8/month $5/month* for the library access:
- Anomaly 2
- Bound by Flame
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition
- Destiny
- Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls
- Dying Light [pending]

- F1 2015 (EU)
- Far Cry 4

- Farming Simulator 2015 (EU)
- Garden Warfare: Plants vs Zombies
- Geometry Wars 3 (EU)
- Guacamelee (EU)
- inFamous: Second Son
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Lords of the Fallen (EU)
- Madden NFL 15
- Metal Gear Solid 5 [I'm playing]
- MGS: Ground Zeroes
- Minecraft (EU)
- Murdered: Soul Suspect
- NBA Live 14
- Outlast (EU)
- Pier Solar and the Great Architects
- Resident Evil HD [pending]
- Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition (EU)
- Surgeon Simulator
- The Evil Within
- The Last of Us Remastered
- The Last Tinker: City of Colors
- Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (EU) [pending]
- Trials Fusion + Season Pass
- Until Dawn + Bonus Chapter [being rented]
- Watch Dogs
- Wolfenstein: The New Order [being rented]

*PS4 Library includes PS3 games as well. One game at once (for each platform). You must return the first to get access for the other ones. Not for newbies nor people that I see first time in the thread.

Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard + Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond (one available) $1
Game of Thrones RPG (two available) $1
God of War Ascension (EU) (one available) $1
Grid 2 (EU) (one available) $1
MGS: Ground Zeroes + Peace Walker HD (two available) $2
Payday The Heist (two available) $1
Sacred 3 (EU) (one available) $1
Sacred Citadel + Zeno Clash 2 (two available) $1
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2, Persona 3, Nocturne, Pier Solar (two available) $2
Splinter Cell Trilogy HD (EU) (one available) $1
Strider (one available) $1
Tekken 2 (PSX) (two available) FREE
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (PS2 Classics, one available) FREE

More phantoms might be available for PS3 and PS4, PM me if interested and I'll check.

EU account:

Child of Eden,


Mad Riders,

Mirror's Edge,

MUD FM Motorcross,

Puzzle Dimension

Red Faction Armageddon,

Red Faction Guerilla,

Revenge of the Wounded Dragons,

Ridge Racer Unbound Special Edition,

Shoot Many Robots,

Tomb Raider (PSX),

Tomb Raider II (PSX)

Two phantoms available, regulars only

US account:

Alice: Madness Returns

Aliens: Colonial Marines Ultimate Bundle,

Castle of Illusion HD,

Crash Bandicoot trilogy (PSX),

Crash Commando,

Fatal Frame trilogy (PS2),

Flashback HD,

Jurassic Park Full Season,


Mars: War Logs,

Max Payne 3 Complete Edition,

Mirror's Edge,

Red Alert 3: Commander's Challenge,

Resident Evil Revelations,

Star Wars The Force Unleashed II,


Urban Trial Freestyle

Two phantoms available, regulars only

Looking for best offer - PSN codes or PayPal.

That tell tale game of thrones ending was WILD. I deff made the worst choices imaginable thinking tell tale didn't have the balls to do certain things and lo and behold they had ones made of steel
Im looking for two PS3 Phantoms:

All five episodes of Life Is Strange 


an obscure one, Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax.

Can anyone help out with these? 

I will gladly donate a free Season Pass of Trials Fusion  for PS4 if I can get this from someone. (as well as gifted paypal or Amazon Credit)

My mistake on the word "codes" I only have one of each. I just need the money to rent games from Qdizzle Lol. THATS why they're priced so low.
He will take PSN codes for rental(s). Just ask him, he's very good at bookkeeping on his ledger.

Unless he specifically told you that he wants Paypal....

Timeshare. PS4
THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Star Wars Battlefront $3.50

Game Of Thrones +Season Pass $1.50

Next Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Beyond Two Souls $3

Last Week (PM To be added to be added to the queue)

Fallout 4 $3.50

Click spoiler to see PS4 Library

Alien Isolation $1.50
Arcadia: The Complete Tale $1.50
Arkham Knight + Season Pass$3
Assassin's Creed Unity $1.50

Assassins Creed: Syndicate $3.50
Assassins Creed Chronicles $1.50
Axiom Verge $1.50

Back To The Future:The Game $2

Bastion $1.50
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50
Battlefield Hardline $2
Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $2.50

The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $2

Bloodborne $2

Blood Bowl 2 $2.50
Broken Age $2

COD Black Ops 3 + Season Pass $3.50
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1 P
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $2.50

Darksiders II Definitive Edition $3
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50
Devil May Cry 4 Remastered $2
Destiny & The Taken King $3.50

Dishonored: Definitive Edition $2.50

Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance $3.50

Divinity $3.50
DMC Definitive Edition $2
Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC $2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $2

Dragon Quest Heroes $3.50
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light $2
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
The Elder Scrolls Online $2.50

Everybody's Gone To The Rapture $2
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
The Escapist $1.50
Evolve $1.50
Farcry 4 $2

FIFA 16 $3.50
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered $2
Game of thrones ep 1 +2+3+4+5$0.50 a day

Guantlet: Slayer Edition $2

Goat Simulator $1
God Of War 3 $2
Godzilla $3
GTA V $2
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $1.50
Hatoful Boyfreind $1.50

iNFAMOUS Second Son $1.50
Journey $1.50

Kings Quest : A knight to Remember $2
Last of Us Remastered $1

Legend of Korra $1.50
Lego Batman 3 $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Life is strange ep 1+2 $0.50 a day
Little Big planet 3 $1.50
Lords of the Fallen $2

Mad Max $3.50
Magika 2 $1.50

Madden 16 $3.50

Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain $3.50
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50
Metal Slug 3 $1.50

Mega Man Legacy Collection $1.50
Metro Last Light Redux $1.50
MLB 15 The Show $2
Mercenary Kings $1

Minecraft $1

Minecraft: Story Mode + Season Pass  $0.50/day
Mortal Kombat & Season Pass $2

N++ $1

NHL15 $1.50

NBA 2K16 $3.50

Need For Speed $3.50
NFS Rivals $1.50
PVZ Garden Warfare $1

Pro Evolution Soccer $3.50
Project Cars $3
Project Root $1

Rayman Legends $1.50
Roundabout $1.50
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1
Samurai Warriors 4 $2
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2

Sherlock Holmes : Crimes & Punishment $1.50
Shovel Knight $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2

Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1
Tales from the borderlands + Season Pass $0.50/day

Tales Of Zestira $3.50

Tearaway: Unfolded $3
Tembo the Badass Elephant $2

Tony Hawk Pro skater 5 $2.50
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $2
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Titan Souls $1.50

Transformers Devastation$3.50
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Ultra Street Fighter IV $2

Until Dawn $3.50

Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection $3.50

Trials Fusion & Season Pass $1

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $2
The Witcher 3 + Season Pass $3
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $2
Watch Dogs $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1
Walking Dead season 1 $1
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $1.50
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 + WWE 2K16 $3.50
Zombie Army Trilogy $2

Zombi $2

Phantoms for the below available

Tales Of Zestira
Madden 16
Mega Man LegacyCollection
NBA 2K16
Transformers Devastation
WWE 2K16



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Selling (can take paypal, PSN or Amazon Gift Card):

(PS3 phantoms)
WWE 2K16 - $10
Super Stardust HD Complete - $2
Castlestorm, Master Reboot, Auditorium HD - $3
Strider - $2
Syberia, CAPCOM Arcade Cabinet - $3
Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune - $2.5
Under Defeat HD - $2
Risen 3: Titan Lords - $3
Ferrari: The Game Experience - $1
XCOM: Enemy Within - $2
Earth Defense Force 2025 + Season Pass - $3
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late - $3.5
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - $1.5
(PS4 resell)  (no locked spot)
WWE 2K15 + Far Cry 4 - $21

(PS4 Timeshares, most available as offline phantomw too)
Prices are per week, also available for longer times at lower prices per week
Fallout 4 – $3.5
Assassins Creed: Syndicate – $3.5
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance – $3
Air Conflicts Vietnam (Ultimate Edition) – $1.5
Alien Isolation – $1.5
Another world – $0.5
Assassins Creed Chronicles: China – $0.5
Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag – $1
Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Season Pass – $1
Assassins Creed: Syndicate – $3.5
Assassins Creed: Unity – $1.5
Badland - $0.5
Bastion – $0.5
Batman Arkham Knight – $2 (rented)
Battlefield 4 Premium (DLC only) – $1
Battlefield Hardline – $3
Bloodborne – $2.5
Bordelands: Handsome Collection  – $2.5
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – $2
Call of Duty: Ghosts – $1
Call of Duty: Ghosts Season Pass – $1
Child of Light – $0.5
Citizens of Earth – $1
Costume Quest 2, #Killallzombies, Aqua Kitty – $1.5
CounterSpy, Hohokum, Rogue legacy, The Swapper – $1.5
Crimsonland – $0.5
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin – $2.5
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round – $1.5
Destiny – $1
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition – $2
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance – $3
DmC Devil May Cry Definite Edition – $2
Doki Doki Universe – $0.5
Dragon age: Inquisition – $2.5
Driveclub – $2
Dying Light – $2.5
EA Sports UFC – $1
Everybody's Gone to Rapture – $1
Far Cry 4 – $2
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD – $2.5
Flockers – $1
God of War III: Remastered – $2.5
Grand Theft Auto V – $3
Grim Fandango – $0.5
Guacamelee  – $0.5
Guilty Gear Xrd – $2
Hand of Fate – $0.5
How to Survive (Storm Warning Edition) – $0.75
Infamous: First Light – $1
Infamous: Second Son – $2
Infinity Runner – $0.5
Injustice: God among Us Ultimate edition  – $1
Journey – $1
Killzone: Shadow Fall – $1
Knack  – $1
Kung Fury: Streets of Rage – $0.5
LA Cops – $1
LEGO Batman 3 + Season Pass, LEGO The Hobbit - $2.5
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – $1.5
LitteBigPlanet 3 – $3
Lords of the Fallen – $2
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes – $1
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - $3.5  (rented)
Metro Redux  – $2
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor  – $1.5
Minecraft – $1
MLB 14 – $1
Monopoly Plus  – $1
Mortal Kombat X – $3
Murdered: Soul suspect – $1
Natural Doctrine – $2
Nom Nom Galaxy – $0.5
Oddworld New and Tasty – $1.5
OlliOlli – $0.5
Omega Quintet - $1.5
Pier Solar and the Great Architects – $1.
Plants vs zombies: Garden warfare – $1
Rayman: Legends – $1
Resident Evil Revelations 2 – $1
Resident Evil Remaster HD – $1
Riptide GP 2, Beach Buggy Racing – $1
Saints row Re-elected & Gat out of Hell – $2
Shadow Warrior – $1
Sleeping dogs: Definitive edition – $1.5
Sniper Elite 3 – $2
Sound Shapes + DLC – $1
Stealth Inc. 1 y 2 – $1
Steamworld Dig – $1
Strike Suit Zero – $1
Styx: Master of Shadows – $1
Super Motherload – $0.5
Surgeon Simulator – $0.5
Teslagrad – $0.5
The Crew – $1.5
The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel Unlimited – $2.5
The Evil Within – $1
The Last of Us – $1
The Legend of Korra – $1
The LEGO Movie Videogame – $1.5
The Order: 1886 – $2
The Walking Dead Season 1 y 2 – $2
The Witcher 3 + Season Pass - $3 (rented)
The Wolf Among Us – $1
Thief – $1.5
Tomb raider: Definitive edition – $2
Trials Fusion HD – $1
Trials Fusion HD Season Pass – $0.5
Trine 2: Complete Story – $1
Ultra Street Fighter IV – $2.5
Unmechanical Extended – $0.5
Until Dawn – $3.5
Valiant Hearts: The Great War – $1
Volume – $1.5
Watch Dogs – $2
White Night, Tiny Brains – $1.5
Wolfenstein: The New Order – $2
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood – $1
Ziggurat – $1
Anyone interested in a Yakuza 5 group? It's only coming out for the PS3 and there will be no disc version.

The game is $40 USD but it's discounted right now by 15% for pre-orders. Since Sony hasn't changed the price of the game to account for the weaker Canadian dollar the total price of the game will be ~$25 USD* when purchased through the Canadian store. Both Canada and the US are in the same region so it will be no different from buying it from the US store beside it being cheaper.

So in total we can get the game for almost 40% off. It is going to come out by the end of the year for sure and likely within the next couple of weeks going by Sega's statements. I'll take whatever slot is left assuming this fills up.

Resell (~$8.25 USD*):



Phantom (~$4.25 USD*):



* Just as a note, it is roughly $25 USD based on exchange rate and the USD->CAD exchange rate may be different by the time we make the purchase so expect a variance of $1 at the most for your slot.

Also willing to go halfsies with someone for ~$12.50 USD if the group doesn't fill up. Still a great price compared to the $40 USD price tag.

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Anybody interested in psn cards? I could probably get 5 let me know as I need the cash asap

$50= $45 PayPal
$20= $18 PayPal
$10= $9 PayPal
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Anyone interested in a Yakuza 5 group? It's only coming out for the PS3 and there will be no disc version.

The game is $40 USD but it's discounted right now by 15% for pre-orders. Since Sony hasn't changed the price of the game to account for the weaker Canadian dollar the total price of the game will be ~$25 USD* when purchased through the Canadian store. Both Canada and the US are in the same region so it will be no different from buying it from the US store beside it being cheaper.

So in total we can get the game for almost 40% off. It is going to come out by the end of the year for sure and likely within the next couple of weeks going by Sega's statements. I'll take whatever slot is left assuming this fills up.

Resell (~$8.25 USD*):

Phantom (~$4.25 USD*):

* Just as a note, it is roughly $25 USD based on exchange rate and the USD->CAD exchange rate may be different by the time we make the purchase so expect a variance of $1 at the most for your slot.

Also willing to go halfsies with someone for ~$12.50 USD if the group doesn't fill up. Still a great price compared to the $40 USD price tag.
I'd be down for a phantom of it if we get more. I can host as well since I'm from Canada and can already just buy it straight through my paypal.
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*Resells *Rentals *Phantoms



Payday 2 phantom or resell


PS3 Games:

**Saints Row 2: Ultimate Edition *$2.00 *$1.25 a week x2

**Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon *1.50 *1.25 a week x2

*Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition, Persona 4, DBXV Season Pass + Day One DLC, Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition, The Warriors *$3.00 x1

*Final Fantasy Origins (FF 1 and 2) *$1.00 x2

*Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection *$1.00 x1

Will consider trades.

Updated prices, slots.

Resell/phantom/locked accounts 4 Sale(Reduced prices)

*DMC 4 $20/$7/$10
*DMC Definitive Edition $25/$7/$12
*Dragon Age: Inquisition (Deluxe) $30/$7/$15
*Sniper Elite 3 $15/$7/$7.5 (On hold)
*Shadow of Mordor $15/$5/$7.5
*Dying Light $25/$7/$12
*Resident Evil PS3 +PS4 $15
*Little Big Planet 3 $15/$7/$7.5
*Call of Duty Advanced Warfare: Day One edition $15
*Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare + mirrors edge + NFS Most Wanted (1 account) $15
Anyone interested in a Yakuza 5 group? It's only coming out for the PS3 and there will be no disc version.

The game is $40 USD but it's discounted right now by 15% for pre-orders. Since Sony hasn't changed the price of the game to account for the weaker Canadian dollar the total price of the game will be ~$25 USD* when purchased through the Canadian store. Both Canada and the US are in the same region so it will be no different from buying it from the US store beside it being cheaper.

So in total we can get the game for almost 40% off. It is going to come out by the end of the year for sure and likely within the next couple of weeks going by Sega's statements. I'll take whatever slot is left assuming this fills up.

Resell (~$8.25 USD*):



Phantom (~$4.25 USD*):



* Just as a note, it is roughly $25 USD based on exchange rate and the USD->CAD exchange rate may be different by the time we make the purchase so expect a variance of $1 at the most for your slot.

Also willing to go halfsies with someone for ~$12.50 USD if the group doesn't fill up. Still a great price compared to the $40 USD price tag.
this will be my comeback to gamesharing but it depends on size put me in phantom as maybe

Anyone interested in a Yakuza 5 group? It's only coming out for the PS3 and there will be no disc version.

The game is $40 USD but it's discounted right now by 15% for pre-orders. Since Sony hasn't changed the price of the game to account for the weaker Canadian dollar the total price of the game will be ~$25 USD* when purchased through the Canadian store. Both Canada and the US are in the same region so it will be no different from buying it from the US store beside it being cheaper.

So in total we can get the game for almost 40% off. It is going to come out by the end of the year for sure and likely within the next couple of weeks going by Sega's statements. I'll take whatever slot is left assuming this fills up.

Resell (~$8.25 USD*):



Phantom (~$4.25 USD*):



* Just as a note, it is roughly $25 USD based on exchange rate and the USD->CAD exchange rate may be different by the time we make the purchase so expect a variance of $1 at the most for your slot.

Also willing to go halfsies with someone for ~$12.50 USD if the group doesn't fill up. Still a great price compared to the $40 USD price tag.
I would join but considering how it took them this long to release a western version, I kind of want to buy it full price and actually support it. It would be a shame if they don't port yakuza 6 just because sales were low on yakuza 5


The Elder Scrolls PS4 resell

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter PS4 resell 

Mortal Kombat X PS4 resell


COD:Black Ops 3 PS3 phantom


Dragon Age:Inquistion PS4 Resell-want 20$ CAD psn credit

bread's done