CAGCAA - NCAA 12 OD - 2011 Season - Week 11 Deadline: 9/28

Good game, I thought you had me until the last few minutes of the first half. That pick six saved me when you were driving down the field for the lead.
IMO, that was kind of a bitch move on the 4th and double digit yards play to start the 4th quarter. I'd probably be okay with it if it was 4th and 1, 2, or 3. It was a really fun game up to that point. You were up 27-17, around my 35 yd line, and you go for it.

What makes it even worse is that you didn't allow me to audible out of my punt return formation so I was pretty much screwed. That's not what I call being a good sport. If I wanted to play with people who pull that shit, then I'd play randoms online.

Like I said, thanks for three good quarters.
I was at your 38 yard line, it was too deep for a field goal and if I punted it, it wouldn't make that much of a difference because I suck at pinning people deep which you saw I couldn't do on three of my punts. Complain if you want but it was a good football move by me and it worked. If I was deeper yes I would have punted but your field position would not have been that great had I failed my 4th down attempt. As for not allowing you to audible that is ridiculous, I didn't know the point of football was to help the opposition. Fooled me, last I checked you still had 3 timeouts maybe use one of them. I was forced to use a timeout in the first quarter because the computer kept having my guy run back and forth for no reason at the goal line and I didn't want to jump offsides. I could have ran up the score if I wanted to but I ran the ball all day during the 4th quarter to be nice. Maybe next time I will just run prevent defense all day and be a good sport for you and let you score some points and get free yards.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Maybe my opinion is in the wrong here, but I'd like to hear what Frisky's and the other players' opinions are.[/QUOTE]

I understand why he went for it and it makes perfect sense. But now he's just being a dick
No offense ruffinra :razz:
A 10pt lead in the third quarter is not a huge lead. I punted all game but there I wasn't going to punt because the field position didn't make much sense and if I missed the kick I put you in better position than a failed 4th down conversion. I'm sure they would agree that it was a smart football move and again you had all your timeouts, you could have even jumped offsides and sacked my qb change up your play. I never heard of it being fair to wait and allow someone to call an audible.
[quote name='gbpackers94']I understand why he went for it and it makes perfect sense. But now he's just being a dick
No offense ruffinra :razz:
Pretty much. The 10 point lead isn't a guaranteed lead by any stretch, so I'd fight to keep it or add on at that point to make victory easier. At that position on the field, it's really a toss-up whether you should punt, kick the field goal, or go for it, so it's up to the team's strengths as to what the best course of action is.

The only questionable thing is not letting pitfall audible out of the play, as that's just being unfair to the other team in that kind of situation. This is the kind of dynasty where I've been called for offsides due to the odd way that trying to set defensive line audibles usually causes you to jump start, which the other player recognized and declined the penalty knowing that it wasn't a true offsides call. You guys should always be able to recognize those kinds of things and be fair to the other player since you'd probably want the same kind of treatment in return.
In that case I would decline the penalty too, I still don't feel that it's cheap to call a play before an audible. It's not like I took advantage of a game glitch or anything and all you have to do is call a timeout when you see I am not in punt formation. I use timeouts all the time when I realize that my defense will get burned on a play or if I know my offensive play has a high fail rate due to a blitzing linebacker or something.
I didn't say you were cheating, but my point was that you don't need to take advantage of every little thing to try to get/keep the advantage. When you know that he's expecting a punt and you're going for it, the least you could do is let him audible rather than forcing him to use a timeout in the third quarter when he's already down. It's nothing huge, so just be aware of that kind of stuff in the future.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm not sure where Steggy's been, but if he misses his game this week, he may be kicked for three straight weeks of inactivity.[/QUOTE]

He commented in the other OD thread 4 hours ago.
Moved us ahead to week 5, so here's the schedule for this week:


I'm giving Steggy another week due to having two bye weeks in a row, though bye weeks still require you to get on and do your recruiting or at least setting yourself as ready to advance.
Just finished playing ruffinra. I won 21-7, and when the game was over I was looking at the highlights. When I went to quit, it said I had signed out of EA servers. When I was done quiting this came up:
It wouldn't let me click (A) or go up or down but I could still press the xbox button and have the white thing pop up. I had to turn off my 360 and I'm pretty sure it didn't record the game. So what do we do?

EDIT: Nevermind, it looks like it counted it.
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Good game, my redzone offense killed me that game. I get that message pretty much every game and it always counts.
[quote name='ruffinra']Good game, my redzone offense killed me that game. I get that message pretty much every game and it always counts.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, good game man. I got pretty lucky on 4th downs :D
Moved us ahead to Week 8, so here's the schedule for this week:


ruffinra, I can play anytime this week after 4 PM EST, so let me know when you're available to play so we can get our game done.
Hey, I'm really sorry but I think I am going to drop out. I just can't take the problems in this game anymore. I just tried to play my game, but it froze with 56 seconds left, me up 48-3. Now, school is starting, and madden is coming out, so my time will be minimal, and now I don't feel the desire to squeeze in time for this game as I did when it first came out. Thanks again for running the league though, it was fun until the game started breaking more and more.
Sorry for the delay, as I've been really busy over the past couple of weeks. I've moved us to Week 11 and here are the games for this week:


Since it doesn't look like we'll be able to refill the dynasty during the off-season, what do you guys want to do for next season? I can refresh the conference with new teams so that we have divisions with two of us in each and a conference championship game. I could also move everybody back to their original conferences so that we have a more offline-style dynasty where we're more likely to face each other in bowl games.
bread's done