CAGcast #102: Lingering Logs

[quote name='Trenchalicious']It's amazing how many people continue to say this. Are you people morons? Do you read what you type? Hello, they have to make you install it to the HD so you don't whine and piss your pants when your blu-ray drive is too slow and you have to sit through load times up the anus.[/quote]Well said :applause:
Welcome to 2008, Cheapy and Wombat, and thanks for starting it off with a great show. I haven't quite finished listening to it (I have about 30 minutes left), but I wanted to post before I got distracted by other shiny objects.

I'm surprised, Wombat, that Zelda: Phantom Hourglass isn't on your completed games list for 2007. Or maybe I'm not. I actually hated the game, the stylus control was awful for me (it didn't work well, maybe my touch pad is being wonky, and gripping the stylus--even a beefier stylus hurts my hand which still isn't better after surgery last year), and found myself dreading to play it, dragging myself to play it instead of something else. I think that I'd have enjoyed it a TON more if I could've used the d-pad and buttons instead of the ridiculous stylus. As a Zelda fan, I was hugely dissappointed.

Do either of you have any gaming resolutions? Actually, I think I remember reading at UGO that Wombat does, but what about you, Cheapy? Mine include buying a house (which is only related to gaming because I'm holding off on buying a new tv until then) and to finish some of the games that have long been in my backlog. Oh, and finding a gamer boyfriend, hahaha.

Also wanted to chime in about the 'cast being released on Friday morning...that's totally fine with me, I usually don't get to it until the weekend anyway, and it makes a lot of sense. I love the 'cast, I'd rather see it delayed a day than go away because it's too tough on your schcedules...

just updated my Zune firmware/software and checked the new podcasts section on the Zune Marketplace and found the CAGcast. pretty cool. I'll listen tomorrow at work.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']the load times are 3 seconds on the 360 version, the game caches to the hard drive on 360 to speed up time. The ps3 still loads at 2 seconds, the install IS because the bluray drive is slow.[/quote]
Have you actually played the game? I doubt it since it's not out yet. However, the guys at IGN WHO HAVE ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME say that it's 1-2 seconds on the ps3 and 5-10 seconds on the 360. Most games on the 360 don't cache to the hard drive because of a little something called the core system, that doesn't include a hard drive. (PS, if you don't believe me, download podcast beyond at and start listening to it 24:00.)

And while the PS3 drive is slower, the fact of the matter is every PS3 has a hard drive, most of them are at least 40gb (which most people will never use in their lifetime) so why not use the hard drive? Hard drives can read faster than any optical media disc. And for the record, the PS3 blu-ray drive reads at 9mb/sec and the 360 is at 16/sec (Which I have heard isn't constant, but I have no source to back that up), Which isn't that huge of difference. Also, as Oblivion demonstrated, they can use tricks to speed up data transfer with the extra space on the Blu-ray to decrease loading times.

So do developers use the hard drive? Yep. Do they use it because they have to? Nope.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']
So do developers use the hard drive? Yep. Do they use it because they have to? Nope.[/quote]WRONG. As aforementioned they use it to compensate for blu-ray's slow drive. I wonder how long DCM4 load times would be without that install;) I kinda feel bad for the ps3 owners that play a lot of games. That harddrive must be full by now. I guess it's time to upgrade to a bigger one, 'cause god forbid you go through those 7 seconds of load times:rofl:
Originally Posted by Mielke
For those of you asking me if there are any noticeable differences or trade-offs between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of DMC4, you'll be glad to know (or not) that there aren't any. OK, if you were to turn on both versions and just let the demo trailer run automatically, you'll find that the PS3 version is sharper, thanks undoubtedly to using the Blu-ray format over the DVD format, even if both games run in 720p, but once you start the actual game they're identical.

I'll leave the in-depth visual analysis for some upcoming coverage we have planned for DMC4, but a couple other points: Xbox 360 controls feel really good, especially since every 360 controller has the force-feedback. If you've imported a Dual Schock 3 from Japan you're all set, but if you're one of the many without a DS3 you'll be missing out a little. The PS3 has not-that-noticeably shorter load times between screens, but that's like 2 seconds versus the Xbox 360's 3 second loads. Seriously, count out 3 seconds. The PS3, however, forces you to install the game on your harddrive, a not insignificant process. I don't know why you're made to do this

[quote name='Jirotrom,']1up stated the PS3 version has 2 second load times while the 360 has 3 second ones, there are still load times on the PS3 version.

From James Mielke's blog at 1up...[/quote]
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Have you actually played the game? I doubt it since it's not out yet. However, the guys at IGN WHO HAVE ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME say that it's 1-2 seconds on the ps3 and 5-10 seconds on the 360. Most games on the 360 don't cache to the hard drive because of a little something called the core system, that doesn't include a hard drive. (PS, if you don't believe me, download podcast beyond at and start listening to it 24:00.)

And while the PS3 drive is slower, the fact of the matter is every PS3 has a hard drive, most of them are at least 40gb (which most people will never use in their lifetime) so why not use the hard drive? Hard drives can read faster than any optical media disc. And for the record, the PS3 blu-ray drive reads at 9mb/sec and the 360 is at 16/sec (Which I have heard isn't constant, but I have no source to back that up), Which isn't that huge of difference. Also, as Oblivion demonstrated, they can use tricks to speed up data transfer with the extra space on the Blu-ray to decrease loading times.

So do developers use the hard drive? Yep. Do they use it because they have to? Nope.[/quote]
how about you read the proof I posted... I'm alot more likely to believe a Mielke than PODCAST BEYOND which work for the IGNPS team.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']how about you read the proof I posted... I'm alot more likely to believe a Mielke than PODCAST BEYOND which work for the IGNPS team.[/quote]
Because you know, the people at Podcast Beyond all don't own 360's nor do they bash the PS3 all the time and praise the 360 and other consoles... Just because they work for the PS3 team doesn't mean they are PS3 fanboys who are going to lie about that kind of stuff. In fact, they have been more negative about the PS3 throughout the year than positive. If they are the same they will straight up tell you. And 1up is more reputable than IGN? Since when?

and apokalipze2, I have pretty much every big game on the PS3 (Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet, Warhawk, Ninja Gaiden (which has a 5gb install option, Oblivion (which also installs 5gb)) and have downloaded calling all cars, Tekken, Everyday shoooter, and Super Stardust HD, and numerous demos and movies, and still have 35gb. Believe me when I say hard drive space is not a problem.
ChapyD , maybe I did not have all the info going into this fight. From what I heard installing the game eliminated all loading. Now I hearing different. Since I have never and by the way never will play the game. I am boing out of this one.

Except one thing. The PS3 hard drive is not filling up. There are not many games that use hard drive cache and most PS3 owners are on the 40gb or better camp. There are not many downloadable games (Warhawk only) at this point that take up a ton of space. Even using your argument of a full hard drive, a cheap-ass gamer like myself can get a larger hard drive at low cost.

Other note: I still do not understand the hatred for Burnout: Paradise. I have played most Burnouts except Revenge. There is traffic checking in this game, it is based on what canr you are driving, if you have a big car you can traffic check smaller cars. The free-roam system is different but not game breaking. You can still play Revenge if you just want menus and old Burnout.

Oh yeah CheapyD can't play Revenge. His great Xbox died on him and his new one is region locked.
Stated again, MS's crappy-ass 20GB will fill up much faster than ANY PS3 HDD, even the 20GB model. For one PS3 HDD's aren't filled with 7GB of inaccessible space and shit.

Installing games on the HDD is a great idea, if only it helps a bit.

A 2.5" HDD is also dirt cheap.
I wouldn't bitch or whine about load times and such until the the game arrives at retail. Many of the editors at 1UP and IGN are still using near-final builds on debug units, so their info. might be moot when this is all over.

Don't look at the initial install as a "hassle" unless you LIKE longer load times (regardless of the actual difference).

I completely feel your pain. I've been a stay at home dad for 4 years now (2 boys) and I too, take shits that would require city officials to contemplate new zoning laws to accomodate massive bio-degradable structures on pre-exisiting residential property.

The best way to handle the stress is to know that even during the most painful moments, be at peace that it will get easier.

/talkin about powering through a massive dump of biblical proportions, not taking care of the kid...

If you need a sympathetic ear or / and advice..

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Because you know, the people at Podcast Beyond all don't own 360's nor do they bash the PS3 all the time and praise the 360 and other consoles... Just because they work for the PS3 team doesn't mean they are PS3 fanboys who are going to lie about that kind of stuff. In fact, they have been more negative about the PS3 throughout the year than positive. If they are the same they will straight up tell you. And 1up is more reputable than IGN? Since when?

and apokalipze2, I have pretty much every big game on the PS3 (Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet, Warhawk, Ninja Gaiden (which has a 5gb install option, Oblivion (which also installs 5gb)) and have downloaded calling all cars, Tekken, Everyday shoooter, and Super Stardust HD, and numerous demos and movies, and still have 35gb. Believe me when I say hard drive space is not a problem.[/quote]

No... I was just trying to sound like the rabbid fanboy you are.... It's obvious that 2 sources have different thoughts on the 360 versions loading times.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']No... I was just trying to sound like the rabbid fanboy you are.... It's obvious that 2 sources have different thoughts on the 360 versions loading times.[/quote]
A. I am not a rabid fanboy. I own a 360 and a PS3. B. I was just going off what I had heard from the guys at IGN who I trust more than any other gaming site as I listen to their podcast every week and they said there is a huge difference. C. I stand by what I said that the installing is a huge luxury us PS3 owners have. D. There is no way in hell the 360 load times are 1 second slower. It's a 5gb install, which is half of a DVD. And seeing how the Hard Drive can be read at 40gb/sec and a DVD 16gb/sec, there is no way the 360 can load only one second slower even with caching, as the PS3 probably still uses caching as well (if Capcom is smart). So logically, I just can't see the 360 only being one second slower.
trust me I see the install being a huge plus! I am a pc gamer as well, and also doesn't a video play during the install that gives the history and story of the DMC games? Whether or not the 360 game has 3 second load times I don't know for sure, and I listen to a few of the IGN podcasts but I dislike Roper heavily ever since his God Hand review, and the guy that mader a fool of himself calling out penny arcade. BTW how is it that its in no way possible on the loadtimes... comparing the 2 systems in that way doesn't make much sense...I'm also sure Mielke is aproximating... the point he was trying to make are that the load times are in no way a drastic difference as he thought it would be.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']trust me I see the install being a huge plus! I am a pc gamer as well, and also doesn't a video play during the install that gives the history and story of the DMC games? Whether or not the 360 game has 3 second load times I don't know for sure, and I listen to a few of the IGN podcasts but I dislike Roper heavily ever since his God Hand review, and the guy that mader a fool of himself calling out penny arcade. BTW how is it that its in no way possible on the loadtimes... comparing the 2 systems in that way doesn't make much sense...I'm also sure Mielke is aproximating... the point he was trying to make are that the load times are in no way a drastic difference as he thought it would be.[/quote]
Just doesn't make sense when you consider you have to install half of all the data that is on one DVD. That was my only point.
And I have not heard what exactly goes on when you install.

And to not like Roper for one review seems kind of foolish in my mind, yes it was lower, but he did justify his reasonings very well and what Jeff Haynes did was stupid but he apologized for it and other than that he's a very solid editor.
its not only 1 review but that was the tip off, as was haynes outburst was the tip off for him. The other guys I don't mind, though I'm not a fan of the Nintendo guys other than Craig.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']its not only 1 review but that was the tip off, as was haynes outburst was the tip off for him. The other guys I don't mind, though I'm not a fan of the Nintendo guys other than Craig.[/quote]

I can't stand Matt Cassamassina, he is such a fan boy and he overrates games SOOOO Badly.
Matt and Bozon are awesome. The Wii-k in review is one of the best podcasts out there. He doesn't rate games any better or worse than anyone else. It's all a matter of opinion anyways.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I can't stand Matt Cassamassina, he is such a fan boy and he overrates games SOOOO Badly.[/quote]

nah... he doesn't overrate, that is certain. He overhypes, he's a tough reviewer.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Stated again, MS's crappy-ass 20GB will fill up much faster than ANY PS3 HDD, even the 20GB model. For one PS3 HDD's aren't filled with 7GB of inaccessible space and shit.

A 2.5" HDD is also dirt cheap.[/QUOTE]
Yes, the 20GB PS3 does have 7GB (I'm pretty sure, I know for a fact it's not 20GBs free) of inaccessible space and shit.

And 2.5" HDDs are cheap? Maybe you're thinking of 3.5" drives.
I don't know, Zelda and Metriod Prime 9.5? They are great games but I don't know if they are the 9.5 status.

Anyway, I just listened to the new Podcast beyond and they go into more detail about the DMC 4 situation. Basically what they said was, the install helps a huge amount when it comes to the cinematics, most the times cutting load times by 300%. However, when it comes to just loading gameplay, the 360 can take anywhere from 1 seconds to 10 second.
hey Cheapy and Wombat, I listened to this episode today at work (first CAGcast), and it was pretty damn entertaining. thanks for that, it made the morning go by quick (it's always those first couple hours that drag on for me, especially Mondays).
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I don't know, Zelda and Metriod Prime 9.5? They are great games but I don't know if they are the 9.5 status.

considering what was out at the time those were fair. Honestly though... I've seen this argument before and I've seen the list of all of matt's reviews compaired with the gamerankings average... Matt is almost consistently below the average to average... w/ every now and then being over.

BTW which metroid prime... I didn't like any of them except for 3 but I can see them for the quality that they are, same goes for Zelda. I'm not a big Zelda fan but then again I can see it for its quality of design and refinement when playing it. I will say he didn't rate Mario Galaxy high enough because that game puts ZeldaTP and MP3 and just about nearly all of Nintendos projects and really the industry as a whole to shame for the last 10 years. I haven't played a game so well designed and crafted in years, and I've played quite a bit.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']considering what was out at the time those were fair. Honestly though... I've seen this argument before and I've seen the list of all of matt's reviews compaired with the gamerankings average... Matt is almost consistently below the average to average... w/ every now and then being over.

BTW which metroid prime... I didn't like any of them except for 3 but I can see them for the quality that they are, same goes for Zelda. I'm not a big Zelda fan but then again I can see it for its quality of design and refinement when playing it. I will say he didn't rate Mario Galaxy high enough because that game puts ZeldaTP and MP3 and just about nearly all of Nintendos projects and really the industry as a whole to shame for the last 10 years. I haven't played a game so well designed and crafted in years, and I've played quite a bit.[/quote]
Just my personal opinion that to get a 9.5 or above you need to "revolutionize" in some shape or form, or innovate it some shape or form. Hence why I agreed with Ratchet only getting a 9.4, and why I think Halo at 9.5 and COD at 9.4 was a bit weak, they both should have been 9.4 IMO. And while Metroid and Zelda both were both great games, I don't believe they did either.
Anywayz . . .
My biggest disappointment of 2007 is the application of DRM in Xbox Live media (arcade games, DLC . . etc.) To me that is even more disappointing than the mediocre offerings of DLC on both Live and the Playstation Network.

I am desperate to try and upgrade my day 1 360 to an elite with the Falcon chipset, however, after listening to the Shipwrecks and reading hundreds of other owners complain about moving the DRM and sign-in problems, I am reluctant to do so.

I have terrible anxiety every-time I fire up "old droany," I am just waiting for those three red eyes to strike me down and ruin my week. I feel like I am playing Russian roulette with my 360, and with the failure rates on 360's you think MS would have better addressed this, especially by now.

My experience with HD DLC movie rentals has been good thus far, as my crappy-assed comcast box can't stop breaking up the "on demand" signal and renders my viewing experience unwatchable. Other than movies I think I only DLed the free Southpark in HD (since it was free) and that's about it. So DLC has been decent for me even though its content, application and relevance is still lacking.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Just my personal opinion that to get a 9.5 or above you need to "revolutionize" in some shape or form, or innovate it some shape or form. Hence why I agreed with Ratchet only getting a 9.4, and why I think Halo at 9.5 and COD at 9.4 was a bit weak, they both should have been 9.4 IMO. And while Metroid and Zelda both did this, I don't believe they did either.[/quote]

I see, well going by your scale I would agree that twuilight Princess and MP shouldn't be above a 9.5. Ocarina of time and the first MP as well as Wind Waker deserve it though. So does the first Halo and various other genre moving games.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']I see, well going by your scale I would agree that twuilight Princess and MP shouldn't be above a 9.5. Ocarina of time and the first MP as well as Wind Waker deserve it though. So does the first Halo and various other genre moving games.[/quote]
Ocarina of Time getting a 10 I completely agree with and I think deserved it, it's the highest ranking game ever on Game rankings and deservedly so. I haven't played Mario Galaxy yet but when I do I shall decide whether or not Ocarina time is Better, but my first inclination is that it is just becuase Ocarina was such a perfect game. I think Halo is the most overrated game of all time so I won't go there. Metroid Prime I could respect getting above a 9.5 because it did the whole FP adventure extremely well, although Half-life 2 did it too, Metroid took it to another level.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Ocarina of Time getting a 10 I completely agree with and I think deserved it, it's the highest ranking game ever on Game rankings and deservedly so. I haven't played Mario Galaxy yet but when I do I shall decide whether or not Ocarina time is Better, but my first inclination is that it is just becuase Ocarina was such a perfect game. I think Halo is the most overrated game of all time so I won't go there. Metroid Prime I could respect getting above a 9.5 because it did the whole FP adventure extremely well, although Half-life 2 did it too, Metroid took it to another level.[/quote]

Well i'm coming from a console perspective, pc FPS games blow away console ones so my Halo drop was a console thing, as personally I don't like Halo.
I find the Wik in Review to be an extremely boring podcast. The hosts are monotone and not very excited. Especially compared to the TRR Podcast and Podcast Beyond.

I'd like someone to ask Cheapy about his son and pot 10 years from now. I have a feeling his answer may be a little different.
[quote name='Jirotrom,']Well i'm coming from a console perspective, pc FPS games blow away console ones so my Halo drop was a console thing, as personally I don't like Halo.[/quote]

Exactly, PC FPS > Console FPS. Except Goldeneye. That game was awesome.
I'd like to clarify a bit about the PS3 Blu-ray drive being slower then the 360 DVD drive. That's not exactly true. The 360 DVD drive is slower when the data is on the inside of the disc compared to the PS3 and faster when the data is on the ouside of the disc. With a little bit of developmental know how the differences in speed between both should be minimal.

You can hear the devs of Burnout speak about this matter on their podcast:

Blu-ray speed discussion is 14 mins in if anyone is interested.
This post can work two-fold! This being my first post about the first CAQ podcast I have ever listened to. I have been a long time viewer of the site, but I never got around to posting on the boards because I was so involved with others. However, last night I listened to this episode and I could not resist hoping onto the forums. It is a great show! I am going to go back and listen to the archived ones as well. Anyways, thanks for putting on a great cast Cheapy and Wombat!
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I can't stand Matt Cassamassina, he is such a fan boy and he overrates games SOOOO Badly.[/QUOTE]

I agree, Matt Casamassina is a gushy fanboy who overrates every Wii game. Remember when he said Metroid Prime 3 "...plays better than any first-person console game ever"? I'm sure Cheapy does. Come to find out, he's married to the Vice President of Nintendo's PR firm (
Talk about a conflict of interest...

[quote name='MaxDense']I agree, Matt Casamassina is a gushy fanboy who overrates every Wii game. Remember when he said Metroid Prime 3 "...plays better than any first-person console game ever"? I'm sure Cheapy does. Come to find out, he's married to the Vice President of Nintendo's PR firm (
Talk about a conflict of interest...

[/quote]while I don't like him, you would have to be naive to think he overates every Wii game... there is this thing called the internet you know.
[quote name='MaxDense']I agree, Matt Casamassina is a gushy fanboy who overrates every Wii game. Remember when he said Metroid Prime 3 "...plays better than any first-person console game ever"? I'm sure Cheapy does. Come to find out, he's married to the Vice President of Nintendo's PR firm (
Talk about a conflict of interest...[/quote]

He doesn't overrate every Wii game. Only 5 games on the Wii have gotten a 9.0 or higher on IGN. And IMO they are all deserving of a 9.0 or higher. I haven't played Metroid Prime 3 yet but I do have a feeling that a 9.5 is a little too high. However at the time that Metroid came out he thought it had the best controls of any console FPS. So the fuck what??? He has since said that Medal of Honor Heroes 2 has better controls than Metroid had.

But it possible that a Wii game could actually control better than a game such as Halo or Call of Duty 4??? OMG of course not I mean it's a Wii game, that shit is for kids anyway M I RITE?!?!?!? If a developer finds a good tight aiming setup for a Wii game with the rest of the controls being very good as well, will it not be better than a great setup on a dual analog controller? Maybe you are just one of the people who think that a console FPS controls better than a PC FPS. A mouse or a Wii remote will work better for FPS's if the developers know what they are doing. There is just no other way around it.
[quote name='cgarb84']He doesn't overrate every Wii game. Only 5 games on the Wii have gotten a 9.0 or higher on IGN. And IMO they are all deserving of a 9.0 or higher. I haven't played Metroid Prime 3 yet but I do have a feeling that a 9.5 is a little too high. However at the time that Metroid came out he thought it had the best controls of any console FPS. So the fuck what??? He has since said that Medal of Honor Heroes 2 has better controls than Metroid had.

But it possible that a Wii game could actually control better than a game such as Halo or Call of Duty 4??? OMG of course not I mean it's a Wii game, that shit is for kids anyway M I RITE?!?!?!? If a developer finds a good tight aiming setup for a Wii game with the rest of the controls being very good as well, will it not be better than a great setup on a dual analog controller? Maybe you are just one of the people who think that a console FPS controls better than a PC FPS. A mouse or a Wii remote will work better for FPS's if the developers know what they are doing. There is just no other way around it.[/QUOTE]

I probably shouldn't have used the word "overrate". I don't care much about scores, it's the text of the review I value and I was speaking of.

You're missing my point anyway, I’m not debating the issue of best control scheme, that’s an argument that’s very subjective and will never be settled. Suffice it to say, if you like it, it’s the best one for you. I own all three systems and I want objective coverage of each and I don’t think you get that from Matt Casamassina. I find it interesting that a reviewer on a major videogame website has such a clear conflict of interest. If it doesn’t bother you, fine. It's just my opinion, don't take it so personally.

[quote name='MaxDense']I probably shouldn't have used the word "overrate". I don't care much about scores, it's the text of the review I value and I was speaking of.

You're missing my point anyway, I’m not debating the issue of best control scheme, that’s an argument that’s very subjective and will never be settled. Suffice it to say, if you like it, it’s the best one for you. I own all three systems and I want objective coverage of each and I don’t think you get that from Matt Casamassina. I find it interesting that a reviewer on a major videogame website has such a clear conflict of interest. If it doesn’t bother you, fine. It's just my opinion, don't take it so personally.


That and his comment about Twlight Princess being the "Best" launch game ever upset me as well.
[quote name='MaxDense']I probably shouldn't have used the word "overrate". I don't care much about scores, it's the text of the review I value and I was speaking of.

You're missing my point anyway, I’m not debating the issue of best control scheme, that’s an argument that’s very subjective and will never be settled. Suffice it to say, if you like it, it’s the best one for you. I own all three systems and I want objective coverage of each and I don’t think you get that from Matt Casamassina. I find it interesting that a reviewer on a major videogame website has such a clear conflict of interest. If it doesn’t bother you, fine. It's just my opinion, don't take it so personally.[/quote]
I didn't take it personally I just wanted to respond to the fact that you said he overrates every Wii game, which just isn't true. I don't really agree with the point about his written reviews, I think he will say when a game is complete shit or has some terrible flaws. I mean, you can tell he's a Nintendo fan, but every console specific editor acts the same way. I don't think it's fair to single him out over anyone else.

And the conflict of interest point is just stupid. So is he gives a highly regarded Nintendo game a 7 his wife is what.....going to divorce him? I just don't believe that has anything to do with it at all. He works with Nintendo all the time, has for the last decade. That's probably how he met his wife. If IGN ever suspected him of altering his reviews because of his marriage they would give him the boot Gerstmann style.

Also the way he talks on his podcast he tries to play as many games on other consoles as he can. He narrowed his GOTY award down to Bioshock and Mario Galaxy. He voted for Galaxy but said he wouldn't have been mad at all if Bioshock won the award. And you said you want objective coverage from people like Matt at IGN. Might I suggest IGN may not be the best place to get that seeing as how their editors all cover specific consoles. It's a little different situation than a Gamespot or a 1-UP who's editors cover all types of games across many different platforms.
:O Cheapy, Saints Row was, and still is a great game. GTA4 should be what everyone expects, the same missions blah blah blah, Saints Row 2 will be great. You should look up that jem, its coming too :D
bread's done