CAGcast #105: CheapyD Stinks!

Social networking? Yeah, I want that. Really, I do. Cause there are no other social networking sites, and I'd be so interested in having a blog where people can leave me messages on CAG. Seriously. I'm shitting myself in delight.
Cheapy, it's great that you feel comfortable enough within yourself to share your bathtub habits with the listeners, but it was a bit strange. Anywho, I am just glad the forums are back up. I didn't realize how much time I spent there until it was down.
Cheapy, I am assuming that you know your child is pissing in the tub before you enjoy your bath and you just don't mind. My daughters exact words when she was taking a bath with my son. I peed on him. I asked what do you mean and she said she always pees in the tub, so since he was in with her she was peeing on him. We now go on the potty before every bath, but I can tell when she laughs and gets this look on her face that she peed again.

Anyway as for video games. Great podcast as usual, I am glad the Navy ads are done, I hope it leads to something gaming related sponsoring the podcast.
Cheapy, wtf is with the no showering in a week? Even worse, same undies for a week? Geez, your balls must be positively grimey. We all know that feeling; after more than a day or two, your balls and the surrounding area get that sort of sticky, sweaty feeling; scrotal cheese, if you will.

Seriously, you can certainly shower while Thai naps. I did with my baby, and still do. He must be taking at least 2 naps a day, right?

Anyway, excellent cagcast as usual. I'm really quite addicted to these things. I get sad when I can tell you are about to close the show. Congrats on your and Wombat's respective B- and L-list Internet celebritism (not a word?).
Cheapy, I gotta agree with you. I just can't get into Smash Bros either. I just don't care for the game. I've been called "not a real gamer" from my friends because I just don't like the game. I never really cared for it. I bought the GC version and I had to force myself to play it. I dunno what it is, just not my thing.
Cheapy, you're my man. I love ya. You know that. But please stop trying so hard to explain to us that you're not biased. You are. And it's okay. Just so you know, "having a preference," as you were at pains to call it this week, is just another way of saying you have a bias. I think what you were attempting to prove is that your bias is justified by the number of quality titles for the 360. And you did that, more or less. But that simply helps explain WHY you are biased, rather than showing why you aren't. Whether it's because there are more games on that system that are well-reviewed or simply because there are more things about that system that you prefer makes little difference. It's still a bias. The sooner you and some of our more rabid fanboys accept it and move on, the happier we'll all be. The fact is, despite your bias, you still provide relatively fair and interesting coverage of all the consoles, and that's all we ask.

Anyway, good show, even after being forced to imagine Cheapy playing Hunt for Rectum October in the tub.
I have the big three machines, so I have a choice. If a game is released across all the platforms, I can read the reviews and make a judgement based uopn the available information and features unique to each console. Typically, I'll buy the 360 version of a game simply because of the achievements aspects and the on-line play options. Is that a bias, or is it a choice based on what the game does and doesn't offer?

Most recently, Burnout Paradise was released on 360 and PS3 -- the PS3 reportedly has the better graphics, but I bought the 360 version because of the achievements aspect. For me, the achievements outweighted the slightly sharper graphics.
People's irrational allegiance to a console or company causes them to make the most ridiculous rationalizations. The first year the 360 was out Sony fans spent time posting in forums and playing PS2 all the while telling themselves that the 360 offerings had nothing for them. The fact remains that there are fewer titles on the PS3 and more on the 360. Therefore it is more likely that someone would find more to play on the 360, not neccessarily better games(IMO they are) but simply more. Gaming is about playing games not wishing and hoping that something on the horizon will give us a warm and fuzzy about a purchase we already made.(and possibly regret) Cheapy let them talk, you've had fun playing games and made money doing it(not literally), what else matters?
[quote name='Tybee']Cheapy, you're my man. I love ya. You know that. But please stop trying so hard to explain to us that you're not biased.[/quote]

I agree with you up until here. The more he tries to explain his opinions rationally, the bigger shithole he's going to dig himself into.

I was happy to hear Cheapy (and Wombat) say some really positive things about the PS3 this week. They've given MS a hard time on several occasions and make (what I think) are legitimate criticisms about the Wii.

But no matter what he says, somebody's going to freak out over a comment and scream "TEH BIAS!"

Just get on with doing the regular stuff on the show. It's nicer to have a long show - but not if it's going to be 20 minutes of addressing fanboy stuff.
There’s no party system for Warhawk yet, but you can reserve slots in your servers for buddies on your friends list, so it’s not like there’s nothing there at all unless you want to play the laziness card. I will stop asking about Warhawk since you guys have too much to play these days to bother with it. As for COD4’s party system, I was trying it out with some CAGs the other day and ended up being put on the opposing side every match (I’m guessing because my level wasn’t as high as their level) but the first one. So much for playing with friends.

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on GT5 Prologue since I can see this going nowhere. The reason I’m looking forward to GT5 Prologue is that GT5 won’t be out until next year most likely and to get a GT game now long before that is great and at $40, it’s a steal for me. 16 player online races, GT.TV, and more GT fun is worth the money when it comes out soon-ish. I guess $40 is a lot, but haven’t you been so eager to spend $60 on so many games that you’ve disliked? I can’t recall if you’re much of a racing, or even GT, fan, so that could be the main problem for you.

I don't recall any discussion of PixelJunk Monsters, but your boy, RockSolidAudio, wrote a great review for the game if you still haven’t gotten the demo from the Japanese PS Store.

To go along with the discussion about how the core was a bad idea, it looks like Burnout’s another game that requires the hard drive.
[quote name='Chronis']Cheapy, you need to get that linkage and notes goin on.[/quote]Done.
As for COD4’s party system, I was trying it out with some CAGs the other day and ended up being put on the opposing side every match (I’m guessing because my level wasn’t as high as their level) but the first one. So much for playing with friends.[/FONT]
You need to be in the party before the match starts. Also, the match type needs to support the number of players in your party. For example, if the host has selected a variant that is 5 on 5, and there are are 6 people in your party, someone is going to wind up on the other team.
[quote name='CheapyD']Done.
You need to be in the party before the match starts. Also, the match type needs to support the number of players in your party. For example, if the host has selected a variant that is 5 on 5, and there are are 6 people in your party, someone is going to wind up on the other team.[/quote]
I think it was just four of us playing team deathmatch, though I'm not sure how to tell whether I was in the party or not.
Awesome show, fellas! I definitely agree with "the ender" about grimey-ball-itis. How can you do it, man?

Anyways, if you dudes get back on Warhawk, I'm down for it!
hey Wombat i was wounding whats going on with you car. Did u get an 08 finally or did they stick you with the 07, and are you paying yet?
They are awesom speakers, I picked them up for $229.99 at future shop during boxing day, they blast like crazy, make COD4 awesome
Hey guys, finally signed up to the forums after listening to the podcast for a while.

Cheapy, please stop beating the dead horse. There are fanboys today and there will be fanboys tomorrow. People are driven to find emotional attachment and because gaming is such a time consuming hobby, people are bound to grow attached.

You are very wise to avoid consumer loyalty as it can be a big deterant towards competition. At the end of the day any fanboy wishing the failure of the competiting systems is a fool with no grasp of economics and the dangers of monopolies. Sadly all too often fanboys show a zealousness rivaled only by religous extremist. You will not win anyone by stating your neutrality. Just give it up.

P.S: As a New Yorker, I have to say: GIANTS! 18-1 baby.
Cheapy-I know now why ur wife hasn't had sex with u in months. A week seriously. You must have some crazy swamp ass going.

All things a side great cagcast...keep up the comic snippets Wombat.
Cheapy, if you're only able to shower once a week, perhaps you should try using your toilet's nutsack washer every couple of days?

Just a thought.
Cheapy playing Hunt for Rectum October in the tub.

Your scatologic humour knows no bounds. What is next Puppetry of The Penis?
You need to use some baby wipes to clean your ass. The troops do it in Iraq and so can you. Remember "The Cross" Face,Balls&Ass, Armpit,Armpit.It will keep you halfway decent daily until the wife gets home. You could also bring the baby chair ino the bathroom while you shower. Strap'em in and clean you buttocks.

Burnout Paradise is so addictive and good. I am glad people on the PSN are not douchie enough to show "frombies" through the camera.

THe CAG Meet-up in NYC is a great idea. I hope it is in Manhattan. I do not want to travel to Long Island to stab a Wombat.
Hi Cheapy & Wombat, love the show and as travelling salesman I get lots of opportunities to listen to you two.

The baby situation might seem overwhelming now but you get used to it. I belive it is about sacrificing the thought that you somehow will be able to get life-as-was back.
The sooner that dies, the better.

I now have 3 kids, range 4, 2½ and 1 and it took the third kid for me to realize that I am first and foremost a father, then husband, then working man etc...

I shower daily, eat daily, play games daily and work daily. Being a swedish man (most progressive country in the world when it comes to equal rights btwn sexes) I cook at least 3 times a week, clean the house etc. I pull all of this of because I meet her needs in the home and in return, she meets me on my areas...

Thing is, you should have a serious discussion with your wife.
The sexual relationship is very often crucial for the male, the woman gets a lot of closeness and emotional needs met by baby, something that most men won't settle for. Talk thru if she feels that you support her enough with the household, let her speak and agree to help out more and stick to it.
In response, tell her how you miss her sexually and that you really need her. 9 women out of 10 don't realize that men feel this way as she and 9 women out of 10 gets her emotional needs (drive for sex with women) from the baby + the mess with pregnancy and deliverance etc.

9 out of 10 women do want their man to be satisfied and there are, as your copious studies of the interwebz seem to indicate, many ways to satisfy a man. Let her in on where you are at man, this is the start of the break-up for many marriages and it is usually the prideful man's fault that he never opens up to her.

Just my two $
Cheapy, I see exactly what you mean by stating that one can have a preference of one console over the others and not be biased. You pretty much explained my own situation.

I own all 3 current consoles. I have a preference for the 360 for achievements, typically better technical performance, and the controller. However, I will usually test any multi-platform game I buy on each system before I buy it. For example: Devil May Cry 4. I can't stand playing this game on the 360. It just doesn't feel right. DMC has always been a Playstation game and therefore feels perfect on the PS3. So, whenever I've got some spare cash, I'll pick it up on the PS3.

Biased people, on the other hand, would buy a game on one console regardless of any deciding factor. So there you go. We're not biased, we just have a preference of a particular console.
That problem with Fable is not just limited to the download, but also the disc. The game will take an extremely long time to load and often appears to lock up for a period of five seconds or more and will occasionally make real loud chirps or in-game noises.
Cheapy, your bathtub story reminded me of the bathtub story from Eddie Murphy Delirious....."you can smell it". If you haven't seen Delirious, you're missing out on the best stand up of all time.
Cheapy D and Wombat: Please don't fight on the air. It makes me sad and causes me to cry in public for no apparent reason while I'm listening.

In all seriousness though, Wombat might've inadvertedly prevented another shit storm, except instead of consoles it would have been over DVD formats.
You guys were talking about COD 4 for the PS3. Now I don't know how it is on the 360 side of things, but COD4 gets down right aggrivating at times on PS3. It's hard as hell to get in a game with a party without the lobby closing, your party suddenly dissapearing, or the game getting stuck on the staging screen. There is constant connection failed happenings. It gets to the point where you are taking more time trying to get into a game than actually playing. This is really annoying and I wish they would patch this shit up ASAP.

I just had to stop playing tonight because it go to be too much bullshit. I don't think I played more than one game in a row that didn't have some sort of problem.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']You can watch Youtube videos on the PS3's browser.[/quote]
Sometimes he says somthing wrong about the PS3. I do not mind that he loves Xbox360. Just do not make false statements, i used my PS3 many times to watch YouTube.

[quote name='Jackal888']Every week he says somthing wrong about the PS3. I do not mind that he loves Xbox360. Just do not make false statements, i used my PS3 many times to watch YouTube.[/quote]Every week a PS3 fan hears something I didn't say.
If you listen to it again (58 minute mark), you'll discover I said I wanted to watch GameTrailers on my PS3. Wombat said he wanted to watch YouTube on his PSP.
[quote name='CheapyD']Every week a PS3 fan hears something I didn't say.
If you listen to it again (58 minute mark), you'll discover I said I wanted to watch GameTrailers on my PS3. Wombat said he wanted to watch YouTube on his PSP.[/quote]
Hey I was wrong but it seems some CAGs did not catch that Wombat was speaking of PSP and not PS3. Yeah it does suck that Gametrailers is not watchable in the PS3 Browser. THey have great new HD cameras that make the show look awesome. I watch it on my monitor but on my LCD in the living room would be better.
So I had some really great comments and suggestions, but I already deleted the show and forgot what they were (I'm not redownloading and listening to it again either). Stupid broken forums :( This is TFL incase I (or my g/f) remember...
[quote name='redgopher']Cheapy, I see exactly what you mean by stating that one can have a preference of one console over the others and not be biased. You pretty much explained my own situation.

I own all 3 current consoles. I have a preference for the 360 for achievements, typically better technical performance, and the controller. However, I will usually test any multi-platform game I buy on each system before I buy it. For example: Devil May Cry 4. I can't stand playing this game on the 360. It just doesn't feel right. DMC has always been a Playstation game and therefore feels perfect on the PS3. So, whenever I've got some spare cash, I'll pick it up on the PS3.

Biased people, on the other hand, would buy a game on one console regardless of any deciding factor. So there you go. We're not biased, we just have a preference of a particular console.[/QUOTE]

Back in the day I had a SNES, Genesis, and NES.. and I would only buy Madden for Genesis, cause I liked the way it played on Genesis, and other games I'd buy on SNES. It was a game by game decision. Nowadays, I'm a little more biased, with my 360 and PS3. I prefer my games on PS3 especially if they have an online component.. only because I don't want to have to pay extra to get the online feature out of my games. But to each his own.

The fact that you're willing to pick up games for either system shows that you're not biased... game by game basis... just like I used to be. Nothing wrong with that definitely have to appalaud you for that. But you go back and listen to last year's podcasts you'll see that Cheapy is going to buy his games on the 360 regardless of anything, and use the PS3 for its exclusives, which is the complete converse of me only using the 360 for its exclusives When I get a Wii... I'll be getting it just for its exclusives.

Here's some example of Cheapy biasness...

Darkeness, PS3 and 360.. Cheapy gets the 360 version despite his 360 being broken, and both versions being pretty much the same. Its not like anyone was going to actually spend 10 hours playing the game online, so while the 360 was having to be towel tricked every 5 hours this was a MP game that could have been enjoyed on the PS3.

Call of Duty 4 - another game that could have been enjoyed on the PS3. The 360 version online isn't even better. There's plenty of people and CAGs playing the game like crazy (I'm on lvl 41 myself) Another missed opportunity to enjoy the PS3. THis is a game where you can access your friends list and invite friends. [getting friends into your party isn't a perfect system but I don't know if that's a PS3 problem only]

Burnout Paradise (PS3) - this game is supposedly slightly better than the 360 version, [they look exactly the same to me] yet another missed opportunity to enjoy a game via PS3. Which has a great online system which was inplace from day one. in game friend's list no true difference than the 360 version.

When you're doing the show, and you have to talk about all 3 consoles, I just think its beneficial to spread some of the games out, especially in cases where both games are both of even quality.
[quote name='Thomas96']But you go back and listen to last year's podcasts you'll see that Cheapy is going to buy his games on the 360 regardless of anything[/quote]

Actually, I think he has given a reason why, Achievements. Personally, I see these as a pretty cool feature.

All of the games you mention as being equal or the PS3 slightly better in terms of graphics. I'm under the impression that that slightly is usually not noticable in the course of gameplay. Achievements give me a nice history of things that I've done in games, and they usually encourage me to play a bit more of a game than I would if they didn't exist. Playing more of a game typically makes the game a better deal than better graphics.
[quote name='limamole']That problem with Fable is not just limited to the download, but also the disc. The game will take an extremely long time to load and often appears to lock up for a period of five seconds or more and will occasionally make real loud chirps or in-game noises.[/QUOTE]
Yes, I was always under the impression that the Xbox Originals were essentially the software emulator used for regular BC, only with a sort of ISO loader to run the games from the HD. Thus the disc and downloads would have mostly the same problems, since they're using the same emulator. But I've always thought that since I figured that it would make much more sense in terms of finances and time to just reprogram the emulator to play the games off the HD instead of individually reprogramming each game.
[quote name='CheapyD']Every week a PS3 fan hears something I didn't say.
If you listen to it again (58 minute mark), you'll discover I said I wanted to watch GameTrailers on my PS3. Wombat said he wanted to watch YouTube on his PSP.[/QUOTE]
I'm not one of these whiny fanboys here claiming that you're biased, but it was clearly implied that the PS3 browser is unable to handle all things Flash. I was just passin' on some info.

Everyone in this thread here needs to lighten the fuck up.
[quote name='Thomas96']

Here's some example of Cheapy biasness...

Call of Duty 4 - another game that could have been enjoyed on the PS3. The 360 version online isn't even better. There's plenty of people and CAGs playing the game like crazy (I'm on lvl 41 myself) Another missed opportunity to enjoy the PS3. THis is a game where you can access your friends list and invite friends. [getting friends into your party isn't a perfect system but I don't know if that's a PS3 problem only]


COD4 for PS3 has some major server issues that aren't going away. Very annoying problems that I mentioned earlier that I haven't heard a lot of people talk about, but they need to get fixed. You can't access your friends list from the XMB like you could in Resistance. For example, today the party invite was simply not working for me, so my friend had to set it up (and it wasn't working for him perfectly either). I had a buddy of mine that I could not invite to the game, and if my friend was going to, he would have to exit out of the game, add him to his buddy list, hop back in the game, then start the party up. I don't know why the hell they don't have XMB available in the game. I mean Resistance does and that was a launch game. The weird thing is these problems only come up during games in which we have a party going , not when I'm just playing by myself.

And no, this is not a knock on the PS3 etc etc, I just want this problem fixed.
[quote name='Blackout542']COD4 for PS3 has some major server issues that aren't going away. Very annoying problems that I mentioned earlier that I haven't heard a lot of people talk about, but they need to get fixed. You can't access your friends list from the XMB like you could in Resistance. For example, today the party invite was simply not working for me, so my friend had to set it up (and it wasn't working for him perfectly either). I had a buddy of mine that I could not invite to the game, and if my friend was going to, he would have to exit out of the game, add him to his buddy list, hop back in the game, then start the party up. I don't know why the hell they don't have XMB available in the game. I mean Resistance does and that was a launch game. The weird thing is these problems only come up during games in which we have a party going , not when I'm just playing by myself.

And no, this is not a knock on the PS3 etc etc, I just want this problem fixed.[/QUOTE]

COD4 can definitely use a fix in the invites department.. Its taken me a couple of times to try and join up with other CAGS for online team ups. But basically you want to be able to invite friends that aren't already playing the game. Well the in-game XMB is coming out sometime this year.. so hopefully it'll solve a lot of PS3 online issues. But I wonder how many people are going to stop being on live once In game XMB is implemented. At that time, Sony's online service will then be pretty much equal to XBL.
bread's done