I see that Team 360 was present for the Cagcast today, in full stride. lol
Overall the show was good, I enjoyed as usual. Even when I complain, I still enjoy the show.
I agree with you guys, in regards to HAZE, I think the game is good, but the problem is that the game would have been great last year. This is the problem the game is too late to the table, and now the standards for a FPS have changed (or strengthned). Game is missing cover, and now I feel that a FPS (not all) needs to have aiming directly through the weapon, Not via a reticle. (a la call of duty).
one question that I'd like to ask in regards to the Sony Promises, If sony makes good on those promises with the online services, where does MS go with Live? Accomplishments, Trophies, in game XMB. Does live lose any customers perhaps? Also, what do they do to continue to justify their services, assuming that with these specified improvments that PSN online services would then be considered to be comprable to Xbox live.
[quote name='cool8man']Greenberg made a point that Killzone 2 is coming out 4 years after it was shown at E3 2005. This is true. Wombat bringing up Resistance ignores the fact that none of the hype at E3 2005 was over the Resistance (formerly I-8) footage shown. The hype for PS3 at E3 2005 largely centered around a prerendered video of Killzone which Sony executives repeatedly insisted was realtime footage. At that same E3 Microsoft was first demoing Gears of War. Though neither company develops these games internally both companies are the publishers of the games and are responsible for the development cycle and marketing of the game. It is well known that Microsoft has people working at Epic (ie. Kudo Tsunoda) who's job it is to make sure Gears of War 2 is released on schedule and on budget.
Greenberg takes issue with Sony marketing again when he comments on their GDC 2007 demo of HOME which promised a leap ahead online of what MS was offering. They even had TV commercials featuring HOME last holiday yet there is still no known release date for the service.
Greenberg also makes reference to other false promises that Sony executives/marketing made regarding the PS3 games being 1080p and 120fps, regarding the CELL chip being integrated into and networking with other home electronics. All of these are valid complaints regardless of what company the guy works for.
Wombat saying Sony doesn't need a video store because they have Blu-ray misses the point yet again. Sony has been marketing at trade shows and in press interviews that the Playstation video/movie store has been coming since 2001 with the PS2.
The overall criticism by Greenberg seems to be of Sony marketing and promising features that are either years away or never going to materialize. I think it's a valid criticism and to try to claim that Sony doesn't need to deliver on the things they demonstrate in a timely fashion is devil's advocate B.S. Wombat doesn't pull any punches when taking Microsoft to task over their defective hardware and draconian DRM issues, so it's disappointing that he appears to be giving Sony passes for all of their misgivings. Obviously Wombat is not a Sony fanboy so why is he acting like one? Is it to not offend PS3 fanboys who listen to the show or just to make the discussion more lively? Either way it comes off as disingenuous, ignorant, or simply biased depending upon your level of familiarity with the show.
The discussion about sales is a bit premature in my opinion, but thus far standalone Blu-ray player sales have
decreased by over 40% since the format wars ended and PS3 is only selling about 190K a month. To say that consumer adoption of Blu-ray hardware right now is slow is an understatement. I don't think either side can make strong argument yet, we have to give the market a little more time and see if other factors such as price and the economy are impacting sales. Blu-ray sales certainly did not instantly explode overnight and there isn't any proof yet that the format war was keeping a significant portion of consumers from adopting.[/QUOTE]
Wombat is definitely not a Sony Fanboy, just because he was on the defense of Sony doesn't mean that he's a fanboy, it means that if he doesn't agree with Team 360, then he doesn't agree. MS has made some promises they haven't kept either. Wombat was right on the money, (and you should agree with thise as well) when he said that Gears of War and Resistance should be compared, moreso than Gears and Killzone 2.
Toshiba did use the Cell chip in a HDTV that auotmatically upgrades ANY reception into HD 1080p.
This guy is talking out his ass, and Wombat knows it, and you should realize it too.
Don't get me wrong though... Sony does have improvements that need to be made.
More PSN content, ingame xmb, and