CAGcast #141: The Great Dinodick Experiment

Can you please set Wombat straight about this whole ghost business. I could tell from your awkward silence that you thought he was insane. Sometimes you have to risk offending a friend when they are making a fool out of themselves. There is no compelling evidence for the existence of ghost's and Wombats story doesnt seem very convencing. He sounded very naive. jesus christ whats next alien abductions and bigfoot sightings. Has he ever heard of Occam's Razor.
Cheapy, quit it with the burping. Stay away from that cucumber sprite before the show. Also please don't use derogatory names ie. "feather" and "dot".

Otherwise, good show.
[quote name='Wombat']we have both mentioned many many times that I (not we, cheapy is weak) have never purchased gamer pics, nor do I ever plan to.[/QUOTE]

Oh, well I'm sorry about that Wombat. I just listen to many of these gaming journalist who say the same thing about the costumes in LBP being advertising (which they are pretty much right) but these same people have $50-$100 worth of gamer pics on XBL, I just hate hypocrites more then anything. So I took out my anger on you guys and I'm sorry.
I'm glad I'm not the only guy who enjoys Scene It. I'd be happy to challenge you guys at the game. Not that I'm that well versed in movies, but I tend to house a lot of useless pop culture information in my head, so I think I could hold my own.

Also, I think those DS commercials are prime material for an SNL parody. Just have 2 male celebrities, and show how we turn into maniacs when we start to lose, i.e. This guy
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I just wanted to say "kudos" to CheapyD for his stance on clothes branding.
$60 for a shirt because it has a fucking alligator on it?
4 for $10 basic colored tees for me!
[quote name='CheapyD']I bought the Transformers Decepticons Generation 1 Picture Pack (and theme)...I couldn't resist. I can only resist so much![/quote]
Don't forget that everything you give your opinion on will always come back to your subliminal love for xbox and your hatred for sony...which is why you own and play each system. Makes sense right?
Hey Cheapy
To get past the grim fandango level you don't jump on the skulls. You need to jump from the springs. To jump from the springs you need to time your jumps. You jump while the spring is at the highest point. So basically you jump in the air. The spring goes down. The spring goes up and you jump before it goes down again. You keep doing this and you go higher and higher. Once you are high enough move to the right on your last jump and you'll be shot into that direction.

The skulls are just there to give you a chance to get back on the spring in case you fall.
Cheapy, I wonder what your wife's opinion is on you sharing information about your sex life on a podcast that is listened to around the world? :)
My partner would kill me (and then some) if I talked about even half the stuff you do.
Little Big Planet sounded like it was going to be one of the greatest games ever...then we got mushy controls, no ability to import music or graphics (other than blurry PlayStation Eye photos) and now Sony's "moderating" out all of the good user levels. I still like it, but it could have been so much more. It's a shame.


I think you guys need to take a page from the Joystiq book and call the NXE "nixy." It's a lot less clunky to say than "New XBox Experience" and doesn't make me feel half as stupid.

Cheapy, I have a 52" Sony Bravia LCD (1080p and all that). I highly recommend the Sony Bravia line. :)

And wow. What a horrible ad with Burt Reynolds. I'll take the "nice" route and just assume he was trying to add dramatic effect, but that was pretty ridiculous.

Do you guys think that there is any chance of the PSP turning itself aroung next year? Sony has completely abandoned it and I'm really sad to admit what Cheapy said about Sony stoping their production of games. Perhaps there is a franchise that Sony could continue with on the PSP in order to relaunch its popularity. What do you guys think that could be?

Looks like Live is back to normal after a surprisingly short 2 days. However, you guys were right about 360s bricking. 4 of my friends have contacted me in the same weekend about their 360s bricking. I'm going to assume that this is related to the update as I have not heard of any systems dying in a pretty long while.
Hey guys,

I just wanted to know if there was a certain date that we had to sign up for the free Netflix trial by. I want you guys to get pizzaid but I also want to start my trial at a time where I can take full advantage of it. Thanks.

Edit: Sorry, didn't realize it was a double post.
Good show as always. Wombat was right on one thing. That commercial with Burt was ridiculous. It wasn't done to try and hide the cuts, rather they left it in on purpose.

Cheapy, while it is sad that there is nothing coming out for the PSP, maybe Sony has an ace up their sleeve. They might have some titles coming that we have not heard of. Maybe some new first-party titles?

Wombat, gum isn't illegal in Japan. And the dude you made reference to, his name was Michael Faye and he vandalized cars in Singapore with spray paint. Because of that, he was caned.
Great show guys, keep up the good work. I find it funny that you scold Wombat for something falling when you burp straight into the microphone. But I don't mind either.

You mentioned the ability to buy marketplace content online didn't save much time, but I disagree. One great thing is the ability to redeem codes for points and content using the PC keyboard.

Also if you leave your 360 on, or have someone turn it on for you, you could buy new content from work and have it ready for you by the time you get home.

This new feature seems to target a niche audience, but I'm happy for the addition.
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wombat can you go into more detail about how you haggle for better prices on big ticket items as well as some of the stores you can get away with doing this at. Iv'e heard this mentoed before somewhere else but only for cars. I didn't realize you could do it for tvs and such. What do you usually say and how do you go about initiating that conversation ?
I really need to get my butt into gear in order to get some CAGCast shovelwares out.

I've only made one so far yet I intended on making one per episode released. But I've been busy so I'll make it up to the CAG cast by releasing two at the same time.

I really like contributing something back to the CAG cast for all the hours of free entertainment and joy you've given me over the years.
I was looking forward to this week's CAGcast to no avail :cry:.
I'm stuck downloading and listening to backlogged shows going backwards all the way to April already.

Anyway, I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!!
bread's done