[quote name='shipwreck']What didn't we cover that was on the other systems? Cheapy talked about Killzone 3 (I'm sure I will too once I buy it since I was a big fan of Killzone 2), we talked briefly about PixelJunk Shooter (none of us enjoyed the first game that much), we mentioned that a new Bit.Trip game had come out for WiiWare (I'll also play this at some point), we talked about Dragon Quest VI on the DS, we talked about Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition on PSN, we talked about Pokemon on the DS, we talked about Battleheart on iOS, and we talked about multi-platform games like Bulletstorm, Brink, and Knight's Contract. Hell, I even mentioned a PC game was coming out because a CAG worked on it (RIFT). The only thing we didn't mention (but was on our outline) that I think is fairly cool, is Vagrant Story is now available on PSN.
This may be why you think we are ignoring criticisms. Read that paragraph and tell me again that we don't have "awareness of other platforms". Then re-read it in a mocking tone if you think I hate everything that's not related to Xbox 360.[/QUOTE]
Where did I say you hate everything that's not 360? I mean, c'mon. That's what I'm talking about, where you guys dismiss criticisms with sarcastic comments and jokes. When each show you have like half the thread talking about how you guys don't play other systems and wanting more discussion/gaming time of other platforms, then maybe you should reconsider the way you guys do the show. Or maybe everyone is crazy. Yeah, that's it. Everyone is crazy. And Sony fanboys.
Most of the time you never talk about playing Wii, PSP, or DS games. Why did you guys dedicate an entire show to why the PS3 needed "saving"? There was never a reason given. On that show you guys were completely ignorant on a number of things and had no idea what you were talking about. There was zero accuracy and awareness on that episode. When people requested you do the same thing for 360 on the next episode, you dedicated an entire two minutes tops. If that. Um, what? You didn't even do a breakdown for the Wii. Then on the next episode, you guys pretty much skipped over all of the 20 pages of negative feedback from the PS3 episode and responded to none of them. I can't even remember the last time you guys all played a multiplatform game on the PS3. When is the last time Cheapy turned on his Wii, PSP, or DS? Actually finished a PS3 game?
I cut Wombat some slack because he has a full time job, a kid, and a long commute everyday. Shipwreck, you play an ungodly amount of video games so I don't know what your excuse is. As for Cheapy, I'm assuming the guy sits around in his underwear most of the day, so he has no excuse either.
After listening to the episode, the same things pop up. You all almost completely dismiss the NPG, when it's not even out yet, and all the final details aren't even out, like it's real name or price.
Ship, you complained about a JRPG.....being a JRPG. Um, again, what?
The guy talking about how the NGP will fail is a completely moron. Yeah, the iPhone has 99 cent games, and thousands of apps and games. How many of those are apps and games are complete shit? 80%? 90%? I wish people would get off Apple's sack already.
Good show though.