CAGcast #231: Winning

[quote name='shipwreck']You enjoy all platforms equally, but according to your profiles you are Level 13 on PSN yet only have 8K GamerScore on Xbox Live. Better get those evened out or you may get that "gamer" title revoked![/QUOTE]

Owned, you go Ship!

I vastly prefer PS3 but that doesn't take any enjoyment away from my CAGcast listen. Some people perfer certain console's over eachother. Who cares? All in all they generally talk about all the PS3 exclusives.
[quote name='usickenme']lame shipwreck...just lame. You get the perks of the job, you gotta man up and take the heat. I couldn't care less what platforms you all like but I just wish you would strive to a little more accurate and aware of the platforms you don't.[/QUOTE]

The CAGCast is like Kotaku now. Pretty much any criticism thrown at them is ignored and mocked. You're also not going to find accuracy and awareness of other platforms. That's completely out of the window.

I don't care what system you guys favor, but the 360 wank fest has gotten boring. It would be cool if you had someone on the show who actually played and was interested in the other systems.
Yo Cheapy,
I just saw the iPad 2 keynote and it's what I've been holding out for. The NGP and N3DS don't stand a chance. They aren't exactly competitors but one can argue that they are. Watching the 3DS and NGP videos I never said "oh shit I gotta have it", but I did say it during the apple keynote. I will buy one expensive new tech in the relative future and the iPad 2 with magnetic cover will be it.
It's nice to hear the Hype Wagon, this year is Winning. I'm too excited for the Dragons of Skyrim to wait for a GOTY edition.

I'm surprised at how Shipwreck feels about Dragon Age 1, and the demo for 2, when he loves Two Worlds II so much. Or am I mistaken and the games are nothing alike. Never heard of Two Worlds II until Shipwreck talked about it. The way he describes it makes it sound fun, but then other reviewers have the opposite to say.

About Bulletstorm, first Leash vs Grappling Hook from Just Cause 2. The media keeps saying it's a "new and original" idea, but I don't see it that way. Second, I think the price will fall to $40 rather quickly. Being multi-platform, short story, and not much multiplayer options after it's over, I can see this game being sold back into the used game market quickly.
Another week, another good game that Shipwreck hates (PixelJunk Shooter). You should skip Pokemon Black/White because it has too much content and you'll probably never beat it, so you shouldn't even try.

The Pokemon embargo sounds like the embargo for Super Smash Brothers Brawl, which prevented reviewers from mentioning certain characters.

I don't get the love for Skyrim, though I didn't like Oblivion either but enjoyed Fallout a lot more.

I'd love to see CheapyD make another change to what he's been against and get Move for Killzone 3 to go with his love for 3D and support for microtransactions in NHL 11.

I don't see anything interesting about the iPad 2, especially after the huge disappointment that is my iPod Touch. I'd rather get an NGP and 3DS for quality gaming machines for a cheaper price.

Why bother acting like you still have interest in handhelds, Cheapy? You stopped playing your DS and PSP years ago, so just assume that we know you're not getting an NGP or 3DS since you're not getting either.

Decent show.
please never mention charlie sheen again.
Its every all your base and chuck norris jokes wrapped up together into a week worth of crap we've all heard before.
let this guy self-destruct on his own. I'll google the rest if I care.
[quote name='Kazaganthi']I'm surprised at how Shipwreck feels about Dragon Age 1, and the demo for 2, when he loves Two Worlds II so much. Or am I mistaken and the games are nothing alike. Never heard of Two Worlds II until Shipwreck talked about it. The way he describes it makes it sound fun, but then other reviewers have the opposite to say.[/QUOTE]

Although both Two Worlds II and Dragon Age are both fantasy RPGs, they are really very little alike. Two Worlds II is a open-world exploration type of game with realtime combat and no party members. Dragon Age is a story-driven game where the exploration is reigned in, the combat is a mix of number-crunching realtime and turn-based, and the interactions and development of party members is a major part of the game.

I'll agree that Dragon Age is the more polished and higher quality game/series (especially in storytelling), but I just find the game mechanics more to my liking in Two Worlds II.
[quote name='Blackout']The CAGCast is like Kotaku now. Pretty much any criticism thrown at them is ignored and mocked. You're also not going to find accuracy and awareness of other platforms. That's completely out of the window.

I don't care what system you guys favor, but the 360 wank fest has gotten boring. It would be cool if you had someone on the show who actually played and was interested in the other systems.[/QUOTE]

What didn't we cover that was on the other systems? Cheapy talked about Killzone 3 (I'm sure I will too once I buy it since I was a big fan of Killzone 2), we talked briefly about PixelJunk Shooter (none of us enjoyed the first game that much), we mentioned that a new Bit.Trip game had come out for WiiWare (I'll also play this at some point), we talked about Dragon Quest VI on the DS, we talked about Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition on PSN, we talked about Pokemon on the DS, we talked about Battleheart on iOS, and we talked about multi-platform games like Bulletstorm, Brink, and Knight's Contract. Hell, I even mentioned a PC game was coming out because a CAG worked on it (RIFT). The only thing we didn't mention (but was on our outline) that I think is fairly cool, is Vagrant Story is now available on PSN.

This may be why you think we are ignoring criticisms. Read that paragraph and tell me again that we don't have "awareness of other platforms". Then re-read it in a mocking tone if you think I hate everything that's not related to Xbox 360.
As long as its' not a 360 exclusive, they're talking about a multiplatform game. They may not have bought it on PS3, but it doesn't mean the PS3 version doesn't exist.
Holy Defensive Shipwreck Batman!!! Ship, I enjoy your reviews and find them informative. However, (IMHO) I think your reviews are too vague and lack a sense of objectivity. I would like to see you be more concrete with your rating. For example, maybe you could develop some sort rating point system (1 to 10) or possibly implement your personal hierarchy of games for each category of you which you could compare your most recent reviews to.

Take your comparison post of Two Worlds 2 and Dragon Age. Your conclusion is that DA is more polished but you like the mechanics more in TW2. That statement does nothing to differentiate your opinion of the games. If you applied a rating to them, then we would know where you stand. Don't get me wrong, I think its important to point out the differences but I also think there's more value in comparing the similarities.

Moral of the story - We are all looking forward to SKYRIM.
Thanks for the Battleheart talk. I picked it up and really enjoy it. Another I-game that keeps me away from the other handheld systems. Sony and Nintendo better rethink their pricing.
Did Shipwreck ever say how to enter the contest? If not I want to put my hat in the ring. I would think it would be under the contests tab in the near future.
Good show!

Even though Cheapy's audio was on the low quality side, he came to this CAGcast with
such overwhelming energy. He really sounded pumped up for this week.

The latest few podcasts he either sounded bored and/or just plain tired.

He probably finally goes to the toilet before the show. xD
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'd love to see CheapyD make another change to what he's been against and get Move for Killzone 3 to go with his love for 3D and support for microtransactions in NHL 11.[/QUOTE]

I would advise against this. I thought maybe I wasn't giving the Move (or my PS3) a fair shake so I shelled out $150 ($50 for PSN Plus, $70 for Move Bundle and $30 for a navigation controller) to try to improve my Killzone 3 experience. I elected not to get the gun because of my experience with the Wii of preferring a normal Wii+Nunchuck over the Wii Zapper for Call of Duty.

The value of PSN Plus remains to be seen because I had to download two firmware updates before I could even enter the code. But I'm hopeful it will be a smooth experience the next time I boot it up for a PS3 game.

The Move was a total bust. I struggled through two full chapters and part of a third before I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to go back to the dualshock. Even though I hadn't touched my Dualshock since God of War 3 last year, I saw a significant improvement in my performance and a significant decline in frustration after making the switch.

Charging everything was also a pain in the ass. I still need to try out the Move for game designed specifically for the Move, but I will not be playing anymore shooters with it.
Cheapy - gotta echo your lack of entusiasm for the 3DS. Have had some hands-on time at GDC and am totally underwhelmed. It's not particularly compelling, hardware design is exactly like the previous DS models (stylus + d-pad + analog stick above the d-pad + buttons = awkward to handle), and the 3D effect isn't very impressive. Am totally bummed.

Spent a fair amount of time with Steel Diver - what a junk-pile. It's neat that the game-view moves when you turn, but you'll never play this in car, on a train or bus, or even seated - not without getting pwn'd. 3D effect was minimal, gameplay reduced to zooming in on targets, shooting a left or right torpedo, and plugging leaks to your ship with the stylus, all while spinning around to find targets. Oy.

I'll look at it a little more, but I think I'll be paying more attention to the NGP from now on (which is here, but behind glass).

And guys, totally right on about Skyrim! Holy crap. Surprised Cheapy and Ship don't care for Dragon Age much, at least Wombat has got some taste. ;-)
Cheapy, were you recording from your bathroom? The audio quality on your end was AWFUL for this CAGcast.

Also, I have not yet finished listening to the entire show, but what "happened" a couple weeks ago that sapped your energy recently? My prediction is that you got a vasectomy.
I'm surprised at how many people found the Dragon Age 2 demo to be difficult. I went into it expecting to get rocked by the second ogre, but ended up going through the entire demo without anyone dying (aside from the people who died in cutscenes). Maybe people aren't familiar with the concept of tank, healer, and dps.
Wait, wait, wait. When did they give out the double lightsabers for free? I'm pretty OCD following gaming news all day. I saw nothing about this.
[quote name='banodyne']Wait, wait, wait. When did they give out the double lightsabers for free? I'm pretty OCD following gaming news all day. I saw nothing about this.[/QUOTE]

It was an error that was quickly fixed. I missed it too and Ship sucks for not calling me when it happened.
[quote name='shipwreck']What didn't we cover that was on the other systems? Cheapy talked about Killzone 3 (I'm sure I will too once I buy it since I was a big fan of Killzone 2), we talked briefly about PixelJunk Shooter (none of us enjoyed the first game that much), we mentioned that a new Bit.Trip game had come out for WiiWare (I'll also play this at some point), we talked about Dragon Quest VI on the DS, we talked about Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition on PSN, we talked about Pokemon on the DS, we talked about Battleheart on iOS, and we talked about multi-platform games like Bulletstorm, Brink, and Knight's Contract. Hell, I even mentioned a PC game was coming out because a CAG worked on it (RIFT). The only thing we didn't mention (but was on our outline) that I think is fairly cool, is Vagrant Story is now available on PSN.

This may be why you think we are ignoring criticisms. Read that paragraph and tell me again that we don't have "awareness of other platforms". Then re-read it in a mocking tone if you think I hate everything that's not related to Xbox 360.[/QUOTE]

Where did I say you hate everything that's not 360? I mean, c'mon. That's what I'm talking about, where you guys dismiss criticisms with sarcastic comments and jokes. When each show you have like half the thread talking about how you guys don't play other systems and wanting more discussion/gaming time of other platforms, then maybe you should reconsider the way you guys do the show. Or maybe everyone is crazy. Yeah, that's it. Everyone is crazy. And Sony fanboys.

Most of the time you never talk about playing Wii, PSP, or DS games. Why did you guys dedicate an entire show to why the PS3 needed "saving"? There was never a reason given. On that show you guys were completely ignorant on a number of things and had no idea what you were talking about. There was zero accuracy and awareness on that episode. When people requested you do the same thing for 360 on the next episode, you dedicated an entire two minutes tops. If that. Um, what? You didn't even do a breakdown for the Wii. Then on the next episode, you guys pretty much skipped over all of the 20 pages of negative feedback from the PS3 episode and responded to none of them. I can't even remember the last time you guys all played a multiplatform game on the PS3. When is the last time Cheapy turned on his Wii, PSP, or DS? Actually finished a PS3 game?

I cut Wombat some slack because he has a full time job, a kid, and a long commute everyday. Shipwreck, you play an ungodly amount of video games so I don't know what your excuse is. As for Cheapy, I'm assuming the guy sits around in his underwear most of the day, so he has no excuse either.

After listening to the episode, the same things pop up. You all almost completely dismiss the NPG, when it's not even out yet, and all the final details aren't even out, like it's real name or price.

Ship, you complained about a JRPG.....being a JRPG. Um, again, what?

The guy talking about how the NGP will fail is a completely moron. Yeah, the iPhone has 99 cent games, and thousands of apps and games. How many of those are apps and games are complete shit? 80%? 90%? I wish people would get off Apple's sack already.

Good show though.
Couldn't get past the first minute of the BulletStorm tutorial. Just too juvenile. Shoot guys in nuts. Hit them on their butt. blah blah blah. Creative ways to kill. Yawn.

You guys make want to check it out, but ....

Looking forward to Duke though. :)
Great show this week guys. It is hilarious that people think you have to play games on certain platforms. This is their show, which we get for free. They should play whatever games they want and talk about what ever they want on their show. I listen cause i like cheapy, wombat, and ship. I like to hear them talk. I don't need certain games or systems discussed. I don't understand why people need every game and every platform discussed equally. There are plenty of podcasts for that. If CAG were like GiantBomb and cheapy, wombat, and ship were in an office together all week playing games, making videos, recording casts, then more games and platforms would be covered. But ship and wombat work full time, and married and wombat has kids, and they have to game, and then they record the cast. they play what they want to play and talk about it, I don't see what the big deal is.

When Cheapy was talking about the ngp and how he would never play a handheld when he could play on a big screen I had a vision of an old gamer that just can't wrap his mind around the future. I include myself in this group. i feel the next generation gamer won't care about playing on a big screen. Cheapy and wombat's kids will be so used to gaming on portables, I don't think they'll miss the big screen. We'll all be old men, on the couch playing games on huge screens and our kids will be running out the door with the NGP 3, rolling their eyes at us. It will be like a record player to them.
They like the 360 and Apple. Get over it. You can't control 'em. I tried sending some radio waves their way to command them to like the Wii but they just started talking about jacking off and hand jobs more. I gave up. :)
[quote name='shipwreck']What didn't we cover that was on the other systems? Cheapy talked about Killzone 3 (I'm sure I will too once I buy it since I was a big fan of Killzone 2), we talked briefly about PixelJunk Shooter (none of us enjoyed the first game that much), we mentioned that a new Bit.Trip game had come out for WiiWare (I'll also play this at some point), we talked about Dragon Quest VI on the DS, we talked about Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition on PSN, we talked about Pokemon on the DS, we talked about Battleheart on iOS, and we talked about multi-platform games like Bulletstorm, Brink, and Knight's Contract. Hell, I even mentioned a PC game was coming out because a CAG worked on it (RIFT). The only thing we didn't mention (but was on our outline) that I think is fairly cool, is Vagrant Story is now available on PSN.

This may be why you think we are ignoring criticisms. Read that paragraph and tell me again that we don't have "awareness of other platforms". Then re-read it in a mocking tone if you think I hate everything that's not related to Xbox 360.[/QUOTE]

You don't honestly believe the criticism is just related to one episode do you?

So the next time you all are wondering why you don't have 100k listeners, that is a good place to start.
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[quote name='Energy Penguin']Great show this week guys. It is hilarious that people think you have to play games on certain platforms. This is their show, which we get for free. They should play whatever games they want and talk about what ever they want on their show. I listen cause i like cheapy, wombat, and ship. I like to hear them talk. I don't need certain games or systems discussed. I don't understand why people need every game and every platform discussed equally. There are plenty of podcasts for that. If CAG were like GiantBomb and cheapy, wombat, and ship were in an office together all week playing games, making videos, recording casts, then more games and platforms would be covered. But ship and wombat work full time, and married and wombat has kids, and they have to game, and then they record the cast. they play what they want to play and talk about it, I don't see what the big deal is.

When Cheapy was talking about the ngp and how he would never play a handheld when he could play on a big screen I had a vision of an old gamer that just can't wrap his mind around the future. I include myself in this group. i feel the next generation gamer won't care about playing on a big screen. Cheapy and wombat's kids will be so used to gaming on portables, I don't think they'll miss the big screen. We'll all be old men, on the couch playing games on huge screens and our kids will be running out the door with the NGP 3, rolling their eyes at us. It will be like a record player to them.[/QUOTE]

Very well said. My only disagreement is the generation bit about handhelds. I think the reason kids play handhelds is that their parents won't let them monopolize the tv. Once they get older and have their own televisions they won't be using their DS's or PSPS nearly as much.

Side note:
I enjoy the Bombcast quite a bit and i listen to it every week. Like you said, these guys do this for a living and have a different perspective. The reason i enjoy the CAGCAST is that i feel they are more in touch with the average gamer (Wombat and I have very similar backgrounds. . . i have a 3 year old daughter, a boy on the way, and i work in mid-town manhattan).

I think a lot of the criticism of the show is off base. If anything Wombat, Cheepy and Shipwreck are being honest. And isn't that what we want? If cheepy doesn't care for the DS, do you want him to pretend to like it? I don't. I feel that a lot of podcasts need to curb their opinions a bit in order to protect their relationships with developers. I don't get that impression with the cagcast.
I don't like the way they talk about PS3 exclusives in such a dismissive way. The 360 games they play will get talked about for a good amount of time though.

For example, the hype wagon. You mentioned stuff like Skyrim and whatever in there and then you said, Oh and uncharted 3 but we didn't need to say that. That's a no brainer, as if no time needed to be spent talking about it all. Same thing happened for uncharted 2 back in 2009, you talked about it for literally..two minutes. Two minutes. You had a whole show dedicated to Mass Effect 2 though. At LEAST.
The consensus is that, if its on 360, you're much more willing to try it. But if its on PS3, you need to be pressured by the community just to get it and you'll talk about it for 30 seconds just to prove you played it (for about 30 seconds as well)

God of War 3, once again, very shallow discussion. Get over your hate on the PSN, it works FINE. You should be praising the fact that instead of paying 50 dollars to play online (which i hate doing on my 360), you get tons of free games and goodies. Xbox Live is good but the complaints you guys had about PSN were so so dumb. Not enough attention to new stuff? The what's new section, playstation blog, and various other places not good enough? Oh, i guess it has to be an ad on the dashboard for you guys to "pay attention" to it.

I'm a fairly new 360 owner and I enjoy it but XBL Gold has almost nothing worth the price it asks for. Friends lists are on both systems, in-game invites are on both systems now, the only thing XBL gold has is party chat and being able to push the xbox button to open a message upon receival.
[quote name='microshock']i don't like the way they talk about ps3 exclusives in such a dismissive way. The 360 games they play will get talked about for a good amount of time though.

For example, the hype wagon. You mentioned stuff like skyrim and whatever in there and then you said, oh and uncharted 3 but we didn't need to say that. That's a no brainer, as if no time needed to be spent talking about it all. Same thing happened for uncharted 2 back in 2009, you talked about it for literally..two minutes. Two minutes. You had a whole show dedicated to mass effect 2 though. At least.
The consensus is that, if its on 360, you're much more willing to try it. But if its on ps3, you need to be pressured by the community just to get it and you'll talk about it for 30 seconds just to prove you played it (for about 30 seconds as well)

god of war 3, once again, very shallow discussion. Get over your hate on the psn, it works fine. You should be praising the fact that instead of paying 50 dollars to play online (which i hate doing on my 360), you get tons of free games and goodies. Xbox live is good but the complaints you guys had about psn were so so dumb. Not enough attention to new stuff? The what's new section, playstation blog, and various other places not good enough? Oh, i guess it has to be an ad on the dashboard for you guys to "pay attention" to it.

I'm a fairly new 360 owner and i enjoy it but xbl gold has almost nothing worth the price it asks for. Friends lists are on both systems, in-game invites are on both systems now, the only thing xbl gold has is party chat and being able to push the xbox button to open a message upon receival.[/quote]

it's their opinion!!! Get over it!
[quote name='Microshock']I don't like the way they talk about PS3 exclusives in such a dismissive way. The 360 games they play will get talked about for a good amount of time though.

For example, the hype wagon. You mentioned stuff like Skyrim and whatever in there and then you said, Oh and uncharted 3 but we didn't need to say that. That's a no brainer, as if no time needed to be spent talking about it all. Same thing happened for uncharted 2 back in 2009, you talked about it for literally..two minutes. Two minutes. You had a whole show dedicated to Mass Effect 2 though. At LEAST.
The consensus is that, if its on 360, you're much more willing to try it. But if its on PS3, you need to be pressured by the community just to get it and you'll talk about it for 30 seconds just to prove you played it (for about 30 seconds as well)

God of War 3, once again, very shallow discussion. Get over your hate on the PSN, it works FINE. You should be praising the fact that instead of paying 50 dollars to play online (which i hate doing on my 360), you get tons of free games and goodies. Xbox Live is good but the complaints you guys had about PSN were so so dumb. Not enough attention to new stuff? The what's new section, playstation blog, and various other places not good enough? Oh, i guess it has to be an ad on the dashboard for you guys to "pay attention" to it.

I'm a fairly new 360 owner and I enjoy it but XBL Gold has almost nothing worth the price it asks for. Friends lists are on both systems, in-game invites are on both systems now, the only thing XBL gold has is party chat and being able to push the xbox button to open a message upon receival.[/QUOTE]

Hmm not sure where people are getting the Xbox fanboy vibe from this show. I imagine he said Uncharted 3 is a no brainer as in everybody wants that and it goes without saying. I really dont remember though.

Also Cheapys most wanted list included The Last Guardian and the Ico/SotC Collection.

...And didnt they also talk about Infamous 2 and it's level editor? Cheapy said he was digging it.
[quote name='ShockandAww']Hmm not sure where people are getting the Xbox fanboy vibe from this show. I imagine he said Uncharted 3 is a no brainer as in everybody wants that and it goes without saying. I really dont remember though.

Also Cheapys most wanted list included The Last Guardian and the Ico/SotC Collection.

...And didnt they also talk about Infamous 2 and it's level editor? Cheapy said he was digging it.[/QUOTE]

I don't hate on the CAGcast all the time. And there are times when they actually talk in depth about Sony's stuff for a change. But those times are usually very short or very uninformed (the whole PS3 needs to be saved thing).

The issue seems to be that when a big name PS3 exclusive comes out, either just one person plays it or none. Killzone 3 for example, CheapyD played it this week but Shipwreck doesn't have it and Wombat made some excuse not to get it. So when Shipwreck plays it the next week, there won't be a follow up discussion on it (i could be wrong).

But yet when Wombat finally finishes up Alan Wake, its time to have a discussion about it.
There's no real way to change this other than for you guys to change your attitude about the Playstation. Stop viewing it from the business side and checking out the NPD sales all the time. It's sold over 40 million units and any company would be happy to have those kind of sales.

NO, i'm not saying you hate the PS3. But you giving suggestions on what game franchises Sony should shut down is NOT helping it.

Still love the show though! I miss the funny stories you guys would have about your lives from the week though, it seems to be rare.
I forgot to mention this before, but do you guys think you can add the games you talk about in the spoilered list of topics in the OP? I missed what the names of the games Shipwreck and Wombat were when they were talking about them since they only mention the name at the very beginning and then never mention it again. I had to scour the thread afterwards to see that they were Brink and Knights Contract. You should also think about adding links to the stuff you talk about, like Raptr, that people could check out since you caused a lot of confusion to people that assumed it was and a simple link in the topics list would've solved the issue, at least for the smart listeners.
Just thought of something blows Wombat's accounting theory of the XBL market out of the water. The indie market is packed with dollar games that sell in really low numbers. I'm pretty sure the accounting for XBL is all automated.
[quote name='banodyne']Just thought of something blows Wombat's accounting theory of the XBL market out of the water. The indie market is packed with dollar games that sell in really low numbers. I'm pretty sure the accounting for XBL is all automated.[/QUOTE]

For those indy game makers there is no accountant that you have pay, unlike say EA. To account for 100 dollars in downloads, EA probably has to pay more in salaries. An indy game dev probably has no staff.
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There shure is a lot of whining in this thread.

Opinons are opinions nothing more. I have an opinion, you have an opinion. It's simple and its fair.
There shure is a lot of whining in this thread.

Opinons are opinions nothing more. I have an opinion, you have an opinion. It's simple and its fair.
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Holy shit! Rock Band 3 sold fewer copies than Dance Central?! This really does sadden me. I have no complaints with Rock Band except for some slight aesthetic issues that only grind my gears because I really like playing dress up with my characters.

I play the game almost everyday if just to play a few songs. The drums are just a total blast today just like they were when Rock Band 1 came out.
[quote name='banodyne']Just thought of something blows Wombat's accounting theory of the XBL market out of the water. The indie market is packed with dollar games that sell in really low numbers. I'm pretty sure the accounting for XBL is all automated.[/QUOTE]

It's not the size of the slices of pie that matter, it's the size of the overall pie. You can cut it up into as many pieces as you want, but there has to be a pie big enough for someone to care about. The tiny music royalties happen because the publishers combine thousands of tiny payments into a single pie that is big enough for them to care about.
Cheapy must have had an hour long poop session while recording the show.

The Dragon Age 2 demo was easy. It was certainly easier than Dragon Age Origins, as Wombat has mentioned. I didn't have much difficulty defeating the 2nd ogre.

Good show.
With guitar hero out of the way, Rockband should start to show better numbers. Also you have to remember that the Kinect came out this year which i am sure did not help the Rockband franchise (i doubt many kids got a Kinect AND rockband for christmas this year).
Meh, the shows fine, you can do it any way you want, I'm just saying, if you are curious to why people ar complaining about things, look to how stuck in your ways you are Cheapy, refuse to even consider a handheld unless it's an Apple product, and you pretend to like the PS3 even though you obviously don't. Just admit to it, and let people that dislike that move on and listen to someone else.
In terms of pricing on XBLA, I'm sure I read a while ago that the reason the second DLC pack of L4D (Crash Course) and all of L4D2's DLC isn't free (a la PC) was because Microsoft wouldn't let Valve release it for free as it would undercut all other developers DLC. I.e. customers would look at free DLC for L4D and think "Well why should I pay for all my other DLC if they can give it our free".

How valid this is I don't know. However I've also heard of Microsoft giving "recommended" prices for arcade titles so that the higher quality/longer games are usually 1200 and the shorter/less popular ones are 800.


Shipwreck Ocarina of Time is still one of the best games ever. I recommended you try playing it again (maybe not on the 3DS though). I regularly play through it every 1-2 years or so (although admittedly I am a huge Zelda fanboy)
On the last show Cheepy, Wombat and Shipwreck started talking about a game. 39:30 mark. Sky Rune? Sky Room. I looked around and couldn't find anything about it. What is this game?

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I forgot to mention this before, but do you guys think you can add the games you talk about in the spoilered list of topics in the OP? I missed what the names of the games Shipwreck and Wombat were when they were talking about them since they only mention the name at the very beginning and then never mention it again. [/QUOTE]
I mentioned something like this a long time ago. I requested that they bookend their comments with the name of the game. Sometimes I have it on in the background and have to rewind to figure out the name of the game. In the show notes with a rough time marker would be awesome.
[quote name='Damianogre']On the last show Cheepy, Wombat and Shipwreck started talking about a game. 39:30 mark. Sky Rune? Sky Room. I looked around and couldn't find anything about it. What is this game?


bread's done