Outside of the jump button and some of the interactions with the environment missing (turning faucets, opening drawers,etc.), I thought everything in Max Payne 3 carried over quite well (better than Part 1 and on par with Fall of Max Payne if I had to rank).
It sounded like Shipwreck was still "butthurt" that it wasn't made by the same exact people who did the first two games because his comments sounded more like he did a speed run or watched an episode of "Let's Play" instead of playing through the game to enjoy how much this new crew added things (animated panels, tv clips, clues, gun parts, more music instead of the same three themes, etc.) that made MP3 so good (after all he didn't even try multiplayer).
If Redbox had the PS3 disc or both Xbox discs available, would Shipwreck have played the game all the way through? Nevertheless, I'm glad CheapyD liked it.
Good episode.