No one needs to. Just check out the pastebin link posted a few posts above yours. Or the one wombat tweeted: It's very easy to see that this was a
ed up project where the managers we so focused on what was being gained that they were blinded to what was being lost
Not responding to you bickle, but the MS employee blog you linked.
It's not our fault you started to and ran with a flawed project. It should have been very obvious that implementing systems that REMOVE consumers freedoms will have a negative impact and should not even started development for them. "Remember the way things worked for 30+ years? Ya
Sony revealed console back in Feb, MS was going in April but delayed another month. They had plenty of time to release the "positive story" before the bad press was official and not just rumors. The Adam Orth debacle proves that they weren't listening and tried to roll with it to see if they could "get away with it". There was no positive angle.
Before I'm trolled on "Family Share plan" was a positive, PS3 started that years ago with 5 consoles, now only 2 since publisher backlash. 2 is still more than 1, and all DLC and digital games work on those 2 consoles, no matter who is signed in. No way they'd [The Publishers] let MS get away with 10. And they could still roll that plan out with $60 day one digital-only games / XBLA games. Oh wait, I can just quote them on what Family Sharing really is (IE: Nothing)
First is family sharing, this feature is near and dear to me and I truly felt it would have helped the industry grow and make both gamers and developers happy. The premise is simple and elegant, when you buy your games for Xbox One, you can set any of them to be part of your shared library. Anyone who you deem to be family had access to these games regardless of where they are in the world. There was never any catch to that, they didn’t have to share the same billing address or physical address it could be anyone. When your family member accesses any of your games, they’re placed into a special demo mode. This demo mode in most cases would be the full game with a 15-45 minute timer and in some cases an hour. This allowed the person to play the game, get familiar with it then make a purchase if they wanted to. When the time limit was up they would automatically be prompted to the Marketplace so that they may order it if liked the game.
This might sound a little fanboy sure, but I'm not sure if MS is rolling this out too. But the PS4 bragged that you can do that with any PS4 game, right from the marketplace/store. They said you'd be able to demo any game instantly, after a short download, and it'd download the rest in the background. No need for a family member to own the game. PS3 has had 60 min "not demos" but full on start of game with PS+ for years.
The used gaming industry is slowly killing them [The Publishers] and every attempt to slow down the bleeding was met with much resistance from the gaming community.I will admit that online passes were not well received nor were they well implemented, but I felt given time to mature it could have turned into something worth having as a gamer much like DLC (we went from pointless horse armor to amazing season passes like Borderlands 2!)
Oh, so we know they hated a $10 online pass? They will love our new $60 OFFLINE pass. That doesn't solve used game situation, it just makes it worse because people will buy less games, hurting the new sales. I still believe used games helps the gaming industry in the long run.
I moved from 360 to PS3 way later in the gen cycle. I bought Uncharted 1 used (no place to buy it new at the time anyway). I loved it. I then went right out and bought Uncharted 2 GOTY edition new. And when it came time for Uncharted 3, I pre-ordered it. Had that Uncharted 1 been a digital-only title (On-Live BS) for $20-$40, I would have never taken the chance.
QUOTE (It's saying I used too many quotes in one post)
"Another feature that we didn’t speak out about was the fact we were building a natural social network with Xbox One in itself that didn’t require gamers to open their laptops/tablets to post to their other friends nor did they need to wrestle with keyboard add-ons. Each Xbox Live account would have a full “home space” in which they could post their highest scores, show off their best Game DVR moments, what they’ve watched via Xbox TV and leave messages for others to read and respond to. Kinect 2.0 and Xbox One work together and has robust voice to text capabilities. The entire notion of communicating with friends you met online would have been natural and seamless. No reliance on Facebook, or Twitter (though those are optional for those who want them). Everything is perfectly crafted for the Xbox One controller and Kinect 2.0 and given that shine that only Microsoft can provide."
Yay, they were going to copy the Mii Verse...but why are they ditching it now?
Ok so they listed 2 positives that...aren't "positives" but are already out there features...that they can STILL DO. Nothing stopping them. There was no need for 24hr check ins, no used game, etc for these features they boast. Not mentioned in this blog: "Oh you didn't need to have a disc in the tray to play!" Wow, what a new feature! Just buy the digital version, you can do that for some games now and all games in the future silly.