CAGcast #346: Forza No Moreza

It's baffling to hear that Cheapy doesn't want to play an amazing portable game like the new Zelda merely because of the so called 'inferior controls'! *Facepalm*

So by that logic! The original Super Mario Bros. is better if played with a full keyboard when two buttons are actually/only used....Jump & Run! I'm sorry, I disagree...that is a situation where you can/will say all this +20 keys/buttons that I don't need are in the way, distracting & are a complete HINDRANCE!

Zelda on the 3DS has all the buttons it needs, BECAUSE IT IS DEVELOPED AROUND IT AND FOR 'THAT' VERY PLATFORM, TOUCH CONTROLS AND ALL! It is NOT a port from another platform struggling to be optimized to work with a limited control layout of a portable! It's exclusive for the 3DS by in-house (1st/2nd) developers of said system, so they WILL make the controls as comfortable and optimized as they can for 'said' console.

Cheapy, I play fighters on a Fightstick (most of the time, except for games like MK)...I cringe at the thought of using a 'Keyboard' to play them.

I'm not mad at you & I'm not sending you death-threats, I'm just saying to give the game a chance like Wombat did....Wombat saying that the new Zelda is his GOTY so far, should mean something! It's THAT great! :)

'nuff said.

Good Show guys! Keep it up! :D

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I saw this today and it reminded me of Cheapy talking about how he hated clutter on his tv. I'm sure he'd love having Johnny 5 perched on top of his tv. :
CAG #346

4:00 1984 Hebrew School Feedback
10:00 Watch This: Almost Human
11:00 - Arrow
11:45 New Releases:
12:00 Super Mario 3D World, Zelda: Link Between Worlds, new WiiU Mario bundle
14:30 - Tearaway
15:45 Xbox One
18:15 - TV integration
21:45 - Motion controls
27:15 - UI responsiveness and learning curve
29:00 - Kinect setup
32:00 - Sport - ESPN app
35:15 - Ryse: Son of Rome
39:30 - Forza 5
52:30 - Need for Speed: Rivals
58:00 Skylanders Swapforce
59:15 - Zoo Tycoon
1:03:00 - Dead Rising 3
1:05:15 - NBA 2k14
1:06:15 - Killer Instinct
1:11:15 PS4
1:11:15 - Assassin's Creed IV
1:19:00 Cagbag
1:19:00 - graphics difference between consoles
1:20:00 - Retron5 delay
1:20:30 - PS+ vs XBL Gold
1:22:00 - Favorite/worst features
1:25:30 - Microtansactions & used game features
I didn't buy Forza 4 because I thought the dlc situation there was bullshit. Forza 5 seems like a bad joke.

The Xbox One app situation is significantly worse if your internet provider isn't supported. It's a bummer. I was excited to see the NFL and FOX apps, but the NFL app seems kind of lame & the Fox app is severely limited without a supported provider.

Killzone wins this generation's tiny text award. Even on a 60 inch tv its tiny unless you are sitting pretty close.

Overall both consoles are pretty sweet, and I can't wait to see how they evolve.
so they WILL make the controls as comfortable and optimized as they can for 'said' console.
I dunno if they're exactly "optimized." The quick select is not well implemented, and I would much, much prefer digital control for Link instead of the finicky analog pad, or the option to do so. Of course, since it's a Nintendo game, customizing that sort of thing is entirely out of the question.

Still... it really is the best Zelda in 20 years.

So today, after playing Forza 5 for about 8 hours total, I learned about the Rewards bonuses run through the Forza website. As far as this type of thing goes, it's a fairly pain-free system (for a counter example, see Uplay). Between this, the standard credit rewards that increase as you rank up, and the Driveatar payouts, I'm not experiencing much of a credit crunch. I like the slow climb, and I can see the design reasons for doing it beyond the obvious cash grab. Driver level credit bonuses mean that dedicated, skilled drivers get access to high end cars. It's the motorsport version of end-game content. 

The money they're charging for the microtransactions is truly absurd, but I wasn't planning on buying any of it anyway. Still loving the game.

I am on Cheapy's side with this Forza thing. We have to let companies know that there is no market for this. As long as people buy this game it will look like this strategy works.

As far as the next gen consoles go:
It seems like if I want TV based functionality, I need to go Xbone. If I want slightly better visuals and possibly more exclusive games down the road, i should go with PS4.
I've seen the Xbone in action, and it definetly comes off as clearly next gen from an OS stand point. My concern is that it will get bogged down and convoluted like the 360 dasboard got.
Surprised more wasn't said about Dead Rising 3.  Capcom really hit a home run with this one.  I didn't expect to enjoy it as much, but it is definitely my favorite launch title.

Can anyone tell me a significant difference between the 2 consoles for online play as far as how well the games play?

My assumptions will be that the Xbox will play better online and the PS4 will have better graphics and I will buy my games based on that.

I own the Xbox and think that the games have been flawless so far online as far as lag and they look awesome compared to last gen. I have enjoyed my Xbox experience so far and quite frankly think all of the people shouting from the rafters are making this whole comparison a joke by now.

Both consoles will suceed and both will have something to offer that the other one doesn't.......can't we be happy with that?

Can anyone tell me a significant difference between the 2 consoles for online play as far as how well the games play?
I think they will both play basically the same. Your first priority should be playing online games on whatever system your friends own. Your second priority should be exclusives. Beyond that, just do whatever you feel like. The PS4's graphical advantage is barely a thing and the Xbox no longer has a significant advantage when comparing controllers.

That Edge article is ridiculous. What's the one major thing we learned about the 360 dashboard? It changed over time. There's no reason to believe that the XB1 would be any different. It doesn't have sharing right away? Oh noes! I guess that's why "the CoD, ACIV and FIFA players – are heading to PS4". A nice, unquantifiable statement presented as fact.

And Titanfall is the big savior for Xbox? I have no idea why that came up in the article or why he places so much importance on it. This isn't the original Xbox and 1 big title won't make or break the brand.

Sounds like he just wanted to whine and/or wanted page views.
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IMO the micro-transactions are not the problem with this game.

When racing it doesnt tell you who is in front of you or behind you place wise.
No online Party lobbies. Have fun trying to figure out how to get a 16 player race going with friends.
3-5 laps races are the longest ones.
No discounts on upgrading parts with the higher manufacturer affinity levels
When you were done with a race and waiting for others the game would go to replay mode and you could track results. Now you have to pause it and your car drives off the road.
No cat and mouse or other fun modes
No gifting options
Only 12 tracks...missing some of the staple tracks from previous Forzas
No public custom lobbies
...there is more
Don't worry, they will sell this to you as DLC in the months to come.
I've finished 3 series, completing all the races, and I'm already bored with this game. So that's about 45 races and they expect me to keep playing the same tracks for for the 3-5 other series in that class and the same for all the other series in the other classes?! That's a money grab right there, not even considering the transactions.

Also, has anyone else noticed that the "accelerator" purchase option is shown TWICE on the same screen when going into your race?! I hope this direction fails completely...
Not exactly show feedback but this seems like the best place for discussion or for Wombat to rant about it on the podcast.  Saints Row IV just released a Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin' homie pack (2.99 USD)  So, when do we get our CAGCast homie pack?  This podcast has likely sold tens of copies of SR3 and SR4.

Can anyone tell me a significant difference between the 2 consoles for online play as far as how well the games play?

My assumptions will be that the Xbox will play better online and the PS4 will have better graphics and I will buy my games based on that.

I own the Xbox and think that the games have been flawless so far online as far as lag and they look awesome compared to last gen. I have enjoyed my Xbox experience so far and quite frankly think all of the people shouting from the rafters are making this whole comparison a joke by now.

Both consoles will suceed and both will have something to offer that the other one doesn't.......can't we be happy with that?
Xbox 360 had the superior method to organize contacts/party chat/etc. but in terms of actual multiplayer gaming I never had any lag on any multiplayer games I played on the PS3 since I purchased it 2009. I think that's just something xbox people told themselves to feel better about paying for Gold in the past.

PS+ is certainly the better deal, particularly if one stocked up on 1 year cards for $30 over Black Friday weekend.

The suspend feature was really nice on the PSP and I am very much looking forward to it when it is fully implemented on the PS4.

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BREAKING: CheapyD pulls a Microsoft, reverses Forza 5 boycott policy.

Let us never forget his noble six day stand against macro-transactions.

(He just popped up in my XBox One activity feed.) 

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bread's done