CAGcast #414: The Steampunk Highway


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The gang talks Ant-Man, NPDs, Guitar Hero Live, Nintendo, Disney Infinity 3.0, and much more!
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I guess you can listen to Wombat's other podcast, Uninformed Opinions.

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If you had the meetup at a bar in Manhattan, I would be there in a heartbeat.

Laser Tag in Long Island. . . I'll pass (the location and activity make it less appealing).  Just my two cents.

New York City movie theaters are the worst. Poorly designed because they're trying to cram it into the most expensive real estate in the world. Expensive. And the audiences behave horribly, talking or using their phones. You don't know what kind of reaction you'll get if you call them out on it. Though art house and independent theaters, like the Angelica, are totally the opposite.

Shipwreck, which platform of Crackle were you using? Because the Xbox One version remembers where you left off. Though I recommend Dead Rising Watchtower over Joe Dirt 2.
Did I hear that right about the Disney Infinity local co-op? Only two players? I thought this was fun for the whole family!

No #WatchThisBitches this week? Man, I'm still getting nightmares from last Saturday's Hannibal.

That children's book discussion was something else. Do you remember what the name of that book was, Shipwreck? I can't help but wonder what other racist stuff you may have been given without realizing it, since you said you received like 200 books. 

Oh, and congrats on the new baby!

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I was using the Xbox One version of Crackle.
Weird. I just tried it. I stopped watching one of those bad American Pie movies a few weeks ago. Chose it and it picked right where I left off. The guy was about to have sex with a peanut butter sandwich, reminding me why I turned it off in the first place.
Ah, kids sticking things in various orifices. It's part of the circle of life. When I was young we had this Ken Griffey Jr. pillow-doll that had been given to us by a friend our mom's (it was like a flat doll that was pillow-sized, I have no idea what they're actually called) and it eventually got a hole in it. It had these styrofoam pellets inside of it. I took one and stuck it in my ear for no good reason. Couldn't get it out. Never saw that pellet again. It didn't spur any medical complications, though. For all I know, it's still in my ear canal. (I highly doubt it, I'm sure I would've noticed some issue if it was.)

Anyways, don't ever let anyone tell you to stop sharing personal stories like that on the CAGcast. They're generally highly entertaining. Love that section of the cast. That racist children's book is something else.

Tell us the title already, Shipwreck! It's been a tense 30 hours!

At least Wombat's son didn't swallow an entire Time.

I checked after the show and the book was written in 1992.
thats crazy.

I'm just saying.. as much as we try to be sensitive to other people today, we will all still probably look like racist assholes to the people of the future.

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Ubisoft's Q1 PC share is misleading because of carryover inventory from Q3 LY, they own their own PC online store and the fact that they didn't release a title. Their sales aren't really 23% PC. For the full prior year their sales were 12% PC. 

Another business topic you guys butchered two weeks ago: spreadsheets aren't as all powerful or ubiquitous as you think they are. You were so far off base it was a little shocking. There is no way in hell a spreadsheet drove the decision to include AC in Toy Soldiers. Here are the most likely reasons in descending order:

1) The lead developer thought it was a good idea

2) Someone on the dev team thought it was a good idea

3) The lead on the publisher side thought it was a good idea

4) Someone on the publisher side thought it was a good idea

5) Someone on the publisher side knows someone at Ubisoft and thought they could get the license cheap

6) Someone on the dev team put it in the game because they knew it would piss off the publisher but they wouldn't fight it

7) Someone on the publishing team put it in the game because they knew it would piss off the developer but they wouldn't fight it

8) Watch the Red Faction 2 Ostrich hammer video again. See the guy that yelled "Bird fucked"? Someone yelled out Assassin's Creed like that and all of the other ideas that the team had fell through because of licensing issues and they were left with AC

9) The lead developers child really likes AC

10) The guy that delivers pizza to the studio mentioned to them that they should put AC in their game

11) The studio did a toy aisle research trip and saw the AC figures or megabloks there

12) The lead developer had a dream where Ezio visited him and told him he was going to die if he didn't put AC in the game

13) Yves Guillermot really liked the game and told the studio they should put AC in the game

14) A spreadsheet

So basically what you are saying is, not every decision (like that one) is a business decision.
Yes. I'll expand that a little further:

1) Not every decision is a business decision

2) The first idea or majority opinion are often the null-hypothesis and usually win

3) Spreadsheets aren't practical or even possible to create for every decision

4) Spreadsheets in uncertain business (like games) are very rarely conclusive on their own and are usually used for decision support instead of driving decisions themselves

Sorry, I'm way behind this week. Just finished the podcast. Was wondering if there was a confederate flag on that book?! I know that 1992 copyright is just a rubber stamp of a re-print. I bet a human didn't even proof read it. 


lol.. okay I read a review on about The BIg Fish .. it's not a racist book! And It has a happy ending. All is right with modern children's literature! haha.

They repeatedly turn down non-white children the fish finds for them. All seems hopeless until the couple discovers that their thinking about skin color has been hurting their chances of finding a child. On the other hand, would a child even want parents who think this way? How important is ones skin color, anyhow? Does the fish finally find them the "right" child? Does the couple's skin color cause others to not accept them, also? Interesting twists in this tale.

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Hey Cheapy - you ask the question about "why does Ubisoft have such a high percentage of it's games being sold on PC" and you specifically name check Far Cry and Assassin's Creed when asking if anyone has an answer for this...

The answer is b/c of guys like you! For a couple of years now you have very much voiced your preference to buy most AAA multiplat releases on your PC supersystem.  Specifically you have talked about the last 2 Far Cry and Ass Creed releases. So, it makes sense that a lot of other gamers are doing the same.

bread's done