CAGcast #53: A Convenient Truth


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
This week's topics include; Wombat at the Times Square NYC Wii event and his Wii impressions, CheapyD on PS3 suprises and disappointments, Burger King games, your questions from the CAGbag and much more!

We also announce giveways for a One Year Xbox Live Subsrciption, Vice City Stories (PSP) and a CAGcast Flash movie contest.

The audio quality (on my end) is not so hot. Hopefully, you can stick with it as I thought this episode's content was pretty good.

Download - 86 minutes, 39MB
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Show Linkage/Notes
Intro music: Beats me

(links coming soon)

CONTEST: Free Year of Xbox Live

CONTEST: Vice City Stories (PSP)
CONTEST: CAGcast Flash Video

Contest Winners:
Figures -Sorry, only Namco left!
Jek Porkins
Cao Cao

frank21_1981 (Gears of War)
kittycatgirl2k (Death Jr. II Prize Pack)
rscaramelo (Kameo)

Winners: Please PM me with your choice of figure (if applicable) and name, address, and phone.

New York Times on the PS3

New releases

Black Friday VG Deals
GameStop Also Sitting On Wii Shipments
Next-gen auction prices fall as supplies increas

Xbox Live Video Marketplace is live
360 TV Shows
360 Downloadable Movies
Gears of Wars sells 1M copies in two weeks
Famitsu Reviews Wii Games
Trade PS3 for Tacos


Outro:Atari System

Wombat please post footage of you playing that fishing mini-game on zelda.
Have you had time to get more used to the wii-mote or you still feel the same way? I think the controls for Zelda are great, except I wish I didnt have to wiggle for sword play, but thats it.
Thanks for your guys' impressions. I think that the fact that you are puzzled that the BK games don't have much advertising as you expected makes you actually think about the advertising on your own, thus fulfilling their ad expectations. Either that, or you will have scary dreams about the king in the end.

And haha, I just thought about a Cheapy RUnning around in Rainbow Six. That would be very interesting, haha.

And yeah, the quality on Cheapy's end is getting a little funky, but at least you sound like Robocop.
Just caught up on the last 3 cagcasts. Almost finished with this cagcast and I don't know if its just me but wombat sounds like he hates everything in this cagcast. Everything cheapy mentions wombat just jumps on it and says that he hates it because it takes too long or its useless. Still a great cagcast.
Saved for some comments after the 80min show awesome 80 min of Cheapy and Wombat!!.

The Fishing was so hard for me also untill I figured out all you need to do is as soon as you see your float sinking it means a fish is nibbling on your bait then you yank the wii remote up and walla a fish you have caught.
whoa wombat met Zach Selwyn who used to host extreme dodge ball!

Re: Ps3 game advice and PS3 in general
irony is I kinda got interested in saints row thanks to the cagcast...and now I own a unicorn! although I'm more interested with my wii than my ps3.

the ps3 interface is pretty much the psp's so the auto hover over any game you have loaded"s annoying and I don't ever think they fixed it for the psp (at least the 360 now has the option to not auto load games).

resistance is pretty fun, haven't tried multiplayer, sucks they don't do worldwide multi.

also it sucks remote play has been so crappy.

wish I traded it for tacos...shame they don't accept slightly used systems
Interesting... CheapyD is Max Headrum again. Nice show but I'm a bit disappointed with Wombat's details on the Wii being a Wii owner myself, I know: he just didn't seem to go into the system itself too deeply.
I gotta disagree with Wombat on the fishing.

It was just the first time where I had problems with the fishing, then I realized you have to hold the pole up to pull them out instead of repeatedly pulling it down and then back up.

I got the required fishing thing done in a couple of minutes.
WiiSports is awesome. Great game. I think folks that call it simple haven't played it much. EAch game actually has a good amount of depth. LIke in Tennis you might think you just swing your racket to return balls and that's it. But then you realize hey I can lob it. Oh hey I can put wicked spin on the ball. Oh I can direct the ball. Oh I can do rocket serves. Oh hey I can swing for the guy at the net too. The game is very gamey with a good amount of depth. All the WiiSports games are like this. Plus they have a whole training mode to go thru and earn medals and improve your skills. Probably my favorite Wii game. And with others it's just too much fun.

In traditional games I would guess most folks are a bit irritated at first because they suck at the new controls compared to a regular gamepad. I remember when I started using the mouse after using keyboard only in pc fps games. I sucked and went back and forth between the two types of controls for weeks until I finally got used to the mouse and never looked back. So I wouldn't trust alot of initial opinions on the controls for fps games until folks get more experience under their belt with the controls.
[quote name='TheHiei']I gotta disagree with Wombat on the fishing.

It was just the first time where I had problems with the fishing, then I realized you have to hold the pole up to pull them out instead of repeatedly pulling it down and then back up.

I got the required fishing thing done in a couple of minutes.[/QUOTE]

If thats all you disagree with about from that episode, then I'd say I am doing a pretty well
[quote name='smellytim']I cant believe I won. I hope my figure of choice isnt already taken.[/QUOTE]

I was surprised to hear my name in the cagcast. Guess I'll take it as a b-day gift (which was yesterday). But I leave it in Cheapy's hands maybe he'll make it a good surprise.
Great show. I like the fact that you rip into Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, all in one CAGcast. That's the kind of hard-hitting reporting you just can;t get anywhere else.
Pretty good show. The next should be more positive to balance out the negativity in this show. ;)

Wombat, what's your beef with the Wii codes? It's at least much better than the DS friends code system since it's just one code per system and there's more to do with friends until the online games come out.
Good episode, gents. Since you asked for it, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with Cheapy about the PS3 thus far. I'm pleased with it overall.

I think much of what you get from it is a result of your own expectations. The 360 (and XBL) is the logical progression of the original Xbox. I feel the same about the PS3--it seems a rather predictable evolution of the PS2. I didn't expect it to be the 360--and certainly didn't expect it to have a service that's as fully realized as Xbox Live. The PS2 didn't have an online system as robust as the Xbox's either, and that didn't really limit my enjoyment of that system.

I like the interface, and I've had respectable download speeds for the games and demos (certainly the equal of downloading from the Marketplace).

With regard to Resistance, I can understand not being able to get into it--but there are certainly a number of battles that are reminescent of the large-scale battles in the CoD series. For my part, I'm actually enjoying it much more than I expected to, offline. The online is definitely not my type of game though--I think Gears, Vegas, and CoD all crush the multiplayer. (but I'm still all atwitter when I consider SOCOM on the PS3)

I've been eagerly anticipating Vegas for months, and I've been enjoying the hell out of Gears and CoD as well. But, for some reason, when I sit down to play, I reach for Resistance.

Glad to hear Genji got something of a bum rap. I'll probably pick that one up based on your positive impressions.

Agree on Motorstorm. That demo is wonderful.
yeah i disagree with cheapy aswell like the above poster, i felt to much sony hate in this episode-_- we know people dont have ps3 yet but its launch shouldnt you guys know that already, same thing happenend with the 360, ok now onto the good it was a great episode very informative about some stuff overall great episode
As one of the thousands (millions?) of gamers not getting a PS3 this Christmas I really appreciated Cheapy's review. I, like Cheapy, really want to love the PS3 but Sony just keeps dropping the ball.

The podcast was kinda negative but I would rather Cheapy and Wombat be honest and approachable then sugarcoat everything like most other podcasts.

The best part about the CAGcast is that it is just two regular guys sharing their opinions and their lives. I cannot think of another quality podcast where the hosts are as real as anyone in the audience! I want to hear "regular guys" opinions since we, as gamers, are overloaded with bitter, bought or tired "game journalists"!

VIVA LA CAGCAST!:applause:
I have a question:

When Wombat talks about controls in Red Steel, he specifies that when he plays, he often relaxes and lowers his remote hand, consequently causing the pointer to go off screen and go wonky, taking a moment afterwards to recalibrate itself as a major problem with the game.

Am I assuming too much to think that the player is suppose to point his reticule at the screen? The remote is used to aim at the screen, right? And so when it is not pointed at the screen, it stops working correctly... this does not sound all that unreasonable to me.

Is it really that easy to inadvertently move your reticule off the screen?
Is Wombat just not used to holding two things in each of his hands as opposed to holding just one with both?
Excellent show, from what I've read around the Internet, your comments on the PS3 are spot-on. It'll be a great console, but I just don't think it's polished enough right now to warrant the hype, let alone a purchase.
[quote name='TheHiei']I gotta disagree with Wombat on the fishing.
I got the required fishing thing done in a couple of minutes.[/quote]
I didn't- I spent nearly an hour and then only got past it by looking at an IGN forum or something. It's not clear that you need to pull up on the Wiimote when the lure sinks- nowhere in the game is this mentioned. I even went to the manual: nothing. For all the handholding that is done in the rest of Zelda and Wii Sports you'd think there would at least be a passing mention of this when you get the rod.

On to Wii friend codes: it's outdated and inconvenient. It makes about as much sense as surfing the web using IP addresses instead of domain names. Yeah, it's improved from the DS, but that's a portable system. On the DS it makes more sense to have a per-game code than a per-system code (besides, if GBS is any indication you're not going to own just one DS are you?). On top of the 16 digit number you have to enter, you can't tell if anyone else has added you- you both have to enter each others' code blindly. This, as well as other WiiConnect24 improvements is what I am most looking forward to with a Wii system update.

PS3: I'm one of the few CAGs that got one and kept it. I only bought Resistance, and as mentioned on the CAG cast it's a "fine" game (though I have not played multiplayer yet). It definitely feels a little uninspired and unfinished in places, but it's an overall fun experience. I'm a little disappointed in the weapons- which I thought was supposed to be one of the cooler features. The Bull's Eye mechanic doesn't seem to work that well when you're in a hectic situation. OTOH, if you have the drop on someone there's no need to really tag them.

For early adopters, the PS3 is going to be a bit of a waiting game. I expect there will be some updates to clean up some of the UI deficiencies and the system is definitely capable of bringing some good games in. The gamble is whether you think there will be a price drop before then.
I think the weapons in Resistance are awesome--I just picked up the Hailstorm and it's crazy cool. I'm also a big fan of the hedgehog grenades.
I dont understand why the zelda is not good with the wii mote I have about 14 hours into it and love playing with the controller. I dose take some time getting used to the controls but the wii mote dose help immerse you into the game and I couldnt image playing without it just stick with it wombat
[quote name='contej85']I want to win something just so I can hear my name on the CAGcast damnit.[/quote]

At least you don't have the impression of being a raving psychophant! :roll:
I need further impressions on the Oblivion DLC... I hope to hear more from Wombat himself in future CAG casts. Hehe.

Cheapy D made me feel even more better about not killing myself for a PS3.

I really want a Wii with Red Steel and Zelda tho.
[quote name='mik']Good episode, gents. Since you asked for it, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with Cheapy about the PS3 thus far. I'm pleased with it overall.

I think much of what you get from it is a result of your own expectations. The 360 (and XBL) is the logical progression of the original Xbox. I feel the same about the PS3--it seems a rather predictable evolution of the PS2. I didn't expect it to be the 360--and certainly didn't expect it to have a service that's as fully realized as Xbox Live. The PS2 didn't have an online system as robust as the Xbox's either, and that didn't really limit my enjoyment of that system.

I like the interface, and I've had respectable download speeds for the games and demos (certainly the equal of downloading from the Marketplace).

With regard to Resistance, I can understand not being able to get into it--but there are certainly a number of battles that are reminescent of the large-scale battles in the CoD series. For my part, I'm actually enjoying it much more than I expected to, offline. The online is definitely not my type of game though--I think Gears, Vegas, and CoD all crush the multiplayer. (but I'm still all atwitter when I consider SOCOM on the PS3)

I've been eagerly anticipating Vegas for months, and I've been enjoying the hell out of Gears and CoD as well. But, for some reason, when I sit down to play, I reach for Resistance.

Glad to hear Genji got something of a bum rap. I'll probably pick that one up based on your positive impressions.

Agree on Motorstorm. That demo is wonderful.[/quote]

I agree with everything you say. =X

Im really pleased with the PS3 thus far. Its really a, "If you are a playstation fan, you'll like it" its not a "if your a hardcore 360 fan you'll enjoy it" console. Its a Playstation fans wet dream. Downloading demos on the store, playing old PS2 games I missed out on (Okami is fucking great) playing Resistance is ALOT better then I was expecting and its totally underatted.

I think people are forgetting that Resistance is the best FPS of this generation and the best FPS for the Playstation EVER. Everyone keeps comparing it to 360 or PC, but it is the best Playstation FPS ever, that is worth something.

If a game that was up to par with the quality of PS2 games were on 360 and at Launch, people would be BLOWN away even if it wasnt up to par with the PS2 games. (Im saying if they released a game like FFXII or OKAMI or SOC or GOW2). So PS3 having an FPS thats better then any FPS on the 360 is a seriously great achievement.

Although I agree with the annoyance of lack of global friend ect. But its so early in the PS3's launch that it still has time to change and since it has a hard-drive it will be able to do firmware upgrades so that they can acctually change that.

Im excited for the PS3 at launch and right now its a Pretty good console... and it JUST CAME OUT, if its this good already it can only get better.

Great CAG CAST BTW, although you both were really negative towards everything.
[quote name='Acid Indigestion']Good show, but I would really like it if you guys talked about your sex lives some more. For instance, does CheapyD buy some cheap ass condoms?[/quote]

Lifestyles, lol
bread's done