CAGcast #54: Wii Be Jammin'


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
CheapyD gets a Wii and gives his impressions on the console and Japan launch titles Elebits, Wario Ware, and Wii Play. We also discuss new releases, industry news, answer your questions from the CAGbag and much more!

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Show Linkage/Notes
Intro music: Phoenix Wright Orchestrated

CONTEST: CAGcast Flash Video

Contest Winners:
Vice City Liberty City Stories - rustyrage
1 Year Xbox Live - LetsGoPens63

New releases
Xbox 360 Fall 2006: Where's the Beef? (IGN article)

Amazon Assaults Your Wallet!
Logitech Z-5450 5.1 Sound System for 187.49 AR with Free Shipping
Reservoir Dogs PS2 Game w/ BONUS Movie DVD! $9.82 + shipping from!!!

Future blames past acquisitions for present losses
Halo 3 Teaser Ad
Burger King Does DDR
Nintendo promises four VC games every Monday

BBB rates Toys 'R' Us "unsatisfactory" amidst reports of Wii bundling shenanigans

Outro: Astrocade System

Bonus Pictures (Phuket, Thailand)


Muay Thai Boxing


Resort grounds

Private Pool

Afternoon/evening rainstorm

Yes! They have XGame!

Wiiiii! Tagged and listening to it now...

Edit: huh, how come cheapy's audio always gets fucked up but wombat's is clean? Aren't you editing everything in Tokyo? I'd think Wombat's would get messed up. Oh well...

Nice pics, btw. Next trip, Bali? Dunno if there are any whores down there, though. I'm sure there are some kids who'll kick you in the face if you pay them.

And effin ay iffin I don't never win nothing 'round here. doh.
Kameo did get 8's mostly.

You guys also missed the Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops reviews by IGN and 1up that were posted yesterday and today, respectively.

Otherwise, great show. I liked hearing about Wii Play, Wario Ware, and Elebits since they aren't yet out over here in the US. I'm not surprised by Elebits not being a deep game, as it seemed to be kind of a tech demo type of game from the E3 demo. I've heard that Wario Ware uses Miis, have you seen in what fashion they are used? Have seen the minigame starring a bald white man that has a striking resemblance to yourself, Cheapy?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've heard that Wario Ware uses Miis, have you seen in what fashion they are used? Have seen the minigame starring a bald white man that has a striking resemblance to yourself, Cheapy?[/quote]

I have not seen any Miis being used, except to mark your profile/high scores.
I will check again tonight.

And if you are refering to drinking water minigame...then yes, I've seen my doppleganger. ;)

[quote name='contej85']What game is this weeks intro song from? It sound familiar but I ust can't place it.[/quote]Phoenix Wright. Just started listening, had to thank you for the PW intro.
[quote name='gunm']Wiiiii! Tagged and listening to it now...

Edit: huh, how come cheapy's audio always gets fucked up but wombat's is clean? Aren't you editing everything in Tokyo? I'd think Wombat's would get messed up. Oh well...

Lol, that's like saying if I shot a video here with a crappy tape and sent it to Cheapy in Tokyo, it should get better if he edits it.

They've described this before (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Wombat is recording the audio (I think he said he's using a mixer but it could just be a skype-type program), then he sends the file to Cheapy who edits on the opening and closing music. The problem is the connection between Cheapy and Wombat, and thus, the audio from Cheapy, which is being recorded at Wombat's place, is not coming through clearly. When Cheapy gets the file from Wombat, the audio is already like that, and you can't fix that unless Cheapy were to dub his voice over what he said... which would sound even worse.
Next week we will try recording our audio locally and mixing it together.
Hopefully that works without too much hassle.
[quote name='CheapyD']Next week we will try recording our audio locally and mixing it together.
Hopefully that works without too much hassle.[/quote]

Sounds fine to me.
Wombat, if you are having problems connecting to the Wii Shop, change your wireless channel to 1 or 11. It will significantly improve your connection to the Wii Shop as well as update download speeds.
Nice job guys. 2 things, the Robo game is GREAT. And as a reply to the dude about the PS3, there is never to much PS3 Hate. *PS BTW My video file I sent you is Windows Movie Player*
[quote name='lordwow']Lol, that's like saying if I shot a video here with a crappy tape and sent it to Cheapy in Tokyo, it should get better if he edits it.

They've described this before (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Wombat is recording the audio (I think he said he's using a mixer but it could just be a skype-type program), then he sends the file to Cheapy who edits on the opening and closing music. The problem is the connection between Cheapy and Wombat, and thus, the audio from Cheapy, which is being recorded at Wombat's place, is not coming through clearly. When Cheapy gets the file from Wombat, the audio is already like that, and you can't fix that unless Cheapy were to dub his voice over what he said... which would sound even worse.[/quote]

Well, that's not what I meant. I understand it's cheapy's connection, not the recording per se. I was just wondering why cheapy is not the one recording the audio himself.
damn wombat youre wrong like donkey kong in a pastel thong. cheapy was right about game exclusives. its eclusive games that sell systems to people who dont usually get into videogaming. yeah for most of us gamers we know what we like and we know what systems we will or wont get due to past experience with gaming consoles but for the passive gamer or non gamer system exclusives will sway their decision on what to buy.

sony has alot of exclusives theyve been porting over for years s we always have a basic idea of the need to get titles they will have titles like final fantasy , kingdom hearts, metal gear solid( sort of) God of war, gran tourismo are a small selection of exclusives that sell the system for gamers and non gamers alike.

nintendo has its usual suspects that get people to buy their systems mario, zelda, metroid, mario kart ect. these games bring in the gamers and non gamers but now nintendo is using their exclusive controller to bring in the non gamers with the faux promise of innovation and ease of use.

microsoft like cheapy said doesnt have many exclusives that will help them sell systems. they have halo ,and now gears of war and..........thats pretty much it. theyve had a year to nail out the kinks in their system and optimize everything that makes the 360 so great and to bring out some killer titles to help drive the point hom that their system isnt the ugly stepsister to the other 2 console.

yeah they have the best online setup but they need games too because its online gaming that rives that system especialy fps multipayer but what about the single player experience? they need more games across all generes and they need to innovate and come up with something nobody would expect from them . if you look at all 3 systems game launches for the next year or so nintendo and sony have a leg up on microsoft .

now maybe theyre hiding some aces up their sleeves that they will break out on everyone when everyone gets comfy and and settled but as of now i cant imagine that their user base numbers are growing or going to grow anytime soon unless of course they do a major price drop on the better system as well as some now harddrive options.
[quote name='lokizz']damn wombat youre wrong like donkey kong in a pastel thong.

now maybe theyre hiding some aces up their sleeves that they will break out on everyone when everyone gets comfy and and settled but as of now i cant imagine that their user base numbers are growing or going to grow anytime soon unless of course they do a major price drop on the better system as well as some now harddrive options.[/QUOTE]

You only heard half my point, its not they don't need exclusives, its they didn't need more exclusives this holiday season. With so few PS3 avail to the public, MSoft doesnt need to spend the money to keep most multiplatform games exclusive right now. Next year may be different but right now GOW and VP are great exclusives and lets face it how many copies of games avail on both the PS3 and the 360 will sell better on the ps3 this holiday season. If i was betting man I'd say none
Cheapy -- possible uses for a shield grenade:

Shield grenade + Warthog = instant ramp

Shield grenade + bottleneck = sacrificial doorstop/pursuit stopper

Shield grenade + Flood ground crawlers = bird against the window syndrome

And of course....

Shield grenade + jumping teammate = greatest online exploit of 2007
[quote name='CheapyD']Next week we will try recording our audio locally and mixing it together.
Hopefully that works without too much hassle.[/QUOTE]

That's the way to do it, and it's actually not too hard to do. It can be a little more labor intensive, but the quality is totally worth it.

Anyway, great show as always. I don't mean for it to sound like toadying, but Wombat's opinions were all right on the money (there's a reason why he's got an army of fans behind him!).

Microsoft has done more than enough to sell more 360's this holiday season. It's not in direct competition with the Wii, and the PS3 isn't really a serious player yet. There's enough stuff built up and more on the way for the 360 to sway fence sitters. With the graphical differences between the 360 and the PS3 being marginal at best right now, the gamers that go for the Gears of War type games would probably be just as inclined to buy a 360 and save $200.

Also, the possibility of getting the show on the real radio is interesting, but it'll force a hell of a lot of compromises that you may not want to put up with... as Lorca once said, Beware. And Beware. AND! Beware!
Cheapy's comment about the Star Trek: Legacy....Could be good or could be shitty :lol:

Great Show guys...
[quote name='Wombat']You only heard half my point, its not they don't need exclusives, its they didn't need more exclusives this holiday season. With so few PS3 avail to the public, MSoft doesnt need to spend the money to keep most multiplatform games exclusive right now. Next year may be different but right now GOW and VP are great exclusives and lets face it how many copies of games avail on both the PS3 and the 360 will sell better on the ps3 this holiday season. If i was betting man I'd say none[/quote]

i think they do need more exclusives if not that then they need more deals liek theyve got with gta 4 where they wont have to wait a year or 2 to get the game on their system. unliek with the original xbox it seems more publishers are willing to take a chance on their new system and not wait to put out flagship games on the 360.

if the 360 was able to get more game companies to take a chance liek that it would help them alot more than not. i cant recall if theyre goign to get re 5 or not but if they could get more capcom games to launch on their system at the same time as it does on the ps3 that would do alot to boost sales and tip the scale as to whether people would buy a 360 over a ps3.

most peopel are willing to stick with sony due to its big library of games its already released and the promise of newer versions of those games to come. i dunno what the cost diff is between locking in exclusivity as opposed to get a simultaneous release but either of those things would sell more system when you add that to their xbox live.

as is each system has a trump card of sorts over the other and i think its the games that hurt microsoft the most. nintendo doesnt need to worry as much due to the fanboys it has under its spell but this coming year.

i think cheahpys point is that if microsoft had more games on the horizon on the same level as the ones sony woul dhave their future game wise and rank wise would be alot better than it is now. but hell whose to say they wont end up with dmc or metal gear at some point. money is money and if what peopel say is true abou the cost of making ps3 games and how many you need to sell to make a profit then sony may lose alot of its hold on some of the best games in the business.
Man Cheapy, where'd you get the opening music from? I had my first true geek out moment since I got my Wii over it.
Another quality show. A few comments:

I think Wombat and Cheapy are BOTH right in the system exclusives discussion/fist fight (seriously...settle down gentlemen). Cheapy is right that system exclusives ARE important. They've kept Nintendo afloat, gave the original Xbox pretty much its only compelling selling point (Halo), and helped Sony become top of the heap over the last two generations. But Wombat is right that the 360 has enough compelling exclusives going into this holiday to make a case for system sales this year. That may change next year (Halo 3 will sell a lot of systems, to be sure), but right now I think Microsoft is justified in feeling that they've made a relatively strong pitch to consumers in the run up to Christmas.

I enjoyed Cheapy's Wii observations. I'm an unabashed Nintendo fan, and the online system is improved over its DS implementation, but it still has a lot of issues that have me a little disappointed. The code system is still needlessly complicated and not as responsive as I was hoping. Nevertheless, I think the Wii is a surprisingly robust little system out of the box and will only get better as more games are released, online gaming gets rolling, and firmware updates and channel unveilings refine the overall experience.

Cheapy: I noticed you picked up many titles, but Zelda wasn't among them. Why was this? Were you just trying to focus on games that weren't available in the U.S. for the benefit of your listeners?

Beaucoup props for the Criterion love. They're the single best thing to happen to DVDs and classic cinema. I'm sure munch agrees with me.
[quote name='Tybee']
Cheapy: I noticed you picked up many titles, but Zelda wasn't among them. Why was this? Were you just trying to focus on games that weren't available in the U.S. for the benefit of your listeners?

[/quote]Yes, for the listeners...and the massive amounts of JApanese that must be in the Japanese version.
[quote name='CheapyD']I have not seen any Miis being used, except to mark your profile/high scores.
I will check again tonight.

And if you are refering to drinking water minigame...then yes, I've seen my doppleganger. ;)

That's too bad. I was hoping that they would be more involved than just high score markers when I heard about that.

That is the man I was refering. I wonder where they got the idea. :whistle2:k :lol:
cheapy and wombat i would have to say that this is one of the worst shows ive heard did not like it i thought both of u were dragging the show as long as you can possible maybe next week will be better.
I'd like to say my comments on Wombat's apparent Nintendo prefference was fueled not by the Wii, but by the abundance of negative comments (including deragatory name-calling) directed at Sony and MS in Episode #53, quickly followed by "the DS is the best system out now".

Also, my comments on Mrs. Cheapy's apparent Sony bias was based on her saying "the PS3 will be amazing". If she really doesn't care, I expect she's not following the industry, and I assume her opinions on the PS3 being "amazing" were not based on any real knowledge of the system. I found it very suprising that she had such a strong opinion about the PS3. I even laughed a little when she said it: it's just too funny that the only person on the CAGcast to show any excitement over the PS3 was your Japanese wife.

A final comment on fanboyism: The essence of fanboyism is the need to justify your purchase of a system. Thus, the urge to love whatever system you dropped your clams on is the beginnings of fanboyism.

P.S. Cheapy, you should be able to watch .SWF (flash) files in your browser. Just open them up with IE or FireFox.
Thanks for answering my questions about the Criterion robocop =) I was at work listening to the CAGcast and heard cheapy say my name (which bob is my real name) it freaked me out. I may have nightmares....
Zelda: TP wouldn't work with a WW art style. The story and overall darker feel of the game would have been completely fucked by the WW style and the game would be much worse because of it.
I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the podcast yet, but I don't get where msft needs exclusives. What does the ps3 have next year that the xbox 360 doesn't. I am pretty sure msft tied up alan wake and bioshock to be exclusive, they got the next splinter cell exclusive, they will have halo most likely next year. Sony has metal gear, but other gaming podcasts are starting to talk about it coming to the 360, they have devil may cry, another possible port to the 360, and final fantasy, where square has said themselves they will be spreading the love. God of War was a great game, but imo it wasn't a system seller to the non diehard fans of sony.

With the amount of money it will cost to break even, (namco talking about 500k units to break even on ps3 games) then unless sony,msft, or nintendo throw a lot of money at the company I would imagine most third party games will be spread out over all the consoles.

One could argue that it is going to come down to the first party lineups. Sony does have an above avg lineup but imo none of the titles in the lineup are system sellers at this current time. Ratchet and clank, jak and daxter series arent going to convince many avg gamers to get the system. Gran turismo is an excellent racer, but msft has its own first party racer. Socom is an excellent fps, but msft has halo and now gears to combat that. Is there anything on that list that will get an avg gamer to drop an extra $200 or more come next holiday season to get a ps3 over a 360. IMO, exclusives are important but from the sounds of developers and the cost of making a next gen game, it doesn't appear that third party exclusives are going to be abundant in this generation. With the money the msft has from windows and the soon to be atm machine of windows vista maybe msft will make a move on another third party. Some far fetched rumors are capcom. Sony, i would have to imagine is stuggling with cash flow more then usual, with the cost of making the ps3, the amount of faulty units they don't ship, and the battery replacements on the notebooks can they even throw huge sums of cash onto a third party for exclusivity. They didn't lock up gta and assasins creed like ubi and take 2 were hoping for. The only reasons I can think of why sony didn't lock them up is they were either strapped for cash to lock them up, or they thought they could do it on there own.
Downloaded and listened to what I could, have to leave somewhere soon. I heard my name for the Vice City Stories game contest and I was shocked! Thanks guys it will be a good Christmas gift for a friend! :D
Metroid Prime 3 uses the Wiimote/Nunchuck in a similar fashion to Red Steel, except it seems to be about 100000000x better.

IGN story from a while back


We started up a new level where heroine Samus Aran explores a vast space station and immediately switched to expert mode. We're happy to report that it simulates the accuracy of PC first-person shooters almost perfectly, and we found ourselves soaring through levels, zipping around corners, pulling quick turns and zapping down enemies with pinpoint precision within seconds. Simply put, Retro has pretty much nailed it - and it makes the wait to 2007 for the game that much more difficult. We're not kidding when we write that Prime 3 feels like a brand new game with this control.


Watch the "Expert Controls" and "Federation Ship Full Walkthrough" videos to see how smooth and fast the controls are.

Oh, and Cheapy, Genji got reviewed much worse than the Onimusha games because Genji is absolute shit compared to Onimusha. Just because a game is mostly similar in concept and basic design to a well-received series doesn't mean it's going to be of the same quality as that series. There's a reason why Mortal Kombat isn't reviewed as well as Virtua Fighter.
cheapy was seariously on the attack this show, it's bad enough when board members pick on wombat but it sure seems like cheapy hopped on the bandwagon this show.
[quote name='evanft']Oh, and Cheapy, Genji got reviewed much worse than the Onimusha games because Genji is absolute shit compared to Onimusha. Just because a game is mostly similar in concept and basic design to a well-received series doesn't mean it's going to be of the same quality as that series. There's a reason why Mortal Kombat isn't reviewed as well as Virtua Fighter.[/quote] Yeah...I've played 3 of the Onimusha games (and finished two of them)...Genji for PS3 is extremely similar in most ways. Mrs. Cheapy agrees.
If you haven't played Genj (PS3), it might be difficult for you to compare.
Good show this week. I look forward to next week's CAG where Cheapy doesn't sound like he's living in a cave. Also, does anyone know what the opening theme was for the show this week? I can usually recognize them, but couldn't tell what that tune was from.

I also agree with Wombat regarding xbox 360 exclusives. Why spend the money to make something exclusive when no one can buy it for the other system? By the time they can, sometime next Spring I presume, the game will be old news anyway. Plus some people buying a 360 for the holiday season should still consider Saints Row or Dead Rising as part of Gears, Viva, etc.

Good impressions of the Wii as well, as it peaked my interest a bit more. I still think I'm going to have to wait awhile to confirm it's not just a gimmick before picking one up though. To many questions about how every genre can be handled with the wiimote.

[Edit] I'm a douche and didn't realize that Cheapy listed the intro/outro in the first post...
Great Show as usual. Thank You for taking the time to do it. I look forward to every Wed. morning to listen to it. Keep it up!:applause::applause::applause:
Over all a better show this week.
My few quick thoughts on some of the show topics, Wombat was pretty right about the 360/PS3 exclusives. Why should MS have paid for a Rainbox Six Vegas exclusive(FEAR,Oblivion,etc) if the PS3 version ISNT OUT till next year, same with any title that isnt going to be able to sell to more then 400,000 people currently.
Live vs PS network. Live is without a doubt the better service, but you cant miss what you never had. Sony is betting that their fanbase will sit quitly and take whats given because they don't know any better. People like me, cheapy, and wombat can look and say "wow PS network sucks" because we have all used Live and seen the ease of use and logic behind it,others who don't own a Xbox or 360 wouldn't know that because they never tried it.
On a final Wombat needs to stop worrying about free stuff if he wants to be a real gaming journalist.

This response is specifically for Wombat concerning content speed.

The reason your OnDemand service can load up a movie (in standard OR HD) so fast compared to Xbox live is because the data servers for which the movies are stored are located locally(In your city) Xbox360's are not. Also The amount of speed allowed for the data of the OnDemand service is much higher then your capped DSL or Cable modem in which your Xbox 360 uses to recive and send data. Your cable box is in a way a modem that gets speeds much higher then allowed by you cable/dsl modem. Meaning while your High speed cable modem hooked up to a Xbox 360 can run at 8-15Mbps your cablebox can do in the 100's. This allows for the fast pace loading of the OnDemand service.
[quote name='Wolfgame']cheapy was seariously on the attack this show, it's bad enough when board members pick on wombat but it sure seems like cheapy hopped on the bandwagon this show.[/QUOTE]
Cheapy is probably just tired of Wombat's constant pessimisim, as am I. He's always shooting down Cheapy's ideas and/or stories.

Cheapy - best part "Could be good....could be shitty." :lol: Had me laughing out loud in class. And Kirby's Dreamcourse is a sweet ass game. I thought I was the only one who's ever played that game.
[quote name='Wolfgame']cheapy was seariously on the attack this show, it's bad enough when board members pick on wombat but it sure seems like cheapy hopped on the bandwagon this show.[/quote]

QFT. Normally I think the antagonism between the two is blown out of proportion, but there seemed to be some real animosity this week, especially from Cheapy. Of course the guys later laughed it off and made nice and everything seemed to return to normal. But I was a bit uncomfortable there for a second.

Forgot about Cheapy's call for Kirby's Dream Course. I seriously hope we see that on the VC soon. A full remake/sequel for Wii would be amazing.

Oh, and about Miis in WarioWare: They apparently are used in some of the minigames Cheapy was talking about (read this at IGN or GameSpot and saw pictures). Maybe he hasn't unlocked those yet.
I was just about to post that I have come across a few Miis in the minigames...but sadly they are few and far between. I think I'm on the last stage now (9/18 volt's stage).

There is no animosity between wombat and I...we definitely disagree from time to time, but there is nothing wrong with that!
Is that intro from some kind of Phoenix Wright remix or soundtrack or something? It sounds way more crisp than the actual game.
[quote name='CheapyD']I was just about to post that I have come across a few Miis in the minigames...but sadly they are few and far between. I think I'm on the last stage now (9/18 volt's stage).

There is no animosity between wombat and I...we definitely disagree from time to time, but there is nothing wrong with that![/quote]
Cool. It's better than nothing. Did seem like they were randomly chosen from what you have in your Mii Plaza or not?
bread's done