CAGcast #54: Wii Be Jammin'

Ok...I wasn't on the last stage, but still have not seen that many Miis used.
Mostly, they use the Mii you've selected for your in-game profile.
[quote name='CheapyD']Yeah...I've played 3 of the Onimusha games (and finished two of them)...Genji for PS3 is extremely similar in most ways. Mrs. Cheapy agrees.
If you haven't played Genj (PS3), it might be difficult for you to compare.[/QUOTE]

I have played Genji for the PS3, and it plays like garbage. The controls, camera, enemies, and just overall polish of the game doesn't come anywhere near Onimusha.
[quote name='CheapyD']I was just about to post that I have come across a few Miis in the minigames...but sadly they are few and far between. I think I'm on the last stage now (9/18 volt's stage).

There is no animosity between wombat and I...we definitely disagree from time to time, but there is nothing wrong with that![/QUOTE]

I hate you
[quote name='CheapyD']I was just about to post that I have come across a few Miis in the minigames...but sadly they are few and far between. I think I'm on the last stage now (9/18 volt's stage).

There is no animosity between wombat and I...we definitely disagree from time to time, but there is nothing wrong with that![/QUOTE]

So in other words, sometimes it just takes a while for Wombat to realize you're right?
Didn't get the "animosity" that others have observed. Among my circle of friends, busting each other's balls is more or less a sign of camaraderie.

On the topic of the exclusives argument, I definitely agree with Cheapy. I suppose for this holiday, the 360 has delivered enough in Gears and Viva to carry the season--primarily because you can actually purchase one of their systems.

However, having only a pair of first-party titles (not a pair of killer apps, even though they are, but a pair total) ready in time for Christmas more or less highlights, to me, one of Microsoft's limitations. They'll definitely need more than that next year, once the Sony in-house games start rolling out.

Microsoft will, of course, have Halo 3--which is enormous. But I think they need to do more than cover the core Xbox constituency with a shooter, and then one other title to cover the "casual" gamers, a la Viva. If they're facing (and this is speculative, of course) SOCOM, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, Killzone, etc. they really need to get more genres covered by exclusives.

I really think that MS needs to make another Rare-sized acquisition--I've heard Capcom's name mentioned in that capacity, which would go a long way to firming up their soft first-party stable.
Thanks for hipping us to some info pertaining to Wii games not yet available in the States, Cheapy. And thanks to both of you for the spirited debate concerning the necessity of exclusive titles during the holiday buying rush. You each made valid, interesting points. Personally, I’m not sensing the animosity to which everyone else seems to be referring. Sure, you guys take the piss out of each other regularly, but that’s the show dynamic.

Also, I’m sorry to hear about Wombat’s recent employment woes, but thanks for sharing with the rest of the class. The fact that you’re willing to take a ribbing concerning the loss of a job shows real strength of character on your part, Wombat. Best of luck on the career front!
Hey Cheapy,
Don't be discouraged that you only had one sentence from the Washington Post article. They interviewed me a few months ago about Video Games Live and they wrote what I said in the article, but not even in a direct quote and I didn't even get a mention.
[quote name='nakedsushi']Hey Cheapy,
Don't be discouraged that you only had one sentence from the Washington Post article. They interviewed me a few months ago about Video Games Live and they wrote what I said in the article, but not even in a direct quote and I didn't even get a mention.[/QUOTE]

As a journalist, I interview people all the time. Those conversations can be anywhere from 2-3 minutes to over an hour. Sometimes people seem to think I am going to publish every word they say, which is obviously not the case. I only use quotes that illustrate a point, establish tone, or make a statement that I cannot confirm via another source (i.e., they said it, so if it's not true, don't blame us).
CheapyD, I have to disagree with a few of your opinions about the Wii (not saying your opinion is wrong, as thats not possible, you dummy.)

You mention how you are slightly dissapointed with Elebits, and you have mentioned several times how you think Red Steel is basically crap. While this may be true, you seem to argue that the Wii can never be good at first person shooters.

I think its important to keep in mind that these are launch titles. The games will improve. While the PS3 obviously has potential that we can see, and the Xbox's potential was apparent when it went from an FPS like Perfect Dark Zero to Gears of War, its not quite as obvious with the Wii. The 360/PS3 will see mainly graphical improvements with some improvements in gameplay because that is the focus of the systems, good graphics. On the other hand, the Wii's focus is gameplay and thus we will see gameplay and control scheme improvements. I have no doubt that the control scheme and the general motion sensing of the Wii will only get better. I think its definately wrong to assume that all future FPS games on the Wii will be similar to Red Steel. I for one am looking forward to the Metriod series on the Wii.
[quote name='Tybee']Hey Cheapy,

Does Elebits support 480p and 16:9 or is it just 4:3?[/quote]

I meant to mention this....but I forgot...I will mention it next week.

Not sure on the 480p part, but there are very small black bars on the side of the screen on both Elebits and Warioware...Wii Play has none.
They are very small...maybe 1 inch or less.
Great show as always guys! I think I suggested the sound effects a few episodes ago, but people said it would probably take away from the show, which I disagree with, but whatever.

I always thought it was funny how you guys put old school game commercials at the end and yet you don't talk about them. I know you post the info in the thread but I'm sure there are some people that just download the CAGcast off itunes so they would be left wondering what exciting game the ad was for. I know many people will object to this since they want shorter episodes, but maybe you can add a small 2 minute segment with a blurb about the commercial?

Anyway, keep up the great work, your show makes my work day go by much, much faster.
[quote name='encendido5']Great show as always guys! I think I suggested the sound effects a few episodes ago, but people said it would probably take away from the show, which I disagree with, but whatever.

I always thought it was funny how you guys put old school game commercials at the end and yet you don't talk about them. I know you post the info in the thread but I'm sure there are some people that just download the CAGcast off itunes so they would be left wondering what exciting game the ad was for. I know many people will object to this since they want shorter episodes, but maybe you can add a small 2 minute segment with a blurb about the commercial?

Anyway, keep up the great work, your show makes my work day go by much, much faster.[/quote]
I think Cheapy has said before that they add those after they're done, though I'm not sure if he plans what commercial he adds or not ahead of time.
just got around to starting to listen to it and I love that Phoenix Wright Orchestrated music. thats really nice. I am going to have to download it now.
Sorry, too lazy to read thru all posts, but just listened to cast, and noticed in my Japanese Wii manual that there is mention of a separate adapter for wired LAN connections.

Wired internet for Wii is available, just not out of the box.
[quote name='encendido5']

I always thought it was funny how you guys put old school game commercials at the end and yet you don't talk about them. I know you post the info in the thread but I'm sure there are some people that just download the CAGcast off itunes so they would be left wondering what exciting game the ad was for. I know many people will object to this since they want shorter episodes, but maybe you can add a small 2 minute segment with a blurb about the commercial?
[/quote]Yes...those are added afterwards. You can always find a link to the ad itself in the 1st post in the CAGcast thread.
You know, I didn't have any audio issues with this episode- I didn't think the quality was nearly as terrible as half the people here. For something like a podcast, perfect audio isn't necessary.
As somebody who owns all three new systems, I'd be interested in hearing how many hours you spend with each of them every week. You should keep track and see if any trends develop.
[quote name='JackFlash666']You know, I didn't have any audio issues with this episode- I didn't think the quality was nearly as terrible as half the people here. For something like a podcast, perfect audio isn't necessary.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. I don't download podcasts with the expectation that it will be the quality of high def radio, I download them because I want something to listen to at work. Who really cares about the quality? Besides, its a hell of a lot better than a lot of ones that are out there. I mean at least both people are recording at the relative same volume unlike a lot of other podcasts, that is much more annoying than a slight muffled sound in one person's audio.
Well, regardless...we are going to try this new method of recording this week (if the test proves successful). I don't think the audio needs to be "CD quality", but I am not happy with the quality on my end during the last few shows.
Decent show guys. Glad Cheapy got Wombat to stop with those horrible wii puns, which got annoying very quickly. About the exclusives between the Xbox 360 and PS3, I'm kind of torn between both cheapy's and wombat's opinions. I kind of agree with Cheapy that the 360 has a very good line up for this holiday and pretty much can be found everywhere. But at the same time I agree with Wombat's opinion that Microsoft should push for exclusive titles because then that would kind of sway a person who likes those types of games to go with that system. Oh and Wombat your wrong about Kameo getting mostly 6 and 6.5's it got 8's all around, with one or two 7's.
This week's episode of the CAGcast was really good (especially to hear Cheapy's impressions of the Wii launch in Japan and Elebits impressions). Hopefully this next show will give Cheapy's impressions on Blue Dragon (if he got a copy of course). :D
Great show guys as ever, I especially like hearing your opinions of the games your playing at the moment, I've picked up a couple of games I might not have this year thanks to Cheapy/Wombat reccomendations (Viva Pinata, Pheonix Wright, Saints Row etc).

One thing though, Cheapy sounded like he was in a bad mood at the beginning of the Cagcast, this was a big contrast to post-sex Cheapy from two weeks ago who I could literally hear grinning ;)

I'd agree with Cheapy that Wombat's "surprise at remembering who he is" schtick at the beginning is getting old, maybe time for some new material?
bread's done