CAGcast #59: Above the Low


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
CheapyD reveals his next ridiculous toy purchase and how the Xbox 360 can be successful in Japan. Both hosts discuss all three next-gen consoles, answer your questions from the CAGbag, and much more!

Listen for details on a new contest!

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Show Linkage/Notes
Intro music: River City Ransom (NES)

Daphatty in Tokyo

New Releases

IGN picks PS3 as best new console of 2006
Rumor: Warhawk canned, to become PS3 download - Jaffe's posts on NeoGAF
PS3 shipments hit 2 million worldwide

Analyst: PS3 to miss target by 25% due to "poor sales"
Newell on PS3: A Total Disaster
Western MotorStorm Still A Little Thin

Wii noisier than Xbox 360 and PS3, says sound meter test

Brush Up On Your Multiplayer Japanese For Lost Planet
Zootfly scares up Ghostbusters details

Ex-Rhino stores - cheap-ass NES, SNES, Genesis, and N64 cartridges! (hxhawkeye)

WiFi Max (DS/PSP) $28.50 shipped at Play-Asia
Cheap Ass Gamer Coupon Pack ( (AZPunisher)
[Back!] Incredible Hulk 2: Ultimate Destruction @ Amazon for only $9.82
NHL/NBA 2k7 (PS3/360) on Sale at Amazon

No World Of Warcraft For You, Consoles!
How accurate are video game rumors?

[/FONT]Digg the CAGcast
[/FONT]Outro: Odyssey 2 Voice Pack

Bonus Pictures!

New Microphone
Samson C03U Podcast Pack

New Toy






Tagged! Nice Mic. You do sound "bassier". More radio-like, if you will.

As for the contest, I don't even have a PS3, but here's hoping I win Resistance: Fall of Man (thanks Cheapy and daphatty for the prizes)!
Wow , that mic would make Johnny Carson feel right at home .

Looks maybe DaPhatty left you some SONY schwag .

This will help me through the day at work , I'll post comments later .
Hooray something to listen to at work, instead of listening to people talk! :D

EDIT: Listened to the show today.. very good as usual. BTW, Killzone for PSP please ^_^
So far so good; the show is a lot more upbeat this week. Nice to see the chemistry back to form, Cheapy/Wombat. :) And there is a definite improvement with the new mic, though it is a little bass-y, like Wombat said.

Also, I would certainly approve of receiving a free copy of Resistance: Fall of Man. :) (And I actually want to play it! least, eventually!)

Very nice of Daphatty for coming up with prizes for the CAGs.
Way better sound quality then last show. Great Mic , Nice work Cheapy and Wombat. Also the 360 TagLine is hilarious. I think a great idea Cheapy :)

I wouldn't mind some Killzone: Liberation.
Listening the cagcast now.
I'd be happy winning anything, but I'd really like to check out Resitance:Fall of Man
Listing now, figured I'd comment about the microphone

It sounds a little clearer, and more professional. It has like that deep good quality radio sound if you understand what I mean.
Waaaay better sound quality, but needs adjusting. When you elevate your vocals its gets all razor garggley.

Resistance: Fall of Man
Warhawk on the original PSX was a great game. Lots of crap blowing up and an open environment.
The ship itself was a cross between a jet and a helicopter, But without helicopter blades. Kinda like a harrier, in that it was able to hover and do 180 turns. It was a VTOL craft:

The levels were varied, and the amount of crap on screen was insane. One of the best levels was the one with all the aircraft carriers launching enemies at you. I was very disappointed to hear that development was stalling for the PS3 version.

Maeking mine Marvel! also Resistance: Fall of Man
An awesome show this week, probably the best one in the last few weeks. Not sure about Cheapy's 360 game idea though, probably something that will only work in Japan, not sure about the states.

Resistance: Fall of Man
My connection in Indonesia is so fucking shitty that I can't even download the CAGcast without it timing out... :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: Any chance for a Japanese (or Asia) mirror?
Still listen every week and still enjoy the show but I have a complaint. There are a lot of loyal listeners and more and more lately I feel that you are answering the same question over and over again from the CAG Bag. I would rather have a shorter podcast than listen to how you first watched RoboCop for the 3rd time or how the match making in Gears is worse than Halo for the 6th time.
Much better show this week.

Still not as great as you guys have been at your prime, but you've regained my confidence.

Oh, and I'm not just saying that because I want to win a copy of Resistance : Fall of Man.
What're you planning on doing with the old microphone, Cheapy?

Maybe give that away in a contest to an aspiring Video Game Podcaster, :p.

Not that I am one, but hey . . . it'd be cool to start one.
Sweet ass Mic Cheapy, you sound like you're in my room! Very cool

Great cast, and please enter me into the Resistance contest, I'm in the Uk, and I don't the the PS3 is gonna be region free when it comes out, but the other games don't really interest me.

Great show.
[quote name='daphatty']My connection in Indonesia is so fucking shitty that I can't even download the CAGcast without it timing out... :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: Any chance for a Japanese (or Asia) mirror?[/QUOTE]

You forgot to say which game you'd want. You know, like Killzone: Liberation. :)
KillZone: Liberation was actually a fun demo. And I'm not a big fan of that genre to begin with, so that's sayin' something.

Nice cast, fellas!
Warhawk was a boss in Twisted Metal: Black. It's sort of a futuristic helicopter/plane combination.

I'd take Resistance if by some miracle my post wins.
I have to go against Mr Unoriginal's post and I say I'm for a longer CAGcast. I listen to the show at work each week. When I'm listening, time flies; no matter what Cheapy and Wombat are talking about. I don't listen to get the latest gaming news or deals, if thats all you're listening for, it's a lot faster just going to a few gaming sites and the CAG forums. I listen for the funny discussions and Cheapy and Wombat's take on gaming and other topics. If they streamlined the show and only talked about the best gaming deals and latest gaming headlines I would quickly lose interest. I could get all that information elsewhere; I want to know about life in Japan, Cheapy's obsession with Robocop, Wombat's constant struggle to stay employed and his ongoing quest to mouch free games. Whose with me?

I propose an 8 hour CAGcast posted 5 days a week Mon-Fri. My work week would be over in a flash.

PS. Warhawk was an original PlayStation title(my first Playstation game), that came out about the same time as Twisted Metal. Warhawk was not a helicopter in that game, it was a ship that could lift off the ground vertically and hover like a helicopter but it had no helicopter blades. It fired these badass swarm missiles and there was some hilarious FMV sequences. I was in love with that game when I first bought my Playstation. A less futuristic version of Warhawk made a cameo in Twisted Metal Black as a boss.

P.P.S If a gamer pic for your alma mater exists you are morally obligated to use it.
I'm digging the new CheapyD sound and the new mic ... nice pickup Cheapy!


also ... a copy of Resistance for me plz :mrgreen:
The quality of the mic sounds great cheapy. This cagcast was entertaining despite there not being much to talk about. The xbox idea made me think of that snl skit "dick in a box." Thanks for the nice mental image at the end of the show wombat. Keep up the good work guys I look forward to show #60.

Resistance: Fall of Man
[quote name='CheapyD']I read it...I still call bullshit. There is no way the 360 isn't the noisiest at all times.[/QUOTE]
Have you heard a PS3 when it's running in an enclosed space, like those kiosks they have for them? My God, it's like it's dying and it wants everyone to know it.

Oh yeah. Resistance.
bread's done