CAGcast #64: Good Enough


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
CheapyD and Wombat discuss Wii disappointments, Xbox 360 Partnernet controversies, and the only PS3 game worth $600. In addition, we cover the latest industry and game shopping news, your questions from the CAGbag, and much more!

Listen for details on new contests, sponsored by , Phoenix Wright 2 (DS), and Crackdown (360).

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Show Linkage/Notes

Intro music: Goonies II (NES)

Contest winners: drumman201 (Phoenix Wright 2) & Panasonic (VF5)

CAG Foreplay: New Releases (2/20/07)

Black 360 is in Game Crazy POS
XBLA's Ross Erickson leaves Microsoft, heads over to Sierra Online

Sound Of GameStop Stalking

Nintendo's web stats soar above rivals
Scary Manhunt 2 Letter

AOL: Don't Buy a PS3

Analyst: EA "Most Likely Buyer" Of 2K Sports

[/FONT]Digg the CAGcast

Outro: Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom

Bonus Videos/Pictures! (may take time to be available)
CheapyD Rides the Segway

CAGcast 64: Companion Video (The Uncapsuling)


Great show. It's nice to see the feedback section again after it went missing for a few eps.

Put me in for Crackdown, though I regret always posting in the top five, since it seems like the lower numbers never get picked. :D
You don't need to upgrade the Wii's firmware before downloading channels. I downloaded Everybody Votes first and updated after that and it worked fine.

:rofl: At the Manhunt 2 "letter" you got, Cheapy.

That EA rumor is just so stupid. We need someone to become CAG's spoof financial analyst since it takes no skill for guys like Michael Pachter to fo it.

Good show, as always.
Ahhhhh...the Segway.It revolutionized the way people get hit by cars.:lol:Wonder if you can drive that thing drunk.

[quote name='mrx1']Ahhhhh,the Segway.It revolutionized the way people get hit by cars.:lol:Wonder if you can drive that thing drunk.[/quote]
Cheapy probably just uploaded it, so it's probably still processing.
The Short Answer:

Game certification and game testing ARE NOT the same thing.

The Long Answer:

Game certification usually happens early on, when much of the game is on paper and/or during the alpha phase. At least, that's how it works (yes, present tense) at Sony.
great podcast guys keep up the work
off topic........... does anyone kno if a bluetooth headseat thats Blutooth 1.2 will work with the PS3

PS maybe cheapy u can send me a gratis copy of rail simulator for my Ps3
I don't see how hard the Everybody Votes channel was to figure out. The message that came from Nintendo annoucing Everybody Votes specifically said that you needed to update the firmware before the channel would be active. The fact that the Upgrade button is in the message itself is apparently not obvious enough.

I agree that WiiConnect24 should be downloading firmware updates automatically (but NOT applying them), and that it could be used more effectively, but please don't blame your lack of reading skills on problems with downloading and using the channel.
Hey good show. couple of observations.

The nintendo nielson ratings maybe a little high if they include DS gaming in thier statistics. Also the hits for the Wii connect maybe just one time hits from people setting up thier systems and checking it out.

Much as I would like to see Jade Empire 360 they would have to recode the entire game from scrath to work with new hardware. Cost bioware a lot of money and they couldn't release it at a lower price point.

However why couldn't microsoft re-release the best xbox titles with the emulation code for each specific game on each disc that way you wouldn't need xbox live and you could sell these games at a lower price.
Segway scooters are SUPPOSED to come up to your waist (when you stand on them).

And OMGWTFBBQ!!! Put me down for Crackdown

This is the first prize I've REALLY wanted to win!!!!!!! (besides the $100 and stuff like that)


I like the 'you're wrong trip1ex' Wombat voice. I lol-ed on that.

But come on. Playing R6:Vegas is the same as playing R6, R6:Rogue Spear, R63, R63:xpac, R63:Lockdown, GR, GR xpacs, GR2, GR:AW, Gr:AW2, ....etc. I even think it's getting to be the same as playing Splinter Cell.

Hell if you played the first level of a R6 game you've seen the rest of the game.

And as far as WiiSports goes......... you don't throwaway a board game because you played it once. You don't tear down your basketball hoop after you shoot baskets for one hour. You don't put your pool table on craigslist after your first day of playing because you've seen all there is to play!!!!!!!!

WiiSports is like your board game or basketball hoop or Pool Table or Chess board,e tc. IT's like a card game.

You're right that R6 is pretty good about breaking the experience into shorter play sessions although I think you're exagerating the 15 minute thing. Good luck booting up the game and getting to a checkpoint in 15 minutes. WiiSports is still much better in this regard because its games are a few minutes long. IT also is much quicker to get into a game of WiiSports.

Where R6 really fails, as stated above ,is that it doesn't offer a new experience. Yeah Vegas is probably the best version ever, but this year's crop of hdtvs are probably better than last years too. That doesn't mean I rush out and by a new hdtv. Why? Ok they cost alot of money, but I could 'trade in' my old one and not be out alot relatively speaking. REally though I don't bother because the improvements aren't great enough to make a change.

That's the same with games and so without new experiences (& shorter experiences) you're going to lose gamers as they age.

Don't get me wrong. WiiPlay and WiiSports aren't the only types of new experiences I think will work to retain customers, but Nintendo seems to the only big publisher putting out some really new experiences and giving us some shorter games.

I would love it if American publishers gave us some casual short bloody violent games that are something new and different.

Anyway good show as usual. I may not always agree with ya all, but you guys do a pretty darn good job.
Okay... I hope I'm don't offend you guys, but I think this is a bit of constructive critisicm.

Wombat just doesn't seem to know what the hell he's talking about.

Not that CheapyD doesn't do his fair share, but it's almost laughable to hear the misinformation and blatant ignorance you guys sometimes spew. Props to Wombat for admitting he doesn't know, and I realize he's a very busy man, so he doesn't have alot of time to keep up with the industry, but it seems like running a videogame podcast requires a bit more knowledge about videogaming then you guys exhibit.

There are so many times when I hear you so blatantly wrong, mistating facts, misunderstanding events, probably misled... and I wish I could just yell out "come on guys, you are both so wrong this isn't even funny".

Good thing CheapyD seems active on the internet, and is sometimes able to correct his and Wombat's errors through a google search even as the podcast is being recorded.

By the way, these last two (maybe three) podcasts have been getting better and better, Wombat is genuinely slightly funny at times, and almost borders on being insightful and/or informative. The Wombat love is no mistake.
I disagree with some people's assessment of Cheapyd's treatment of Wombat. It's Cheapys' show and if Wombat isn't following the outline or is going over Cheapy's head, it's well within his right to call him out over it. I don't think it hurts the show if there's an element of unscripted-ness either, so if Wombat wants to go off tangent or whatever, that gives the podcast a little edge and sometimes funny stuff results. I like Wombat in the show and all, but I'll admit I couldn't listen to a whole show with just him talking--he needs Cheapy to reel it in and play off of his style.

As for why MS is protective of their services and new's an advantage to companies not to reveal too much as a way to keep competitors guessing as to what IPs they are developing and to keep consumers "wanting more". It could also help prevent any preconceived negative feelings toward the products in case consumers don't like the titles announced. Also, it allows the company to delay announcing release dates so developers aren't pressured to rush out titles.
As someone whose friends are waiting to purchase an Xbox 360 until Halo 3 comes out, I've had to deal with the wraith of many a 12-14 year old on Xbox Live. Nothing is worse than listening to some kid who hasn't hit puberty yet brag about how he just grenade tagged you in GoW. Although I'd still rather play with them than mature gamers who do nothing but glitch...
That's funny about your wives and Gears of War. I love the game but my wife hates when I play it. I'm going to have to ask some questions on what about the game she dislikes now.
My wife hates gears as well. I try to play when she is not around. She really has no objections to anything else I play. She has said she doesn't like the blood and violence.
[quote name='Blaine']Mr. Cheapy D. I came across the following link on the intarweb you may enjoy:

It's a clip from Robocop: The Musical. From the genius folks who created Silence of The Lambs the Musical.

I'm not sure how much they've made, or are going to make, but you at least have that one track.


My god...that was pretty good!
om-shaq-fu-g! goonies II cyndi lauper style midi goodness brought tears to my eyes. well done. now if you two dudes could stop ragging on each others' physical appearances the podcast would be perfect! hug it out or something.

P.S. I'll gladly take a copy of crackdown, and not pay you for it tomorrow.
couldnt post it in the last thread...

wanted to thank you guys.. episode 63 was a great listen on my plain trip to dallas...

unfortunately this game of the day sale starts when im over here and by the time i notice its too late...

and i cant find any gaming store.. hence i need crackdown!!!

[quote name='Blaine']Mr. Cheapy D. I came across the following link on the intarweb you may enjoy:

It's a clip from Robocop: The Musical. From the genius folks who created Silence of The Lambs the Musical.

I'm not sure how much they've made, or are going to make, but you at least have that one track.


Listening to Silence the Musical right now!!!


Anyway, I've got to put my two cents on PartnerNet. If they don't want anyone to know or talk about it; why even advertise it? Why not just keep it on the low and allow commited users to use it. It's like being a closet homosexual, but posting pictures of you making sweet nookie-noo with the mexican gardener on your MySpace page.

The bottom line; they should've kept the site underground, they're the ones who openly talked/advertise, they can't expect people to not talk about/ post YouTube videos on it. And with supposedly good games in works for XBLA, wouldn't they want this extra anticipation?
I've drawn why I think CheapyD doesn't get hit on in the following comic. Yes I know it looks like shit.


As for Wombat talking about how he likes playing Rainbow Vegas because it is like a new show each week, I think that is just his taste. Take Tetris for example, that's pretty basic like Wii sports and look at how well it did.
[quote name='thorbahn3']I've drawn why I think CheapyD doesn't get hit on in the following comic. Yes I know it looks like shit.


As for Wombat talking about how he likes playing Rainbow Vegas because it is like a new show each week, I think that is just his taste. Take Tetris for example, that's pretty basic like Wii sports and look at how well it did.[/quote]

Its soo bad. It needs to be an avatar.
Cheapy: What was microsoft's reasoning for you to take the partnernet video down?

It's kind of funny I was watching Frontline on PBS yesterday and they were discussing the relationship between the press and the government i.e. when does the press cross the line between reporting news/revealing government secrets.

I think it was wrong to post up the video. I never saw the video but how do you justify it as news worthy? When a developer decides to release a game, they'll let the press know - why is there a sense to beat them to the punch? Just for website hits?

As a game enthusiast don't you think it ruins the surprise?

But definitely shame on to the "journalists" that actually had a debug unit and went against MS's policy and what did they report on? - a Treasure logo. Hope it was worth it for them because I don't think MS approves of it. If I was MS I'd take their systems back and never invite, talk to them again.
Great show guys! I'm really digging your show. This is only my 2nd week listening. I would like Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Justice for All.
great show still disappointed that cheapy still hasnt found a game beside railfan though, we need more ps3 talk on here>.>

Anyway, I've got to put my two cents on PartnerNet. If they don't want anyone to know or talk about it; why even advertise it? Why not just keep it on the low and allow commited users to use it. It's like being a closet homosexual, but posting pictures of you making sweet nookie-noo with the mexican gardener on your MySpace page.

The bottom line; they should've kept the site underground, they're the ones who openly talked/advertise, they can't expect people to not talk about/ post YouTube videos on it. And with supposedly good games in works for XBLA, wouldn't they want this extra anticipation?

dudes, partner net is for press and developers to play games that are being worked on in a multiplayer environment. theres no advertising for it, we only know about it because people in the press have mentioned it. usually lamenting the fact that they have more nerdpoints on their partner net screen name than their real one. It is Live for incomplete games. They don't want you talking about what you see on partner net because they don't want competitors to steal their thunder.
[quote name='Milkyman']dudes, partner net is for press and developers to play games that are being worked on in a multiplayer environment. theres no advertising for it, we only know about it because people in the press have mentioned it. usually lamenting the fact that they have more nerdpoints on their partner net screen name than their real one. It is Live for incomplete games. They don't want you talking about what you see on partner net because they don't want competitors to steal their thunder.[/QUOTE]

I think he may have been referring to "advertising" as Major Nelson talking about it on his podcast. It might not be formal advertising, but Microsoft's "unofficial" spokesman about everything 360 has a large userbase (a userbase that wouldn't exist if he wasn't breaking news and having interviews with insiders at Microsoft). Well, if the face of Xbox is going to talk about it, people are going to want to know what is on there. And if things are leaked outside of PartnerNet, it's going to find its way onto the internet.

I understand all of Microsoft's reasons for not wanting PartnerNet info out in the wild, but it's the nature of the beast. They have NDA's in place to protect against this stuff and they obviously aren't enforcing them well enough to keep this stuff under wraps.

But you've got to respect the wishes of CheapyMom.
[quote name='lebowsky']I don't see how hard the Everybody Votes channel was to figure out. The message that came from Nintendo annoucing Everybody Votes specifically said that you needed to update the firmware before the channel would be active. The fact that the Upgrade button is in the message itself is apparently not obvious enough.

I agree that WiiConnect24 should be downloading firmware updates automatically (but NOT applying them), and that it could be used more effectively, but please don't blame your lack of reading skills on problems with downloading and using the channel.[/QUOTE]

Oh snap!!!
Another great show I'm happy that the last 2 shows been going way up in everything , keep up all the good work and keeping the Cagcast my favorite Podcast out. Thanks Cheapy & Wombat.
bread's done