CAGcast #69: Where the Elite Meet

Today I received my prize from the CAGCast contest a few months ago. Came straight from Cheapy in Japan via Japan Post and USPS Global Express Mail. The box contained three things:
1st prize:
Nintendo Sound Figurine - The Legend of Zelda ("Secret revealed" sound effect)
.S Collection Nintendo Version (AKA "Lite Brite pegs" toy) - Mario (Donkey Kong version)
Namco Sound Figurine- Mappy ("Stage Clear" sound effect)

There were also a couple of CAG business cards in the box. :)
I already put the toys together, and I must say that all of them are excellent prizes!

Thanks Cheapy!
Those who are having problems with iTunes, give it another try...I think I found the problem.
You may want to try unsubscribing and resubscribing if it doesn't work.
Great analysis on the Elite 360 guys. Unless it has a quiter drive or sports the new chips, I really don't see the point of buying one.

The only way the Elite 360 would appeal to me, is if I was able to stack the this new black Xbox 360 on top of my original Xbox. Knowing the original Xbox is built like a tank, I know it could withstand the weight.

Cheapy and Wombat, do you guys foresee the possibility of a third party coming out with an accessory that would allow the two Xbox's to vertically interlock? Like some kind of plastic mold / shelving.

If so, I'd definitelly pick one up when Halo 3 and Blue Dragon come out.
[quote name='CheapyD']Those who are having problems with iTunes, give it another try...I think I found the problem.
You may want to try unsubscribing and resubscribing if it doesn't work.[/quote]

I tried that last night and again this morning. Still no luck.

Commute sucked today.
I also recieved my toys from that contest a while ago. I got mine a few days ago in a funky japanese box.
1st Toy: Nintendo Sound Figurine - The Legend of Zelda ("Secret revealed" sound effect) I got this one too

2nd Toy
: I got one of the lite brite toys as well, unfortunately it was just at fireball and not mario.

3rd Toy
: Franzsicha Von Karma from Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (complete with whip!)

Like Cao Cao said there were also a bunch of business cards in there.

Also I cant get the CAGcast off of itunes.
From reading the comments that have already been made, this was quite a controversial episode for you two, so I'll avoid arguing about some of the asinine things the both of you said. So with that out of the way...

No you don't have to pay for the Wii browser, I was confused about this myself. We're all getting it for free to keep until June 30th, then after that it'll cost anyone who wants it 500 points.

Wombat, you're not alone in wanting a 2D Ninja Gaiden game for the DS, check out the thread where you can see us discussing it:
Great show guys! The discussion of the xbox elite was very interesting and brought up a lot of points I really hadn't considered. Thanks for not taking the typical fanboy approach! My only complaint is that I thought that I noticed some choppy cuts in the 'cast. I don't recall these in previous episodes, was it time constraints, am I crazy (answer: yes) or what?
At least now when I try and DL I get the correct file size...still wont budge though. I also cant DL directly from the file. Weird.
This was a good show, but like several others here, there were times when I got a little aggravated at the fellas. I couldn't believe Cheapy went the blackface route, but I was proud of Wombat for quickly and tactfully defusing the situation.

The poorly-informed Wii portion of the show was a little annoying, what with not knowing that the upgraded browser will still be free for everyone who downloads it through June, and the unfamiliarity with Super Paper Mario. You can try and justify it all you want, but frankly, you frequently wax rhapsodic about 360 games that are 6+ months away, I'd think you could muster a little more enthusiasm -- or at the very least do the legwork to research -- a major Wii title that is only one week away and is getting early raves from major outlets like IGN, Kotaku, and GameSpot.

I thought your analysis of the 360 Elite was spot on. I do not have a 360 yet, and I was playing wait and see with the Elite to decide whether that would get me in the game. But Cheapy makes a very good point about the fact that the now lower-end system will no doubt be upgraded with better guts later this year and may even see a price drop. I can wait.

Listening to that clip from Epileptic Gamer reminds me why the CAGcast is the only gaming podcast I listen to. Yikes.

I feel a little bad for all of the contest entrants who did straight-up karaoke entries and were thus overlooked. But only a little. Frankly, if someone has to explicitly spell out for you that you should try to be creative, you're probably not a very creative person to begin with.

I have to wonder if "300" fans find themselves mysteriously drawn to every couple days. :roll:
I dont get why everyone complains about, "I bought a PS3 and im dissapointed all I can play is Resistance."

WELL you are dumb! DONT be complaining, you bought it for the future titles and content you'll be getting. DONT you read the forums? Just click on a PS3 forum and all you hear is bad press on it, isn't that an indicator not to purchase it?

"I hate Sony now, and the PS3 looks stupid. AND everyone on every forum complains about it... ill go get one!"

I dont get why people complain about the PS3 more than they do the Wii. I am dissapointed with my Wii, because I thought it was going to be really great. I look at all the forums for the Wii and its constant praise of its amazingness. And they I get it and the only games it has is a GC port and Cooking Mama that got boring in 3 days.

Don't be an idiot, if you are going out and spending so much money why not type in google, "PS3' and see how many PS3 hate websites there are...

Its like if everyone complains about a certain type of car, saying it doesnt work and its really slow and has 1 mile to the gallon and I go out and buy it and then I go, "This car is stupid! I waisted my money!" WELL duh, you should listen to the millions of people complaining about it initially.

I got a PS3. Why'd I get it? I got it so I can play all the old PS2 games I missed and the Blu Ray player as well as the slew of amazing titles on there way for it.
I can't believe the racial bigotry that was displayed in this weeks CAGcast, I was born in the UK and would like to state that not all British people over enunciate words and not all British woman have large breasts (shame).

Joking apart though, you might want to tread a bit more cautiously on the racial sterotypes Cheapy, although that Indian accent from last week was quite amusing, people do find that stuff offensive.

Well I'm off for a cup of tea and a crumpet, I was so shocked at the "Big Breast Brit Bot" comment aimed at Layla Kayleigh, my monocle nearly fell out.
I guess it makes sense that people stupid enough to start an online petition against Capcom for going multiplatform would misspell so many words.

I gotta disagree with Cheapy about 300, I thought it was terrific.

On the topic of Microsoft prohibiting free downloadable content:

The real issue here probably isn't Microsoft's cost to host the content, but rather the effect this would have on the perceived value of DLC in general. Look at it like this; currently developers see the Xbox Live Marketplace and DLC as another potential source of revenue to cover rising development costs or to simply make a larger profit on the games they make.

Now imagine if the developers of the higher profile and more successful titles (like Gears of War) decide they want to celebrate their success and thank their customers by giving away some substantial free DLC. This is great for the consumer, no if, ands, or buts about it. The problem now is, if the high profile developers routinely give away free content, the consumers are going to start to resist paying for any DLC, and worse yet for the developers, their customers are going to start expecting free content for all games. At that point, the Xbox Live Marketplace and DLC is no longer seen as a potential source of revenue; it is now a burden for the developers because they are now forced to develop more content, which will generate no further income, just to compete.

Think about it. If Epic releases a huge Gears of War expansion pack with modes and weapons and levels for free, how would you feel about paying for a few Call of Duty maps? It disrupts all Xbox Live micro-transaction pricing.

What's Microsoft solution to this huge gaping flaw in their micro-transaction system? They prohibit developers/publishers from releasing substantial DLC for free! That solution does fix the problem, as long as, their customers don't find out about it, but now that the cats out of the bag, Microsoft finds themselves in an awkward position.
[quote name='felixlighter']

Now imagine if the developers of the higher profile and more successful titles (like Gears of War) decide they want to celebrate their success and thank their customers by giving away some substantial free DLC. This is great for the consumer, no if, ands, or buts about it. The problem now is, if the high profile developers routinely give away free content, the consumers are going to start to resist paying for any DLC, and worse yet for the developers, their customers are going to start expecting free content for all games. At that point, the Xbox Live Marketplace and DLC is no longer seen as a potential source of revenue; it is now a burden for the developers because they are now forced to develop more content, which will generate no further income, just to compete.

Think about it. If Epic releases a huge Gears of War expansion pack with modes and weapons and levels for free, how would you feel about paying for a few Call of Duty maps? It disrupts all Xbox Live micro-transaction pricing.

What's Microsoft solution to this huge gaping flaw in their micro-transaction system? They prohibit developers/publishers from releasing substantial DLC for free! That solution does fix the problem, as long as, their customers don't find out about it, but now that the cats out of the bag, Microsoft finds themselves in an awkward position.[/QUOTE]

That's a bunch of bs.

YOu don't have to make downloable content in the first place.

IF your game isn't popular then downloable content for it isn't going to sell anyway.

Free content can indirectly make you money. It boosts your reputation/brand name which helps sales now and in the future. It also increases the chances the consumer will hang onto your game (which means 1 less copy in the used game market that takes the place of a new sale.) I mean, after buying GEars of WAr, if you heard Epic say, 'Thank you for the purchase. Sales have been great. We are working on providing free content in the coming months for our customers.', would you be alot more likely to hang onto your game and not trade it in? I would.

YOur example is a poor one too. CoD sold quite well. They aren't hurting. If they want to charge money then they can and they'll probably make some. But really they can afford to give away some free content. And again if piss ass game #generic3 didn't sell in the first place then who is left to download their content?

Nah this is just a case of if you like a game then we bust your balls. WE milk you. We have two hands around your sack. MS wants to set this up to profit from every transaction like a retailer does. To be fair, it does cost something to store content and provide the bandwidth to the consumer. But not much.

What they should do is require you to have the disc in your 360 when you download the free content. A sort of 'forced' way of getting you to keep your new copy of the game and not trade it in yet.
Another good one as usual.. I find your podcast to be one that I look forward to each week. Very down to earth and viewpoints that even if I don't agree I can see where you are coming from.

It sure was interesting to see the reactions here to the free content matter. I can see it from the Microsoft viewpoint as an owner of a hosting company even the small files can add up quick if millions of people grab it. It would be nice to get more free content . Of course one would think that a giant like Microsoft would show some good will and let us starved gamers have a bone in the form of a free like arcade title or two.

I am looking forward to knowing what the Japanes will think of the Elite unit. I know the current Xbox systems are not flying off the shelves so adding to the price I am guessing is not going to help to much.

Keep up the good work..
As someone said, listening to that clip of Epileptic Games Radio reminded me why I listen to CDs of podccasts on my commute now instead of the Morning Breakfast Flakes Wacky Crew garbage. Ugh.

Also, I was entertained by Wombat's Coca-Cola Axe idea. Reminded me of the Darkened Skye game for the 'cube featuring the magical Skittles. I think X-Play said this game was actually decent, but I'm sure the Skittles tie-in was a HUGE turn-off, as it would be for me. So, maybe the experiment has already been tried and failed and we won't see that Axe of Refreshement real soon.
I think its a good idea, an "Axe of Refreshment" isn't that bad, as long as it doesn't have the actual brand name "Coca-Cola" on it.
Great show, as always. It was nice to hear you spend some time actually covering the DS. I was about ready to complain about the lack of DS coverage, in spite of the fact that it's the best selling game system out there currently, there had been very little discussion about it in recent weeks.

The online petition thing is an absolute joke. Has an online petition ever actually done anything? And like you mentioned, I'm sure the majority of the people who signed it will buy the game anyway. And who cares if it's multi-platform? As long as it doesn't mean the version I end up playing isn't a crappy port, I really don't care if it's on other systems. People worry too much about crap like this instead of just enjoying the games.
I would not mind a "Potion of Refreshment" if it just was a bottle with the coca- cola wave logo on it. Maybe it will raise stamina. The bottle will give you a +10 Stamina boost and the bottle refilled itself over time.Even better maybe a download for free quest to get the potion bottle . Maybe its only made in a village that is in a dangerous zone.
[quote name='yukine']I think its a good idea, an "Axe of Refreshment" isn't that bad, as long as it doesn't have the actual brand name "Coca-Cola" on it.[/quote]
How would that work, exactly?

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU LOPPED OFF MY ARM!!!!!!!!!! Oh, it hurts! The agony! Wait...Wow...I'm bleeding to death, but my thirst is completely quenched!"
[quote name='Tybee']How would that work, exactly?

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU LOPPED OFF MY ARM!!!!!!!!!! Oh, it hurts! The agony! Wait...Wow...I'm bleeding to death, but my thirst is completely quenched!"[/quote]
Great show guys,

after having my iTunes download problem, I finally got the chance to listen to 69. I laughed harder during the Epileptic/Rail Fan segment than I did during last weeks Meatspin incident.

I was sitting at my son's baseball practice cackling my head head off while getting weird looks from other parents. But, that still wasn't as awkward as listening to the Meatspin saga while my daughter was having a swimming lesson at the YMCA.

Thanks for making me laugh so hard in public that other parents think I'm a freak.

Great CAGCast guys, keep up the good work.

I did lose some respect for Cheapy when he said that he likes Kevin Pereira. Biggest.Douche.Ever.

But then Cheapy totally redeems himself by re-mentioning "Stabbing with their love knife".

If the cost to host downloadable content is the motivating force behind Microsoft prohibiting free downloadable content, then explain why some of the most popular and largest downloads are free. I’m talking about trailers and demos. Why are they free? Because people expect them to be free and will refuse to pay for them. That is the situation Microsoft is trying to avoid with premium downloadable content. They do not want people to expect DLC to be free. I’m not trying to defend Microsoft; the way they handled the situation was wrong and now that the issue is public they are being forced to make the right decision. This is how the story was reported in Game Informer magazine:

"But is there something that Microsoft isn't telling us? Could there be significant free content available in the Market place that the company is withholding?

Game Informer spoke with multiple contacts within the industry about the process that publishers and developers have to go through to get their content on Xbox Live Marketplace. We also found out that there is free content that companies want to offer, but Microsoft's mandating that consumers pay for it.

When a publisher has goods it wants to put up for sale, those prices must first be
submitted to Microsoft. As part of an agreement with the company, publishers have signed a document that hands over final say to Microsoft regarding Market place pricing. From here, Microsoft takes a look at the market and prices items to maintain a balance among items of similiar value.

Game Informer talked to Aron Greenburg, Xbox Live/Xbox 360 group product manager who denied that Microsoft has final say over Market place pricing. "It's ultimitaly up to the publisher," he told us.

However, according to our sources, it's not up to publishers, and free content is being with held from consumers under the speculated motive of Microsoft wanting to make gamers accustomed to paying money for goods above and beyond wallpapers. Said one industry insider we talked to, "they want you in the store and they want you buying stuff that is at full price. "We've even been told that the rules of the game may vary depending on how much clout your company has with Microsoft.

Greenberg denied knowledge of any motive to restrict free content, but admitted that the company does indeed adjust download prices. "there may be some situation or unusual case where there's content that's significant in nature and it would make other content look out of line, but I'm not aware of any case where we've told them that they couldn't offer it for free."

I highlighted the important parts. Ultimately, it's about making as much money as possible from the Xbox Live Marketplace but prohibiting free content, more specifically, is a way to protect the customers perception of DLC's value in general.
What I would like to see happen with downloadable content on the Xbox Live Marketplace is for most of it to be free. It's ridiculous that we're being charged $5-10 for a map pack. Those sort of downloads are typically free on the PC and they should be on Xbox Live also.
What developers should be charging for are full expansion packs. Charge $10-20 for a bunch of new maps, vehicles, character models, gamemodes, and weapons all bundled together. Sure it would fracture the online community for the game, but the same thing happens when expansion packs come out for PC games, and if people get some free content, like a map pack or two, I believe they will be more willing to pay for a full expansion pack.
Cheapy and Wombat,

I just wanted to say keep up the good work on the CAGCast. I really enjoy listening on my way to work. It takes me about 15 minutes each way. So it takes me about 3 days to listen to the full CAGCast. Which brings me to my only complaint: Quit trying to keep the damn episodes short! The last few have been pretty good in terms of length (insert joke here). Keep up the great work guys!
bread's done