CAGcast #706: A Very Forza Thanksgiving


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
The gang talks T-Day, TV, Black Friday, Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite progression, Kid A Mnesia: Exhibition and so much more!

Download (1 hr 24 minutes) - iTunes - Google Play - Stitcher - RSS  - YouTube

Check out the CAGcast on YouTube for clips and complete episodes.

Show Linkage/Notes:
Intro - Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers - Magician Remix [Music Video]
Outro - Falck M./Karlsson K. v Fan Z./Wang C. | 2021 World Table Tennis Championships Finals | MD | QF

Please submit your show questions via CAGbag or Twitter.
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Thanks for the show... I now know more about shrimp sizing than I ever thought possible.

Cheapy, please give us follow-up reports on the wireless Carplay thing. I've been thinking about trying one, I really hate plugging in to usb, but I see varying results in the Amazon reviews. 

Shipwreck, welcome back to Netflix! Better family films to watch: The Mitchells Vs the Machines and Vivo!.

Names like jumbo and colossal are meaningless and vary from
Location to location. Order your shrimp by number 26/30 12
6/20, u-15s etc are the most common sizes and are based on how many are in a pound like wombat says.

Sometimes there are larger shrimp in back, we put out what’s on sale but usually have a large u-12 (under 12 in a pound) frozen in back.

Love the show!
Listening to Shipwreck ask about if a He-man thing is appropriate to watch got me wondering; when was the last time Shipwreck was really into any hard R or envelope-pushing content, in his own time?

Also for Wombat, do you get a decent amount of support from the Fortnite creator code? I had been supporting Wario with mine for a while, but I know he is raking in the dough, and similarly with Twitch subs where I think it is kind of gross to continue giving subs to multi-millionaire streamers, I'd rather support someone who it actually benefits. You guys have given us your time and entertainment for years, and I feel a lot better about supporting someone else still in the rat race.

Last question, I'm glad that you have a game like Fortnite that you can enjoy with your kid, especially since you usually aren't big on multiplayer shooters. I'm curious, do you think you're better at Fortnite than you are at other shooters, and are you better than Elliot? Do you build in fights?
I was playing FH5 like Shipwreck, except I was focused on the gettable Achievements. After 72 hours the only ones I have left are the ones that 2% or fewer players have achieved. I like the Eliminator and played plenty of it in FH4, so it’s sad the only Achievement in 5 is for winning it. That’s going to require a lot of luck, or investing a huge amount of time that’s better spent playing Halo.
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bread's done