CAGcast #76: Multiplayer Beta


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Our first live show, broadcast via Stickam! We discuss Sony Gamer's Day, the recent onslaught of Xbox 360 downloadable goodies, and other big video game industry news. We also take your calls, play Name That Video Game Tune, and so much more!

Listen for details on how to win a DS Lite from Goozex Game Trading Site!

Download - 87 minutes, 40MB

Past CAGcasts

Special Note:
It was a lot of fun doing this week's show live and I think it was a great experience. But as those who listened live probably already know, we definitely have some technical issues to work out. However, I am not giving up my goal of having a live show and I am confident we can work these problems out. That being said, my guess is that next week's show will probably not be live. Also, you might notice the downloadable show's audio is a slightly wonky. This had nothing to do with the live show, but rather with a mistake I made in post-production. Unfortuantely, it was a mistake I can no longer fix. It's been a long day (12 hours) working on the CAGcast, and I am definitely looking forward to getting some dinner now.

Thanks to everyone who came out to listen live last night and to all CAGcast supporters, no matter how you listen to the show.

Show Linkage/Notes
(click the button below to expand):

Haha , I dunno how you edit out that section so well of the contest with me , Awesome job on all the editing. Everything was done so well edited I can't believe after all that rawness it sounds so good after all those lag moments.

(Also , Btw I used the Sony Logitech PS2 headset it usally's works really well for Skype though.)

The Ps3 call is an instant classic of course though.
(Haha I really love this part so Much)

Great Show!

& Thanks So much Cheapy for having the Live Show as well as choosing me & the others for being on the show I had a great time & I bet the others did as well.

I just of course re listened through the Podcast.!!!!
Holy Shit I Won!!!! I thought you just Hung up on me cause the way the contest was going I didn't actually know I was going to get a GC. Sweet!

Thanks So Much Cheapy!!!!

This is really the best %#$%#$% Site in the World!!!!
Nice first live show Cheapy and Wombat. You guys were great and didn't sound nervous at all. Sticking to the old format seemed to work well, but felt a little strange at times.

I was pretty suprized when my call was answered by Cheapy himself. I was expecting someone to be screening the calls or some kinda "heads up".

I had the stickam turned down, and the phone conversation was a bad cell phone call. I figured the call would be lag free, and any lag would just be on the internet listening end. It seemed manageable at first, but seemed to get worse as the call went on. I was just glad that I could get a quick "keep up the good work doods" for your first live effort.

Oh well, it was nice talking to CheapyD and Wombat. I think I at least had a "hype-worthy" hype-wagon pick. Everyone loves The Darkness and everyone "Believes In A Thing Called Love". I just hope I didn't sound like the biggest loser in the world.

I look forward to the next CAGcast, if it's live or not. I'm glad to hear that you haven't given up on the live show idea because of the technical issues. I'm sure by the year 2037 we will have the technology to speak over the internets without lag.

PS To Guy In The Chat Room: I wasn't masterbating....I just sound that way when I'm nervous.
I just listened to the show and all I have to say is wow. I'm sitting here playing CARS on the 360 (for achievement points), so I decided to stream CAGcast 76 to my 360 while I was playing. Episode 76 is so bad it's good. I never laughed so hard before. Well I have, but not in awhile.

The "contest" wins the instant classic award and deserves to be replayed again and again... Of all your loyal listeners, this joker gets through? "Kid Ik car rus?" LOL!

"Have you ever played a video game before?" Just classic.

Cheapy, you could have played the Super Mario Bros music and he wouldn't had gotten it right. Then you realized that you didn't even consider people in the chat room giving away the answers. So bad it's good, Cheapy, so bad it's good.

I have to give you credit though for trying something new. It definitely takes balls to do something different and get away from your comfort zone. It's also great practice for whenever the CAGcast becomes a real show on real radio. However, you should have a top of the line computer to do a live show, plan out show sections better, or have a few canned callers to avoid the awkward exchanges. I'd still use the message board for most of the questions though. Is a live show really worth it if less than 100 people are going to listen live? A podcast is great because you can download it and listen to it whenever you want.

Great reference to Electric Blue, though. I haven't thought about that show in 20 years, but as soon as you mentioned the show, the song came right back to me. My friend and I used to sneak downstairs to watch it sometime in the mid/late 80's. It's amazing what's stored in the mind.

Some quick comments:

Wombat: You were funny in the show. Thanks for the shout out, hope you enjoy Superman II. Also, if you like hack n slash games, why don't you get Phantasy Star Universe? The single player mode is enjoyable.

Cheapy: Make some adjustments (no calls, close the chat during contests, or wait until you get a new computer) and try again.
One more thing Cheapy...

Can you make the complete, unedited podcast available for download? The posted version is the most (unintentionally) hilarious podcast I've ever heard, no doubt the unedited version is even funnier.
Good show over all, really liked the hole live show feel. Here's some feed back:

Stop rushing wombat, sometimes he starts speaking in detail about a subject then you come out of nowhere and rush off to the next subject. I understand you're trying to keep the pace and everything but it wouldn't hurt to diving into a semi deep discussion. Other then that keep up the good work.
[quote name='steverl22']Good show over all, really liked the hole live show feel. Here's some feed back:

Stop rushing wombat, sometimes he starts speaking in detail about a subject then you come out of nowhere and rush off to the next subject. I understand you're trying to keep the pace and everything but it wouldn't hurt to diving into a semi deep discussion. Other then that keep up the good work.[/QUOTE]

I actually disagree with this, Cheapy's job as host IS to rush Wombat. There's a TON of stuff to go over in the timespan they've chosen (60-90 minutes). If you keep going on and on on a topic, this show would go on forever. As someone involved in TV production, I can say that during live tapings the host's job is mostly keeping the show on track and cutting people off if they're falling behind.
Wake up. WiiSports is the system seller for the Wii!!!!!!

MOTS - good one

I tag games with the BTDT and GE syndrome.

aka the Been There, Done That and the Good Enough syndromes.
good show guys. I'd highly recommend the macbook pro. Super sleek and super fast. Its the best computer I've ever had plus garage band is a killer app for podcasts . Its worth the extra cash.
[quote name='rogueweapon']good show guys. I'd highly recommend the macbook pro. Super sleek and super fast. Its the best computer I've ever had plus garage band is a killer app for podcasts . Its worth the extra cash.[/QUOTE]

I would recommend either, lots of great Apps for mac.
Listened to the show live, and have to give props to Cheapy and Wombat.. kept on going with it, even when the lag was tremendous and the competition didn't go too well..

Well i guess there will be no more live competitions, live and learn i guess.
Though I was ready to listen to the show live...I was dragged away by the realities and commitments of the real world. I do commend CheapyD for not resting on his laurels and that phat PlayAsia account, for continuing to innovate and push the envelope. Thanks for putting in all of those extra hours this week Cheapy.
Just registered for Goozex. Now I have to figure out if I think this trading system is any good. Seems like it might be good.
Man, listening last night was like listening to a train lag its way into a crash. One thing did bother me though: mentioning other video game podcasts. I don't give a shit as to what the other guys are saying and doing, I want Cheapy and Wombat. If I wanted to know that crap like that I'd go on Joystiq, which I don't for a reason.
[quote name='lspear76']One more thing Cheapy...

Can you make the complete, unedited podcast available for download? The posted version is the most (unintentionally) hilarious podcast I've ever heard, no doubt the unedited version is even funnier.[/quote]Haha, I second that I would love to have the full unedited version
How are you guys gonna say the DS is better than the PSP for quick gaming sessions?!
You mention how you can just close it and put it on standby, um the PSP does that also.
And just because the DS's library is chock full of mini games and what not, the PSP has its fair share too. But the graphically impressive, deeper, epic type games are what I love the PSP for.
In addition, I have been playing GTA:Vice City Stories for a few weeks now, and I just pick it up here and there for a brief time. Even if im in the middle of a big 4 part mission or something, i find it easy to just turn it on, play for a few minutes or so and turn it off and pick up where i left off next time.
DS aint got nothing on PSP, except maybe 10 million more units sold or whatever it is.

Peese Guys.

p.s. - Cheapy, let Wombat enjoy his PS3, you hater.

[quote name='Bazz']Haha, I second that I would love to have the full unedited version

fun times had by all indeed, ive been haveing fun today replaying my call which was pretty funny now that I have the chance to hear it myself. I hope that live shows before the norm though, definently brings the show to a new level.
I believe those better graphics you are talking about, combined with the UMD disc format leads to nice loading times. Those loadings times are not beneficial to quick gaming sessions.
[quote name='Gregory_Tea']How are you guys gonna say the DS is better than the PSP for quick gaming sessions?!
You mention how you can just close it and put it on standby, um the PSP does that also.
And just because the DS's library is chock full of mini games and what not, the PSP has its fair share too. But the graphically impressive, deeper, epic type games are what I love the PSP for.
In addition, I have been playing GTA:Vice City Stories for a few weeks now, and I just pick it up here and there for a brief time. Even if im in the middle of a big 4 part mission or something, i find it easy to just turn it on, play for a few minutes or so and turn it off and pick up where i left off next time.
DS aint got nothing on PSP, except maybe 10 million more units sold or whatever it is.

Peese Guys.

p.s. - Cheapy, let Wombat enjoy his PS3, you hater.


I believe those better graphics you are talking about, combined with the UMD disc format leads to nice loading times. Those loadings times are not beneficial to quick gaming sessions.
The show's live format was good, but at times lagged. Maybe setting up 2 feeds to spread out the audience would solve this if it's doable. But one thing's for sure, never mention CONTEST again during a live internet show (especially for a site called Cheap Ass Gamer) unless you're prepared to be swallowed by the dark abyss.

Also, Pokemon Battle Revolution is North America's first Wifi game (June) while Strikers just came out in Europe. Also, Geometry Wars IS coming to the Shop Channel. I suggest you research this stuff before you jump to conclusions Cheapy.
Wow there was a lot of shit to cut out wasn't there? I mean, the show ran a whole 2 hours and beyond that when it was live
Forgot about the live show, caught the edited one.

The show was okay, you should really look into prescreening the callers for the next live show.

Cheapy brought in "teh hahas", Wombat was being annoying and bitching as usual.

What's funny is that Wombat talks the most shit about everyone and everything, but when it comes to him, he is oversensitive.

And who ever thought of using the "price is wrong bitch" line, big ups. :lol:
Cheapy & Wombat

Another good show, a few awkward moments but hey you can not expect every caller to be somewhat intelligent.

Cheapy as a fellow child of the 80s I know your plight all to well. Working those tuning knobs for what seemed like forever just to get a fuzzy outline of a boob so in the immortal words of Keanu Reeves (Father of the Bride) “…what little dudes do!”.

With the Destructoid Podcast I could not tell if they were trying to sound like Bill Cosby or if they were trying to imitate Eddie Murphy imitating Bill Cosby.
Wombat, you apprehension to play Halo is understandable. I am not sure why but Halo 2, and now Halo 3 seems to attract the worst of the worst on XBox LIVE. It seems like every evolutionary throw back in the world plays Halo. And it is not bad enough that you are getting beat down by someone who can only insult you with one symbol words or tea bag you. But allot of them level down. They purposefully commit suicide or play poorly in a game just so they can drop down one or two skill levels and really beat down people who are not very good or who are just learning. I found Halo 2 very frustrating when I am a level 3 and there are people jumping through the air and pulling off a head shots with the sniper rifle. That is no fun for people just learning the game, and I am not exactly sure how it can be rewarding for an experienced player like that to rack up kills on newbies. Now that said there are lots of websites like,, that cater to setting up groups to play on XBox LIVE together. Most of the people in those forums are really nice, and will help out gamers just learning a game. Most are made up of educated adults who have jobs and do not sit around all day in their wife beaters and dirty underwear playing Halo. So you do not get allot of these uber good players. Also another lower tech way to do it is get a friend over and do system link and learn the maps that way.

Cheapy, I have to say Excite Truck is kind of like sex. Playing with it by yourself is not all that exciting, but the more the merrier. Get a two, three or even four people playing together it can be allot of fun and excitement…..yeah and that game thing is cool too!
[quote name='Hired.Geek']Cheapy & Wombat

Another good show, a few awkward moments but hey you can not expect every caller to be somewhat intelligent.

Cheapy as a fellow child of the 80s I know your plight all to well. Working those tuning knobs for what seemed like forever just to get a fuzzy outline of a boob so in the immortal words of Keanu Reeves (Father of the Bride) “…what little dudes do!”.

With the Destructoid Podcast I could not tell if they were trying to sound like Bill Cosby or if they were trying to imitate Eddie Murphy imitating Bill Cosby.
Wombat, you apprehension to play Halo is understandable. I am not sure why but Halo 2, and now Halo 3 seems to attract the worst of the worst on XBox LIVE. It seems like every evolutionary throw back in the world plays Halo. And it is not bad enough that you are getting beat down by someone who can only insult you with one symbol words or tea bag you. But allot of them level down. They purposefully commit suicide or play poorly in a game just so they can drop down one or two skill levels and really beat down people who are not very good or who are just learning. I found Halo 2 very frustrating when I am a level 3 and there are people jumping through the air and pulling off a head shots with the sniper rifle. That is no fun for people just learning the game, and I am not exactly sure how it can be rewarding for an experienced player like that to rack up kills on newbies. Now that said there are lots of websites like,, that cater to setting up groups to play on XBox LIVE together. Most of the people in those forums are really nice, and will help out gamers just learning a game. Most are made up of educated adults who have jobs and do not sit around all day in their wife beaters and dirty underwear playing Halo. So you do not get allot of these uber good players. Also another lower tech way to do it is get a friend over and do system link and learn the maps that way.

Cheapy, I have to say Excite Truck is kind of like sex. Playing with it by yourself is not all that exciting, but the more the merrier. Get a two, three or even four people playing together it can be allot of fun and excitement…..yeah and that game thing is cool too![/quote]

Actually reeves said it in Parenthood...

otherwise a great show...
[quote name='zewone']
Cheapy brought in "teh hahas", Wombat was being annoying and bitching as usual.

What's funny is that Wombat talks the most shit about everyone and everything, but when it comes to him, he is oversensitive.

And who ever thought of using the "price is wrong bitch" line, big ups. :lol:[/quote]

What if it was Wombat who thought that up...
Would you be singin' the same tune?
Doesn't everyone defend themselves when they are getting the fun poked at themselves, regardless of what they have said beforehand. It isn't like Wombat is the only one who does it in the world. If he was, by all means, you can complain

Regardless, the show, live, wasn't all that bad. The "alpha test" (I consider this the beta), was a completely different senario. First off, there weren't that many people listening in. Second, you basically had to beg people to call (not meant offensively) when you were having the alpha test. During the real show (or the previously mentioned beta), people were calling in in the hundred-loads, more-so because they had the ability to be heard by a lot of people, and the ability to win prizes.

The lag was another issue. I had this thought from the beginning. You guys should try the site reccommended to Cheapy for the next live show. I don't remember the link, but the senario was similiar to what the person who sent him the link predicted. The chat was also horrendous. People screaming (typing, rather) random words, many being immature, just lagged up the stickam site, thus lagging the live video, as I would predict with that many people in chat.

Anyway, that being said, I'm going to re-listen to the edited version of the show now.
[quote name='linkpwns']What if it was Wombat who thought that up...
Would you be singin' the same tune?
Doesn't everyone defend themselves when they are getting the fun poked at themselves, regardless of what they have said beforehand. It isn't like Wombat is the only one who does it in the world. If he was, by all means, you can complain.[/QUOTE]
Like I said, whoever had the idea of using it.

I don't have a grudge against Wombat, sometimes I find him to be overly negative, annoying, and demanding recognition instead of being humble(such as in this episode).

He's also proven to be overly sensitive when he is the subject of scrutiny. I just found that ironic because of his personality.
not a bad cosby impression...but they could have done more key 'with the Jello and the jiggle jiggle' or 'Jello pudding pops'
I would suggest not doing another live show. Well the show was okay and the bad parts were no fault of wombat or cheapy, just the people that called in were fucking terrible.

there was the guy with the bad mike

the guy that wanted to talk about the hype wagon 40 minutes after it past

the guy that just wanted to say hi

and the guy that called in at the question part WITH NO QUESTION

but cheapy and wombat were awesome in this one
[quote name='DJSteel']Actually reeves said it in Parenthood...

otherwise a great show...[/quote]

Dang. Beat me to it. I love that movie.
Very good live episode. I bet a few listeners were hoping for the 'train wreck' of a CAGcast, but fortunately it seemed to go off with very few hitches.

A few things:

1) I thought you guys were a bit hard on the listeners/CAGs. Between Wombat calling a guy a 'loser' for not being able to frame a question, and Cheapy hanging up on the guy, I thought things were a bit meaner than usual. Remember the people listening are your fans.

2) Callers need to have a question handy. You might want to remind listeners to 'please have a topical question ready'. CAG's don't just call to call, have something intelligent to say.

Oh, and next time, I'll be logged in- I thought the smaller chat window combined with having a registered Stickam account would do it.
[quote name='Gregory_Tea']How are you guys gonna say the DS is better than the PSP for quick gaming sessions?!
You mention how you can just close it and put it on standby, um the PSP does that also.

I have to agree, I have both and find the PSP's sleep mode much better. Why? You can put the PSP in sleep mode, come back a few days later, and your battery will be at about the same level. With the DS, the unit takes a hit in battery life.

For kicks, try putting Dig Dug: Digging Strike (DS) in sleep mode.
personally..taking calls is a bad idea..99% of the calls are people not knowing what they want to talk about or are late. what you should do instead is set up your calls so that the show flows..
Hey guys - You mentioned you couldn't find anyone to play CAC with so hit me up if you want to play. I am laid up at home right now and can't leave for another week so I am pretty much always available. Anyway, my PSN name is thatdidnthurt and my XBL one is the same - thatdidnthurt. Hit me up if you want to play!
The Live show idea is awesome. Seriously even the dumb callers are entertaining as long as you don't let them ramble on too long which you were good at controlling considering this was the first Live show. Obviously you need to work on the techical difficulties, but the idea is good. I think you had a good amount of callers mixed in too for now. It all just adds some spontaneity and energy and provides a little variety.

The Cosby thing was ok. It sounded Gilbert Gottfried doing Bill Cosby. PLus it would have been a bit funnier if he did more than repeat his joke 4 or 5 times in a row. Still I will say stuff like this again adds a little variety to the mix. It might not always hit a homerun, but it helps the entertainment factor.

And I think you are doing great at trying to turn the podcast more into a show than many of the others.

OH the DS is the much much better on the go gaming machine in every regard. It wins every category hands down.
i agree (about having clips from other podcasts=bad idea) i don't care what the other ones are saying..

although if i had a podcast that is fairly popular umong the niche that is video game news websites/forums and i happen to listen to others it would be pretty neat to hear what others were saying..kinda like what Wombat was saying a couple casts ago about "if you knew there was a website where people talked about you constantly would you check it often?"

but in hearing some of clips (and listening to other podcasts) i find that I like cheapy/wombat's the best and the others are of less quality.. cheapy and wombat don't judge their audience and don't alieniate the "regular people" who don't own at halo or play more then DS games... and wish the shows were more frequent (like 2 a week) or one of alternating formats (IE one call in type show and another like the regular show) keep up the good work loved the cast.. might try to catch the next live show.. but i really perfer to listen to it at my convienence

it would be cool though to hear like a 2 hour cag cast where 1 hour was devoted to call ins or interviews (kinda like a regular radio show) and the other was just what you guys normally talk about.. anyways.. laterz
bread's done