CAGcast #85: You Got Served!


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
CheapyD reveals Circuit City's subpoena against CAG and Wombat reveals Halo 3 impressions after 3 hours of playtime with the latest build. We also answer your CAGbag questions, discuss the latest gaming and shopping news, and so much more!

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Note: The Circuit City discussion starts at 14:45 mark.

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Whoo hoo!!! 3 F'n hours...tagged and listening now...

Oh damn...Mrs. Wombat I salute you. Go for where the money, benefits, and long-term prospects are!

Gratz Nascar winnarz.

Ooo...the subpeona part is up...
Noooo, not Speedy!!! Seriously, though, I'm not surprised. I agree it sounds like Sony pressure. Although, the point card thing did kind of get screwed over....gah, it ain't right 'cause Speedy is good folk with good intentions.

Don't worry Cheapy about Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime fans...I also think it's not quite up to the hype. It's all a matter of personal taste, of course.

Thanks for the Halo3 impressions, Wombat...I too am not a big Halo fan, but now I'm as jazz'd as I've ever been about a Halo game.
THIS SHIT IS GETTING CRAZY omg it's only the baby part too :rofl:


yay! hooray for enjoying Metroid Prime, i popped it in a few weeks ago too, playing my second time through. hehe
This show was, in a word, crazy.

Cheapy, I think you're going to get a lot of hate mail again concerning Metroid Prime now, just because you revealed your anemic time count in the original, even though you've played more now. You say it's overrated, but you really had to have been there when it came out to really understand why it got such great reviews. Combined with the fact that there was a ton of skepticism about it going in.
And Wombat, for playing 3 hours of being kidnapped by mysterious strangers. I congratulate you on your cunning good sir. You played one heck of a wicked Chess Match!
Listening to the CAGcast atm. About the subpeona... the only logical reasoning I can come up with is that Circuit City or Sony ultimately lose out on profit whnever ads are posted ahead of schedule. Once the customers see this ad ahead of time, they'll most like hold off on purchasing items to be put on sale. So less people would purchase the ps3 before the sale once more are notified of of this price drop ahead of time.
My favorite part was when Cheapy asked if any real celebrities were there (Cliffy B pwned) and Wombat mentions a bunch of D list people. The great other was of course when Cheapy said the Africans were doing enough of a good job killing each other that a white man doesn't need to do some killin' .
The following is the letter that I sent to Circuit City tonight regarding this action. Feel free to post and repost this anywhere anyone feels may be appropriate.

I mean every word of it, too.


I am a forum member of a website known as I wanted you to know that the only, and I do mean the ONLY time I step foot into a Circuit City is when I see an ad or a list of clearance items on Because of this site, and again, ONLY because of this site, I drive 20 minutes twice a month or so simply to go buy the things that I see are on sale, or come with a purchase incentive of some sort.

Now, as you have filed legal action towards, you have lost me as a customer. For life. Period.

This is not an idle threat, but a statement of fact.

Should you see some negative press over strong-arming a website and a forum member who only serves to boost your sales among one of your most highly -sought demographics, and should you drop said action, it will still be too late. I have concluded that you are unfit to receive my money.

I won't sit here and make false claims about how I spend $300 dollars a month at your store. I did buy a $1200-dollar HD-TV to go with my new XBox 360 when it came out, but truthfully, I doubt you will miss my business all that much in the grand scheme of things. I'm not naive. What I am, however, is a gamer. And while we gamers may be cheap, usually more out of necessity than not, waiting for you to drop the price on that title we've been on-the-fence about, we are also proud.

We are proud, and we will not be bullied.

Along with the pride that I feel in writing this letter, however, I also feel sadness. I was angry at first, I admit, but now that has given way to the sadness I feel when I realize that I will miss your store. Not just for the deals, but also because it was a little more of a grown-up electronics store than Best Buy, which is closer to a theme park. Crowded, busy, bright, gaudy. I liked that your stores had carpet for some reason, though I could never exactly pin-point why. I bring these things up because I hope that someone there understands that this is not a decision I make lightly, because in the end, I know that this really will hurt me more than it hurts you.

I will be posting this letter on, not because I wish to incite others to follow my example, but because we are also a community. And the other members of my community deserve to know that they are not alone in the anger and sadness that they too, will no doubt feel over this most egregious course of action that Circuit City has taken against two of our own.


Holy Shit Cheapy. I read this with my girlfriend in bed, and now you have made me get involved in the forums. I think you should come out on top. It's fucken free speech on these forums man, what the hell!

Great show. Recently I've bought Guitar Hero 2 and looking forward now to number 3.

Pete from NZ.
:lol: "his name is Roy Harper and he lives in Titan Tower"
Change speedy's name to Arsenal while your at it ;-)

Its horrible news that CCity is coming after speedy, we can only hope that Best Buy and Target doesn't follow in their lead. don't forget Microsoft too, their price drop was all over the place early too. Hopefully it all works out well, otherwise we'll have to start a Save Speedy fund.
just started, congrats to Mrs. Wombat on those offers. Wombat should be proud. :)

btw, we support you speedy for all you do to help us out!
Cheapy, I wouldn't worry about your Halo 3 playing in the short term, anyway, with the kid coming so soon. Your wife will be home with what sounds like some very generous maternity leave (not being in the U.S. of course). You won't have THAT much to do and should have plenty of time to game. Of course that will all change when she goes back to work, so enjoy it while you can :lol:.

I pine for the easy, carefree days when my wife stopped working a few months before the birth of our first kid. Looking back on it we had SO much free time then we were utterly spoiled. I now have 3 kids with a 4th due in November. I can't imagine what married people with no kids do with all their piles and piles of free time.

Glad to see you liked Metroid more than you thought you would. I played through quite a bit of the first one but never finished and I barely played the second at all (nothing wrong with it, I was just playing other things at the time). I am going to force myself to start MP3 day 1 and complete it before starting any other games though.
Awesome show, guys. And that Japanese fighting game with Transformers in it? It's DreamMix TV World Fighters. Optimus Prime's playable by default, and Megatron's unlockable. There's even a Devastator stage, and MGS2-era Solid Snake!
Is it coincidental that I also probably only put about 10 minutes into Metroid Prime? I need to boot that up and try it again.
This is complete Bs of CC , Speedy posts on deals is one of my highlights. What they want you to do is totally crazy. I really hope everything goes okay For Cag as well as Speedy. Don't forget to keep us updated on this issue.
"You can't say it because you're a pussy." Best Wombat line!

Cheapy, glad you're doing the right thing with the Speedy thing. I'm glad that I'm participating in a community that is 'stand up.' If you were to roll over on Speedy, I'm sure that I wouldn't be the only one who would be pretty disappointed with the site.

Why don't you consider hosting outside of the USA? In the future, you could avoid these frivilous US lawsuits. Something tells me that you might be able to get some advice from Ms. Cheapy on this front. You could incorporate in Barbados or something. CAG, Inc. has a nice ring to it.

Wombat--at my office, we've gone through a couple of personality tests, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and StrengthFinder. Disc is REALLY old. I can't believe that anyone still uses that. StrengthFinder is the newest one, and the one that I think can be most useful. It focuses only on positives within your organization and the different types of strengths that everyone brings to the table. It's based on the strengths that are identified in successful people all over the world. More research based, and with many more possibilities of how you are rated. It rings truer because there are a variety of differenty dimensions which you can have strengths in.

MBTI is kind of like Disc, it kind of pidgeon-holes people. Fundamentally, it's a bit too 2-dimensional to really capture the nuances of someone's personality. It has 16 different types (I'm an ENFP).

Next time you do one of these team-building things at the office, try Strengths.
Three hours of Halo 3, nice...

Cheapy your in for a ride with the newborn. It was tough juggling a new job and a 2 month old baby last year when Gears hit.

Edit: Wombat I did a DISC test about 2 months ago as part of a team building offsite. I was a double DD.
[quote name='Meatwad42']...Now, as you have filed legal action towards, you have lost me as a customer. For life. Period...[/quote]
You might want to consider not making CAG plural every time. It kinda discredits your intelligence.

[quote name='botticus']Is it coincidental that I also probably only put about 10 minutes into Metroid Prime? I need to boot that up and try it again.[/quote]
omg holy hell, me too!

good luck speedy & cheapy! Legal action sucks, I'm sure. If speedy must forcefully resign his role, I'm sure someone will pick up the slack sooner or later. It's kinda like file sharing. And if that's true, it'll get better every time it comes back! (napster -> torrents)
I noticed one person's letter to CC said about they only go for the clearance games...I wouldn't say that to them. I seriously doubt they care about you as a customer if you say you only go for stuff on clearance or sale. Best Buy publicly said that, so I'm sure other stores "think" that privately.
fuck Circuit City
This website directs a lot of business directly towards CC and now they will lose lots of business sales because of their stupid litigation.

Very classy effort on Speedy's behalf. Very classy.

As for the PSN, I don't play online much, but have played Warhawk and Home betas. Both were mostly seamless (Warhawk dropped me 1-2 times out of several dozen games, and both drops happened right as I tried to join a game in progress, rather than during a game). Home worked just fine as well (shame, then, that I feel it will be a complete bomb, those anticipating it will be amazingly let down by how boring and flimsy it is, and the fact that Home will be largely moot once better interactive features - game invites from the XMB or ingame - are implemented into the XMB.)

The biggest issue with the PSN, IMO, is found in the PSN store. The updates are severely lacking. They should be able to compete with XBL head-to-head in terms of demos, and they aren't. Demos are, without exception, later than their XBL counterparts (or they don't show up at all). They should be able to compete with Wii's VC head-to-head in terms of PSX downloadable games. They only have 12 games total, and only 1 new game (SOTN) has shown up since early June. Worst of all, it set a new pricepoint, as all PSX titles but SOTN are $6, while SOTN is $10. The PSN store is, hands down, the most disappointing aspect of the PSN right now.

Lastly, you'll have to forgive my knee-jerk reaction, there are a number of rumors out there about why GTAIV is delayed, some of which implicate the PS3 version, and some of which implicate the 360 version. I don't know that it's fair, even in speculation, to entertain only one side of those theories. Nevertheless, I do agree that this fall will have plenty of good gaming action without GTA.
Was I the only one that started to listen to the opening song and thought the recording was chickmunked like the shipwreck's this last week?
[quote name='velvet396']You might want to consider not making CAG plural every time. It kinda discredits your intelligence.

omg holy hell, me too!

good luck speedy & cheapy! Legal action sucks, I'm sure. If speedy must forcefully resign his role, I'm sure someone will pick up the slack sooner or later. It's kinda like file sharing. And if that's true, it'll get better every time it comes back! (napster -> torrents)[/QUOTE]

me 3 yo! actually probably more like half an hour... i didn't enjoy it at all.
I'll be listening to this tonight at work. I wish I had time to listen to it right now.

As two other people have already said, fuck Circuit City. Long live Speedy!
Hey guys, solid show. I feel that you're handling the Speedy issue as well as anyone could, so keep it up, and good luck with the outcome. Also, thanks for getting to my question. I admit, I wasn't fully considering all legal angles for the FreeLoader, I just jumped to the conclusion that since Nintendo didn't slap it down immediately after it's release, it was legit. Oh well, I was just a little annoyed about the whole thing. It's not like I'll be boytcotting Nintendo anytime soon. Also, if you're looking for a clean toilet in NYC, I ran across this site. It has kinks to work out, but it is a novel idea, nonetheless.
I haven't listened yet but I saw this picked up on Joystiq and Kotaku. I've sent a tip to, hopefully they will post this as well.

love the 'cast!
Congratulations Wombat, you can now be a kept man like Cheapy! A little advice on making the decision, I know she likes her current job, and I understand loyalty is important, but she should go work for the new company. If her current employer valued her that much that they were willing to pay her as much as they are now offering they should have ponied up earlier. The new company appears to understand her true value and are willing to recognize it with the upfront offer, while her current employer appears to recognize that she was worth it all along but wasn't willing to pay her what they thought she was worth until somebody else was. Get your money while you can.

As for the CC, I would be more than willing to pay some money to a CAG defense fund to fight this subpeona. If you set something up Cheapy you can count on a lot of support. I respect greatly that you are willing to spend your own money to help and to protect a CAG and I would happily spend some of my money to help that fight. I intend to buy many things I was on the fence about using the site. I had been holding onto about $1000 I had earmarked for some gaming merchandise but just haven't pulled the trigger on. I will be spending it through the site shortly to get you your backend. I would also be willing to paypal $100 of that directly to you to help pay the lawyer fees.

Good luck Cheapy and keep your head down speedy, don't give them an easy target, I think CC is the type that would probably teabag your corpse if they nail you.
Hey Wombat a couple of years ago I took a Myers-Briggs personality test. I ended up being an INTJ. This corresponds to the following dichotomies:

Dichotomies Extraversion Introversion Sensing iNtuition Thinking Feeling Judging Perceiving
I was very close to being an INTP, but I a couple of my responses pushed me over to the J side.
I wish the best of luck to Speedy. Unless he works for one of the companies I don't see what they can do in this situation since he's only posting ad information early which can't imagine really effecting their bottom line that much. If anything speedy's ads have caused me to go to the store and buy stuff I wasn't planning on picking up while I was there. They should give him a PR job for chistsakes.
Everyone who ever got a great deal thanks to speedy should at least write an email.

I'll do whatever I can.
bread's done