CAGcast #88: Hawkish on Warhawk

[quote name='NamPaehc']
I wonder... Are xbox owners that different from ps3 owners? Do xbox players like playing one game online and one game only?[/QUOTE]

There is no difference, except the console on which they play their games. There are some people who play several online multiplayer games at one time and others, like myself, who stick to one game primarily for long stretches. I don't think it has anything to do with the platform they own; just personal preference.

I'm going to be purchasing several games this fall but when it comes to online competitive multiplayer, I believe most of my time will be devoted to Halo 3. Coop is a different story.

Sorry about all the posts. I just wanted to clear that up... This'll be my last on this thread.
[quote name='Wombat']We talked a few shows back about how noone was playing CAC anymore, Cheapy brought it up. Thats a real danger with a game like this and at 40 bucks I don't feel comfortable taking that risk. Offline splitscreens is not a real alternative for me as I don't have any gamer friends near by, sounds crazy but its true.
The value for this game lies in its online multiplayer, but what happens when it has no real player support anymore, is it still worth 40 bucks? I'm not being bitchy I am being realistic, if this game does well we will see more and more game come out as digital only (I know Warhwawk is avail on a disk) at high prices and then the big 3 three will have tricked us all into their gaming utopia where there are no used games or game rentals. Just wait until the next gen when due to all these digital downloads there is no more backwards compatiblity.

And will people stop harping on Shivering Ilses, thats not a full game its an expansion, If warhawk was an expansion to lengthy single player game my opinion would be different.[/quote]
Of course, any online game will run out of player support eventually. The key is to that you have fun while it lasts. It's just that saying it'll die out next week is a little rediculous, which is what mentioning CAC suggests. It'll stick around for a little longer than that, and the ability to have online servers that are up not have to be Sony's servers will help increase the game's life by quite a bit.

It just seems like you're being too extremist about your point (What if it dies next week? Why waste the money if that happens?). What if the game lives on for at least two more years, will that still be a waste of $40 or $60? What if the support never dies?

It's okay if you don't want to take the chance, but it seems like you're not even open to the possibility that the game has a bright future. I like how this has gone from you harping Cheapy for having fun with the game to you not feeling comfortable with the price for one SKU of the game for fear of the absolutely worst case scenario happening.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

It's okay if you don't want to take the chance, but it seems like you're not even open to the possibility that the game has a bright future. I like how this has gone from you harping Cheapy for having fun with the game to you not feeling comfortable with the price for one SKU of the game for fear of the absolutely worst case scenario happening.[/QUOTE]

well I would never explain myself for my love of infuriating Cheapy
if the servers are gauranteed to be around for an eternity, then I have no problem with DL shit, but since I know better, I'd rather a hard copy.
A few episodes back, Wombat reviewed some headphones. Anyone remember which episode it was, or what headphones they were?
[quote name='Wombat']well I would never explain myself for my love of infuriating Cheapy[/quote]
True, but this didn't seem like harmless annoyance.
Yeah, in this episode you were really driving Cheapy insane. I felt bad for the guy. I'm betting you made him feel like an idiot for buying the game, specifically downloading it, as you cannot trade it on or sell it.
I would be alot more concerned with shadowrun dieying faster than warhawk at 40 dollars. Warhawk is alot more accessible/better game. I dont think you can trade in/sell warhawk anyways im pretty sure once you install the game it is locked to your console.
Resistance is the first game that was released on PS3... and there are still many people that are playing that game. There's always a match to be played. I doubt that people will really stop playing Warhawk. Warhawk really doesn't have any competition... UT3.. as soon as the numbers drop down that's when you release some new map packs, and for 40/60 dollars... I think we've already paid for some additional map packs.

Most people are probably gonna play this game at least 10-12 hours.
just finished the 'cast today....

so other "community" gamerpics are free and you want MS to charge us for CAG gamerpics? fucking seriously?!?!?!

while i understand this is your job (cheapy) and i don't mind the "house keeping" that goes on in the 'cast, and you want to make a living off of stuff from this site, i think you are starting to take things too far.

i did not say anything when you mentioned wanting to put ads in the 'cast, or when you both talk about whoring yourselves out for sponsors. in fact, i even thought they were half jokes and a little amusing...but now, wanting to charge for gamerpics?

i think that, when all this is added up, you have gone too far. i feel like the 'cast and parts of the site are becoming less and less about the CAG community and more about the "promote cheapy show" (like wanting to go to PAX so you could be recongized).

a little less on air masturbating and shameless self promotion and more community. it is sad, but i am already missing the "good ole' days" of the 'cast before digg and all this shit.

Wombat, save us, please take over hosting duties for a couple of shows. i will help you with the outlining, etc, and won't even ask for any credit.

I plan on still listening to the show a few more times, but i dunno, i dunno...
The extended CAGBag segment got me thinking: is it time for a reformat? It seems like now every question has either been answered, is really obscure, or just seems to be a little too invasive into cheapy and wombat's life. Also, I've noticed that most questions tend to plug the questioner's opinion a little too much (and sometimes they ask things that I highly doubt wombat and cheapy would know off the top of their heads).

I say it's time for a new system, instead of the overly vague "Get your questions answered" segment, we should go for a more "letters to the podcaster" style, where a person can actually write two or three paragraphs on an issue, and, if it's selected, have it read and responded to on the show. This style will allow listeners to voice their opinions and shape the show more than the CAGbag, and will fix what I think is currently the most painful segment of the show.
On another show note, I was at Target a few days ago, and guess what game was completely sold-out?

Not Madden.
Not BioShock.

Stuntman Ignition!

Seems like there are some people out there that actually wanted that game.
Wombat, I think Cheapy would have punched you in the Uterus had you been close enough. I know that I wanted to after your constant assault of Warhawk. That was closed minded ignorance of the most grand back water spectrum.

Ignorance aside, another fantastic show thanks for making the office a better place.
bread's done