Call of Duty 4 X360 39.99 at Sears

if it's a repost, it's a damn good one, because i didn't know this...

49.99 on the website....and of course, not available in ANY of the locations i live in (2 seperate states)
[quote name='strongpimphand']if it's a repost, it's a damn good one, because i didn't know this...[/quote]

Cheaper at Best Buy

$37.99 at + tax + free shipping. Also available for in-store pickup as well. Or if you are planning to go out and get this, Target has it for $37 in-store after Christmas.
[quote name='madpsp']or you can price match the best buy add for 110% @ sears making the game $39 out the door @6% tax :)[/quote]
Haha, i got an extra Cod 4 to give as a present for my friend, originally bought it at 49.99 with the Sears card (and the 99 cent shipping) but then i sent them an email to price match, linking them to the Best Buy pricing and they returned $14.04. :)
[quote name='strongpimphand']if it's a repost, it's a damn good one, because i didn't know this...

49.99 on the website....and of course, not available in ANY of the locations i live in (2 seperate states)[/quote]

It's a good repost because you didn't know about it? I guess the forum revolves around you then.
Not that I ran a search, but I couldn't find the thread about Sears running the ad either. I must be blind!
I may actually hit this up since I have a 10 dollar off of 50 dollar purchase coupon. I'd have to figure out a 12 dollar filler. Too bad my store is wiped of clearance.
[quote name='lowenbotten']It's a good repost because you didn't know about it? I guess the forum revolves around you then.[/quote]

No, but I noticed that your posting history revolves around you being a little smartass in the majority of your replies. Someone is excited because they find a deal and you try crapping on their post, get lost.
Thank God for the Internet Repost Police. You tried so very hard to prevent me from learning about this deal.

Kudos to you says I!
bread's done