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These tiny maps make calling care packages almost worthless. I keep getting rushed as soon as I throw the care package and they seem to spawn right on me. Of course the randoms I am playing with don't do anything to help. It is just not me either. I was in a sd match and some guy called a care package in spawn at the start of the round and the enemy was already swarming him before it landed. We managed to kill 3 of them but he died in the process.
I don't like the feel of Multiplayer anywhere near what Black Ops felt like. It almost feels like a PC game. Last one felt more, realistic? I dunno. I'll probably get used to it.
Every time my 360 hears "Modern Warfare 3" it freezes for a few seconds. It's kind of odd that every menu switch seems to hang the 360 (even in-game dashboard).

I have to agree the maps are all pretty small but in general that's the way they felt in MW2 as well. I'm really digging Kill Confirmed since it seems to keep the campers out of the corners for the most part.
[quote name='Trakan']They also made it way too easy for bad players to do well. It takes all of the skill out of the game.[/QUOTE]

So you're saying I've got a chance... ;)
Played MultiPlayer for a couple hours yesterday and it's not as bad as B.O. but I'm coming to the realization that nothing is going to top MW2. I'll probably stick with MW3 but they definitely dumbed it down some.

The Juggernaut armor PointStreak is pretty cool and I haven't figured out the maps enough to know where good places to call in care packages are. I jacked two care packages in one match yesterday.

I need to play around with the perks as I don't know what are good combos yet. Kill Confirmed is a good game mode and I'm glad it's included in Ground War.
[quote name='Trakan']The spawns in this game are terrible. I don't know why they'd make a conscious effort to make the maps so small when the series is already known for questionable spawns. On top of that, Ground War is a popular playlist and many of the maps in it are too small. It's like 9v9 on shipment.

They also made it way too easy for bad players to do well. It takes all of the skill out of the game.[/QUOTE]

I hate this, because the maps are so small, SQUARE, and the spawns are bad it's near impossible to put together a solid killstreak. Against my normal play style but because the map is so small I had no choice, I camped the under ground area with the pipes. Enemies just kept spawning on the dome side and going through the dome to me, easy kills.

I went 18 and 0 on Dome last night but only had my support package on, I was pissed.

But whenever I use my assault package I struggle to get past 5 kills in a row because I'll run into an enemy in directly in front of me, kill him, then get shot in the back or side by someone else. Or the lag will screw me, force me to shoot someone more than I really normally need to, waste my ammo, then I have to run around with empty guns since I don't have scavenger unlocked yet.

I don't remember the slots sleight of hand and scavenger were in in prior games but I could have sworn they one was a red perk and one was blue but now they are both blue. I'd like SOH and Scav together but I can't do that now :(
[quote name='Ma12kez']I may be wrong, but I guess it may be safe to assume that there are definitely somewhat "defective" copies of the game in circulation. It seems really hit or miss though since a handful of my friends have no problems whatsoever, while a few keep experiencing disc read errors, freezes, and questionable loading times (even when exchanging their discs for a brand new one). I'm debating whether or not I should exchange my copy for a new one since I tried my neighbor's copy and it ran smoothly on my console without any hiccups.

Other than having a defective copy, does anyone else have an idea of what may be causing these issues?[/QUOTE]
Yeah I was worried when I saw some of the stuff in this thread, but mine runs perfectly and fast, everything is as fast as it should be. I'm also running this on my fossil Xbox.
I love how the MP is so chocked full of content. I don't care if it's very similar to MW2. It's just fun as hell and will keep me going for a long time.
Wow, can you say biggest disappointment for any game ever? Its not that its a bad game but for fucks sake there is nothing here that is anything remotely different from all the other ones. Again, that doesnt make it bad..but I felt this feeling before....oh yeah playing any Madden in the next gen area.

SpecOps is still pretty cool.

The game isnt horrid just bland to me and if I had a choice, which I do because I own both I would prefer to play BF MP it seems....not better or worse just more organic, more real, less like I am playing a video game? Hell I dunno.

But I really need to play more MP to have a solid opinion, I still havent played enough those are just gut reactions.
[quote name='Soodmeg']The game isnt horrid just bland to me and if I had a choice, which I do because I own both I would prefer to play BF MP it seems....not better or worse just more organic, more real, less like I am playing a video game? Hell I dunno.[/QUOTE]

Not hatin' on BF3 (almost bought it myself) or trying to start a flame war, but how is it more organic/real/less like a video game? It seems to me that BF3 is more like a video game, with the option to jump into tanks, vehicles, helis, jets, etc., and the ability to repair those vehicles on the fly. It's not exactly realistic. At least MW focuses solely on small arms battles, which, although not realistic either, it isn't quite as much fantasy as BF3, in my opinion.
This game will define this generation. It is an A-D-D cluster fuck. There's shit going on every 2 seconds whether its: uav, uav, uav, uav, uav, uav etc... or care package, care package, care package.

Like Soodmeg said, there's nothing inherently wrong with the game, but it is just the same stuff over, and over and over and over. This game was made for 12 year olds, who are hyped up on sugar and need to play for 1-10 hours after school.

[quote name='BingoBrown']Not hatin' on BF3 (almost bought it myself) or trying to start a flame war, but how is it more organic/real/less like a video game? It seems to me that BF3 is more like a video game, with the option to jump into tanks, vehicles, helis, jets, etc., and the ability to repair those vehicles on the fly. It's not exactly realistic. At least MW focuses solely on small arms battles, which, although not realistic either, it isn't quite as much fantasy as BF3, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

I think you are taking his realistic comment way too seriously. I think what he meant is that it has more of a war feel to it in that people aren't moving 40 mph all over the map, uav's aren't being called in every 2 seconds, there's more team work, more variety etc...
They should have fixed the spawns and also added in like a 3 second spawn protection gears style. That is of course with proper spawning.

That 3 shot gun seems to destroy everyone, and UMP still seems fairly powerful.

From my brief experience using someone elses P90 I can see myself using that gun as much as I did in MW1 - It's that powerful and the weight is nice. Plus that big kill icon is rather sexy :)

Edit - Oh yes and Kill Confirmed is great. Really the only death match style gametype I'll play right now. Though I assume S&D and Demolition get more points still?
Don't know what game modes you all are playing to complain about, but Kill Confirmed is fun. I play that on Hardcore and never have any problems. The only problems i've encountered have been loading times when a game ends, loading screen and things like that.
Does anyone know if they brought back infinite re spawns in the SP? It really seems like they did which is a big big downer.
I personally enjoyed Kill confirmed too. I like the fact that it's a simple solution to incentivise people not to camp. I probably will still spend my time on demolition and HQ though.
While I thought being a support class was the way to go, I feel much more as an asset to the team by running low pointstreaks as an assault class w/ hardline pro. While the support class gets you guaranteed pointstreaks, the only downside is you have to cycle through them. If I want to call another UAV for my team, I will need to get another 7-8 points before I get to do so. I feel more supportive if I run a 3-4-5 pointstreak as an assault class rather than a 4-5-8 as a support class.
Kill Confirmed is quite fun. The Maps suck. Slim hallways make for easy firing lanes and the maps have no imagination towards streaks like AC130 or useless with the amount of buildings that are laid around.not to mention Commando has made a return in full force. shotguns are god awful. the specialist class with hardline is cheesy as hell too. 1 kill to get a perk. that will be a broken class.

I just find it lackluster to me. Ill side with Soodmeg on this one. Its not bad by no means its just more of the same game.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Not hatin' on BF3 (almost bought it myself) or trying to start a flame war, but how is it more organic/real/less like a video game? It seems to me that BF3 is more like a video game, with the option to jump into tanks, vehicles, helis, jets, etc., and the ability to repair those vehicles on the fly. It's not exactly realistic. At least MW focuses solely on small arms battles, which, although not realistic either, it isn't quite as much fantasy as BF3, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

The answer to this is:

[quote name='slickkill77']This game will define this generation. It is an A-D-D cluster fuck. There's shit going on every 2 seconds whether its: uav, uav, uav, uav, uav, uav etc... or care package, care package, care package.

Like Soodmeg said, there's nothing inherently wrong with the game, but it is just the same stuff over, and over and over and over. This game was made for 12 year olds, who are hyped up on sugar and need to play for 1-10 hours after school.

I think you are taking his realistic comment way too seriously. I think what he meant is that it has more of a war feel to it in that people aren't moving 40 mph all over the map, uav's aren't being called in every 2 seconds, there's more team work, more variety etc...[/QUOTE]

In BF3 even when players are not playing as a team the game progressing is a logical fashion. There is a point to the things that are happening throughout the game. People are taking up positions in building, people are destroying the buildings to counter them, people are getting killed, medics are bring people back to life, recons when not being douches can rely info of opposing teams location, engines are laying traps...and the biggest thing for me is that most of the time there is a frontline and you are either gaining or losing ground like what I presume happens in a real war. They even have that suppression element so you are reward for laying down cover fire.

The game feels more real.

COD? Like slick said, is a giant cluster fuck of random Mcrandom doing random things. Everything is for its own sake...take classes for example. The only difference is the guns, the support isnt actually supporting anything it just has a different set of guns, recon isnt gather info of any kind its just a guy with a sniper rifle. Going left, going right, camping, jumping, none of these have any tactical decisions driving it, you do it because that is what you want to do at the time. Can people be more effective at it than others? Yes but it doesnt make it more tactical.

It reminds me of a video Trak posted of himself playing one of the other cods. First off we all know Trak is great a COD, this is in no one a insult....whatever other disclaimers I can say to that this doesnt get misunderstood. Anyway, he had a really good score something like 50 - 0 or something and he did it by standing a room shooting out the window and the door, then the window, then the door, then the window, then the door.

Trak is one of the better COD players out there and if that is what COD is about than all I can do is shrug. I neither think its impressive (not that he has to impress me) or bad, or good. I just shrug. COD makes me shrug, I dont hate it nor love it, its neither bad nor good its just there. I have gone 50 and 0 before and I have gone 10-50 and I feel about the same either way.

Last disclaimer, both games are made well for their audiences but if you ask me which one I prefer I am gonna say BF, not trying to prove it one way or the other.
It's a shame the game has turned out like this. Cod 4 was the perfect balance of this type of gameplay. It was fast but not to fast. None of this killstreak non-sense going on.
[quote name='slickkill77']It's a shame the game has turned out like this. Cod 4 was the perfect balance of this type of gameplay. It was fast but not to fast. None of this killstreak non-sense going on.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, this was my most anticipated game of 2011 and I've never felt so disappointed in a long time. In my honest opinion, I think IW fucked up harder than Treyarch did with BO.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I can only play COD games in hardcore game types because it takes too long to kill someone otherwise. If anyone can list the gametypes in hardcore, please do! Id especially like to know if you can play kill confirmed on hardcore?[/QUOTE]

I want to know what world you live on where it takes too long to kill someone in MW3.
[quote name='Strell']This thread makes me think I can wait for a sale on the game. Hmmm.[/QUOTE]

This thread decieves people, the game is fantastic through and through. IDK why some people thought this would be super revolutionary, you could see that wasn't the case from early gameplay videos.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']This thread decieves people, the game is fantastic through and through. IDK why some people thought this would be super revolutionary, you could see that wasn't the case from early gameplay videos.[/QUOTE]

I knew it wasn't going to be much different since its using the same engine prior. Also the gameplay is spot on the same. Never said it was a bad game...just for me in particular, i miss my open maps. i hope the DLC maps will get better.
[quote name='Strell']This thread makes me think I can wait for a sale on the game. Hmmm.[/QUOTE]

Haha, well bestbuy is selling it for 51.99 if that's enough haha.

Btw, already logged about 7 hours of in-game time. Loving it so far.
kill confirmation is the way to go.. im really digging this game so far

i like the maps except for outpost & the train station one.. i just wish they had a few sniper maps in the game with more open areas
Survival is pretty zombies but faster and less claustrophobic. :) It's better than the campaign, which was at least less ridiculous than the story for MW2, but this time felt like there were too many instances of running around dark surroundings with lots of open-area gun fights. At least it was over quickly.

Haven't gone crazy about the maps yet. Seems like every time I get a new COD game I hate the maps for the first few days but once I get used to them they become more tolerable.
Has anyone gotten the "mother of all bombs"?
Probably you guys should remember the mess that was MW2 when it was launched. The retarded 1887 akimbos running everywhere, the boosters nuking, the care package glitch, the javelin glitch. This game may have its growing pains too but it's not like MW2 was some bastion of greatness. Also, MW1 had 4X grenades and you could use old helicopters to call in new ones. All the games had their share of craziness. It's a little silly to dog-pile this one specifically.
[quote name='Soodmeg']You should warn people that the video included is the most annoying shit in the world. Only read about it if you value your ears.[/QUOTE]

Well I didn't watch the video since I'm on mobile with poor reception.i only read it so watch at your own discretion. I apologize
i echo the dissappointment others have posted. it seems slightly better today but last night the game speed was all over the place, moving through mud, super speed burst, move through mud, etc. My connection shows full bars but getting hit markers in the neck/face and dying to see my guy not even shooting or shooting 90 degrees away from the guy is extrememly frustrating.

The maps arent so hot either, too much shit all over.
Holy God, this elite stuff is BS. I have tried multiple times to log into Elite and keep getting an error message. I have linked the live gamertag to it and thats as far as i can get. I havent paid for it yet and wanted to, but every time i try to access it, bam Error message. Is it buggy for everyone or am I SOL. i would like to get this paid for while i can get a founder status
[quote name='tukai']Holy God, this elite stuff is BS. I have tried multiple times to log into Elite and keep getting an error message. I have linked the live gamertag to it and thats as far as i can get. I havent paid for it yet and wanted to, but every time i try to access it, bam Error message. Is it buggy for everyone or am I SOL. i would like to get this paid for while i can get a founder status[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, they are having problems with servers, and as long as you register your elite and play a game (input the code on xbox/psn like any other code) you will get your founder status. They are saying that so many people tried to use elite that it crashed the whole thing.
I laugh during every game of Kill Confirmed. You can always tell the morons who have no idea how to play the game type. They run around like chickens with their heads cut off, completely bypassing free points by running past dropped tags. They have 24 kills, but only get 1500 points a game lol! I also love the guys who think it's brilliant to snipe during a KC match. Nearly every kill is denied and they end up doing horrible, while also being a major reason their team loses.

Kill Confirmed shows how truly selfish some players can be, and punishes them hard by not rewarding their selfish play style. I absolutely love it. I hope all the morons are flushed out of KC, and go back to playing as douchers in TDM.
The multiplayer feels like a generic shooter, like it lacks the standard quality of IW titles. I'm going to try to go through the campaign, then try the MP after I'm done once more, and if I still feel 'meh' about the game, I'm putting it up on eBay. There's way too many great games out there right now and this one is not worthy so far.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The multiplayer feels like a generic shooter, like it lacks the standard quality of IW titles. I'm going to try to go through the campaign, then try the MP after I'm done once more, and if I still feel 'meh' about the game, I'm putting it up on eBay. There's way too many great games out there right now and this one is not worthy so far.[/QUOTE]
To me this game feels no different than past IW titles. Don't know what you mean by "generic, lacking quality"
This game is seriously a joke, I'm so glad I only spent $10 on it and got it to play casually with local friends.

The ultimate most aggravating thing is the fact that I shoot half my magazine at someone before the bullets actually begin to start registering and the fact that this game cannot seem to handle tracking moving targets. I get the drop on people and begin shooting before they actually know where I'm at but they manage to somehow not get hit by my bullets, aim at me, fire 2 shots and kill me.

I take more damage when I'm not behind cover yet only die after I'm already behind the cover.

They might be able to patch weapons and mitigate the lag but what they can't fix are the shitty maps and how they are all 10 feet in diameter.
After playing it for several hours, I love it. Still contains some of the bullshit of MW2 such as glitchy hit detection and random commando stabs, but I'm having a ball with a group of 5 friends. I also love using the Support killstreaks, having that UAV and Advanced UAV is clutch for my team. I don't get as many kills as my friends, but it's all about winning for us. Still have yet to try the campaign or Spec Ops, but I'm sure they'll be loads of fun too. I'm sorry for everyone that doesn't like it as much as they thought they would, I guess the formula can get stale for some people but is still fun for others.
Thoroughly enjoying the single player. Multiplayer to me is "meh". Like others have posted, I was a HUGE fan of MW1, World at War, MW2 and Black Ops but this one just isn't grabbing me.

Not a fan of the maps either. Most are too small and full of too much bullshit. On the other hand I do really think the new KS system is awesome. Really like the support class and being able to help out my team w/o getting a crazy K/DR. Will give it another week or month but dunno if I will play it nearly as much as BF3.
[quote name='hustletron']They might be able to patch weapons and mitigate the lag but what they can't fix are the shitty maps and how they are all 10 feet in diameter.[/QUOTE]

That's the main reason I regret buying the game. Just about every map I've played on has been small and clusterfucked.
I tried reading some threads on the MW3 boards but then I wanted to stab my eyes with pencils after reading some of the posts.

Apparently people are having the latency and hit detection issues across all platforms, 360, ps3, and PC.
[quote name='hustletron']I tried reading some threads on the MW3 boards but then I wanted to stab my eyes with pencils after reading some of the posts.

Apparently people are having the latency and hit detection issues across all platforms, 360, ps3, and PC.[/QUOTE]

i can't even connect to a game mid match. try using a shotgun. It should be the best CQB weapon. You will get 1 hit kills up close and then for some stupid reason you are at the same distance...or even closer and you get hit markers. I thought Bullet lag was bad in black ops but MW 3 Vanilla takes the cake. i am pretty sure they will fix it as MW 2 gradually got better with the patches.

It also probably has to do with the 9.3 million people including us who bought the game day 1. So their serves are getting thrashed.
I'm having fun with the game but you guys are right about the maps.. not really as big of a fan as I was of the previous games. I think this will be my last COD game. Would have been happier buying skyrim, but this will definitely keep me occupied until something better finds its way into my backlog at a reasonable price.
bread's done