Call of Juarez - Yay or Nay? (Updated 6/1)

As Wombat would say: what's with Ubisoft and killing mexicans?

And like I say to every thread announcing a game: YAY! Never nay. Why the hell would I be dissapointed to hear another videogame is coming out? Why the hell wouldn't I want another videogame to come out?

I'd rather have a mediocre product than no product at all.

I've always wanted to play as a preacher executing god's justice with a quick-draw. Though I must say whenever a FPS is announced I have to ask "WHY!!!!" like we don't have enough of this shit already.

I am seriously getting sick of videogaming entirely what with all these fucking FPSes.
Why are you all so excited? It's just Call of Duty 2 in Spanglish.

"Heeey, mira, Hitler! Shoot ese, shoot."

No, seriously, when I read the post I thought someone made a game about the Minutemen. Thank god it's just a potentially good western shooter.

The cowboy art on the webpage linked looks pretty.
[quote name='PyroGamer']As Wombat would say: what's with Ubisoft and killing mexicans?

And like I say to every thread announcing a game: YAY! Never nay. Why the hell would I be dissapointed to hear another videogame is coming out? Why the hell wouldn't I want another videogame to come out?

I'd rather have a mediocre product than no product at all.

I've always wanted to play as a preacher executing god's justice with a quick-draw. Though I must say whenever a FPS is announced I have to ask "WHY!!!!" like we don't have enough of this shit already.

I am seriously getting sick of videogaming entirely what with all these fucking FPSes.[/quote]

Does it burn when you pee? You might have some STD's or something making you have all that PMS dude.

Call of Juarez was a fun game. I finished pretty quick on PC. I enjoy western games and they did a pretty good job of it and I love the slow motion killing as always :D
[quote name='PyroGamer']I'd rather have a mediocre product than no product at all.[/quote]Tell that to Atari in the early-to-mid 80s.

There's pretty decent precedent that fewer games of a higher quality is overall better for the industry than boatloads of medicore-to-crap games.

As to this game, looks interesting, might have to check it out.
As someone that will openly admit to playing and liking Gun, I will give it a shot.

FPS + Western theme = at least a rental from me.
[quote name='Walt Jay']As someone that will openly admit to playing and liking Gun, I will give it a shot.

FPS + Western theme = at least a rental from me.[/quote]

There's no shame in enjoying "Gun". I thought it was a decent game, as well.:D

What would be super-sweet is if this game had multi-player...
[quote name='shieryda']There's no shame in enjoying "Gun". I thought it was a decent game, as well.:D

What would be super-sweet is if this game had multi-player...[/quote]

True, I thought it was a lot of fun. Granted, it took a lot of criticism for it's subpar graphics (and rightfully so), but I thought the core gameplay was enjoyable.
[quote name='Walt Jay']True, I thought it was a lot of fun. Granted, it took a lot of criticism for it's subpar graphics (and rightfully so), but I thought the core gameplay was enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

But remember, it was really a last gen game. The graphics were damn pretty for an Xbox/PS2/GC game.
[quote name='daroga']Tell that to Atari in the early-to-mid 80s.[/QUOTE]
I said "mediocre", not "holy shit kill yourself with a phillips-head screwdriver jammed through the ear canal bad".
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Video gaming needs more western themed games. If it plays like COD2, I'm sold.[/quote]

More western themed games and more pirate themed games (Pirates of The Caribbean games do NOT count)
[quote name='schuerm26']More western themed games and more pirate themed games (Pirates of The Caribbean games do NOT count)[/QUOTE]

Sid Meier's Pirates was hella-fun!
[quote name='shieryda']Sid Meier's Pirates was hella-fun![/quote]

I agree, but that's only one of them. It seems like pirate games would allow for a ton of options in games.
Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay this is a great game if you ask me. It alternates between stealth and run and gun combat with some horse riding and platforming thrown in. The Game looks great and keeps up a good pace. It also has a good storyline. The only bad things about it are that it gets repetitive at times and there are alot of different pistols but for most part they all feel the same. Also the stealth at times can be frusterating.

Overall I would give this game a 8.5 out of 10. Very good game in my opinion.
[quote name='dinovelvet']Anyone know if there will be a demo for this game before release?[/quote]

It would have been this week, if there were going to be one. The game is supposed to release on June 5. At least, that's what I would have thought.
I'm kind of interested in it, but I am pressed for money so I might have to pass this one over.
OXM reviewed it in their latest issue (UT2007 on the cover). They gave it a 6.0 score. :cry:

+Sumptuous frontier vistas and interesting characters
- Irritating sneak-a-thons
- Witless A.I. means gun battles that shouldn't be dull sadly are.
? When did Bible-thumping actually become a viable gameplay mechanic?

Basically, they felt the game has a lot of good ideas, but doesn't execute them well.

I think I'll play it anyway, but I'll probably hold off on buying it.
I saw a video on the latest OXM and I gotta say, it looked like crap. It reminded me of the PS1. I was really intrigued with the idea of the game but man o man....

On the trailer, they show a clip of a woman (hooker) asking you to follow her into her room, the dude goes into the room, she unzips his fly as the narrator says "don't trust anyone with a smile" (or something like that), and then you see her doing what looks like slashing the guys dick off...and the guy screaming...weird stuff.
OXM reviewed it in their latest issue (UT2007 on the cover). They gave it a 6.0 score. :cry:


Am I the only gamer that doesn't have the patience for stealth games?

I have yet to start Thief: Deadly Shadows. I'm nervous that I'll get bored with it after just a short time. At least I have the strategy guide to help me, though!
Darn. I'm removing this game from my gamefly Queue. I don't want to play another game like bullet witch.
I hope some reviews spring up tonight, as I'm thinking about picking this one up this week. I hear it's been improved over it's European counterpart.


Developers Techland are promising various improvements for the 360 release too. The graphics have been polished up nicely and there's a substantial set of Live options, with quick-draw shoot-outs and the usual Deathmatch and Capture The Flag modes, as well as a selection of historical gunfights re-enacted for co-op play against the game's AI.

It's already the best Western game ever (... although Rockstar's Red Dead Revolver runs it close); question is, with the extra bells and whistles, can Techland make Call of Juarez a genuine contender in the FPS genre?
I think the people in the other Call of Juarez thread might wanna answer the call, too.
I'm waiting for reviews, and would like to buy it. But with RE4 for the Wii, and Dirt coming out this will proly be a rental for me, until a price drop.
[quote name='CAG 79']This game should be coming to me any day now from Gamefly.[/quote]

Please share your impressions once you get it.
Nay - not a big westerns fan, but the IGN review was decent, I'll do a rental & report back. Maybe even today if blockbuster has it in stock.
bread's done