Can any Disgaea fans help me out?


26 (100%)
With my 360 in repair, I've been playing my ps2 a lot more and am looking to build up my collection. I'm interested in Disgaea but looked online for it and it costs like $70!

I noticed there is now a sequel and it is much more affordable...

my question is should I not even bother with the first one and get the second one? Are the games drastically different and most importantly which do you prefer?

Thanks to anybody that can help out!
I only have the first one, but I think you can safely play the second without having played the first. There may be a few jokes or something that go over your head, but I wouldn't worry about it. If you can only get the 2nd then just play that one! Gameplay is pretty much the same from what I've read.
I'm still playing through Disgaea 2 right now, and the first one made me laugh a lot more. They added more to the second one, in terms of extra things you can do for fun...but the basic gameplay is the same.
i would say Stay out of item world .. I started playing in item world and never left yet. I have just started chapter 5 on the first walk though

60 hours of playing

Top 3 of my people each have

over 50,000 hit points
have between 10,000 to 15,000 attack and defence

highest levels

1. Gallaxy mage level 512
2. main person Level 498
3 some healer level 444

then around another 2 to 3 between level 150 to 200

meaning the story will just bore me now since i can walk right though the entire game and nothing can even touch me.
I have 330 or so hours between the two of em.

You can't go wrong with either one. Disgaea 1 is much more approachable. It does a better job of explaining everything and has a very nice balance, and the better story. But these games aren't about the story.

Disgaea 2 is mostly more of the same, just a lot prettier. There really is an almost unlimited amount you can get out of it. You could play two without playing one, but as far as the intricacies of the game, playing one will help a lot. Both will require an insane amount of micromanaging, but part one not quite as much.

Really, get either one. If you haven't played either and can get them for the same price, I say get part 1. Part 2 is great, but there's just something about 1 that I just prefer. Also with 2 being a hot seller, I fully expect it to go greatest hits eventually, seeing as PB and MK are both $20 and easy to find.
Hi guys,
thanks for the replies. Looks like I'll search for the original Disgaea then.

Midnightrain, looks like I was too late, that link you gave doesn't list Disgaea.
I have a copy of Disgaea I'm looking to sell for $55. It's in perfect condition; I've only played it once. And I'll throw in the Nocturne soundtrack in with it. PM me if you're interested.
bread's done