[CAN] HALO 3 XBox 360 (Elite?) bundle - $329.99


2 (100%)
I can't find a post on this in the Canadian forum, so here goes...

Get the above mentioned plus all this for $349.99 (or maybe $20 less according to the blog). Looks like a good deal if you need a wireless Networking adapter and some game called HALO 3. Starts Friday, August 28th.


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If you follow the link, Joystiq says this deal is going to be carried by The Source starting Aug. 28th(?).
Question is, are these the same overstock elites with falcon chipsets that they are trying to get rid of with the GTA bundle?
[quote name='TripleQ']Isn't there an elite price drop to $299 coming, or was that just a rumour/dream?[/QUOTE]

I think that's the rumour. This is the same bundle, but $30-$50 more, and it comes with the wireless adapter and Halo 3. If true, this is a better deal I think, especially fot the wireless.
from ign.com

Walmart Lists $299 Xbox 360 Elite

Looks like Microsoft's expected price cut is on the way.

by Jim Reilly

August 23, 2009 - When Sony announced a price cut of the Playstation 3 to $299 at Gamescom last week, many expected Microsoft to respond with a price cut of its own. Surprisingly, though, the company's press conference came and went without any talk of pricing at all.

One report even cited a national electronics retailer claiming the channels were still stocked too high, and Microsoft simply wanted to delay the announcement until more units were moved.

But now a new Walmart catalog expected to hit August 30 has surfaced showing the Xbox 360 Elite SKU being priced at $299. (via Joystiq) This would lend credence to a report last week suggesting the Pro unit is being phased out entirely, leaving only the Arcade and Elite models on store shelves.

- Joystiq

One notable item to point out from the picture above: The Elite unit will no longer come with a HDMI cable.

Provided this is ad is real, September could be the start of an all new console war, with every system finally priced at $299 or less. We're marking this as a rumor for now until we get our hands on this catalog or hear something official.

And be sure to send IGN photo evidence as well if you come across this ad.
[quote name='TripleQ']Isn't there an elite price drop to $299 coming, or was that just a rumour/dream?[/QUOTE]Yeah there is. But $30 more for Halo 3 + Wireless Adapter is a steal.
That is assuming that you need the wireless. The price of Halo3 will drop even lower once ODST comes out (considering that it includes ALL of the Halo 3 map packs.) I can see a lot of people dumping Halo 3 and the price reflecting this dump.
[quote name='Firestorm']Yeah there is. But $30 more for Halo 3 + Wireless Adapter is a steal.[/QUOTE]

if you wanted to play Halo 3 you'd have it already. ;)
[quote name='j940651']it's the same as Future Shop's GTA IV bundle this weekend.
(except they swap they wifi adapter for an HDMI cable).


lotsa choices out there. it's a good time to be a gamer.[/QUOTE]

Umm, Xbox 360 Elite + Halo 3 + Wireless Adapter does not equal Xbox 360 Elite + GTAIV. Similar, but not the same. And I don't think an HDMI cable is worth noting, since it comes with an Elite system regardless. Halo 3 bundle FTW (assuming it's a Jasper).

And everyone who has an Xbox 360 most likely has Halo. If you don't have an Xbox 360, you'll most likely want Halo. Hence, the combination of Halo 3 and the system :D. Like you said, great time to be a gamer!
[quote name='game_fanatic']Umm, Xbox 360 Elite + Halo 3 + Wireless Adapter does not equal Xbox 360 Elite + GTAIV. Similar, but not the same. And I don't think an HDMI cable is worth noting, since it comes with an Elite system regardless. Halo 3 bundle FTW (assuming it's a Jasper).

And everyone who has an Xbox 360 most likely has Halo. If you don't have an Xbox 360, you'll most likely want Halo. Hence, the combination of Halo 3 and the system :D. Like you said, great time to be a gamer![/QUOTE]

you missed this part:
One notable item to point out from the picture above: The Elite unit will no longer come with a HDMI cable.

they cost $50!! i don't know how much a wireless adapter costs nor do i
care to. we can agree to disagree though. halo 3 blows goats and if you
want the multiplayer wait for ODST. GTA IV is why i bought a 360 in
the first place. getting it now it time for Liberty City Episodes just makes
more sense. it's the best game on 360 i believe. halo 3 is just more rainbow
bright, fruity coloured FPS, wankfest, with 12 yr old glitchers.
Ehh, in terms of value the bundle with the Wi-Fi adapter is the better deal by far. That thing still costs ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on its own. An HDMI cable can be had for far less than $50 provided that you look online (a quick look at Monoprice shows them selling for less than five bucks).
Now that I think of it, this is probably hot if the units are jaspers.. Halo 3 = $20 TIV, Wireless adapter = $60 on ebay.. then get an HDMI cable from monoprice. So probably better than the $299 elite price drop.
[quote name='j940651']you missed this part:
One notable item to point out from the picture above: The Elite unit will no longer come with a HDMI cable.

they cost $50!! i don't know how much a wireless adapter costs nor do i
care to. we can agree to disagree though. halo 3 blows goats and if you
want the multiplayer wait for ODST. GTA IV is why i bought a 360 in
the first place. getting it now it time for Liberty City Episodes just makes
more sense. it's the best game on 360 i believe. halo 3 is just more rainbow
bright, fruity coloured FPS, wankfest, with 12 yr old glitchers.[/QUOTE]

Nah, didn't miss that part, just took it with a grain of salt. We all know product pictures are never a good way to determine what's included with a product. Since the HDMI is missing from the picture, IGN assumes it's no longer included. And as the good doctor mentioned, you can get an HDMI cable shipped to your house for less than $10 from Monoprice.com.
[quote name='j940651']you missed this part:
One notable item to point out from the picture above: The Elite unit will no longer come with a HDMI cable.

they cost $50!! [/QUOTE]
Ouch! :hot: They cost $50 if you actually believe your local FS/BB salesperson and buy whatever they're selling. I don't even buy from monoprice, and I've spent less than $12 on any given HDMI cable I've ever purchased. Tons of places like computer storessell them, or even try RCSS to see if they're still carrying cables. I bought official Sony PS3 HDMI cables for $9.99, not only were they long but came with USB cables to boot.
Those 1 and 0's get pushed through just as well with any HDMI . CAG's should never spend $50 on HDMI cables unless they're for some very extended runs, in which case you don't have a choice.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Ouch! :hot: They cost $50 if you actually believe your local FS/BB salesperson and buy whatever they're selling. I don't even buy from monoprice, and I've spent less than $12 on any given HDMI cable I've ever purchased. Tons of places like computer storessell them, or even try RCSS to see if they're still carrying cables. I bought official Sony PS3 HDMI cables for $9.99, not only were they long but came with USB cables to boot.
Those 1 and 0's get pushed through just as well with any HDMI . CAG's should never spend $50 on HDMI cables unless they're for some very extended runs, in which case you don't have a choice.[/QUOTE]

i don't even have HDTV so the cable cost to me at this point is moot.
:) i just have a pro-GTA-IV agenda and lots of FS credit. i might need a
wireless adapter someday but it won't be in this apartment where the
cable is concealed and only has to run about 15 feet. :)

"so why are you even posting about HDMI cables and wireless adapters?"
i dunno. i was bored waiting for batman to come out.
^ I noticed that this morning. Can you say "Smoking Deal"? If you don't need the Wireless Adapter, sell that shit for $50 on the forums, and you're looking at $280 for an Elite + Halo 3. Beauty.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']The KFP/LIJ looks like a typo IMO: are there still Holiday bundles around?[/QUOTE]

Hard to tell exactly what the flyer says because a) it'ds blurry as heck b) it's a French flyer (well, that makes it hard for me at least)
But the second line definitely says "LIJ, KFP et Halo 3", so they must all be included. If they were holiday packages, they would be old chipsets and probably not black elites, so they must have thrown them in together with an elite. Falcon chips are in the black elite package, right?
we got these in today and i looked at the date on the systems. Made in OCT 2008. They are just repackaged xbox 360s
Sounds like they are doing the same thing they did with the Xbox 360 GOTY Bundles (Halo 3 and Fable 2); my supposedly Falcon 360 just RROD'd last month, so my next 360 purchase will be a Jasper for sure, or even the later revision, whatever that may be. Thanks for the heads up Ranzo.
329.99 is going to be the price for the halo/network bundle.

Also for some messed up reason we got a bunch of kungfu/legoindy dual packs shipped to us.
[quote name='Ranzo']we got these in today and i looked at the date on the systems. Made in OCT 2008. They are just repackaged xbox 360s[/QUOTE]

That's a shame. With any luck they'll clear out the old Falcons and start packing Jaspers or better into the bundle. More likely though the bundle will disappear when they run out of old systems.
Hey guys, didn't think it deserved its own thread, but Video Games Plus has the Resident Evil 5 Elite Bundle on sale for $329.99 as well; in terms of value, its not as good as the Halo 3 Elite Bundle, but AFAIK, the Resident Evil bundle is a Jasper unit 100%, so that may interest some folk. Here's the link:

Note that the price still says $419.99, but on their blog they have announced the price drop to $329.99.
The network adapter is coming free with the system to get rid of old stock. microsoft has a new wireless N network adapter coming out.
bread's done