Can you actually be fired for being out sick so many times during the year?


13 (100%)
Well these past few days I have been sick. Headache, sorethroat, coughing, wheezing, runny noise, coughing up goo, and lost my voice two days ago. I took off on Tuesday and Wednesday to rest up.

Last night I get a call from a friend of mine who worked for me (subbing for me) and she told me that the next door assistant told her that "I am skating on thin ice with administration because I have been out a lot" I recorded this conversation on my cell phone (hehe). Anyways the sub sounded like I was going to be fired anytime now for this. I am like WTF?!?!? So I have been sick.. I went to my doctor and confirmed that I have a viral infection and the last few times I have been getting a lot of sinus infections.

My principal has been notorious for finding ways to give people bad evaluations and I know she will use this an excuse to give me a bad one (Not here all the time and so on).

Isn't there a law out there that you cannot be fired or threatened to be terminated if you are really been sick(not been faking it like other co-workers have been)?

I did call that other assistant after I talked to her and she totally denied saying that but I didn't believe her.
Depends on your state and whether is an "at will" state.

Texas is, which means you can be fired anytime, for just about any reason other than discrimination.

And how'd you record the convo on your cell phone?
[quote name='Jedi1979']how many times have you been sick this year?[/quote]
Watch him say something like 42. ;)

Here's the part of the labor code for Texas:

Q: Does an employer need to provide an employee with the reason for terminating him/her?
A: The Texas Payday Law does not address the issue of termination. Texas, however, is an "employment at will" state. This means that the employment relationship between employer and employee exists by the agreement of both parties. This gives the employee the right to quit at any time for for the employer to terminate the employee at any time and for any legal reason.
Unless you have an employment agreement which says otherwise they can probably fire you for whatever the hell they want.
Two people were fired from my work because they were out alot. In both cases, it was tolerated for a long time. Both of them were eventually laid off.

What surprised me was the 2nd person never learned from the mistakes of the 1st person that was laid off. He kept getting away with it for a long time; He might of thought that he would never be let go.
[quote name='Maklershed']Arent you alotted "sick days"?[/QUOTE]

yep, and it accumulates every month and over the summer.

and even so, I do follow procedure and request a sub through the system... it would be a different story if I didn't request a sub. It's crazy because my job doesn't need a sub, but they still require it of me to do.

Anyways I know other teachers who have called out sick due to having "hang overs" or calling out sick so they could go take the gay music teacher to get a root canal... oh give me a break.
[quote name='dallow']
And how'd you record the convo on your cell phone?[/QUOTE]

On my phone you just click voice memo, and it'll record only the other person talking, and not me.

More then likely OP your an at will employee which means they can fire you for anything. You cold doesn't sound to serious take some over the counter shit and get back to work.
[quote name='Graystone']On my phone you just click voice memo, and it'll record only the other person talking, and not me.

More then likely OP your an at will employee which means they can fire you for anything. You cold doesn't sound to serious take some over the counter shit and get back to work.[/QUOTE]

yep my cell the 8300 records the other side only :(

Over the counter shit hasn't been helping much. My doctor said since I have been stressed and working late on projects (for my other job) it is slowing my recovery. If I am not 100% by next monday, I should come back and be put on anti-biotics.
Well, I dont see how they could discipline you for using your sick days. They're yours to use. With the state if you dont use them you can even cash them out when you retire.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Well these past few days I have been sick. Headache, sorethroat, coughing, wheezing, runny noise, coughing up goo, and lost my voice two days ago.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You call THAT sick!?!?!?!?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

fuckin' nancy-boy. Bet you take a sick day to paint yer toenails, too.

And, to answer your OP question, maybe; however, that doesn't mean they won't "discover" a better reason for firing you.
Sounds like you are a teacher, so have you considered talking to your union representative. That is a good place to start. Being in education myself, I know your contract should say something about termination and negative evaluations. Check and see, it can't hurt.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You call THAT sick!?!?!?!?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

fuckin' nancy-boy. Bet you take a sick day to paint yer toenails, too.

And, to answer your OP question, maybe; however, that doesn't mean they won't "discover" a better reason for firing you.[/quote]

:lol: :lol:

just got me thinking about myself...i took a casual Postal Carrier position 8 months ago and pretty much CANNOT call in sick unless i have a emergency...i sprained my ankle on the job during the winter and basically had to limp through the rest of the route or i would be fired...
Sounds like you've been "out a lot" so they have some basis to be suspicious. You should get a letter from your doctor, or better yet have your doctor call your boss to confirm that you've been sick.
[quote name='dopa345']Sounds like you've been "out a lot" so they have some basis to be suspicious. You should get a letter from your doctor, or better yet have your doctor call your boss to confirm that you've been sick.[/QUOTE]

i can always get a print out from my medical file.. they give it out everytime I go to them.
From someone who works in administration: You should see what the company policy states. I work for a company that is based out of Texas and their policy states that excessive sick calls can lead to termination of employment. They don't give a specific numbers of sick calls, but they do look for patterns (calling of Fridays & Mondays, etc.) Of course if there are extenuating circumstances, they my give you some slack. See if the company policy states anything specific.
you know, ever since I started working in the school system, I have been out sick so many times . In retail , the most I have been out was less then a week total!. I have been told that its all the damn kids and there germs that they bring in.

At my school, a lot of people are out on Fridays too. hmmm

my question is, can I get that other assistant in trouble for saying that shit when its none of her business?
[quote name='ITDEFX']
my question is, can I get that other assistant in trouble for saying that shit when its none of her business?[/QUOTE]

Yea, because what you really need to do is draw more negative attention to yourself by tattletelling without any real proof :roll:
[quote name='Roufuss']Yea, because what you really need to do is draw more negative attention to yourself by tattletelling without any real proof :roll:[/QUOTE]

recorded confession from that sub saying that what the other assistant said :)
[quote name='ITDEFX']you know, ever since I started working in the school system, I have been out sick so many times . In retail , the most I have been out was less then a week total!. I have been told that its all the damn kids and there germs that they bring in.

At my school, a lot of people are out on Fridays too. hmmm

my question is, can I get that other assistant in trouble for saying that shit when its none of her business?[/quote]

bah, my wife is a first grade know how many times she has called out this year...about 3 times and she is pregnant and has been sick numerous times and has over an hour she is home on maternity leave, but when she was sick she would tough it out and just go to work...germs come with the territory and you just need to try your best to keep clean

with all the time off that comes with a teaching job there really is no reason to abuse the system...
[quote name='ITDEFX']recorded confession from that sub saying that what the other assistant said :)[/QUOTE]

just suck it up and get back to work. I've worked when I was more sick then you hell a lot of people have.
[quote name='ITDEFX']recorded confession from that sub saying that what the other assistant said :)[/quote]

lol...ever heard of "heresay" some Judge
[quote name='Jedi1979']lol...ever heard of "heresay" some Judge[/QUOTE]

lol i can't watch it cause im at work when its on.
[quote name='ITDEFX']lol i can't watch it cause im at work when its on.[/quote]

are you sure? cause the whole point of this tread was that you werent at work;)
well some weird shit has been happening at my school.. over the years people have gotten cancer(one person I know is currently expected to die from a brain cancer this summer), miscarriages, and other lung problems. Two women this year have had complications with there child's birth. One was out for 3 months and the other has been out for 6 months with her child being under weight with birth defects!

watch, a few years from now I am going to have testicular cancer.
[quote name='Jedi1979']are you sure? cause the whole point of this tread was that you werent at work;)[/QUOTE]

yea well i was resting up. TV watching was not on my mind.
[quote name='ITDEFX']yea well i was resting up. TV watching was not on my mind.[/quote]

that does not make any watching is part of the resting up process...and if there are all these health problems at the school then i suggest you contact a lawyer and get the facts about their inspections and whatever else would be needed
[quote name='Jedi1979']that does not make any watching is part of the resting up process...and if there are all these health problems at the school then i suggest you contact a lawyer and get the facts about their inspections and whatever else would be needed[/QUOTE]

nah, sometimes I take a break from tv/computer/internet and just chill out.
I take it the people that dont think you can be fired for being sick are young and naive, and havent been broken by the man yet. They still think that people and companies are by nature "good."

Its quite a normal thing to get canned for taking too much sick time. At my work, many of the guys have 300-400 sick hours built up because they know if they use it they'll get reprimanded by the manager and hassled. Too many call ins at 6:30am and the manager won't put up with it. They want someone they can count on to be their and do their job.

They of course might not come out and say their firing you for using sick days, they'll just say it wasnt working out or something.
see if I was a full time teacher with 20 some students to teach, then yea they can bitch, but since I am an *assistant* just making photocopies...I am not that important. :)
[quote name='youbastards']Just do what I do, go to work sick and hang out near the people that irritate you as much as possible...[/QUOTE]

yea i did just that today :) trying to spread as much germs as I possibly can
[quote name='ITDEFX']recorded confession from that sub saying that what the other assistant said :)[/QUOTE]

What the hell?

That's not proof at all. You have a recorded confession from someone saying someone else said something?

You do realize that no one, and I mean no one, will take that seriously. The fact that you seem the least bit serious about using something like that is kind of bothersome.

For all anyone knows, you put that other assistant up to say that, and it comes back to look badly on you, because yea, that's exactly how higher up's look at it. You've taken too many sick days, and now all of a sudden you're trying to get other people in trouble? That really won't look good on your part, you're going to be branded as someone who brings drama to work when they even bother to show up.
[quote name='Roufuss']What the hell?

That's not proof at all. You have a recorded confession from someone saying someone else said something?

You do realize that no one, and I mean no one, will take that seriously. The fact that you seem the least bit serious about using something like that is kind of bothersome.

For all anyone knows, you put that other assistant up to say that, and it comes back to look badly on you, because yea, that's exactly how higher up's look at it. You've taken too many sick days, and now all of a sudden you're trying to get other people in trouble? That really won't look good on your part, you're going to be branded as someone who brings drama to work when they even bother to show up.[/QUOTE]

the drama was already here when I got here. im just trying to survive in for another 3 days :)
OP you still have not answered how many times this year you have called in sick. You must really miss alot for them to be on you like this, and for a teacher that is horrible.

I have not taken a sick day in 6 years. Suck it up and go to work.
[quote name='rodeojones903']OP you still have not answered how many times this year you have called in sick. You must really miss alot for them to be on you like this, and for a teacher that is horrible.

I have not taken a sick day in 6 years. Suck it up and go to work.[/QUOTE]

1. i am already back to work :)

2. i think you were on the money when you said 40 something... man I needed a break from that place anyways.
[quote name='ITDEFX']1. i am already back to work :)

2. i think you were on the money when you said 40 something... man I needed a break from that place anyways.[/QUOTE]

You called in for 40 days during the year? Hell yeah you should be fired.
[quote name='rodeojones903']You called in for 40 days during the year? Hell yeah you should be fired.[/QUOTE]

shit that's nothing, I know one teacher who called out for 3 months in a row. Doctor told her to stay off her feet and not abuse her body. what did she due for 3 months? Get drunk with the rest of the teachers on the team. fuck heads took pictures and dated them and posted it on there myspace pages. So....i guess she wasn't really that sick if she was getting drunk all the time :)

and honestly I don't care if they fire me, I got another job lined up in July that basically in that first month I will make 1/4th of what I made during the entire 10 months of my current job salary.
fucking unions.

That is just pathetic. I can't believe you think its OK to call in sick that much. I hope its another state funded job, because you won't be able to hack it anywhere else.
[quote name='ITDEFX']1. i am already back to work :)

2. i think you were on the money when you said 40 something... man I needed a break from that place anyways.[/QUOTE]

40 days? So, at what point would you *NOT* be surprised to be fired?

Jesus, I haven't missed a day of work since 2000. fuck you and the bad grammar you bring to this board (you're a *teacher*!?!?).
[quote name='dopa345']Nice to see that our youth are being educated by such motivated teachers.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I like how the attitude of this thread is "You think that's bad, well look what THESE people are doing!"
Why isn't this puts-ass banned for all the shitty/useless/pointless/bitching about his own uselessness threads hes made over the years?
[quote name='Roufuss']Yea, I like how the attitude of this thread is "You think that's bad, well look what THESE people are doing!"[/QUOTE]

Roufuss, you really know how to make someone laugh at themselves :)
bread's done