[Canada] EB Games, Blockbuster Video, and Future Shop Trade-in Values List


16 (100%)
Update 3: The new website is http://www.tivs.ca thanks to neksus!

Update 2:

Lone Prodigy is awesome and made a new one: http://ebtradeinvalues.scribblewiki.com/Main_Page

Please update the wiki yourself. The new wiki is http://www.citgocapital.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

RFDers use/edit it as well.

Alright, the Americans have a wiki page with all the EB Games trade-in values and I figured we might as well start one for the Canadian EB. It's good reference for if we ever want to sell our soul or maybe take advantage of loopholes in their promos! I'll try and keep the list updated as much as possible.

If you have info to add, please do so in the following format:
*Game Name - $# - Month Day, Year
For example:
*Sonic Mega Collection - $8 - September 29th, 2006.

Group them by system please!

Wiki Link: http://wiki.cheapassgamer.com/index.php/EB_trade_in_values_-_Canada
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theres a new gaming store in downtown TO, called playntrade...he seems like a nice guy, responds to emails pretty fast but heres my quotes

[email protected]

he PMs TIVs i guess, so if ur in downtown toronto look up his store

SF4ps3 and KZ2 were 35 credit, but u can PM tivs at ebg or FS for 40 i guess

get xtra 10% tiv with that players card (10$ i think)
[quote name='kleptodathief']theres a new gaming store in downtown TO, called playntrade...he seems like a nice guy, responds to emails pretty fast but heres my quotes

[email protected]

he PMs TIVs i guess, so if ur in downtown toronto look up his store

SF4ps3 and KZ2 were 35 credit, but u can PM tivs at ebg or FS for 40 i guess

get xtra 10% tiv with that players card (10$ i think)[/quote]

you mean the Edge card? in Canada you don't get the extra 10% tiv, just the used discount. and i've never heard of anyone PM tivs. how does that work? don't you need a store scan to give them? what store scans a game and then lets you take that tiv scan and the game home?
I have two questions: Does anyone know if UFC is applicable to the trade 3 get one free deal? I read in another thread that inFamous is part of the deal, but I want UFC as well.

Second question, does Canada get that special edition of UFC that has the extra fighters? I read that Gamestop got their own custom pressing of the disc. Just curious, those 2 bonus fighters suck anyway.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']I have two questions: Does anyone know if UFC is applicable to the trade 3 get one free deal? I read in another thread that inFamous is part of the deal, but I want UFC as well. [/quote]

Yes UFC is T3G1F material.

[quote name='JnJosh']futureshop pricematches advertised trade in values, show them proof, get that much[/quote]

okay cool. but as to klepto's post, will they PM tivs if your proof is an email from some guy at Play N' Trade?
[quote name='neksus']FWIW, UFC is also a gaming guarantee game.[/quote]

oh it's worth alot!
i bet it's a great game but not my thing.
getting $70 tax free dollars on a card is.
[quote name='j940651']+1
oh it's worth alot!
i bet it's a great game but not my thing.
getting $70 tax free dollars on a card is.[/quote]

speaking of which, does anybody know the policy on returns?
for one store that i did a T3F1F for they gave me back a giftcard with $70+tax but another one simply gave me a $70 EDGE card...

Though i know they are the same thing, is it up to the CSR's discretion on which one to give you? Because having two ebgames giftcards in my wallet will be a pain...
[quote name='thelaughingman']speaking of which, does anybody know the policy on returns?
for one store that i did a T3F1F for they gave me back a giftcard with $70+tax but another one simply gave me a $70 EDGE card...

Though i know they are the same thing, is it up to the CSR's discretion on which one to give you? Because having two ebgames giftcards in my wallet will be a pain...[/quote]

it's supposed to be an Edge card because you returned used games, and they aren't charging you the tax on the new game. the Edge card keeps you from paying tax on what you buy next. not so with a gift card.
TIVS as of May 11, 2009:
Resistance 1 PS3 , $2 BBV, $8.40 FS

Price information:
Sims 2 University for PC (or other expansion packs) are $19.99 at EB Games, $39.99 at Futureshop. If you have FS credit or no stock at EBGames, it can be interesting to know.
[quote name='thelaughingman']speaking of which, does anybody know the policy on returns?
for one store that i did a T3F1F for they gave me back a giftcard with $70+tax but another one simply gave me a $70 EDGE card...

Though i know they are the same thing, is it up to the CSR's discretion on which one to give you? Because having two ebgames giftcards in my wallet will be a pain...[/quote]

It is not supposed to be up to the CSR as their whole system is set up for that to be processed as a trade and the $69.99 credit is put on an Edge card. If it is processed as a return and put back onto a gift card, their system now shows an extra new copy in their inventory when the game is supposed to be considered a used copy, they are not accepting the game as a return but as a trade, so if a CSR does that to a few people it would fuck up the store's inventory.
how bout this situation guys... i preordered RE5 ages ago but i still didn't pick it up lolz...wot happens when i go back to that store with my t3 receipt? iknow they don't even try to call me, they want me to forget bout it im sure
[quote name='kleptodathief']how bout this situation guys... i preordered RE5 ages ago but i still didn't pick it up lolz...wot happens when i go back to that store with my t3 receipt? iknow they don't even try to call me, they want me to forget bout it im sure[/quote]

you win a $70 Edge card!

i pre-ordered Wolverine and Velvet Assassin on t3 deals. they never called.
i came a week or so later and said: i don't want those "old" games.
so they gave me $140 Edge card.

I come bearing TIVs. First of all though, is there a way to get tivs.ca to display PS2 and Gamecube tivs? At the bottom of the page it says they are indexing a certain number of each, but they don't display. I could have used a list of PS2 and GC tivs today before I went down to EB.

And here are my EB Games TIVS as of May 12, 2009. Will these be added to the database or do I have to enter them somehow?

Metroid Prime: $0.50
Metroid Prime 2: $7
Eternal Darkness: $2
Animal Crossing: $2 (the AC memory card was in the box, but he didn't seem to care, acted as if I had accidentally left it there)

Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles: $6
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam: $10

Dark Sector: $2
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground: $7
Motorstorm: $10
Singstar Abba: $10
Skate: This one was weird. He quoted it at $12, but when I traded it in it came up as $25 credit on my receipt. I don't know if it was a mistake, but I'm not complaining!
Why why why do people keep throwing their games away for virtually nothing. Pretty certain something like umbrella chronicles would have had a taker here for $20 (or net more then $20 on ebay after fees, or be taken quickly on goozex). I see eb just raised it new and used back to $30.

gamecube eternal darkness is going for about $30 on ebay.

Poeple can do what they want, Its just painfull to keep reading the money being thrown away at eb.

just got matched to receive twilight princess on goozex for 500 points, UC would receive 600. So it would be a 1 for 1 trade on goozex, vs trade in 8? UC to get a zelda at eb
I didn't sell any of the games that they quoted under $7. Actually I did give them Umbrella for $6 but regretted that one after I walked out.

But the fact is, I'll never play those games again and if I can put the money toward a new game with immediate payoff and no shipping hassles, I was okay with it. I did list most of those games on Goozex, but when I looked at my chances of actually getting any takers, it looked like it would take a year if ever. I agree that most of their TIVs are a scam, but it's convenient, and if it's too outrageously low I will keep the game.
[quote name='zoro69']

Poeple can do what they want, Its just painfull to keep reading the money being thrown away at eb.


That does happen I'll admit. But MANY of the posts in this thread are
only GIVING the TIV and not TAKING it. You ask what it's worth and post it here. A lot of us call and ask in person the TIV and post our results.

I feel like everyone here in this thread already knows about Goozex and many
just like hunting for TIV bargains to turn profits.

Stoked (360) - $16
Tiger Woods 09 (360) - $16
Resistance 1 (PS3) - $2


Stoked (360) - $22
Tiger Woods 09 (360) - $25
Resistance 1 (PS3) - $11
Def Jam Icon (PS3) - $10
[quote name='kleptodathief']^wow 2 tiv for resist1 at bbv...im suprised ebg dusn't lower tivs to BBV standards, they make much more profit if they did[/QUOTE]

bbv sells is used for $9.99 so $2 is in line with that.
eb sells it used for $29.99 so $11 is proportionate.
[quote name='j940651']bbv sells is used for $9.99 so $2 is in line with that.
eb sells it used for $29.99 so $11 is proportionate.[/QUOTE]

Im really surprised why someone would trade it in for $2 though...
Ive only recalled seeing one copy ever while driving around to different BBVs
[quote name='thelaughingman']Im really surprised why someone would trade it in for $2 though...
Ive only recalled seeing one copy ever while driving around to different BBVs[/QUOTE]

well that's just it -you don't! it's like stock prices.
you HOLD at that point. one rep at bbv offered me $5.00
of his OWN money for resistance when i asked what the TIV was.
that's when his buddy "told" me about www.tivs.ca and find some
other chain that will pay more for it.

i said "i just may do that". and never mentioned i had several times at
EB already. and was taking this one there too.

i found the best 3some for t3g1f last night to be at bbv.
Genji PS3 - 9.99
Resistance PS3 - 9.99
Def Jam Icon PS3 - 9.99

if you want credit at FS (some people do - hush)
Armored Core For Answer PS3 is $19.99 at BBV.
Use the coupon and its. $14.99.
Has a TIV at FS of $22.80. After taxes you're up $6.00.
Now you can go buy Big Momma's House on DVD on "the house's money".

that's right.
i hoard AND share.
i'm a ho-re.
no wait.
i'm a sh-ard.

" Has a TIV at FS of $22.80. After taxes you're up $6.00."

that is , if you can stand the embarrassment as a kid holding his pay cheque from Mcdonalds points at you and laughs at how you spend your time lol
[quote name='zoro69']" Has a TIV at FS of $22.80. After taxes you're up $6.00."

that is , if you can stand the embarrassment as a kid holding his pay cheque from Mcdonalds points at you and laughs at how you spend your time lol[/QUOTE]

dude have you looked at tivs.ca lately?
that's about as good as it gets these days.
gone are the days of making $20+ per game.

EDIT: ANNNNNNND futhermore son, I didn't say this was your ticket to financial freedom.
That 2nd tip is what's known as a "Credit Mover". A lot of people took advantage of
the $10 Minimum TIV Promos, or took in copies of Wartech and Quake Wars for big credit
and found they have nothing they wish to spend their BBV credit on. So you buy
Armored Core For Answer and give it to FS thereby moving your credit to a place with more
goods and services you may wish to partake of AND making $6.00 as a bonus for "banking"
with the FS TIV system.

now go get my fries!
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[quote name='j940651']
i found the best 3some for t3g1f last night to be at bbv.
Genji PS3 - 9.99
Resistance PS3 - 9.99
Def Jam Icon PS3 - 9.99

that's right.
i hoard AND share.
i'm a ho-re.
no wait.
i'm a sh-ard.

Once again, thanks so much for all you've contributed to this thread! :D
Just a heads up to everyone though, my local EB has a huge bin of games they have on "sale" and it has like 20 copies of Genji for 19.99 USED. If anyone is still sleeping on this game, it might be in your best interests to get rid of it soon...

[quote name='j940651']dude have you looked at tivs.ca lately?
that's about as good as it gets these days.
gone are the days of making $20+ per game.[/QUOTE]

I guess the "Quake Wars" incident and the "min $10 TIV" things were just one time things huh? :cry:
[quote name='thelaughingman']

I guess the "Quake Wars" incident and the "min $10 TIV" things were just one time things huh? :cry:[/QUOTE]

oh the good ol' days of boxing day/new year's sales.
there was Quake Wars, Alone In The Dark, Turning Point Fall of Liberty, The Club, Fantastic Four, Golden Compass, Lost, and a couple im forgetting.
you could literally do that garbage bag of cheap games and collect windfall TIVS back then. FS had T3G1F Promo on at the time.

and that all leads into the cautionary tale of "HDKen" and the story
of HOW NOT TO DO THINGS. he set back the trade and save cause
so far it may never recover.

the end.
Some TIVS i grabbed over the phone @ EB

Dora Saves the Snow Princess = $6
Go Diego Go! Great Dinosaur Rescue = $7
Lego Starwars the Complete Saga = $10
Mysims Kingdom = $6
Need for Speed Carbon = $6
Need for speed Prostreet = $6
Rayman Raving Rabids 2 = $6
Sonic and the Secret Rings = $7
Super Monkey Ball = $6
Sims 2 Castaway = $6
TV Show King = $6
We Love Golf = $2
[quote name='j940651']you could literally do that garbage bag of cheap games and collect windfall TIVS back then. FS had T3G1F Promo on at the time.

and that all leads into the cautionary tale of "HDKen" and the story
of HOW NOT TO DO THINGS. he set back the trade and save cause
so far it may never recover.

the end.[/QUOTE]
Yes, we all remember him. HDKen was the only one filling garbage bags full of games, trading them in and setting back trade values. Obviously.

This thread is becoming chock full o' win! \\:D/
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Yes, we all remember him. HDKen was the only one filling garbage bags full of games, trading them in and setting back trade values. Obviously.

This thread is becoming chock full o' win! \\:D/[/QUOTE]

There were probably others - lurkers. But his is the legend that will live on in infamy.
Heavenly Sword PS3 - $22.80 Futureshop [traded at the Downtown Edmonton store]

Looks like it's down from the $27.60 5/6/2009 on tivs.ca but at least they're giving $15 since I'm trading it towards UFC.

On an unrelated note, they couldn't accept my Dragonball Burst Limit [PS3] because they said it didn't match their code? o..k. I bought it last year, nothing wrong with it, but w/e.
[quote name='AndyTwobeats']Heavenly Sword PS3 - $22.80 Futureshop [traded at the Downtown Edmonton store]

Looks like it's down from the $27.60 5/6/2009 on tivs.ca but at least they're giving $15 since I'm trading it towards UFC.

On an unrelated note, they couldn't accept my Dragonball Burst Limit [PS3] because they said it didn't match their code? o..k. I bought it last year, nothing wrong with it, but w/e.[/QUOTE]

so do they give you 15 dollars more on store credit, or is it like pre-order receipt?
[quote name='Bencherstyle']so do they give you 15 dollars more on store credit, or is it like pre-order receipt?[/QUOTE]

This might be Edmonton only, so ymmv.

This is how it's supposed to work:
- They're supposed to give you a card with the credit for what the game is worth, so in my case, $22.80 for Heavenly Sword.
- On the receipt, there's supposed to be a coupon printed on it, saying if you use that credit towards one of the pictured games in the flyer, you'll get $15 more credit.

However, at both stores I checked [Edmonton West accepted my Dragonball Burst Limit, Downtown accepted Heavenly Sword] they weren't ready / set up to print out the coupons on the receipts.

What the manager wanted to do at first, was write on the back of the receipt that I had $15 more credit, and sign her name. I said how would anyone know that it was her signature, and she said I would have to come back to that same store, and she would verify it on Tuesday. After a bit more thinking, she said instead, she'd give me another $15 gift card instead. She said in order to be able to do that, she said she'd consider it a price match [don't ask, I have no idea].

So in the end, I got a $22.80 gift card, and a $15 gift card which can be used on anything in the store. I want UFC anyway though, so that's what it's going to :D

Hope that helps, I'm not sure if it'll be the same in other places, depending on if they're set up yet or not.
so if i buy far cry 2 for $19.99+tax =roughly $23.00.
they'll give me 13.20 TIV+15. =roughly $28.00.
therefore: i buy far cry 2. exit the store. walk back in. give it to them.
ill get my money back + $5.00 toward UFC.

i am NOT going to do this.

i'm just bored and wanted to type something.
Eb Games May 15

Castlevania Order of Eclessia: $12

Motorstorm: $11
Resistance: $12

Used all three to get a pre-order on that UFC game coming out next week
[quote name='Bencherstyle']^ isnt the wii version on the top wanted list? 37 dollars?[/QUOTE]

ahha i'm not sure
i thought both gc and wii versions had similar tivs
i guess not =P
[quote name='Xeph820']ahha i'm not sure
i thought both gc and wii versions had similar tivs
i guess not =P[/QUOTE]

I'll be asking about the GC one at another location this weekend. Fingers crossed.
[quote name='gizmo29']Eb Games May 15

Castlevania Order of Eclessia: $12

Motorstorm: $11
Resistance: $12

Used all three to get a pre-order on that UFC game coming out next week[/QUOTE]
They gave me $10 for Motorstorm on Tuesday!
bread's done