Cannibalism in China acceptable.....if for health


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WARNING - disturbing pictures inside

I quoted a picture free article below although it is still disturbing as fuck- so be warned

We posted once an article about how the Japanese simulated eating a human body as a form of edgy entertainment. Well now there are reports that the Chinese have been eating infant babies in an attempt to improve their health and beauty.
The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, is reporting that infant fetuses have become a popular health and beauty supplement in China. It is further reported that in Guangdong, the demand for gourmet body parts is so high, that they can even be purchased directly from the hospitals.

It is reported that during a banquet hosted by a Taiwanese businessman, a servant Ms Liu from Liaoning province on the mainland inadvertently revealed the habit of eating infants/fetuses in Liaoning province and her intention to return for the supplement due to health concerns. The Taiwanese women present were horrified.
Ms Liu also disclosed that even though people can afford the human parts there are still waiting lists and those with the right connections get the “highest quality” human parts, which translates to the more mature fetuses. A male fetus is considered the “prime” human part.
Ms Liu then escorted the reporter to a location where a fetus was being prepared. A woman was chopping up a male fetus and making soup from the placenta. During the process, the woman even tried to comfort everyone by saying, “Don’t be afraid, this is just the flesh of a higher animal.”
In fact, in China, reports about meals made from infant flesh have surfaced from time to time. A video is on the Internet for people to view. In the introduction, the Chinese claim that eating a human fetus is an art form.
On March 22, 2003, police in Bingyan, Guangxi Province seized 28 female babies smuggled in a truck from Yulin, Guangxi Province going to Houzhou in Anhui Province. The oldest baby was only three months old. The babies were packed three or four to a bag and many of them were near death.
On the morning of October 9, 2004, a person rifling through the garbage on the outskirts of Jiuquan city in the Suzhou region, found dismembered babies in a dumpster. There were two heads, two torsos, four arms, and six legs. According to the investigation, these corpses were no more than a week old and they had been dismembered after cooking.
Although China has laws that prohibit the eating of human fetus, the regime’s forced abortions to ensure the one child policy is strictly adhered to thereby creating many opportunities for these sorts of atrocities to occur.
peasant chinese people ate dinosaur bones because they thought they were from dragons, i can almost believe anything out of China
a chinese immigrant is having trouble seeing so he goes to see his doctor. The doctor says "You have cataract" and the chinaman says "no, I drive a Rincoln Continental."
I saw the same pictures.. but they were said to have been taken in Vietnam. I remember because I just clowned on my Viet friends for eating babies.
It's pretty hard to shock me, but those pictures were pretty fucked up. I have no way of knowing if this is real or fake, but I sure hope its fake.
These crazy asians kill cats and dogs by the thousands and eat them like chicken. There must be something wrong with their brains..They are wired differently than the rest of the world. I wouldn't put anything past them.
this has got to be bullshit it has to be granted shit like that has happened in the past to some extent ( women bathing in virgins blood, canabalism from all parts of the world) but fucking eating fetuses and then it bein acceptable all over china i dunno. if thats real then thats the last sign i need to know the end of times is here.
[quote name='Capitalizt']These crazy asians kill cats and dogs by the thousands and eat them like chicken. There must be something wrong with their brains..They are wired differently than the rest of the world. I wouldn't put anything past them.[/QUOTE]

The dog meat people ate for food are different than the dogs people keep as pets. It is no different than Hindus refusing to eat beef or Muslim refusing to eat pork.
this chicken chow mein is still good, it doesn't hinder my opinion of the chinese people. At least the ones that live here in america
[quote name='Capitalizt']These crazy asians kill cats and dogs by the thousands and eat them like chicken. There must be something wrong with their brains..They are wired differently than the rest of the world. I wouldn't put anything past them.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I'm a crazy Asian and I always have the urge to kill cats and dogs. I killed as many cats and dogs as the normal White American killed chickens.

Ok. Fine I never killed anything bigger than a bug, but what is wrong with eating a dog. I heard they taste pretty good.
Anybody who believes this is real is an idiot. Are we really still living in a time when the Asian person is considered an inscrutable mystic from a faraway land? Yes, Chinese culture retains remnants of ancient customs and superstitions, but there's certainly no popular practice of eating babies today and, to my knowledge, no record of such a thing in Chinese history.

Could there be some extreme, isolated case in which this might have happened? Certainly; psychotics exist everywhere in the world, and with the fact that China makes up a significant percentage of the world's population, there must certainly be a good number of psychotics in that country. But is it a popular practice? No way. I've spent time in different parts of China for the past couple years--even in the poor, rural areas where I imagine people might more readily believe such atrocities could happen--and I can attest that this article is completely baseless.

The more you travel around the world, the more you see how people everywhere are more alike than they are different. I believe that the abhorrence you and I feel at hearing about babies being eaten is a universally shared abhorrence, and no people or government connected to the rest of the world could ever condone such a thing.
[quote name='Alphant']Yea, I'm a crazy Asian and I always have the urge to kill cats and dogs. I killed as many cats and dogs as the normal White American killed chickens.

Ok. Fine I never killed anything bigger than a bug, but what is wrong with eating a dog. I heard they taste pretty good.[/QUOTE]

you snoopy simmering son-of-a-bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how dare you say its ok to eat dogs!!!!!!!!!!!

all joking aside i wouldnt eat dog but i could give 2 shits if others do hell with all the diff food scoobie doo eats i bet hed taste amazing slow cooked with a nice dry rub. theres not one thing in the world someone eats that someone doesnt think is odd cow, horses, squirrels, gator, dog, cat, rats.
I think you are looking at it wrong. Nobody believes this for a reason like "hey my dads frend sed chiness eet babby
(and wonders how it was formed :p)
". People are believing because there is an article with photos and supposed proof, although snopes argues that all of it is fake. No one is calling the asians anything (well, most of us), most of us are just commenting based on the information
[quote name='Irukandji']I'd eat a baby.[/QUOTE]

what would you use for side dishes? could you not imagine someone going into a restaurant and asking a waiter " what kind of wine would go well with baby fetus"?
[quote name='Filler2001']I think you are looking at it wrong. Nobody believes this for a reason like "hey my dads frend sed chiness eet babby
(and wonders how it was formed :p)
". People are believing because there is an article with photos and supposed proof, although snopes argues that all of it is fake. No one is calling the asians anything (well, most of us), most of us are just commenting based on the information[/QUOTE]

I can't tell if you're just being facetious. Otherwise we may as well believe everything we read in The Onion because hey, it's an official-looking, published newspaper with pictures! Think about the validity of the source of your information: Weird Asia News. If this news were true and eating babies were so widespread, don't you think we'd hear more about it from better established media, too? Someone somewhere higher in the Fourth Estate would surely have published an expose, no? One thing you can start with is showing me where exactly in China's laws is a specific prohibition against eating fetuses (which implies that enough people are doing it to become a legislative issue).
[quote name='rapsodist']I can't tell if you're just being facetious. Otherwise we may as well believe everything we read in The Onion because hey, it's an official-looking, published newspaper with pictures! Think about the validity of the source of your information: Weird Asia News. If this news were true and eating babies were so widespread, don't you think we'd hear more about it from better established media, too? Someone somewhere higher in the Fourth Estate would surely have published an expose, no? One thing you can start with is showing me where exactly in China's laws is a specific prohibition against eating fetuses (which implies that enough people are doing it to become a legislative issue).[/QUOTE]
I suppose the source may give it less legitimacy....itll be worth a bit of more research tomorrow :/ at least you are bringing some reason into this thread, and I thank you for :)
[quote name='Irukandji']I'd eat a baby.[/QUOTE]

I would if they taste good. Hell, I imagine the reason we don't is human probably tastes bad.
[quote name='georox']I would if they taste good. Hell, I imagine the reason we don't is human probably tastes bad.[/QUOTE]

dunno if you ever saw that movie Alive where the soccer players got stuck in the mountains but during an interview they said people taste like chicken i believe so.............
My friend John Redcorn comes from a tribe that used to be cannibalistic, Bobby said so. As for my friend Kahn, he has never eaten another man that I was aware of I tell you what! But if he ever does eat a man, I would suggest he cook him with propane.
[quote name='georox']I would if they taste good. Hell, I imagine the reason we don't is human probably tastes bad.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lokizz']dunno if you ever saw that movie Alive where the soccer players got stuck in the mountains but during an interview they said people taste like chicken i believe so.............[/QUOTE]

I'm sure geo tastes like turkey.
[quote name='dv8mad']I'm sure geo tastes like turkey.[/QUOTE]

Nah, trust me on that one. I taste more like old slim jims.... which I hate to say it, I can't stand how those things taste. More chemical than food.
One would think that if this was a widespread thing (or a "thing" at all) anywhere in the world it would hit at the very least the news here in the US. Most of the shocking news that travels via FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD OMG Cannibalz in Chinaz!!!! is fake yet dipshits still fall for it. Since when in this day and age are a few random pictures actually enough to make you think something like this is real. Could be some crazy fucking art project or something. WAKE UP.
I don't think eating the fetuses is that weird, but the live human babies that are 3 months old is a little extreme. I also don't see what the health benefit is, it's not like they're getting a stem cell transplant by eating the fetus.
[quote name='Malik112099']One would think that if this was a widespread thing (or a "thing" at all) anywhere in the world it would hit at the very least the news here in the US. Most of the shocking news that travels via FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD OMG Cannibalz in Chinaz!!!! is fake yet dipshits still fall for it. Since when in this day and age are a few random pictures actually enough to make you think something like this is real. Could be some crazy fucking art project or something. WAKE UP.[/QUOTE]

Too bad there is video of children being cooked alive then eaten. WAKE UP.
[quote name='Malik112099']One would think that if this was a widespread thing (or a "thing" at all) anywhere in the world it would hit at the very least the news here in the US. Most of the shocking news that travels via FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD:FWD OMG Cannibalz in Chinaz!!!! is fake yet dipshits still fall for it. Since when in this day and age are a few random pictures actually enough to make you think something like this is real. Could be some crazy fucking art project or something. WAKE UP.[/QUOTE]

you know someone brought up something to me that made me wonder if it could be true. you all know how china has a limit on the amount of kids someone can have and because of that if youre limited in kids and youre in a society that prizes male children over girls and apparently they have forced abortions too they may have alot of fetuses around. where they go from having fetuses to eating them is beyond my guess but if youre always trying to have a male child and you keep getting females who knows.
bread's done