Can't seem to get into the old school games


Hey, I didn't start getting REALLY into games until about three years ago. I'm not sure if me moving at that time or me getting my Xbox then triggered this. Anyhow, when I started really getting into games I currently had a PS1, PS2, Xbox, and Gameboy Color. Since then I've accumalated new systems: Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Gamecube, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Gameboy Advance, and GBA SP. I've also been lucky enough to get a broadband connection to both my Xbox and PS2. And last, I get five game mags a month (EGM, OXM, OPM, PSM, GMR, oops, actually six, and CGW). But one problem, for some reason, I can't seem to get into any old school games. Anything besides my Xbox, PS2, GBA, and NGPC usally doesn't get played very often. I don't know why, I hear alot of how yall had such fun with certain old school games, but when I try to play them, I just don't get attached to them. Any other young gamers have this problem? It might be that I'm spoiled by the graphics of the next-gen consoles, or by.......well, I don't know. What do yall think of this situation?
I think the graphics thing may be part of it. Something I used to experience with the old school systems, which I don't now is the fact that when I bought a game, I played the hell out of it. Now I don't know if its because I didn't have any money or because I only had one system and not that many games were available. But damn, back in the day, you got a game and you played it for months at a time.
Yea. I feel sorry for the "new generation." You guys will probably never know what it is like to play a game purely for the gameplay aspect. It seems developers spend WAY too much time making games pretty than making them fun. That's what you get used to as a "new generation" gamer. It's much harder for you to "get into" the older games. Those of us from the "old school" are better at determining which games are good for their gameplay value (a.k.a replay value) rather than how much eye candy a game has.

I for one will make my kids start with the old school games before they get the new system. That way, they will learn a greater appreciation for the new stuff and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, be able to tell which games look better than they play.
[quote name='XboxMaster'] It might be that I'm spoiled by the graphics of the next-gen consoles, or by.......well, I don't know. What do yall think of this situation?[/quote]

Your name says it all.
But at the same time, back then I thought the graphics were amazing on Genesis. It's just looking back on them now you can see how subpar they are. I'm sure in the future we will think ps2 and xbox graphics are horrible. I don't think you're a "graphics whore", those just aren't the games of your generation. Nothing wrong with that. I like a lot of old games because that what I played when I was younger. If I hadn't chances are that I wouldn't like playing them that much.
[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='XboxMaster'] It might be that I'm spoiled by the graphics of the next-gen consoles, or by.......well, I don't know. What do yall think of this situation?[/quote]

Your name says it all.[/quote]

Hey, remember how I said you thought it was cool to hate on Xbox and you denied it? Well here's an example of what I was talking about.
I shouldn't listed that it was a possibility that I was spoiled by good graphics, because I know that's not the problem. Not that I don't enjoy good graphics, but of course, if I know a game sucks but is graphicly superior, then I'm not gonna pick it up. Take Kessen for example, I still LOVE that game and since it came out near the launch of PS2, then obviously the graphics aren't that great. It's kinda strange, this is what happens to me for most RPGs. Hmmm, it's not that I don't want to invest hours into a game, because I had over 900 hours on Wolfenstein for Xbox.
A lot of my favorite games still today are from the NES and SNES. They never get old, probably because I grew up on them. I can always go back to those old graphics easily because the actual gameplay is great.

If you never grew up on the older systems, I can see why it'd be hard to try to get into them. But, in another 10 years, the current systems will be referred to as old-school games for the kids growing up with them now.
[quote name='XboxMaster']Mutliplayer on Xbox Live. Man, that game was probably the best shooter I've ever played.[/quote]

you havent played very many shooters.
One thing I love from the 16 bit days were that they made great side scrollers and great beat em ups and now they hardly make any. those were always some of my favorite games like the streets of rages and the battletoads and the old TMNT's. thats when gaming was gaming.
900 hours / 24 hours per day = 37.5 days.


I find that comment about Kessen having bad graphics funny for some reason. I don't think graphics started becoming important until PSX, at least for me.
[quote name='metroidkiller9'][quote name='XboxMaster']Mutliplayer on Xbox Live. Man, that game was probably the best shooter I've ever played.[/quote]

you havent played very many shooters.[/quote]

agreed. I have not either but played Rainbow six 3 to death(pistols only is the only way to play). Mainly due to the insane amount of levels people made

probably looged in excess of 500 hours in that game
chrono trigger from what i'v play is a good game. but it has a fatal falw in the playstation version. loading time. it takes a good ten seconds to go from world map or anywhere else to the items menu. also just walking through door ways takes a while. this may not seem like much but it really takes away from the fun.
Platformers when they were really platformers and not crap like today.Yohsi Island remains the best platformer ever noe that 3d platformers have come along and sucked up the genre.

Playing Mario 64 and Ocarina of crap remains one of my worst gaming experiences ever, rivalling buying Hydlide and playing it for the first time
Personally, I wouldn't want to go back to the old school systems to play much of anything. There are a few gems that still hold up today, but for the most part I'd rather just buy a decent game for a current system and spend my time with that. Heck there are plenty you can get for
[quote name='metroidkiller9'][quote name='XboxMaster']Mutliplayer on Xbox Live. Man, that game was probably the best shooter I've ever played.[/quote]

you havent played very many shooters.[/quote]

It's called opinion, sheesh :roll: . I have played a fair share of FPS's since that's my favorite genre. Socom 2 would probably be one of my favorites as well, and of couse Halo. Rainbow Six 3 is good, but not THAT good. It gets really annoying when a pistol shot from half a foot away at the chest of your enemy doesn't hit. I know that guns aren't the most accurate things in the world, but damn, I don't expect a counter terrorist squad member to not be able to keep his hand from flying 90 degrees to the right when he shoots a pistol.

I was thinking of some old school games that I do enjoy. And I kinda only thought of a couple. Duck Hunt, Smash TV, and there was this Kirby game I used to play on I think my cousin's Nintendo. It had a lot of mini games on it, like where you'd play this game against enemies you'd find in the normal game, but anyway, you'd play draw against them, like who could draw their gun the fastest. Then there was also another mini game where it was like one of those machines where you have a claw and you're trying to grab stuff. If someone could tell me the name of this game, I might buy another Nintendo just to play that.
Which once again proves my theory, kids are stupid.

By the way, the Game is Kirby Superstar, and you do not deserve to bask in its presence.
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='metroidkiller9'][quote name='XboxMaster']Mutliplayer on Xbox Live. Man, that game was probably the best shooter I've ever played.[/quote]

you havent played very many shooters.[/quote]

I have played a fair share of FPS's since that's my favorite genre. Socom 2 would probably be one of my favorites as well, and of couse Halo. Rainbow Six 3 is good, but not THAT good.[/quote]

How many times must it be stated?!

Shooters are not the same as FPS. Get it right.
[quote name='DenisDFat']Which once again proves my theory, kids are stupid.

By the way, the Game is Kirby Superstar, and you do not deserve to bask in its presence.[/quote]

What did I write that proves me stupid? The fact that I didn't know shooters and FPS's aren't the same thing? Anyway, what're shooters then? Obviously it can't be from a 3rd preson perspective, cuz that would be a 3rd person shooter. Is it one where you only have a cursor, like Guncon games? Actually, aren't those FPS's too? I'm confused.
Haha funny. The only 'shooter' this generation is Ikaruga. Back in the day you had Gradius, R-Type, Ikari Warriors... damn I'm getting rusty. Did Contra count as a shooter, or was that a shoot 'em-up.
Yeah, the shooter genre is dying. Metal Slug and Contra count as side-scrolling action games.....bleh what do these names mean anyway.

Anyhoo, there's just something about a 2-D game that I, and others, find appealing. I think it's the purity of the gameplay.

But I totally disagree that we used to play games just for the gameplay. We weren't blind - good graphics were still appealing.

A lot of older games were pretty arcadey and that might be turning you off. There isn't a lot of technique to learn in the Genesis Sonic games. It's more about the level design. It also may be the lack of a save function that turns you off. Even though I loved the Genesis, I still have to admit that it was filled with lots of arcadey-beat-them-in-one-sitting type games that are hard to go back to, now that practically every game gives you the ability to save.

Anyway, it's unlikely that the straight-up action games will appeal to you. Try stuff like Super Mario World (if you haven't already), Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, or Super Metroid. These games are good-looking, in-depth, have a save function, and feature outstanding gameplay that just happens to be in 2-D. If you still find yourself disinterested, then you cannot be helped.

I personally don't find anything pre-NES to be appealing, except maybe Combat. And if you go on the message boards for Atari-fans, they'll talk about how post-Atari stuff "just isn't as good." So don't worry about it. Games are supposed to be fun, and a lot of what we consider fun comes from our experiences in the past. As long as you're enjoying your "shooters," be happy.
[quote name='vshekar']But I totally disagree that we used to play games just for the gameplay. We weren't blind - good graphics were still appealing.[/quote]

Good graphics always have been and will continue to be "appealing", the difference is today kids buy games based upon looks rather than gameplay. In the past looks didn't matter so much so games where purchased and played based upon how they played.
[quote name='vshekar']Yeah, the shooter genre is dying. Metal Slug and Contra count as side-scrolling action games.....bleh what do these names mean anyway.

Anyhoo, there's just something about a 2-D game that I, and others, find appealing. I think it's the purity of the gameplay.

But I totally disagree that we used to play games just for the gameplay. We weren't blind - good graphics were still appealing.

A lot of older games were pretty arcadey and that might be turning you off. There isn't a lot of technique to learn in the Genesis Sonic games. It's more about the level design. It also may be the lack of a save function that turns you off. Even though I loved the Genesis, I still have to admit that it was filled with lots of arcadey-beat-them-in-one-sitting type games that are hard to go back to, now that practically every game gives you the ability to save.

Anyway, it's unlikely that the straight-up action games will appeal to you. Try stuff like Super Mario World (if you haven't already), Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, or Super Metroid. These games are good-looking, in-depth, have a save function, and feature outstanding gameplay that just happens to be in 2-D. If you still find yourself disinterested, then you cannot be helped.

I personally don't find anything pre-NES to be appealing, except maybe Combat. And if you go on the message boards for Atari-fans, they'll talk about how post-Atari stuff "just isn't as good." So don't worry about it. Games are supposed to be fun, and a lot of what we consider fun comes from our experiences in the past. As long as you're enjoying your "shooters," be happy.[/quote]

How can you not love Pong? Everyone loves Pong.
i love old school. im 16, but my first system was intellivision. im currently trying to hookup my dads old atari 2600 and intellivision.

shooters apply to things like the 19__ series (19xX being my fave) and r-type. some others are darius, gradius, raiden, mars matrix, ikaruga, and giga wing.

side scrollers are like metal slug, contra, blowout, tomba, etc.

both are definately old school genres, and my personal faves.

and xboxmaster, dont listen to denis. he hates everything (look at his sig, sheesh), but especially hates people who like things he hates.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']and xboxmaster, dont listen to denis. he hates everything (look at his sig, sheesh), but especially hates people who like things he hates.[/quote]

I second that.
Maybe it's the fact that old school games are too simple. That's the best reason I can come up with.

I read Denis' sig. Holy shit, what is he doing on a game forum, he hates about all the game genre and alot of popular series. I bet he's some griefer that gets on multiple forums and does the same.
I think games are too complicated these days. Like football video games... back in the day, all you needed to know was the hike button, spin and tackle and you were set. Now you have to memorize random combinations of buttons so that you don't immediately get sacked.

Just keep it simple and fun. I think developers these days want a game to be an 'experience' and are just losing the whole point of gaming itself.
[quote name='XboxMaster']Maybe it's the fact that old school games are too simple. That's the best reason I can come up with.

I read Denis' sig. Holy shit, what is he doing on a game forum, he hates about all the game genre and alot of popular series. I bet he's some griefer that gets on multiple forums and does the same.[/quote]

I wonder how old Denis is. He's at least in his mid-20s, but there's a good chance he's closer to 40 and living at home with his meddling mom. And although he thinks a lot of things suck, notice that "whacking it to internet porn while my mom is at the grocery store" is not one of them.
[quote name='magilacudy']I think games are too complicated these days. Like football video games... back in the day, all you needed to know was the hike button, spin and tackle and you were set. Now you have to memorize random combinations of buttons so that you don't immediately get sacked.

Just keep it simple and fun. I think developers these days want a game to be an 'experience' and are just losing the whole point of gaming itself.[/quote]

I agree. If it's fun and it works keep doing it and stop striving for constant change and innovation.
Alot of times I like a complex game, like a strategy game. But I also put alot of hours on Smash TV, Grand Theft Auto series, and a couple of other simple games.
You were close. 92, and a sig can only be so long. I didn't get to fit a lot on there, like White Peaches, jingoism, extreme sports video games, pink grapefuit, 3D animated movies, cabbage, pickles, any book movie or video game by tom clancy, pork chops, shrimp, war video games, and so on and so forth.

And the grocery store is not a good time. Wait until she goes to the mall or something. That leaves time enough for multiple wankings.
I hope you realize these smart elic comments don't make you seem more clever or funny, just more of a loser.
Your mother is a loser.

Your mother is so fat all her clothes don't fit and she weighs a lot.

your mother is so greasy, it would seen she has been dipped in grease.

There is not a single decent Xbox game out
bread's done