Capcom Happy With The Wii! If Sales Continue May Introduce More Games!

Zen Davis

Some developers and publishers may piss and moan that Nintendo dominates sales charts, making it hard for third-parties to compete on the Wii and Nintendo DS. Not Capcom! They're turning competition lemons into profit lemonade, as the company's stock soared to highs not seen since its Onimusha 2 days. With a stock value boosted by "expectations sales" for Wii games, Capcom is laughing all the way to the bank. Sales of Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition are expected to exceed the company's expectations, according to the Credit Suisse Group in Tokyo.

If Capcom continues to be successful on the Wii, don't be surprised if some of your favorite Capcom franchises suddenly find themselves making their way to the waggle wonder.

With Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Zack & Wiki still to come, plus a rumored return of Okami to the Wii, now might be a good time to talk to your broker about snagging some Capcom stock. One should keep in mind that I have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to investments and that all my money is tied up in cattle.

Capcom is set to publish Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure and Harvey Birdman in America later this year. The company has also announced the Camelot-developed sports game We Love Golf and Devil Kings 2 for Wii. All of these titles in addition to the already-released Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition makes six, and we expect more games to follow.
Here's to Okami.
Well I have my RE: Umbrella Chronicles pre-ordered AND paid in full! There ya go, Capcom!

...Wouldn't that be a riot if they made Marvel vs Capcom 3 a Wii Exclusive? Oh the drama that would cause!
[quote name='anomynous']And Power Stone...........

I want a new one damn it[/quote]

you and me both buddy.
Here's what they're saying:
BUY Zack & Wiki. And I will oblige on that one.
BUY Umbrella Chronicles. Not gonna happen.
BUY Birdman. I will not pay $10 more for just Waggle.
I'm anxious to see how UC turns out. I can't imagine that it'll be worth $50, but it could be a fun addition to a library to pull out every now and then.
I want a new and good Street Fighter 3d or at least Street Fighter 4 or Hyper Super Mega Ultimate Street Fighter 3 Match of the Champions New Millienium edition.
Random Question: Buy why is there seem to be hate on RE:UC? If not hate, just..that people don't seem to care all that much about it?

I'm just curious, is all. I just LOVE on-rails shooters..and I can't wait to get the Wii Zapper to go with this.. :D
[quote name='anomynous']And Power Stone...........

I want a new one damn it[/quote]

If this would happen (crosses fingers), would it need friend codes for on-line multi-player, or is that up to the developer?
That much excitement over an RE remake, a lightgun game, some platformer noones ever heard of and a rumored port of a game that commercially flopped on the platform with the biggest footprint?

Someone's drinking too much of the kool-aid...
new franchises DO carry the technicality of never being heard of before. I cant imagine it being described as a platformer though.

Unfortunately, the big name franchises were committed to their platforms before the platforms launched, which I imagine they deeply regret.

Since we're on the topic of Capcom, I'm going to describe Lost Planet as a shooter no ones ever heard of before 2007
Part of me hopes that Okami comes out for the Wii (because it would be awesome) and part of me doesn't (because I just bought it as a present for my fiance a couple of months ago).

Can't wait to see how Zack & Wiki turns out, though. Have yet to hear a bad thing about that game, other than complaints about the title.
[quote name='lilboo']Random Question: Buy why is there seem to be hate on RE:UC? If not hate, just..that people don't seem to care all that much about it?

I'm just curious, is all. I just LOVE on-rails shooters..and I can't wait to get the Wii Zapper to go with this.. :D[/quote]

If this game was $30 (maybe $40), I would be picking it up at launch for the sole fact that my wife LOVED House of the Dead 2 for Dreamcast. She rarely plays games but she loved blasting the shit out of zombies with me.

I think she would really like UC as well, but $50 is a little too steep.
Good news that they may put out more stuff, but not much interest in the games listed as I don't like light gun games/on rails shooter much, nor point and click adventure games.

Okami is great, but I dumped 40 hours into the PS2 version last fall, so I doubt I'd play it again---now if they put out a sequel I'd be all over it though.
[quote name='lilboo']Random Question: Buy why is there seem to be hate on RE:UC? If not hate, just..that people don't seem to care all that much about it?

I'm just curious, is all. I just LOVE on-rails shooters..and I can't wait to get the Wii Zapper to go with this.. :D[/quote] I think part of it is because there was an interview with the developer and he said it was orginally going to be a RE4 style game, but he decided Wii owners couldn't handle that type of game so he changed it to a light gun game.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I think part of it is because their was an interview with the developer and he said it was orginally going to be a RE4 style game, but he decided Wiiowners couldn't handle that type of game so he changed it to a light gun game.[/QUOTE]

I think it's just that light gun games have always been a niche...aside from duck hunt as it was a pack in.
Speaking of House of the Dead, where the fuck is Sega and their Ghost Shooter-thing-a-ma-doogie. Why not release HOTD3 on Wii or at least a HOTD compilation. Or Confidential Mission ?

Considering all the crap everyone else is shoveling out for the Wii, and the fact that Sega is expert at re-issuing old software titles, they could actually make some money doing this with arguably little effort.
I think I am going to preorder Zack and Wiki this week, I've seen a little on the game, but I am trying not to spoil it. It seems to be the perfect evolution of the old adventure genre, and I wouldn't be surprised to see certain developers jumping on board with that genre as the wii-mote adds oodles more interactivity than just pointing and clicking and Z&W is showing that.
I'll go on a support spree of Capcom when I see Phoenix Wright on the Wii with "Objection!" motion sensing controls.

Actually, I'll probably buy Zack & Wiki by Christmas if a decent amount of praise is given for the game by players.
Meh. None of their current Wii games are that interesting, so the thought of more ports or uninteresting games doesn't make me care if they make more Wii games.
[quote name='The Crotch']Resident Evil rail shooters have a reputation for sucking.[/quote]
Even though I completely agree that the other ones sucked and see the logic in thinking this one will too I don't think it's accurate. They're not just throwing some half ass light gun gamed with a made up new character that's half gay and half retarded like the other ones. This one has a real story as it is supposed to tie loose ends between RE 1 through 4. Although I would of prefered a 3rd person action game way more than this I still am going to give it a chance as I preordered it at Family Video for about $38 and I think that's about right. If you're right and it absolutely sucks I can make most if not all of that money up by ebaying it.

[quote name='Kaijufan']I think part of it is because there was an interview with the developer and he said it was orginally going to be a RE4 style game, but he decided Wii owners couldn't handle that type of game so he changed it to a light gun game.[/quote]
Well I'd like to see where that was quoted because that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Resident Evil 4 ITSELF was ported to Wii with the Wiimote in mind. Why would they think Wii owners suddenly couldn't handle another game like it?

This is just my opinion but I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it to a light gun game because it saves them a ton of time and money as so far 3rd party companies have been lazy as hell when it comes to Wii support.


Assassins Creed-PS3/360
Rayman's Raping Rabbits 2-Wii

Ninja Gaiden 2-360
Rygar (port from about 5 years ago from PS2, the original sold about 5 copies)- Wii

Metal Gear Solid 4-PS3

I could go on and on it's pathetic. First party Wii support has been brillant, 3rd party has absolutely stunk.
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']
Well I'd like to see where that was quoted because that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Resident Evil 4 ITSELF was ported to Wii with the Wiimote in mind. Why would they think Wii owners suddenly couldn't handle another game like it?
They talk about the Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles RE4 roots about 1:30 into the video.
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']Well I'd like to see where that was quoted because that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Resident Evil 4 ITSELF was ported to Wii with the Wiimote in mind. Why would they think Wii owners suddenly couldn't handle another game like it?[/quote]
“At the initial stage of development, Umbrella Chronicles’ play system was similar to Resident Evil 4’s. But, it’s extremely difficult on Wii. Too complicated to enjoy. Wii users like easiness. Umbrella Chronicles is not only for game enthusiasts. Complex operability can be an obstacle for Wii users. We want players to enjoy the game’s horrifying and creepy world and its thrilling shooting action. By reducing enthusiast-only elements, players can purely enjoy the world.”

Note that these comments were made before RE4 sold like gangbusters.
Well that's pretty retarded. I still stick by my own opinion that I think they really did it to save time and $$$. Nobody complained about RE 4 being too difficult on the Wii. That's just stupid.
Part of it may have been they just wanted to focus the main team on RE5 (which is too graphically intensive to easily port to the Wii) and didn't trust their secondary teams to make a full fledged RE game?
RE4 Wii has been static at 20,000 units sold a week for the past few months according to VG Chartz. I will be buying Zack and Wiki to support that game in hopes of a Megaman Legends 3 but may skip UC depending on the reviews.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']i'd be fine with a RE 5 wii version as long as its not a sloppy port and it adds something new like separate ways on the PS2[/QUOTE]

I think most would, but it seems like it would take a hell of a lot of work to port it over, since it will surely be one of the best looking next gen (meaning PS3/360 games when it comes out).

They'd probably have to redo most of the graphics engine, textures etc. to port it it may well not be financially sensible to do so.
Yeah I mean it's pretty much going to have to be expected that Wii won't be getting ports from PS3/360. They can't handle the graphics and the control scheme is totally different. So what they do is completely different versions just for the Wii. That's fine. What's not fine is that 3rd party companies are being lazy and putting half ass games on the Wii like Rayman is Raping Rabbits 2 while making bad ass games like Assassins Creed on the other two. That's pathetic. And of course RE UC is another example while making RE 5 on the other two system.
[quote name='dmaul1114']They'd probably have to redo most of the graphics engine, textures etc. to port it it may well not be financially sensible to do so.[/quote]

Dude. I don't understand. Why do you thread crap so much man?

You basically posted in the thread three times saying that you're not interested in anything Capcom is offering you and then come back and add that it wouldn't financially sensible for Capcom to add RE5 Wii to it's portfolio.

By the time the PS3 and 360 versions of RE5 come out, it's looking more and more likely than the Wii will have bigger market share than the combined sales of 360 and PS3. Releasing a game on a console with the biggest market share is never 'not financially sensible'. An argument could be made that RE5 Wii is a stripped down version of the RE5 experience on the HD consoles and is artistically raped from the director's intended vision. Yeah that would hold up but to say that it isn't financially sensible is probably just an effect of tired, late night posting.
I am very excited about Umbrella Chronicles, I have been since they announced it. Now if they would only give us a release date... I am very skeptical when there is no release date... And even then it might get cancelled completely like StarCraft: Ghost.
[quote name='Fredrick2003']I am very excited about Umbrella Chronicles, I have been since they announced it. Now if they would only give us a release date... I am very skeptical when there is no release date... And even then it might get cancelled completely like StarCraft: Ghost.[/quote]

It's coming out November 13th.
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']Yeah I mean it's pretty much going to have to be expected that Wii won't be getting ports from PS3/360. They can't handle the graphics and the control scheme is totally different. So what they do is completely different versions just for the Wii. That's fine. What's not fine is that 3rd party companies are being lazy and putting half ass games on the Wii like Rayman is Raping Rabbits 2 while making bad ass games like Assassins Creed on the other two. That's pathetic. And of course RE UC is another example while making RE 5 on the other two system.[/quote]

Let's just see how Rayman reviews compared to Assassin's Creed. I know they are completely different games, but AC has been getting a lot of shit in previews for its gameplay and AI. Just because a game is pretty doesn't mean it is "bad ass."

I know most people see the Rayman Wii games as just another mini-game collection, but at least that Ubisoft team is showing some creativity. I respect that more than an HD reworking of Prince of Persia or the Nth Splinter Cell game.
There are way too many good games coming out before the end of this year, and Capcom is certainly not helping. I will certainly be buying Zack and Wiki, and probably UC as well- but my college funds won't be thanking me for it.
I'm still praying for a Megaman Legends 3. It would be fanastic. It would play like RE4 Wii but have RPG elements.

[quote name='Zen Davis']Dude. I don't understand. Why do you thread crap so much man?

You basically posted in the thread three times saying that you're not interested in anything Capcom is offering you and then come back and add that it wouldn't financially sensible for Capcom to add RE5 Wii to it's portfolio.

By the time the PS3 and 360 versions of RE5 come out, it's looking more and more likely than the Wii will have bigger market share than the combined sales of 360 and PS3. Releasing a game on a console with the biggest market share is never 'not financially sensible'. An argument could be made that RE5 Wii is a stripped down version of the RE5 experience on the HD consoles and is artistically raped from the director's intended vision. Yeah that would hold up but to say that it isn't financially sensible is probably just an effect of tired, late night posting.[/QUOTE]

Not thread crapping at all. I'm not interested in the 3 current games capcom has coming out, but they are one of my favorite developers overall.

As for the financial feasibility, that just depends on:

1. How much money it costs them to do. If they nearly have to start from stratch it may be more sensible to just make a totally new RE game in the 4/5 style as it would sell more sense people wouldn't have already played it on the other system.

2. Related to the last part of 1, it would depend on how much it would sell. Yes the Wii may have the market edge, but a lot of the hardcore gamers that are the core market for RE games own multiple systems and will have already played it on the PS3 or 360 and would be much less likely to buy. So it would depend on how many Wii owners that want RE5 didn't play it somewhere else and will buy it on there.

So again, I didn't say that it wouldn't be financially sensible for sure, just that it MAY not be depending on factors such as the above.

But you are right, the raping the artistic vision argument is a stronger one, as it is a game I'd 100% wait and buy when I pick up a 360. The RE series has always been one where the graphics and sound (5.1 FTW) are just as important as the gameplay as they are what build the scary atmosphere.
[quote name='lebowsky']
I know most people see the Rayman Wii games as just another mini-game collection, but at least that Ubisoft team is showing some creativity. I respect that more than an HD reworking of Prince of Persia or the Nth Splinter Cell game.[/QUOTE]

I have no interest in either personally. Mini-games are too shallow in single player and none of my gaming friends like to play them, and Assassins Creed just looks like a PoP/Splinter Cell hybrid. Could be good I suppose, but not very original and the early impressions are not so hot to put it mildly.
I like re4 wii alot but because it doesn't have lousy controls it doesn't feel scary at all. You're so badass with your gun you can kill a hoard of enemies once you got a few upgrades. Re5 on 360 will probably be a return to that sluggish ahh i can't seem to hit anyone so they're eating my face.

A 2d megaman return would be the best choice as it wouldn't have any technical limitations.
[quote name='dallow']Please by more Capcom Wii games to support development of PS3 games.[/quote]

Eventually they're going to want to turn money made into more money rather than less money.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Eventually they're going to want to turn money made into more money rather than less money.[/quote]

Pretty sure he was joking (at least I hope so)
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Eventually they're going to want to turn money made into more money rather than less money.[/quote]Yeah, as if business have any interest in following that model.
bread's done