Joe Quesada and a couple of other writers/artists aside I have nothing against Marvel. FWIW I could say the same thing about DC.... not a fan of Didio, Lobdell, or the always overhyped Grant Morrision. And I'll still watch any movie with "X" or even "Spider" in the title. But yeah, I am sick of Disney's constant price gouging, they are even worse than Nintendo in that regard and I just don't get why people still lap it up. It's not like their movies are magically so much better than everyone else's. Hell, it seems like I'm the only person in the world who finds the continuity between these movies (or the ones that I have seen anyways) more of a distraction and hindrance than an actual asset. That doesn't really change anything I said though.
As far as the links you posted, yeah, those are better prices. But I am sure you notice how the MSRP is crossed out at the top? That means they've been discounted. The $50 I told you I saw them at is clearly still the MSRP and just because you successfully found them at a discount doesn't invalidate my original complaint. A quick check on camelcamelcamel also shows me that they were both going between $50 and $60 not so long ago, it looks like they may have been out of print or something for awhile? Or maybe there was a pre-Disney and post-Disney version? I don't care enough to look any further, but the price is what it is. And, to top it off, I know that my local Best Buy had them both at $59 until they just quit selling the 3D versions altogether.... I know that was sometime this year
FWIW after seeing your post I made it a point to check the local Wal-Mart on my most recent visit and, sure enough, the 3D versions of both these movies are sitting pretty at $49.99. This is the same Wal-Mart that has Mario Kart 8 for like $48 bucks too :???: I suppose if they ever reach a decent price online I could just have them delivered site to store though..... but I have a hard time paying more than $20 for any movie, even if it is 3D.
If nothing else though I am happy you shared those links, that shows me that retailers may be FINALLY starting to mark these down? I mean I would like to see them at some point while I still have a touch of interest left.
Funny how you comment about my dumb old posts then proceed to misspell "Winter Soldier" so badly.
And like I said, I still think there is a chance that Best Buy may have a sale when it launches.... and Amazon will no doubt PM it if they do..... but I am leaning a lot more towards no for this movie for a few different reasons. Stay classy either way, I can't wait to see how you insult me next time