Castlevania DS Revealed


The latest issue of Electronics Gaming Monthly reveals the first information on Konami's Castlevania sequel for the Nintendo DS. The game, which will probably receive a subtitle in the coming months, is due by fall 2005. It is a direct sequel to Aria of Sorrow, the last Castlevania title released for Game Boy Advance.

Castlevania DS retains the gameplay and graphical style of its predecessor; that is to say, it is a strictly 2D action game with level designs heavily influenced by the Metroid series. Konami is harnessing the sprite-pushing abilities of the DS, which the developer claims are superior to those of the original Playstation, where this style of Castlevania game got its start with Symphony of the Night.

The story of Castlevania DS takes place in 2036 A.D., one year after the events in Aria of Sorrow. The hero, Soma, is being pursued by a death cult who want him to embrace his supressed identity as Dracula. All of the supporting characters will return, including Arikado (Alucard, son of Dracula and star of Symphony of the Night).

The main action in Castlevania DS will take place on the lower screen, but the game will be controlled primarily with the face buttons. The stylus is only used during boss battles, in which the player must draw a certain symbol on the screen in order to finish off the boss. The top screen is used to display the castle map at all times, which should prove useful in a game with so much exploration and backtracking.

We'll have more information and screenshots of this highly anticipated game as soon as possible!

Sounds great, no more constant pausing to bring up the map. Though I would rather have the action on top and map on buttom.
Great news indeed. So I imagine that this game will look better than the PS1 SoTN. I wonder if the screens can be switched, that is, if you prefer the action on top and the map on bottom. Hopefull there will be an option to do that otherwise I still am looking forward to it.
I don't have a DS, but I assume sound quality is much much better than on the GBA right? That bodes well for the soundtrack!
[quote name='kraid']Great news indeed. So I imagine that this game will look better than the PS1 SoTN. I wonder if the screens can be switched, that is, if you prefer the action on top and the map on bottom. Hopefull there will be an option to do that otherwise I still am looking forward to it.[/quote]

Probably not, I think the main screen is on the bottom due to it being touch sensitive. It appears that there will be at least a little touch screen interaction throughout the game.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']The screens shots look just like the GBA game....[/quote]

Where do you see screen shots?
[quote name='Parathod'][quote name='Chris in Cali']The screens shots look just like the GBA game....[/quote]

Where do you see screen shots?[/quote]

I'm pissed that the graphics, although better, aren't really the Oh my God better that they should be. The DS was $150, and yet this game, and Advance Wars are using only a slightly improved graphical update.

I'll still buy, and play this game though..... probably love it too. I hope there's not a time limit on the whole switching from attacking the boss to using the stylus to draw ciricle around him. That sounds quite lame, I was afriad of this....

Developers are going to bring normaly good games to the DS, and mess them up by implementing some lame use of the stylus in the game because Nintendo didn't want to have "complex games," and made a touch screen intestead of better graphics, and a better screen.
I'd prefer to switch the main playing screen to the top as well. If the touch screen is only used for boss fights, then having it switch to the lower screen for the fights would be ok - but the blurriness and clarity loss due to the touch film is a bit bothersome for sprite games.

I would bet that when most people play their GBA games, they play them on the top screen because they look better. Regardless, another Castlevania title is good news any way you look at it. C:AoS was a great title (though wicked short) so lets hope this one is not only better, but longer.
[quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='Parathod'][quote name='Chris in Cali']The screens shots look just like the GBA game....[/quote]

Where do you see screen shots?[/quote]

Ah, thank you. Actually, if you check out some screens of Symphony of the Night, these look better. Also, a lot of it is going to come down to how fluid the characters move.
Waaah, not very encouraging screens! I was expecting sharper sprites...I guess I'll have to deal with more colorful GBA ones (what a shame, hee hee ;)). And the touch screen utilisation seems totally and udderly gimmicky, but o well.
Ah, more castlevania. Touch screen seems like its gonna suck. Lets say you are low on life and mess up doing the symbol thing, then the boss kills you. Sounds like something that will just get annoying and not enhance gameplay. Im still gonna get it though. :)
As was already said, I'm a bit concerned about the gameplay taking place on the lower screen. The upper screen definitely looks a LOT better, quite a bit sharper and less pixelated (not that the bottom one looks bad. Just not as good.)

Overall, though, I'm so, so, so, so, SO happy that they're continuing with 2D Castlvanias. 3D games are OK, but I still love 2D games quite a bit more. My greatest fear with the DS/PSP was that 2D gaming would die just like it did on non-portable consoles. EVERYONE MUST PURCHASE THIS GAME to show that there are still people out there that want more than flashy polygons.
See, this is why I'm thinking the DS, with its touch screen, is really gimmicky. It just doesn't seem like developers know what to do with it, so many of them are just making traditional games and throwing in a little touch screen action to warrant the game.
I think the touch screen is a good inclusion, it's just that some developers feel "forced" into including uses of it when they don't have to. It's not so much that they go out of their way to make up daft uses for it, they just think, "This is a DS game, how could I focus on the touch screen capability with this?"

The article mentioned you can draw out the symbol with your finger, so I don't think it'll require uber-accuracy, just that you follow the stroke order and generally trace what it shows.
[quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='Parathod'][quote name='Chris in Cali']The screens shots look just like the GBA game....[/quote]

Where do you see screen shots?[/quote]

I'm pissed that the graphics, although better, aren't really the Oh my God better that they should be. The DS was $150, and yet this game, and Advance Wars are using only a slightly improved graphical update.

I'll still buy, and play this game though..... probably love it too. I hope there's not a time limit on the whole switching from attacking the boss to using the stylus to draw ciricle around him. That sounds quite lame, I was afriad of this....

Developers are going to bring normaly good games to the DS, and mess them up by implementing some lame use of the stylus in the game because Nintendo didn't want to have "complex games," and made a touch screen intestead of better graphics, and a better screen.[/quote]

Maybe this game was originally planned for the sp, and then got carried over to the ds?
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I'm pissed that the graphics, although better, aren't really the Oh my God better that they should be.[/quote]

graphics whore.
Well, I'll buy a DS just for Castlevania (that's how much I love the series), but I'm not too happy about it.

This DS double-screen stuff is just a gimmick so far, and I wish they had just put out this new Castlevania for the GBA. Oh great, we can see a map all the time, just what I've always wanted. What great innovation.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Chris in Cali']I'm pissed that the graphics, although better, aren't really the Oh my God better that they should be.[/quote]

graphics whore.[/quote]

Count me in. Don't get me wrong I'll probably eventually get a DS but had the graphics been better (and if they had an analog stick on it) then I may have been more excited about it.

That having been said I'm probably not going to be getting a PSP because I think it will end up being just ports of PS2 games that I've played before.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Chris in Cali']I'm pissed that the graphics, although better, aren't really the Oh my God better that they should be.[/quote]

graphics whore.[/quote]

Yes, it's true, but come on $150 brand new system using only slightly improved graphics. I mean how old is GBA now? Maybe once I see the game in motion it'll be better.
[quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Chris in Cali']I'm pissed that the graphics, although better, aren't really the Oh my God better that they should be.[/quote]

graphics whore.[/quote]

Yes, it's true, but come on $150 brand new system using only slightly improved graphics. I mean how old is GBA now? Maybe once I see the game in motion it'll be better.[/quote]

Slightly improved graphics and the flagship game being one I played to death 8 years ago do not get me excited for a system. If I wanted to play Mario 64 again, I would boot up my old N64. The thing with handhelds is that I'm not on the go so much that I need to have a portable system (hell I hardly play my GBA SP). That having been said, the one thing that sets the DS apart is the touchscreen and that's why I would consider getting it.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Yes, it's true, but come on $150 brand new system using only slightly improved graphics. I mean how old is GBA now? Maybe once I see the game in motion it'll be better.[/quote]

this is the thing thats gunna be a problem from the next gen on. graphics can only get so good, and when you look at games comming out today on current systems, how much better will they get?

im not saying we are at the graphical peak, but i am saying i dont see how future graphical upgrades will warrant $200-300 systems.

stop caring about graphics and care about gameplay. i can promise castlevania will prolly be one of the top 10 ds games of this year...omg, its 2d...who cares? would you rather have a shitty looking 3d castlevania title with the touch analog? would that really make you happy since it would use the touch screen more?

just because the ds has a touch screen does not mean every game developed for it has to be feel the magic. games utilize diffrent buttons/features of any system...look at how well mario and luigi used every single button on the gba perfectly...half gba games didnt even use the l and r triggers, but no one cared!

accept each game for what it is, if you paid 150 dollars expecting every single game to blow you away, and use the touch screen perfectly, youre a fool. the touch screen is new, developers are still testing the waters of how best to impliment it into more traditional games...
Actually, Mario 64DS is a whole lot better than the N64's version. There's far too many things changed to legitimately call it a port. Its not a remake on the level of Metroid; Mission Zero, but it is at the very least a pretty good remix. There's a lot of new stuff, a number of new stars, a lot of stars that are gotten in a different way, 3 new playable characters, the switch blocks have been reduced to one, etc, etc. I also think they greatly improved the controls (I always had problems with the N64 version) and did a better job with the camera (though its still not quite perfect.)
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Chris in Cali']Yes, it's true, but come on $150 brand new system using only slightly improved graphics. I mean how old is GBA now? Maybe once I see the game in motion it'll be better.[/quote]

this is the thing thats gunna be a problem from the next gen on. graphics can only get so good, and when you look at games comming out today on current systems, how much better will they get?

im not saying we are at the graphical peak, but i am saying i dont see how future graphical upgrades will warrant $200-300 systems.

stop caring about graphics and care about gameplay. i can promise castlevania will prolly be one of the top 10 ds games of this year...omg, its 2d...who cares? would you rather have a shitty looking 3d castlevania title with the touch analog? would that really make you happy since it would use the touch screen more?

just because the ds has a touch screen does not mean every game developed for it has to be feel the magic. games utilize diffrent buttons/features of any system...look at how well mario and luigi used every single button on the gba perfectly...half gba games didnt even use the l and r triggers, but no one cared!

accept each game for what it is, if you paid 150 dollars expecting every single game to blow you away, and use the touch screen perfectly, youre a fool. the touch screen is new, developers are still testing the waters of how best to impliment it into more traditional games...[/quote]

I totally agree, I don't understand why everyone thinks that every game that's coming out for DS MUST use both screen and touch screen capabilities innovatively. some games (such as metroid 2d and castlevania) would benefit by just a map inclusion on the other screen.
[quote name='"punqsux"'][quote name='Chris in Cali']Yes, it's true, but come on $150 brand new system using only slightly improved graphics. I mean how old is GBA now? Maybe once I see the game in motion it'll be better.[/quote]

this is the thing thats gunna be a problem from the next gen on. graphics can only get so good, and when you look at games comming out today on current systems, how much better will they get?

Yeah, next gen CONSOLES can't get much better, but handhelds still have a ways to go. The DS graphics are horrible compared to the PSP, and pretty soon the GBE's too. It's funny Nintendo say graphics don't matter, but there going to be quite the upgrade for the GBE.

im not saying we are at the graphical peak, but i am saying i dont see how future graphical upgrades will warrant $200-300 systems.

We don't even know yet if the PSP will cost $200-$300, so I don't know where your price ranges are from. Even if it did, not only are the graphics better, but the screen is larger, it can play movies, and music. so it's not all just graphics that make system expensive. I would have gladly shelled out an extra $50 is the DS could do PSP level graphics and have larger screens.

stop caring about graphics and care about gameplay. i can promise castlevania will prolly be one of the top 10 ds games of this year...omg, its 2d...who cares? would you rather have a shitty looking 3d castlevania title with the touch analog? would that really make you happy since it would use the touch screen more?

I never said I was upset about the game being 2-D, as a matter of fact I'm glad that's the way Castlevania should be (IMO). I'm upset the the 2-D graphics look too similar to the GBA level. Then again there's only so much detail you can put into the game with the DS small screens.

just because the ds has a touch screen does not mean every game developed for it has to be feel the magic. games utilize diffrent buttons/features of any system...look at how well mario and luigi used every single button on the gba perfectly...half gba games didnt even use the l and r triggers, but no one cared!

Dude, that's rediculous, the DS is the touch screen. If games don't use this "revolutionary" feature then why didn't Nintendo make a normal console with one larger screen and better graphics? It's nothing like not using an A-button or a shoulder button. Although it wouldn't bother me that much considering I really see no use for the touch screen in the first place. Nothing has impressed with it so far, I much prefer the d-pad.

accept each game for what it is, if you paid 150 dollars expecting every single game to blow you away, and use the touch screen perfectly, youre a fool. the touch screen is new, developers are still testing the waters of how best to impliment it into more traditional games...

I don't expect everygame to blow me away, but I do expect games, seems like there's going to be a lack of them with the PSP, and GBE coming soon. Not to mention nothing, even on Nintendos part has impressed me thus far. If you want to lower your standards to enjoy the DS, then go for it, but I never will. I always enjoyed my GBA sp, you could tell it was great instantly. This DS though, keeps looking bleaker everyday, now with that news saying the GBE is coming in 2006... man. I'm just hoping Nintendo's March announcment is that the DS will be online, and Mario Kart & Animal Crossing with be some of the online games.
This is the kind of game that will foce me to buy a nds. I hope there will be more good 2d games like this,
I'd bet there are screen options like there is for Mario 64 DS and Metroid. Maybe you'd could just draw the little symbol over the map at the bottom if you're allowed putting it there.

Talking about the DS touch screen being gimmicky though I don't know. The only way I can play Mario 64 is by using the touch screen for control and I think I do better than I did back in the N64. Having the map there is a plus too.
[quote name='Theenternal'][quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='Parathod'][quote name='Chris in Cali']The screens shots look just like the GBA game....[/quote]

Where do you see screen shots?[/quote]

I'm pissed that the graphics, although better, aren't really the Oh my God better that they should be. The DS was $150, and yet this game, and Advance Wars are using only a slightly improved graphical update.

I'll still buy, and play this game though..... probably love it too. I hope there's not a time limit on the whole switching from attacking the boss to using the stylus to draw ciricle around him. That sounds quite lame, I was afriad of this....

Developers are going to bring normaly good games to the DS, and mess them up by implementing some lame use of the stylus in the game because Nintendo didn't want to have "complex games," and made a touch screen intestead of better graphics, and a better screen.[/quote]

Maybe this game was originally planned for the sp, and then got carried over to the ds?[/quote]
I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened.
The DS can do sprites way better than Castlevania DS. If you look at the sprites in the Mario 64 DS mini-games you will see that they are bigger and more colorful than the GBA could ever do.

That being said, I'm glad that it's coming out at all. I love all the Castlevanias so I don't mind if the graphics at least match Symphony of the Night (which I think they do).
i will get this, and a castlevania PSP as well. I like playing the gba castlevanias on my ds, I will wait until the final version of the game is out before saying the touch screen is just a gimmick for this game. I actually like to play the games with the stylus pen instead of the regular controller, call me crazy.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']See, this is why I'm thinking the DS, with its touch screen, is really gimmicky. It just doesn't seem like developers know what to do with it, so many of them are just making traditional games and throwing in a little touch screen action to warrant the game.[/quote]

See, the cool thing for Castlevania DS isn't the touchscreen, it's the 2 screens. Having the map being constantly visable is a HUGE plus.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']
We don't even know yet if the PSP will cost $200-$300, so I don't know where your price ranges are from. [/quote]
im not talking about the psp, im talking about consoles and how their graphics alone wont (or at least shouldnt, but prolly will) sell new systems. portable games may not be there now, but they will be someday, and as far as 2d portable games go, its as good as its ever gunna be.

[quote name='Chris in Cali']
Dude, that's rediculous, the DS is the touch screen. If games don't use this "revolutionary" feature then why didn't Nintendo make a normal console with one larger screen and better graphics? [/quote]
then why would portable gaming even exist? oh yeah, portability. ds is a more powerful system than the gba, which opens the door for sharper graphics and 3d games.

If you want to lower your standards to enjoy the DS, then go for it, but I never will.
if you honestly cant enjoy mario 64, feel the magic, and mr driller, you might want to try buying some crappy games.

ths ds is under 2 months old and has three imo great games, almost every system has a lackluster launch, and youre just counting the ds out way too soon in the game. who cares if the next gameboy is comming out in 2 years? and that the psp is comming out in 3 months? the ds is here now, and has a stellar line up this year (animal crossing alone will be the reason i pick one up, but castlevania will be the icing on the cake.)
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']See, this is why I'm thinking the DS, with its touch screen, is really gimmicky. It just doesn't seem like developers know what to do with it, so many of them are just making traditional games and throwing in a little touch screen action to warrant the game.[/quote]

Give it some time. In this case, I'd say you're right, but I can't think of a way to use the touch screen to play a castlevania game. Then again, the developers at Konami should innovate a bit more instead of just a quick bit of stylus use after each boss and a map on the second screen.
[quote name='kaji7p56']The DS can do sprites way better than Castlevania DS. If you look at the sprites in the Mario 64 DS mini-games you will see that they are bigger and more colorful than the GBA could ever do.[/quote]

I think Konami is just really lazy. For example, Dracula X for the Saturn had worse graphics than the PSone version, despite the fact that the Saturn had better 2d capabilities.
I think some people here are getting a bit carried away with Castlevania's graphics. We haven't seen it in motion and you really can't expect the characters/backgrounds to look as sharp as Guilty Gear XX. It's 2D, as it should be, and the graphics will not likely blow you away no matter how much time they put into it. The hardware doesn't help, either.

The argument about Castlevania's touch screen application seeming useless at this point is a pretty good one. I don't see how it's going to pan out and if a game doesn't benefit from the added feature, it shouldn't be implemented.

Edit: Also, I don't have a problem with the game being on the lower screen. It works well for Mr.Driller and the graphics are just as crisp on both screens.
[quote name='Parathod']I think some people here are getting a bit carried away with Castlevania's graphics. We haven't seen it in motion and you really can't expect the characters/backgrounds to look as sharp as Guilty Gear XX. It's 2D, as it should be, and the graphics will not likely blow you away no matter how much time they put into it. The hardware doesn't help, either.

The argument about Castlevania's touch screen application seeming useless at this point is a pretty good one. I don't see how it's going to pan out and if a game doesn't benefit from the added feature, it shouldn't be implemented.

Edit: Also, I don't have a problem with the game being on the lower screen. It works well for Mr.Driller and the graphics are just as crisp on both screens.[/quote]

super mario bros. DS shows the system can do far better than what has been shown.

that is my only problem with the crappy graphics
Personally, I hope what happened is they lowered the graphics quality to get the game out faster. I really don't care about the graphics if this game is of the same quality as the 3 GBA ones.
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']Personally, I hope what happened is they lowered the graphics quality to get the game out faster. I really don't care about the graphics if this game is of the same quality as the 3 GBA ones.[/quote]

The creator told the press back in March that he was already working on it and it doesn't have a release date yet. I don't think they are desperate to reach a certain date and I think that can only help a game. If anything, they should work on it as long as possible. Look at what delays have done for RE4 and Zelda:OoT.
[quote name='62t']For those worry about graphics quality look at this:

The graphics look a lot better than AoS[/quote]

I really don't think that's a fair comparison. He talks about the loss of quality when an image is blown up and then scanned, but a lot of that loss of quality has an anti-aliasing effect that can actually make an image look better. The first thing that I notice looking at the images on the right (Aria of Sorrow) is that the characters (and especially the numbers) are pretty darn blocky. The images from the DS game don't have that - but that's probably more an issue of the processing done to the photos than the actual game.

Overall, though, it really doesn't matter to me. Even if the graphics don't look a bajillion times better than the GBA games, I thought the GBA games looked pretty darn good. Also, I suspect that the DS game will look better in motion than the GBA games because they'll have more power to do processing/action effects. It'll be a good looking game no matter what, and as long as they keep the magic from the GBA series, I'm going to be one happy camper.
[quote name='62t']For those worry about graphics quality look at this:

The graphics look a lot better than AoS[/quote]

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I think the next one will blow us away in the graphics dept. But I'm still getting this because my DS is hungry for a real game.
[quote name='Astinus Majere'] * Off-network linking to images and downloads is not permitted.[/quote]
Copy-and-paste the link instead of just clicking on it.
bread's done