CC's in stock guarantee + Skate launch day move to Thursday = $20 GC?

It's guaranteed in stock meaning as long as they have it... if it's in the store... that counts. It doesn't say in stock and on the shelves. ;) There's always a loop hole they'll crawl through on the wording.
True and the one manager tried to tell me they 'had it in stock but it sold out', but I held my ground and ended up getting another manager who I reiterated about the guarantee to and he checked the inventory and nope, it was NOT in stock at all. So, I got the card. First time trying this, I may try it every so often for the hell of it.
damn i didnt even know about TH. and i looked @ the ad. i must of looked right over it. oh well i guess. i had fun getting Skate for $5 from CC before. lol
I say you just got lucky because the ad didnt say anything about giving out free gift card like the used to.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']No, but the ad said 'in store tuesday by 2 pm', which was the usual rigamarole you had to look for to know which games had the guarantee.[/QUOTE]
It didnt say what will happen if it is not in. It used to guarantee and clearly said that if it is not in you will get a gift card.
I know, but they didn't question it(well, the one manager tried) and after they took care of other customers, I got my gift card, they apologized for it not being in stock and I left. I was in and out in 20 minutes, tops.
As for what to do if they do have it, just go ahead and buy it, then return it the next day. If you don't buy it when they bring it out, then they pin you as just another "devil customer" and are that much more resistant to help you out next time you come in.
LOL I didn't have enough cash on me TO buy it if they DID have it, so I would've just used the excuse that I was looking for it for a friend of mine cause they wanted to buy it. And, honestly, I'm not sure I really give a crap if I'm pinned as a devil customer, since that's the only time I typically hit Gamestop or BB or CC anymore, is when there's something super cheap or some deal I can get in on.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']No, but the ad said 'in store tuesday by 2 pm', which was the usual rigamarole you had to look for to know which games had the guarantee.[/QUOTE]

There's no $20 gift card guarantee on any game this week. The 2 PM is just to inform people that its supposed to be in by then.
Well then, I guess I just got lucky. Although, I really thought the $20 guarantee was on ANY game they listed as 'in stock by 2pm on Tuesday. Either way, I'm happy, I got $20 on a gc for CC, for essentially pestering them for it.
Anytime Ive tried getting in on their 20.00 gc when a game isnt out on time, they give me the "we're sold out already" bullshit.
Well, the one manager tried to say that, but the other CS manager checked in the system and found out they hadn't had it in yet. So, they honored the deal.
bread's done