CD @ E3: Report #2


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Added some photos to the gallery:

The highlight of the day for me was definitely the Half-Life 2 demonstration. Simply put, the game looks like a movie with a 100 million dollar budget. I was also suprised to hear that Counterstrike and Team Fortress will be ported over to the new engine and will be included with HL2. We got to see Counterstrike and it looks awesome.

We spent most of the day in Sony's and Nintendo's booth, but the line for the DS was too long. We will try and hit it up first thing tomorrow morning.
I was able to check out Sony's PSP and it looks pretty damn cool. This baby does it all and the game's graphics look very close to PS2 quality.

Some other notables:

*Star Wars: Republic Commando was a pleasant surprise. This squad based shooter looks and sounds great and your squads' AI seems sharp. Star Wars Battlefront, the Battlefield 1942 mixed with Star Wars game also looks like fun.

*I had a chance to play Killzone's multiplayer and single player modes. The game is far from complete but is looking great. The singleplayer mode had great gritty graphics which really help create a realistic atmosphere.

*Ratchet and Clank 3's online multiplayer mode is playable on the show floor and was pretty fun. On the level I played, you can drive a vehicle and have a teammate man the gun turret.

*God of War (Ps2) is like Rygar jacked up on steriods. There was a lot of interest in the game and for good reason.

*The new Mortal Kombat game is looking cool. All kinds of new ways to mutilate your opponent, including knocking them down multiple levels to a splattery death.

*Gran Turismo 4 has a new feature where you can create photo ops for you cars in different locations. You can hook up a printer with a USB port and print them out. I made one and it looks freakin' fantastic.
I'll scan it when I get back to NYC.

*Driver 3 was the only game that Atari had on display in their booth. The PS2 version was jaggietastic and the Xbox version looked much better. It has a cool feature called Thrill Cam which you can activate right before you do something dramatc (like cause a huge collision). You get a cinematic camera which looks really cool.

*EA's LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth (PC) RTS game looks hot! You LOTR fans who are into RTS games are going to cream yourselves.

I know I am leaving a lot out...any questions?
Oh, and still nobody has found me to claim a free CAG t-shirt.
[quote name='CheapyD']
*God of War (Ps2) is like Rygar jacked up on steriods. There was a lot of interest in the game and for good reason.[/quote]

did i tell you fools or what?
[quote name='trustcompany1013']wsup with the microsoft babes long ass neck???????????????????[/quote]

i noticed the same thing..
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='trustcompany1013']wsup with the microsoft babes long ass neck???????????????????[/quote]

i noticed the same thing..[/quote]

Holy crap, its the abyss!
[quote name='trustcompany1013']wsup with the microsoft babes long ass neck???????????????????[/quote]

Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!! Dude, that chick looks like those women who put the rings around their necks to make them longer, only she doesn't have any rings. Mini-giraffe.
the camera adds 10 inches to your neck.
since you mentioned rygar, any word at all on a sequel cheapy?? no kingdom hearts 2? how bout snaggin some info on the FFXI add-on, chains of promathia. like does it have new jobs? if so what are they? whats the new level cap? how bout some impressions of jade empire?
if you cant or choose not to answer these questions i patiently await your ds playtest.
Know if the new Logitech XBox controller works with Live? I mean REALLY works ... like you plug the headset into the controller, not all the way over at the base.
was there any word of them actually keeping this release date for HL2? i dont want another year delay.

you lucky asshole you got to see it. i want to go to E3 :evil:
Thanks for noticing her neck. That made my day. If you look her shoulders are actually lower than the chick next to her BUT yet she seems to have at least an inch on her. Damn Cheapy must have done something to her neck in the picture or it was a bad angle thats not normal
Its the next evolutionary step for deepthroating. I mean, this thing IS in SoCal, she's probably in the "industry".
Microsoft should spend more money on some 'better proportioned' booth chicks. Lord knows they can afford it. At least they could afford chicks who are endowed with more things than a long neck. Those two look like sticks.
well I just came back from E3, my sister's friend hooked me up with an badge. It was cool, he let us from the back of the nintendo booth. I was able to get in line to see the DS really early. I only had to wait in line for like 30 minutes. The DS is a great system, what I did find amazing was they don't know if the system will have place to keep a stylus. Maybe nintendo isn't sure they should provide kids small pointy sticks.

It's amazing how good the games look when they are presented in 3 minute clips. It sucks to see so many cool games and know that you still have Part 1 collecting dust on your shelf. The cube games looked so cool I think I may get one next time a good deal shows up.

Turns out there are a lot of tall bald men at E3. I had no luck locating you. I wanted that shirt! :x
[quote name='cousinlump']CheapyD-

Turns out there are a lot of tall bald men at E3. I had no luck locating you. I wanted that shirt! :x[/quote]

same here man.....
i didnt realize how huge it was...
no luck finding you.

we both live in manhattan though... it would be great if you could hook me up sometime. :lol:

also... any idea what i can do with a 28 meg avi of Mario doing a Darth Vader impression from iside the DS screening room... it was pretty funny and i want som cheapasses to see it.

any suggestions?
Did the voice of Mario Guy do the same impressions at every showing of the DS?? I wonder....
As for the DS......IMO PSP Kicked its butt.....and though CheapyD may not wholly agree with me.....Breakout Hit of E3 will be RUMBLE ROSES....
[quote name='goosedude']Did the voice of Mario Guy do the same impressions at every showing of the DS?? I wonder....
As for the DS......IMO PSP Kicked its butt.....and though CheapyD may not wholly agree with me.....Breakout Hit of E3 will be RUMBLE ROSES....[/quote]

Haha wow, first time i've heard that!
[quote name='goosedude']Did the voice of Mario Guy do the same impressions at every showing of the DS?? I wonder....
As for the DS......IMO PSP Kicked its butt.....and though CheapyD may not wholly agree with me.....Breakout Hit of E3 will be RUMBLE ROSES....[/quote]

Man, DS owned PSP's showing, imo. The lines were also always infinitely longer for DS presentation (which was of higher quality with a much more "grand" feel to the entire thing).

But that's just my opinion.

As far as "Where's Cheapy D?" - I couldn't spot you. I saw a lot of bald guys, but none that looked like you. I took about 350 pictures so I probabloy caught you somewhere in there without even knowing (I took a good deal of "general crowd" pictures as well). Anyway, good show, take care!
Yes, the DS and PSP lines were insane. Thank god I could completely bypass them. I skipped the 1.5 hour wait not once, not twice, but three times each :lol:
Wow, E3 was amazing this year!

I think my personal favorite gameplay experience was Resident Evil 4. I've always been a fan of the RE series but even I know that the formula's been getting real stale. This one's set to completely rejuvenate the franchise.

My surprise of the expo was Destroy All Humans! It has some serious potential in it, and I'm hoping for the absolute best.

My biggest disappointment was that GTA: San Andreas didn't make an appearance, but I know that Rockstar is planning a separate unveiling within the next month so there's nothing we can do about that...

I saw hundreds of bald, white guys at E3. Under the dim lights, any one of them could've been CheapyD and I didn't want to waste my precious little available time at the expo asking each and every one his identity. :p
yeah I never saw cheapy, Damn shame too, I want a free shirt. I think the mario voice guy did the same bit for everyone. He did the "Lookie I am your papa" "No you not my papa...Oh papa why you cuta my hand ?!?" skit for everyone. I didn't get to play that many games, but I did see the DS, that alone made the trip worth it.
bread's done