Cheap-ass mailers for games and DVDs?

Recycle them ! When I request a game I open the envelope carefully and save them. Not only is it saving the environment and going green it saves you $.75 each time
2 for a $1 @ the dollar tree. small ones and big ones. the big ones at my dollar tree fit 2 side by side, not on top of each other.
Yep my dollar tree also has them for the lowest price

But recycling is probably best, I mean think about the environment! Black out the old addresses, paste a new label on, cut the top and tape it over.

I think there was a thread about this not too long ago.

I get them from my dollar store. They've got Office Depot brand DVD sized mailers in packages of five for a dollar. They also have smaller non branded CD sized mailers 12 for a dollar, and I use those for CD cases and small classic games.

Since they're an independently owned store, they only get in certain quantities of anything, so I stock up when they get good mailers in. I've currently got 10 packages of each in my closet.
If you are just looking for a few mailers, then the Dollar store has been the best I found. If you are looking for ALOT (50 or more I would say), you cannot beat Ebay from my experience.

And the mailers on ebay are perfect - sturdy w/ sticky tape and everything. Nothing wrong with them at all.
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