Cheap PC Gaming - Netbook


CAG Veteran
Hey CAGs!

Need a little advice. Have a basic eeePC netbook - Atom Processor, 2gb RAM and am looking for good, cheap PC games to play that will run on the weak hardware. Any recommendations? Maybe something that's free? I've checked the usual places - & I'm flying to Japan next week and could do with some gaming for the flight.


Torchlight has a netbook mode. You'll also find a few other good netbookable gems on Steams Indie game section such as Braid, World of Goo, Audiosurf, Darwinia, Defense Grid, Crayon Physics, the list goes on.
The Worms series (the best of which is Worms 2) and Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 are my two favorite games to play on the road since they work very well without mice.

Other good choices I can think of are Balder's Gate 1 and 2, Fallout 1 and 2, X-Com, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Sim City 2000, and Diablo 2.
Hard to believe I forgot to mention the game I've been playing (or at least trying to play) while my desktop is down: Dwarf Fortress

The graphics are abysmal (mostly ASCII) but it's very deep (and fairly difficult) and would probably make the plane ride go quickly. You play as Dwarves on a randomly generated map and try to survive (by building a baller fort of course).
Heh, I know this kid in one of my classes that uses his netbook (HP Mini) as a MAME/SNES emulation machine. Though the legality is questionable, it's a thought.

I second Good Old Games for some netbook-gaming goodness.

How about Cave Story? I loaded that puppy up in my laptop (rolling an Intel x3100 with my portable), and it's a blast to play, but I suggest picking up a gamepad for that one.

Another one you should try is Meritous. I swear I killed a couple of nights playing that simple action-adventure game.

For more inspiration, I suggest you google/youtube ByteJacker for free games that can be played in a netbook.
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