cheap road bike


since the summer is coming i thought id invest in a road bike to keep in shape and keep myself busy. anyone have a good site where u can get a good cheap road bike?

thanks alot
instead of ordering a bike from an online retailer, you should check out your local bike shops for any sales or clearanced 2008 models (this is the perfect time for this). This way, if you find something in your price range, you can test ride it and get fitted to make sure it's the right bike for you.

i guarantee you will not be happy ordering a cheapo bike that you have to put together and find out it's really uncomfortable to ride.
[quote name='erectiontown']
i guarantee you will not be happy ordering a cheapo bike that you have to put together and find out it's really uncomfortable to ride.[/quote]

I have a little blue Huffy from 10 years ago, works fine besides the back brake which is seriously fucked up, but works.

NEVER buy a bike online, they are a pain in the ass to build, you have to go to a bike shop and find a nice one you like sitting on.
agreed on going to a local bike shop...did this a couple of years ago and scored huge with a 90s model road bike that was in great shape for about $150, it hasn't failed me yet
you can check or cambria bikes if you wanna get something online. also has some deals going to. I haven't been there lately. Worldcycling productions has good sales on cycling gear. I just placed my spring order with them. Free shipping ftw!
If not check the local bike shops and see what kind of specials they have. Ask if you can get last years model, it will save you some cash.
I recently got a brand new Specialized Allez triple ordered from a local bike shop, but it was last years model so I saved about $300.
You can save even more money if you know how to assemble the bike yourself.
If anyone is new to this, it can get to be an expensive hobby. One bike could lead to another bike then you have to get a helmet, gear, and so on. The bike racks, trainers, and dvds are optional. Before ya know it a few thousand has been spent lol.

Let me know if any of this helps.
seriously, unless your way into riding a bike I'd definitely check on craigslist. Buy something that works good and if you find your riding alot and want something nicer buy a better one then. Local bike shops are good as well. I bought a new bike last year and really like it. I was going to get a road bike but after riding and talking to people at the shop, I agreed with their recommendation and bought a straight bar road bike. More or less a road bike that is more like a mountain bike. Not that it was cheap but here is what I bought. The steel frame is much more comfy than alluminum on longer rides.

I added bar ends to have more positions to move my hands for comfort. Bottom line is look around and you will find a good deal. Figured I'd throw this style out there as an alternative to a traditional road bike.

Oh yea. Almost forgot the critical question... What is your definition of CHEAP for this purchase?
[quote name='rmb']
Oh yea. Almost forgot the critical question... What is your definition of CHEAP for this purchase?[/quote]

I was wondering that too. A good road bike can cost a few thousand. So a "cheaper" version might cost around $700

I think i'm seen them as low as 450?

Be sure to get one that fits your size, unless your getting a used bike then try and get one close to your size and make adjustments to the bike.
Check craigslist. You can easily find older road bikes for under $100. I bought mine last year for $80 and only really needed to buy new rims and tires for it.
[quote name='squishface']I was wondering that too. A good road bike can cost a few thousand. So a "cheaper" version might cost around $700

I think i'm seen them as low as 450?


$450 for a "cheap" bike?! Are you insane?! A friend of mine got a great bike for like $250-$300. Why the fuck would you spend thousands on a bike? You can buy a fucking car for that much.
[quote name='twanky']i was in the neighborhood for a bike also. i know everyone says go to your local bike shop, but i found this one:

i read the reviews and did some research and it all seems to be pretty positive. what do you guys think?[/quote]

well if your just gonna use it for a casual gravel or dirt road type of riding then this bike is for you. Schwinn is a good company that makes some really good bikes but this model is mass produced and goes with the "you get what you pay for" line. A larger company owns Schwinn called PacificCycle. They produce a lot of the bikes you see in retail stores. If you plan on doing some trails with hills, rocks, and what not. This bike will be not support long term more aggressive trails. Do not take this bike off any "sweet jumps" the frame will snap or have part failure.
[quote name='bigdaddy']:hot:

$450 for a "cheap" bike?! Are you insane?! A friend of mine got a great bike for like $250-$300. Why the fuck would you spend thousands on a bike? You can buy a fucking car for that much.[/quote]

LOL sounds just like what some of my friends tell me. The higher end bikes are more expensive because of the parts and type of frame you are getting. Along with the warranty and service from the manufacturer/bike shop.

I like doing races so I need a really good dependable bike. I picked up a competition bike but those are not cheap. It ends up being on of the higher end models. If you treat it like a car, by doing regular maintenance those things will least like 10 years. Bleed the brakes after they have been worked on, check the chain for excessive wear, making sure the cogs(sprockets) aren't loosing their teeth and so forth. lol
[quote name='bigdaddy']:hot:

$450 for a "cheap" bike?! Are you insane?! A friend of mine got a great bike for like $250-$300. Why the fuck would you spend thousands on a bike? You can buy a fucking car for that much.[/quote]

Thus the check craigslist suggestions. Cheap is relative to what you expect of it. If a person wants a high end bike that costs $3000 and you can find last years model for $1500 that would be cheap. Obviously that is not what the op is looking for but each person has their own defenition of cheap. I believe the best bang for the buck will be off of craigslist.

If your steel city location is a reference to pittsburgh here is a listing
well i was looking to spend under 300 if possible. ive been shopping around some of the bike stores and cant find anything below around 7.

all of this info helps a ton. thanks alot guys.
First off. Don't go and buy a road bike online unless you know your size. Go to a local bike shop and purchase it there. BEFORE you purchase it, make sure the bike shop fits you for that size. I got my bike at a local shop and they were wonderful. They made sure the bike was the right size and they even fitted the bike for me. Still have to go back there this summer and get myself professionally fitted and my cleats adjusted too. As for cheap, how "cheap" do you want this bike to be? I spent $1,200 on mine and although it was a bit too much (wish I would have haggled it down to a flat $1,000) I was happy with my purchase.

And before I go on and on, you do want a road bike as in a bike like this, correct? Just to make it a bit clearer. You can't go off asphalt with this bike. If you plan on going onto gravel or dirt with a road bike, you will end up bending/ruining the wheels and possibly falling on your ass.
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biking is a good option..
care if I follow you with that kind of trip??
since summer is here..
better go out in the sun and roam around with a bike..
try searching the net..
lot's of cool bikes are there.. :cool:
[quote name='DarkRider23']First off. Don't go and buy a road bike online unless you know your size. Go to a local bike shop and purchase it there. BEFORE you purchase it, make sure the bike shop fits you for that size. I got my bike at a local shop and they were wonderful. They made sure the bike was the right size and they even fitted the bike for me. Still have to go back there this summer and get myself professionally fitted and my cleats adjusted too. As for cheap, how "cheap" do you want this bike to be? I spent $1,200 on mine and although it was a bit too much (wish I would have haggled it down to a flat $1,000) I was happy with my purchase.

And before I go on and on, you do want a road bike as in a bike like this, correct? Just to make it a bit clearer. You can't go off asphalt with this bike. If you plan on going onto gravel or dirt with a road bike, you will end up bending/ruining the wheels and possibly falling on your ass.[/quote]

all good advice. yea i wanted a roadbike to ride on the country roads around me. im originally from pittsburgh but i'm in the middle of the state for college. there are a few amish bike shops around here i was checking out but most are kindy pricey. like anything i figured i could get a cheaper one online but this looks like a product to be purchased in store. thanks for all the info.
I suggest you go visit those shops and ask them if they have any of last year's models or maybe even older bikes. Almost all shops heavily discount bikes 2+ years or older. Even then, the shops would be willing to help you a lot. If you, by any chance, run into a shop owner who acts like a douche and tries to force a sale on you, just leave.
bread's done