Acronym FAQ

Osh Kosh B'iotch

I figure we should start a place to clear up some acronyms for any newbies that come along. Feel free to add some: Acronym FAQ

AC = After coupon
AR = After rebate
BB = Best Buy
B&M = Brick & mortar (ie the actual store, not online)
CAG = Cheap Ass Gamer (the site or a user)
CC = Circuit City
CML = Check My List
CSR = Customer Service Representitive
DOA = Dead on arrival (deal never was attainable)
DEAD = Deal has ended
FAR = Free after rebate
FS/FT = For Sale / For Trade
GGC = Gamer Gift Card (at Best Buy)
GH = Greatest Hits (PS2 budget game line)
MIR = Mail in rebate
OOS = Out of stock
OP = Original poster
PC = Player's Choice (GC budget game line)
PH = Platinum Hits (XBox budget game line)
PM = Private Message (sometimes Price Match, check context)
PO = Pre-owned
TRU = Toys R Us
YMMV = Your mileage may vary (deals may not be good at all locations)
[quote name='Mulliga']Good idea.

BB - Best Buy (or Blockbuster's, but Best Buy most of the time)[/quote]

I would like to propose that we reserve BB to mean BestBuy only, and actually spell out Blockbuster. I don't think the extra typing will hurt anyone, especially since I have never personally seen a good deal at Blockbuster. Of course, I haven't been in there in a long time, so they may have changed, but they used to sell 3 year old, used games, sometimes badly scratched, often without case or instructions, for a percentage off of original retail. Like $25-$35 For a game that is already down to $10-$15, new, in most stores
[quote name='Anonymous'][quote name='Mulliga']Good idea.

BB - Best Buy (or Blockbuster's, but Best Buy most of the time)[/quote]

I would like to propose that we reserve BB to mean BestBuy only, and actually spell out Blockbuster. I don't think the extra typing will hurt anyone, especially since I have never personally seen a good deal at Blockbuster. Of course, I haven't been in there in a long time, so they may have changed, but they used to sell 3 year old, used games, sometimes badly scratched, often without case or instructions, for a percentage off of original retail. Like $25-$35 For a game that is already down to $10-$15, new, in most stores[/quote]

Don't know why it put this in as anonymous, I wrote it. BTW, good idea for a thread.
This suggestion may be overkill, but since the big N has been nice enough to offer the Player's choice titles with 2 levels of MSRP (20 & 30 ($30 for a "value" title? They have clearly never seen the likes of us)), perhaps we could use PC2 and PC3 to distinguish between them? Again, it may be overkill, and I'm not even sure if I like the idea. Personally, I'd like to call them all greatest hits, regardless of system, it just seems easier.
CheapyD, no problem. In fact, I'm wondering whether I should just combine all the additions into the first post (giving thanks to the people who add of course). This way it'll be easier to read instead of having to scroll. Your call, let me know.

guessed, I was kind of hesistant to even include all the budget acronyms on the list because, aside from GH for PS2, they are rarely even used. My original intent was never to set a standard, but just to clarify whats common already on the boards. If it does become commonplace to list titles like that, I will update the list. Thanks for the suggestion.

I checked out your site. You're selling Pikmin for $53 and Starfox Adventures for $48? Wow those are some great deals.
Some more I've seen here that should be added to the list:

FW -
SD - anyone know? I think it was a deal finding type web site.
TNL - another deal finding web site?
FKL - I've only seen it used once, in the context of "but that place (online store) has no FKL." I have no idea.
[quote name='osh kosh biotch']
PM = Price match

PM is also often used for Private Message, so watch out for context.

Edit: fixed my ending quote tag.
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='osh kosh biotch']
PM = Price match

PM is also often used for Private Message, so watch out for context.[/quote]

Good call. It seems to be Private Message more ofter with all the trades going on. Thanks for the look out. Updated.
Doesn't it make more sense to make YMMV your MORTAR may vary?
[quote name='JediSB']Some more I've seen here that should be added to the list:

FW -
SD - anyone know? I think it was a deal finding type web site.
TNL - another deal finding web site?
FKL - I've only seen it used once, in the context of "but that place (online store) has no FKL." I have no idea.[/quote]

They probably shouldn't be added to the list until somebody figures out what they mean. :lol:
Well, we should also include normal acronyms like

OMG = Oh my gosh (or oh my god)
FAQ = Frequently asked questions
LOL = Laugh out loud (sometimes laugh online)
ROTFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
LMAO = Laughing my ass off

So put those in, help the internet illiterate! :)
bread's done