Cheaper Red Bull


CAG Veteran
I got this stuff from my local ALDI store its called Red Thunder but it tastes exactly like Red Bull but actually a little better and its only $3 fpr a 4 pack where red bull is like $2 for one.

My sister swears by this stuff as a Red Bull clone as well. Probably worth checking out, but the title is indeed somewhat misleading.
I love aldi, but I just do see myself drinking their brand of energy drinks.... usually just buy some arizona iced teas for like 70 cents a pop!
[quote name='donut']Hmmm does it come in diet?[/quote]

Or sugar free (same thing)? I'm very careful with my diet lately so I won't drink an energy drink unless it's sugar free.
I've bought Red Thunder before, and I can also say that it tastes exactly like Red Bull.

On the topic of Red Bull deals though, if you ever see those Red Bull cars driving around or stopped somewhere, talk to the reps that are driving those cars. They WILL give you free cold Red Bulls.
I've given up on Red bull. I'm on Pepsi Max, it's cheaper then redbull and has zero calaries.

Plus you get Pepsi points good for DRM free songs from Amazon.
If you live in an area that has Wawa convienience stores, their store brand "Mach W" tastes exactly like Red Bull and is ~$1.30 a can
Sobe No Fear FTW.

16oz cans run about $2.25, and taste better than Red Bull IMO.

They also make a Sobe Essentials energy drink that tastes like orange soda.
i drink Monster (the green one) instead of red bull. heres a bunch of other alternatives:

if you want to buy energy drinks at cheap prices, youll have to find soda/beer warehouses around your area. it would save you from .50-$1. the only problem is that youll have to purchase a case of 12 or 24. if you drink it enough then it shouldnt be a big problem.
Hold up, where else can you find this Red Thunder. For a cheaper substitute that taste exactly just like red Bull, I will bite. We have no aldi (never even heard of the store before) and none of the other store mentioned.

I've been looking for an alternative or a substitute for Red Bull, but everything I've found so far taste like shit. I keep having to return to Red Bull.
[quote name='morphineseason']I've bought Red Thunder before, and I can also say that it tastes exactly like Red Bull.

On the topic of Red Bull deals though, if you ever see those Red Bull cars driving around or stopped somewhere, talk to the reps that are driving those cars. They WILL give you free cold Red Bulls.[/quote]

I know what you mean. They stopped by when I went to vote in the caucuses out here. It was fantastic. Two hot chicks giving out red bull. I loaded up like there was no tomorrow.
[quote name='morphineseason']I've bought Red Thunder before, and I can also say that it tastes exactly like Red Bull.

On the topic of Red Bull deals though, if you ever see those Red Bull cars driving around or stopped somewhere, talk to the reps that are driving those cars. They WILL give you free cold Red Bulls.[/QUOTE]

A friend and I got 38 cans that the Red Bull car left in his dorm parking lot. Probably one of the luckiest days of our lives.
[quote name='wildnuts02']the best energy drink ever was called cocaine. it's off the market now for obvious reasons but damn...that stuff was amazing[/quote]

If you live in an area that has Wawa convienience stores, their store brand "Mach W" tastes exactly like Red Bull and is ~$1.30 a can
Sobe No Fear FTW.

16oz cans run about $2.25, and taste better than Red Bull IMO.

They also make a Sobe Essentials energy drink that tastes like orange soda.
i drink Monster (the green one) instead of red bull. heres a bunch of other alternatives:

if you want to buy energy drinks at cheap prices, youll have to find soda/beer warehouses around your area. it would save you from .50-$1. the only problem is that youll have to purchase a case of 12 or 24. if you drink it enough then it shouldnt be a big problem.
Hold up, where else can you find this Red Thunder. For a cheaper substitute that taste exactly just like red Bull, I will bite. We have no aldi (never even heard of the store before) and none of the other store mentioned.

I've been looking for an alternative or a substitute for Red Bull, but everything I've found so far taste like shit. I keep having to return to Red Bull.
[quote name='morphineseason']I've bought Red Thunder before, and I can also say that it tastes exactly like Red Bull.

On the topic of Red Bull deals though, if you ever see those Red Bull cars driving around or stopped somewhere, talk to the reps that are driving those cars. They WILL give you free cold Red Bulls.[/quote]

I know what you mean. They stopped by when I went to vote in the caucuses out here. It was fantastic. Two hot chicks giving out red bull. I loaded up like there was no tomorrow.
[quote name='morphineseason']I've bought Red Thunder before, and I can also say that it tastes exactly like Red Bull.

On the topic of Red Bull deals though, if you ever see those Red Bull cars driving around or stopped somewhere, talk to the reps that are driving those cars. They WILL give you free cold Red Bulls.[/QUOTE]

A friend and I got 38 cans that the Red Bull car left in his dorm parking lot. Probably one of the luckiest days of our lives.
[quote name='wildnuts02']the best energy drink ever was called cocaine. it's off the market now for obvious reasons but damn...that stuff was amazing[/quote]

Stopped by my local Aldi's yesterday, nabbed some of the Sugar Free and can say it tastes spot on to the sugar free red bull. Hard to beat $3 for a 4 pack! Thanks for the heads up OP, I'll be buying this from now on.

Also my local walmart had an energy drink call Rip It that was $4 for a 4 pack with a $1 off coupon for future purchases. It had a few different flavors and several Sugar Free types too. After my initial purchase the rest were only $3 for a 4 pack. Best of all they were the 16oz cans...that was a much better deal, but sadly they only stocked it for a month or so. This was just a couple of months ago, so keep your eyes peeled, maybe your local walmarts have them.
Stopped by my local Aldi's yesterday, nabbed some of the Sugar Free and can say it tastes spot on to the sugar free red bull. Hard to beat $3 for a 4 pack! Thanks for the heads up OP, I'll be buying this from now on.

Also my local walmart had an energy drink call Rip It that was $4 for a 4 pack with a $1 off coupon for future purchases. It had a few different flavors and several Sugar Free types too. After my initial purchase the rest were only $3 for a 4 pack. Best of all they were the 16oz cans...that was a much better deal, but sadly they only stocked it for a month or so. This was just a couple of months ago, so keep your eyes peeled, maybe your local walmarts have them.
[quote name='geekpimpfx']Stopped by my local Aldi's yesterday, nabbed some of the Sugar Free and can say it tastes spot on to the sugar free red bull. Hard to beat $3 for a 4 pack! Thanks for the heads up OP, I'll be buying this from now on.

Also my local walmart had an energy drink call Rip It that was $4 for a 4 pack with a $1 off coupon for future purchases. It had a few different flavors and several Sugar Free types too. After my initial purchase the rest were only $3 for a 4 pack. Best of all they were the 16oz cans...that was a much better deal, but sadly they only stocked it for a month or so. This was just a couple of months ago, so keep your eyes peeled, maybe your local walmarts have them.[/quote]

I like Red Bull and Go Fast...alas no aldis stores here... but RipIt diet is not very tasty nor is it even close to bull...
Never said it was like RB, just that it was another cheap energy drink. I thought it was pretty good, but to each their own
5 hour energy FTW. That stuff is a quick shot and doesn't wear off for a long time. Energy drinks tend to give me gut rot (except Bawls) and they don't seem to have much more effect than a mountain dew.
the question is do these mix with vodka as good as red bull does?

i never drink enery drinks by themselves nowadays.. gotta have some liq
[quote name='bmachine']Isn't Aldi where poor people go to use their foodstamps to buy cigarettes?[/quote]

So Aldi must be like Winco up here in the northwest lol.

Quick question about cocaine. What is the difference between cut and normal? Thinking about picking up a rack.
[quote name='Moose_Man']So Aldi must be like Winco up here in the northwest lol.

Quick question about cocaine. What is the difference between cut and normal? Thinking about picking up a rack.[/quote]

cut is weaker, but the only reason its legal now is because its NOTHING like it was before. Can, ingredients...its all different. Before, it really was like cocaine, now its just a really really strong energy drink
I'll have to check out Aldi for this. Red Bull is my #2 fav energy drink, and yes, the guys in the Red Bull vans will hook you up. Most of them are cool as hell, and I think its a prerequisite for the job or something. I deal with the vendors alot at work, and although I'm not "supposed" to accept anything from a vendor, I was joking around with the guy when he was asking for a special display and I told him maybe if a couple cases accidentally fell into the back of my truck I'd go for it. When I left, I noticed 4 12-pack cases sitting in my truck bed. Awesome.
bread's done