Cheapest way to get Wii U?


90 (100%)
I just recently bought a new motorcycle, so I don't want to throw down $300 and then a little extra for a game right at this time.

I see some sales come and go, Target has it for $250 right now with Super Mario 3D land. Is there any other way to get it cheaper?

I figured I'd wait until after Christmas and check Craigslist, and watch for people selling theirs because they didn't want it. Any other suggestion?

$250 seems to be the lowest price for now unless u buy a refurbished one from nintendo for $200. or..... since you have a new getaway vehicle, pretty sure u can think of something

^ yes pretty much the best two options.

I don't know if Nintendo's online store has them back in stock yet or not. They are well worth the 200 as a lot of CAGs that have bought them say they are basically open box new. They also come with a 1 year warranty, the longest warranty of any used or refurbished electronics seller that I know of which doesn't require an additional charge for.

Another way is a site called Cowboom. They have used Wii-U systems. If you check them out be sure you check the grading and conditions. Sometimes they sell systems without controllers or cables etc. They are backed by Best Buy so they are reputable.

One other way is through the Amazon Warehouse. Amazon doesn't sell new Wii-U systems themselves, but third party sellers do through Amazon. There is a thread in the video game deals section of the forums you can keep an eye on. Those from Amazon usually sale fast though.

You're best bet, if you want one, is to bite on the 250 buck bundle. That way you have two games as well. Also Toys R Us (or Best Buy I can't recall which) is having a sale next week on all Nintendo and 3DS games at a buy one get one 40% off deal.

Good luck with whatever you choose my friend. :)

Oh yeah, or you can browse the trading section here on CAG. Someone might have a system for sale or even trade. If you don't see one listed in anyone's topic title or thread you could make a thread there asking to buy or trade for one and list what you have to offer: PayPal, Live or MS points, PS+ or games etc. You might luck up and get a good deal from another member here.
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