CheapyD = Homophobic?


4 (100%)
I've noticed that CheapyD has been doing more and more things that can potentially upset his gay/lesbian listeners.

On many occasions on the CAGcast, he's made fun of things by calling them "gay", and pokes fun at many gay stereotypes (such as the "assless chaps" joke about Wombat's gift from his first day at work).

Very recently, however, he's been posting "Yes on Prop 8" banner ads on the top of his website. Prop 8, as you may know, is the California ban on gay marriage. Making jokes is one thing, but by placing these PROP 8 ads on his site will show his stance on gay rights.

I'm not gay, but even I'm offended by Cheapy allowing such strong political statements on a website that should be for everyone.
i really doubt its him selling ads to prop 8 people but him selling space to someone who sells to prop 8. I mean I have seen a bunch of McCain stuff, and Cheapy seems at least moderate if not liberal.
Just as everyone is, CheapyD is entitled to his own opinion. Since he his the Head Cheap Ass here at CheapAssGamer, he can use it to support his cause, whether it may be cheap games or to get you to vote Yes on Prop 8. He made the choice to do so, but that doesn't mean you can't vote no. My advice to you? Vote no.

This message is in no way endorsed by nor does it express the actual opinions of CheapyD.
I would guess that Cheapy doesn't care/know. And I would also guess that the gay/lesbian listeners (if there are any) also do not care.

As for the ads.. ads are ads. I bet they were just placed there automatically by whatever service is running them.
He just does it to hide from his own sexuality.
Those ads are from the google rotation, so it's not something he specifically received money for.

The google bots just found threads on Prop 8 in the Vs. forum and thus targeted the ads here.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Those ads are from the google rotation, so it's not something he specifically received money for.

The google bots just found threads on Prop 8 in the Vs. forum and thus targeted the ads here.[/quote]

no, logic doesn't apply here. Obviously Cheapy hates them, and thinks I need viagra, and need to apply to more online dating services.

Can we seriously stop with the retarded threads, and get informed, like everyone reading the post I quoted.
It's true, ads will be ads. However, gay listeners on a few occasions have complained about the way he "pokes fun" of them on the CAGCast.

I'm sure he has a say on what ads are placed on his site. He is head cheap ass, after all. The problem is, however, is that the website should remain politically neutral, especially since he's pissed off gays away from his website before.
Politically neutral?

It's the Internet. It's his website.

I highly doubt he's losing many listeners (if any) by the way he speaks.
[quote name='Arcademode']

I'm sure he has a say on what ads are placed on his site. He is head cheap ass, after all. The problem is, however, is that the website should remain politically neutral, especially since he's pissed off gays away from his website before.[/QUOTE]

The google ads just appear based on content on the sites, so he has little say over what shows up.

I think he can block ads he doesn't like after he notices them, so if people are that offended then they should just e-mail him and ask if he'll block it.

I don't see the big fuss, it's a political ad, just ignore it like all other ads that oppose your view point. Prop 8 sucks, but I'm not going to waste time getting annoyed over ads supporting it.
[quote name='Arcademode']It's true, ads will be ads. However, gay listeners on a few occasions have complained about the way he "pokes fun" of them on the CAGCast.

I'm sure he has a say on what ads are placed on his site. He is head cheap ass, after all. The problem is, however, is that the website should remain politically neutral, especially since he's pissed off gays away from his website before.[/quote]

I DON'T think he has a say, he's getting paid for it. I think he may have some way to say remove them if around, but I don't think he has a list that he checks off that he actually agreed to posting for prop 8 ads and obama is a terrorist and mccain takes viagra.

bots pick up a bunch of crap, and it's dealing with 3rd parties. I think Cheapy can remove them, but I highly doubt he gets to control what appears up there... at least not completely before hand.

I wouldn't mind it if it just stuck to gaming ads in general... hell maybe MMO ads too... just keep to what this site is, and that's games.

[quote name='dmaul1114']The google ads just appear based on content on the sites, so he has little say over what shows up.

I think he can block ads he doesn't like after he notices them, so if people are that offended then they should just e-mail him and ask if he'll block it.

I don't see the big fuss, it's a political ad, just ignore it like all other ads that oppose your view point. Prop 8 sucks, but I'm not going to waste time getting annoyed over ads supporting it.[/quote]

Agree, and me too, I don't see the big fuss.

except when I see people making a big huge stink about it, getting to bitch about it, except not getting a backbone or getting informed or absolutely do something like contacting Cheapy.

oh sure it's fine to discuss it, and bad mouth it , but don't tell anyone...
[quote name='Rig']Politically neutral?

It's the Internet. It's his website.

I highly doubt he's losing many listeners (if any) by the way he speaks.[/quote]

Yes, politically neutral. If you owned your own website, do you think it's a good idea to piss off a large percentage of your listeners?

And since Cheapy specifically claimed to be "a friend of the gays", he should back up those words and take some responsibility for the ads that appear on his site.

And yes, Cheapassgamer should remain politically neutral. This isn't a political website, it's a freaking site about video game deals.

And If you've listened to the CAGcast, listeners have already complained about the way he talks, even clearly stating that they no longer want to support his site.
[quote name='Arcademode']I've noticed that CheapyD has been doing more and more things that can potentially upset his gay/lesbian listeners.

On many occasions on the CAGcast, he's made fun of things by calling them "gay", and pokes fun at many gay stereotypes (such as the "assless chaps" joke about Wombat's gift from his first day at work).

Very recently, however, he's been posting "Yes on Prop 8" banner ads on the top of his website. Prop 8, as you may know, is the California ban on gay marriage. Making jokes is one thing, but by placing these PROP 8 ads on his site will show his stance on gay rights.

I'm not gay, but even I'm offended by Cheapy allowing such strong political statements on a website that should be for everyone.[/quote]

This thread is "gay". Just kidding. If you're looking for a neutral website, make one. I love the political and contraversy thread on this page. Vote often. Vote Quimby!
Those are Google smart advertisements. They pick up stuff about you.. they know things about you.. they target you with things you might like. In other words, you're gay.
I think people are looking way too into things. I doubt Cheapy is secretly promoting the hating of gays or losing listeners or website viewers by the millions and millions because he uses the word "gay".
Wow, Google thinks I'm gay, WTF!

Thanks Frisky for clearing this up. Looks like Cheapy's trying to do something about these ads after all.

And everyone else is missing the point of my argument.

In simple terms: I'm saying that it's bad from a business standpoint to ruin the relationship with potential customers. That's why these ads aren't a good idea. Dumb answers like "then they can leave" do nothing but prove my point further.
It isn't like Cheapy picks which ads are displayed, he has those google ads here to help generate revenue, but he doesn't control them.
As frisky pointed out, the ads were targeted via Google Adsense, but I have since blocked them since they were brought to my attention via email. I had not seen them as they likely do not appear to Japan residents.

Also, I'd be pretty surprised if you can find any recent example (within a year or so) of me using the word "gay" as a substitute for "lame" on a CAGcast or anywhere else.

For future reference, there is a Contact us link at the bottom of every page in case you want to contact me directly about issues like this.
I really never care when someone uses "gay" as a way to show displeasure. Doesn't mean I'm homophobic. In fact I think gays should be treated equally and it still amazes me that so many people think otherwise.
I'm not gay, but I have several gay friends and they are totally cool and fully understand the use of the word "gay" in casual conversation and the fact that it's not meant in a pejorative manner. It's slang. If they can deal with it, then so can you.

Also, those are ads from google. Cheap can decide and act upon ads he doesn't want, but Google uses adsense to target what is on a webpage, etc. so that's why you saw that prop 8 ad. Shit, you should have just clicked on the link, hung around the site a bit, and then you would have earned CAG money and cost those prop 8 assholes money.
[quote name='Nifty_Shark']I really never care when someone uses "gay" as a way to show displeasure. Doesn't mean I'm homophobic. In fact I think gays should be treated equally and it still amazes me that so many people think otherwise.[/quote]
I agree, I don't mind people using the word gay to mean stupid or lame. I have friends that do it and it doesn't really bother me at all.

I agree that gays should be treated equally. Though it's not really an issue that I'm passionate about, if a measure similar to Prop 8 ever came up for vote in Iowa I would vote for letting gay people get married. Since it doesn't infringe on my rights in any way I'm fine with it.
[quote name='magiic']My usual recommendation to people bothered by google ads is to just leave the internet and not come back.[/quote]
The Adblock Plus Firefox extension is also a pretty good recommendation.
This thread seems kind of.....what's the word I'm looking for......checking my thesaurus.......ah yes....slang for homosexual males.

When I was a youngster, calling someone gay, a $$$, or a homo didn't mean that we really thought that. It just meant they

Ah, just go pooftas.

Edit: Why can't I type $$$? What if I were British, and I was telling someone I went out to smoke a $$$? No bueno.
Discriminating against gays is awesome

Even if they tell me they are not I know the truth

One day they will be gay so i discriminate them for the future action

I say we should seperate the gay kids from the normal kids in our schools

We will let their peers decide who has to go the the gay school
If you post the URL's that the ads lead to, I can ban them.
EDIT: I had entered in "" instead of "" into the ad filter. My bad.
[quote name='CheapyD']If you post the URL's that the ads lead to, I can ban them.
EDIT: I had entered in "" instead of "" into the ad filter. My bad.[/quote]

I just got it again. This time it was a McCain/Obama ad that said Yes on PRop 8. Same website:
How dare people use there freedom of speech to advocate a vote on how to define a word that has thousands of years of religious history.

This is not about being homophobic it is about being anti-religious.
[quote name='Layziebones']I just got it again. This time it was a McCain/Obama ad that said Yes on PRop 8. Same website:[/quote]
It probably takes some time to go into effect.

[quote name='militantatheistaphob']How dare people use there freedom of speech to advocate a vote on how to define a word that has thousands of years of religious history.

This is not about being homophobic it is about being anti-religious.[/quote]

It's not about freedom of speech. As the owner of this website, I get to decide what ads are allowed to run here.

Oh, and I'm definitely anti-religious. I've got plenty of ad space available for anti-religous ads. Tell your friends!
[quote name='CheapyD']It probably takes some time to go into effect.

It's not about freedom of speech. As the owner of this website, I get to decide what ads are allowed to run here.

Oh, and I'm definitely anti-religious. I've got plenty of ad space available for anti-religous ads. Tell your friends![/quote]

The voting is tomorrow here in California where Prop 8 is actually on the ballot. By the time it blocks, the ads would have stopped anyway. :D
I actually just noticed the ads after reading this thread. I live in Cali and I see the ads as well. It's not swaying my vote at all.
[quote name='CheapyD']It probably takes some time to go into effect.

It's not about freedom of speech. As the owner of this website, I get to decide what ads are allowed to run here.

Oh, and I'm definitely anti-religious. I've got plenty of ad space available for anti-religous ads. Tell your friends![/quote]

Cheapy-D that is interesting that you are against religion. Do you want to prevent the free exercise of religion? Disband all organizations that have a set of practices and principles?

In the day-to day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship -- be it JC or Allah, bet it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles -- is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money and things , if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough.
It was a joke.
[quote name='militantatheistaphob']Cheapy-D that is interesting that you are against religion. Do you want to prevent the free exercise of religion? Disband all organizations that have a set of practices and principles?

In the day-to day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship -- be it JC or Allah, bet it YHWH or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or the Four Noble Truths, or some inviolable set of ethical principles -- is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money and things , if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough.[/quote]

Dude, let's not get too off topic here. Please take your preaching elsewhere.
I, um. I don't know what's going on anymore. Or, really, what was ever going on here. Or what will be going on here at some unspecified time in the future.
It's true.
Cheapy once personally PM'd me saying "YOU BRING AIDS TO MY SITE. BE GONE"



For the stupid: This is a joke
Why the fuck is everyone so easily offended? It's the fucking internet. Cheapy is a normal human being. He can say whatever the fuck he wants. It's not as if you're actually paying for the site and CAGcast.
[quote name='CheapyD']

Also, I'd be pretty surprised if you can find any recent example (within a year or so) of me using the word "gay" as a substitute for "lame" on a CAGcast or anywhere else.


-Since being a CAG for a while I can say I've seen the tone and dialogue, wether in the form of a podcast or text from CheapyD has changed with a bit more concern towards his audience which yes *gasp* does consist of quite a few of us mo's *pulls out his flashy "BIG MO" button*. Never have found myself offended by anything that warrants a boycott from the HRC. Alot of his "man love" with wombat I find endearingly funny in a Cho-Aniki, Ambigiously Gay Duo kind of way, lol.

It would be a totally different scenario if Cheapy had some political thread that he took part in with an obvious agenda undertone that was endorsing Prop 8. and saying all "outside of the box" thinkers need to be silenced and all games create evil in children, etc. etc. I think the reason he really lives in Japan is to get away from alot of the BS here and be one of the cool kids like Bill Murray in "Lost in Translation" ;)

Much "gay" love for the Cheapster. -DC
Freaking homos want to feel me up, and I always gotta debate whether to let em or use my falcon punch.

If I close my eyes and imagine its a girl...

I kid, I kid.
bread's done