CheapyD on Attack of the Show (G4) Tonight, 8/22 at 7pm EST

I don't think half of these people have ever seen the loop if they're telling you to ask for Olivia's number and everything... The people in the loop aren't on location. They're somewhere else. As Cheapy said, he'll be in Tokyo or something... That's not where Olivia and Kevin is...

Anyways, like I said, I'll check it out at 10 tonight.
[quote name='artimus_black']I don't think half of these people have ever seen the loop if they're telling you to ask for Olivia's number and everything... The people in the loop aren't on location. They're somewhere else. As Cheapy said, he'll be in Tokyo or something... That's not where Olivia and Kevin is...

Anyways, like I said, I'll check it out at 10 tonight.[/quote]

...and yet he will still be able to speak with them. What kind of crazy magic is this?

BTW, it was a joke.:roll:

It's about time you got your due on that channel. I'm proud of your recent media success and happy to have been with you since the beggining. Congrats I'll be watchin.
CheapyD, you should make an appearance again when AOTS is in Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show and give your impressions on what is being shown.
He should be on in about 20 minutes, right? Doesn't the loop start 10 minutes into the show?
Well it'll be on in about 5 more minutes, so I'm definitely going to tune in and give it a watch. Good to see Cheapy get some more airtime.
For those that don't have G4 this segment will be available after the original airing at their website that is listed in the OP under the Loop so you don't have to worry about putting it up on Youtube or recording it unless someone just wants to.
Meh, I'd rather see Cheapy be on something more serious than this show, or network even.

I gave up on the show back when it was still TSS manned by the new G4 staff. I think it was the second episode where one of the new hosts blew a fuse on one of his coworkers on air.

Cheapy get's paid for this though right? So I guess It's alright.
Nice to see the website referred to as "" for once, instead of "" or "".

Though I must ask... what kind of green screen was Cheapy in front of? On my TV, it looked like the transition effect between layers came out of a 70s scifi series.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Cheapy D: Live from a random Tokyo restroom[/quote]Yeah, the acoustics of the room completely suck and his green/blue screen is pretty bad. Not your fault, Cheapy.

Now it's over. Didn't give you too much time there, but you did well with what you had. Nice job, Cheapy.
Definitely was hoping you'd have a little more success Cheapy, but the sound and the delay took a little bit of your thunder.

I'm quite impressed with them actually putting up the name of the website instead of putting something else.

The show was annoying as heck and I wish they would've started off with your part.

nice shine. i tried to catch it live, but i recorded it in case i missed it, so I'll check it out soon.
Its on again at 8 for those on dish network, Cheapy's on around the 45 minute mark ya? I really dont want to sit through the rest of the show.
[quote name='PapiChullo']Damn, I missed it. Don't they replay AotS at some point?[/quote]

11 pm eastern will cap that for anyone who needs it.
[quote name='PapiChullo']Damn, I missed it. Don't they replay AotS at some point?[/quote]

They replay the SH*T out of all of their shows. You can catch AOTS later the same night it airs and I think over the weekend they replay all of the previous week's shows.

They also show Code Monkeys all the time. although that's about the only show I like on the channel so I don't mind it too much.
i watched it earlier, nice :) seems like they mainly cared about the guy in US but still ok. i still hate G4 tho.
thats the first time i watched G4 since right after the buyout except for an occasional episode of COPS.

i liked TechTV & G4, but when they combined they tried to make it a spike tv style channel and it sucked :(

atleast i can watch/listen to Revision 3 & TWiT :) that kinda replaces techtv
Lots of G4 hate? It is a okay channel. I don't watch T.V anyhow. Though I do enjoy AOTS. Plus Lalya Kaliegh is my type of woman!

Anyhow, I know there was a delay but I thought it was rude of Kevin to ask their resident G4 guy a question about the UK when a UK person was RIGHT THERE! I noticed she seemed a bit miffed by that.

Though good job there CheapyD.
lol for everyone who didn't think they'd put ass on aots you apparently dont know they have a sex talk portion of the show with a sex expert lol.
bread's done